HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-2012 Steering Committee Agenda PacketSeptember 20, 2012
REGULAR MEETING – 5:30 P.M. Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Administration Building
10844 Ellis Avenue
Fountain Valley, California 92708
The Regular Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Orange County Sanitation District will be held at the above location, date and time.
***** IMPORTANT NOTICE***** Please note the change in the meeting time. The Steering Committee will begin at 5:30 p.m. on September 26, 2012.
September 26, 2012
October 24, 2012
November 28, 2012
*December 19, 2012
January 23, 2013
February 27, 2013
March 27, 2013
April 24, 2013
May 22, 2013
June 28, 2013
July 24, 2013
August 28, 2013
*Meeting being held the third Wednesday of the month.
(1) Roll Call:
Meeting Date: September 26, 2012 Meeting Time: 5:30 p.m.
Committee Members
Troy Edgar, Board Chair ..................................................... ……….._____ John Anderson, Board Vice Chair ....................................... ……….._____
Brad Reese, Administration Committee Chair ..................... ……….._____
Tom Beamish, Operations Committee Chair ....................... ……….._____ Larry Crandall, Past Board Chair ........................................ ……….._____
John Nielsen, Operations Committee Vice Chair ................. ……….._____
John Withers, Administration Committee Vice Chair ........................ _____
Brad Hogin, General Counsel ............................................. ……….._____
Staff Jim Ruth, General Manager…………………………………………… _____
Bob Ghirelli, Assistant General Manager……………………………. _____
Jim Herberg, Assistant General Manager…………………………… _____ Nick Arhontes, Director of Facilities Support Services….…….........._____
Jeff Reed, Director of Human Resources ....................................... _____ Ed Torres, Director of Operations & Maintenance…..……………… _____ Lorenzo Tyner, Director of Finance & Administrative Services……. _____
Michael Gold, Public Affairs Manager………………..……………… _____ Maria Ayala, Clerk of the Board……………….....…………………... _____
Other Staff Present
09/26/12 Steering Committee Agenda Page 1 of 3
Orange County Sanitation District Regular Meeting of the
Steering Committee
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 5:30 P.M.
Administration Building
Conference Rooms A & B 10844 Ellis Avenue
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 593-7130
PUBLIC COMMENTS: If you wish to speak, please complete a Speaker’s Form and give it to the
Clerk of the Board. Speakers are requested to limit comments to three minutes. UREPORTSU: The Committee Chair and the General Manager may present verbal reports on
miscellaneous matters of general interest to the Directors. These reports are for information only and
require no action by the Directors.
• SARI Relocation Update
• Outfall Repair Status Update
1. Approve Minutes of the August 22, 2012 Steering Committee Meeting.
2. Recommend to the Board of Directors to:
Approve the General Manager’s FY 2012-13 Work Plan and Report of
3. Public Affairs Report
Please note the change in the meeting time. The Steering Committee will begin at 5:30 p.m. on September 26, 2012.
09/26/12 Steering Committee Agenda Page 2 of 3
During the course of conducting the business set forth on this agenda as a regular meeting of the Board, the Chair may convene the Board in closed session to consider matters of pending real estate
negotiations, pending or potential litigation, or personnel matters, pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.8, 54956.9, 54957 or 54957.6, as noted.
Reports relating to (a) purchase and sale of real property; (b) matters of pending or potential litigation;
(c) employment actions or negotiations with employee representatives; or which are exempt from public disclosure under the California Public Records Act, may be reviewed by the Board during a permitted
closed session and are not available for public inspection. At such time as the Board takes final action on any of these subjects, the minutes will reflect all required disclosures of information.
Convene in closed session.
Two Cases:
· Mladen Buntich Construction Company v. Orange County Sanitation District; OCSD v. Buntich Cross-Claim, Orange County Superior Court
Case No. 00491934
· Orange County Sanitation District v. Liberty Mutual, et al., U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Case No. SACV 12-854-JVS (AJWx)
Reconvene in regular session.
Consideration of action, if any, on matters considered in closed session.
The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 24, 2012, at 5:00 p.m.
09/26/12 Steering Committee Agenda Page 3 of 3
UAccommodations for the DisabledU: Meeting Rooms are wheelchair accessible. If you require any special disability related accommodations, please contact the Orange County Sanitation District Clerk of the Board’s office at
(714) 593-7130 at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. UAgenda PostingU: In accordance with the requirements of California Government Code Section 54954.2, this agenda has been posted outside the main gate of the Sanitation District’s Administration Building located at 10844 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley, California, not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time above. All public records relating to each agenda item, including any public records distributed less than 72 hours prior to the meeting to all, or a majority of the Board of Directors, are available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk of the Board.
UNOTICE TO DIRECTORSU: To place items on the agenda for the Committee Meeting, items must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board 14 days before the meeting.
Maria E. Ayala Clerk of the Board (714) 593-7130 2TUmayala@ocsd.comU2T For any questions on the agenda, Committee members may contact staff at:
General Manager Jim Ruth (714) 593-7110 Ujruth@ocsd.com Assistant General Manager Bob Ghirelli (714) 593-7400 2TUrghirelli@ocsd.comU2T
Assistant General Manager Jim Herberg (714) 593-7300 Ujherberg@ocsd.com Director of Facility Support Services Nick Arhontes (714) 593-7210 Unarhontes@ocsd.com Director of Finance and
Administrative Services
Lorenzo Tyner (714) 593-7550 Ultyner@ocsd.comU
Director of Human Resources Jeff Reed (714) 593-7144 Ujreed@ocsd.comU Director of Operations & Maintenance Ed Torres (714) 593-7080 Uetorres@ocsd.com
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
AQMD Air Quality Management District
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CARB California Air Resources Board
CASA California Association of Sanitation Agencies
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CRWQCB California Regional Water Quality Control Board
CWA Clean Water Act
CWEA California Water Environment Association
EIR Environmental Impact Report
EMT Executive Management Team
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FOG Fats, Oils, and Grease
FSSD Facilities Support Services Department
gpd Gallons per day
GWR System Groundwater Replenishment System (also called GWRS)
LOS Level of Service
MGD Million gallons per day
NACWA National Association of Clean Water Agencies
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
O&M Operations and Maintenance
OCHCA Orange County Health Care Agency
OCSD Orange County Sanitation District
OCWD Orange County Water District
OOBS Ocean Outfall Booster Station
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works
ppm Parts per million
RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board
SARI Santa Ana River Inceptor
SARWQCB Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board
SAWPA Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system
SCAP Southern California Alliance of Publicly Owned Treatment Works
SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
SOCWA South Orange County Wastewater Authority
SSMP Sanitary Sewer Management Plan
SSO Sanitary Sewer Overflow
SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load
TSS Total Suspended Solids
WDR Waste Discharge Requirements
WEF Water Environment Federation
WERF Water Environment Research Foundation
Activated-sludge process – A secondary biological wastewater treatment process where bacteria reproduce at a high rate with the introduction of excess air or oxygen, and consume dissolved nutrients in the wastewater.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) – The amount of oxygen used when organic matter undergoes
decomposition by microorganisms. Testing for BOD is done to assess the amount of organic matter in
Biosolids – Biosolids are nutrient rich organic and highly treated solid materials produced by the
wastewater treatment process. This high-quality product can be recycled as a soil amendment on
farm land or further processed as an earth-like product for commercial and home gardens to improve and maintain fertile soil and stimulate plant growth. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) – Projects for repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of assets. Also includes treatment improvements, additional capacity, and projects for the support facilities.
Coliform bacteria – A group of bacteria found in the intestines of humans and other animals, but also occasionally found elsewhere used as indicators of sewage pollution. E. coli are the most common
bacteria in wastewater. Collections system – In wastewater, it is the system of typically underground pipes that receive and
convey sanitary wastewater or storm water. Certificate of Participation (COP) – A type of financing where an investor purchases a share of the
lease revenues of a program rather than the bond being secured by those revenues.
Contaminants of Potential Concern (CPC) – Pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic
wastewater contaminants.
Dilution to Threshold (D/T) – the dilution at which the majority of the people detect the odor
becomes the D/T for that air sample.
Greenhouse gases – In the order of relative abundance water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide, and ozone gases that are considered the cause of global warming (“greenhouse effect”).
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) System – A joint water reclamation project that proactively
responds to Southern California’s current and future water needs. This joint project between the
Orange County Water District and the Orange County Sanitation District provides 70 million gallons a day of drinking quality water to replenish the local groundwater supply.
Levels of Service (LOS) – Goals to support environmental and public expectations for performance.
NDMA – N-Nitrosodimethylamine is an N-nitrosoamine suspected cancer-causing agent. It has been
found in the Groundwater Replenishment System process and is eliminated using hydrogen peroxide
with extra ultra-violet treatment.
National Biosolids Partnership (NBP) – An alliance of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) and Water Environment Federation (WEF), with advisory support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). NBP is committed to developing and advancing
environmentally sound and sustainable biosolids management practices that go beyond regulatory compliance and promote public participation in order to enhance the credibility of local agency
biosolids programs and improved communications that lead to public acceptance. Publicly-owned Treatment Works (POTW) – Municipal wastewater treatment plant.
Santa Ana River Interceptor (SARI) Line – A regional brine line designed to convey 30 million
gallons per day (MGD) of non-reclaimable wastewater from the upper Santa Ana River basin to the ocean for disposal, after treatment. Sanitary sewer – Separate sewer systems specifically for the carrying of domestic and industrial
wastewater. Combined sewers carry both wastewater and urban run-off.
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) – Regional regulatory agency that
develops plans and regulations designed to achieve public health standards by reducing emissions from business and industry.
Secondary treatment – Biological wastewater treatment, particularly the activated-sludge process, where bacteria and other microorganisms consume dissolved nutrients in wastewater.
Sludge – Untreated solid material created by the treatment of wastewater.
Total suspended solids (TSS) – The amount of solids floating and in suspension in wastewater. Trickling filter – A biological secondary treatment process in which bacteria and other
microorganisms, growing as slime on the surface of rocks or plastic media, consume nutrients in
wastewater as it trickles over them.
Urban runoff – Water from city streets and domestic properties that carry pollutants into the storm
drains, rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Wastewater – Any water that enters the sanitary sewer.
Watershed – A land area from which water drains to a particular water body. OCSD’s service area is
in the Santa Ana River Watershed.
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STEERING COMMITTEE Meeting Date 09/26/12 To Bd. of Dir. 09/26/12
AGENDA REPORT Item Number 2 Item Number
Orange County Sanitation District FROM: James D. Ruth, General Manager SUBJECT: General Manager’s FY 2012-13 Work Plan and Report of
GENERAL MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION Approve the General Manager’s FY 2012-13 Work Plan and Report of
SUMMARY Each year, the General Manager prepares a work plan of activities for the coming fiscal
year and reviews the plan with the Steering Committee. Additionally, a review of
accomplishments for the past year is presented. Both documents are submitted for
consideration by the Board of Directors. PRIOR COMMITTEE/BOARD ACTIONS
General Manager’s Report of Year-End Accomplishments to the Board of Directors and FY 2012-13 Work Plan
JULY 25, 2012
Table of Contents
Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Work Plan – Year-End Review of Accomplishments
Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Proposed Work Plan
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DATE: July 25, 2012
TO: Chairman and Members of the Steering Committee
FROM: James D. Ruth, General Manager
SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Work Plan – Year-End Review of Accomplishments
I am pleased to present for your consideration this year-end review of progress on my work plan for
Fiscal Year 2011-2012.
1. LABOR NEGOTIATION: Initiate reopeners with the OCEA and Local 501 bargaining units in
November 2011 to explore the option of a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) as an
alternative to the current post-retirement health benefit plan, which provides eligible retirees a
monthly contribution towards the costs of health insurance for themselves and their
dependents. The focus will be to establish a defined contribution plan in lieu of a defined
benefit plan. The HRA must be mutually agreed to by the bargaining units and OCSD.
STATUS: The District and affected bargaining units reopened the HRA provisions last November
in compliance with the negotiated labor agreements. The parties did not mutually agree on a
defined contribution plan to replace the current defined benefit plan for post-retirement health
benefits. Staff will continue to pursue the HRA provision as part of our upcoming negotiations
with the Professional and Supervisory groups.
2. STRATEGIC PLAN: Staff will convene a strategic planning Board workshop in October 2011 and
bring forward for Board action a proposed update of our 5-year Strategic Plan in November.
The proposed plan will address strategic goals to support our board-approved levels of service,
new regulatory requirements, economic drivers, mitigation measures to address identified risks,
and our agreed upon work plan.
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STATUS: A strategic planning board workshop was held in October and the updated strategic
plan was unanimously approved by the Board of Directors in December 2011. Staff is making
good progress on several new strategic initiatives contained in the plan:
• Biosolids recycling -- staff made a recommendation to the Board for a land
application contractor selected through the RFP process. The Board voted to opt
out of the long-term contract with EnterTech. Staff is negotiating an agreement
with the County of Orange to utilize Prima Desheca landfill in South County as a
management option.
• Ocean protection -- studies are underway by our staff and consultants to gain an
understanding of the environmental changes occurring around our ocean outfall
and we expect to provide our recommendations to the Board in the coming year.
• Full cost recovery -- staff is working with the County of Orange and stakeholders
to implement the Board’s direction to recover the costs of our urban runoff
treatment program. Staff will provide a recommendation at the annual strategic
planning workshop.
• Five year rate plan -- staff is working on a proposal that will be presented to the
Board for consideration early in 2013.
• Maintain AAA bond rating -- with the Board’s strong support of our rate program,
we have been able to maintain the OCSD’s AAA bond rating.
3. ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES MASTER PLAN: Staff will develop a comprehensive space plan
identifying space needed for staff located at the Fountain Valley site. This plan will
accommodate staff currently housed in aging office trailers and other obsolete buildings that do
not comply with current codes.
STATUS: This item is on schedule for completion. The preliminary design study for Project P1-
115 Title 24 Access Compliance Improvements at Plant 1 has been completed and information is
ready for consideration in the study of options to find the best, most economical option for
office buildings at OCSD considering 30 year present work lifecycle cost estimates. A
Professional Consulting Services Agreement has been negotiated for the comprehensive study
which is scheduled for completion in October 2012.
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4. BIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT: Staff will work with the Board to revisit our policies on recycling
and landfilling of biosolids. Revisiting our present policies and goals may facilitate lower cost
local biosolids management options.
STATUS: This item is on schedule. The 2011 Strategic Plan was updated allowing for landfilling
up to 12% of OCSD’s biosolids. An agreement with Orange County Waste & Recycling allowing
landfilling of some of OCSD’s biosolids at the Prima Descheca Landfill is scheduled for approval
in August. The Request for Proposals was advertised as planned and six proposals were
received. A recommendation for awarding a contract for land application and failsafe landfilling
was presented to the Board in June 2012 and was continued to the August meeting. The
EnerTech Rialto facility did not meet the milestones in our agreements. OCSD’s Board of
Directors voted to terminate the agreement in June 2012 following discussions between
EnerTech and the General Manager.
5. SECONDARY TREATMENT: This District will complete construction and commissioning of the
new Secondary Treatment facilities at Reclamation Plant No. 1 in 2012 and will achieve
compliance with the final consent decree milestone, meeting secondary treatment standards by
December 31, 2012.
STATUS: This work is on target for early completion of the EPA Consent Decree December 31,
2012 milestone. The Reclamation Plant No. 1 new secondary treatment facilities are in
commissioning and being tested with wastewater. The facility ramped up water treatment to
full design flows in June 2012 with commissioning completed in July. Final completion of the
project is scheduled for August 2012. Staff is planning a celebratory event in fall 2012 to
recognize this historic milestone.
6. TWO-YEAR BUDGET: We will soon begin the process for completing a new two-year budget for
Fiscal Years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. Staff will ensure that all operations and financial goals
are developed according to Board direction and within budget. The new budget covers
operations and capital expenditures and scheduled debt financing and revenue adjustments as
STATUS: A series of budget presentations were provided by staff between February and May,
which included a review of all District Revenues and Expenditures. The Proposed Budget for
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Fiscal Years 2012-13 and 2013-14 are $378 million and $430 million, respectively. The increase
in the second year is primarily related to an increase in the Capital Improvement Program
expenditures in 2013-14. Those expenditures will decrease in the following year. The Board of
Directors approved the final budget at the June 2012 Board meeting.
7. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION: Startup of the demonstration hydrogen fuel cell unit at
Reclamation Plant No. 1 has been completed and operational performance will be evaluated
during Fiscal Year 2011-12. Demonstration testing of the central generation emission control
systems has also been completed and the design for full-scale implementation will also begin in
Fiscal Year 2011-12.
STATUS: The pilot fuel cell started operating with digester gas fuel in June 2011. Operation
until late January 2012 was intermittent due to power quality issues at the site that were not
related to the fuel cell itself. These issues appear to have been resolved. From July 2011
through March 2012, the fuel cell was online producing power for 5,357 hours, exported
539,815 kWh, and used 4,250,700 ft3 of digester gas (47% of its total fuel usage). The hydrogen
purification system has generally run well, with hydrogen purity and recovery at expected levels.
The digester gas clean-up system has not exhibited breakthrough of any trace contaminants.
The demonstration testing of emissions controls on one CenGen engine at Plant 1 proved that
the modified engine can meet the proposed limitations by the SCAQMD. A report was
submitted to the SCAQMD documenting the results and cost of implementation. The project to
implement the controls on all remaining engines will continue when SCAQMD finalizes the
emissions rules for OCSD.
8. LOCAL SEWER TRANSFERS: Based on our Strategic Plan, transfer back to cities and sanitary
districts the local sewer assets that are not serving a true regional purpose. Currently targeted
for completion in FY 2012-2013.
Complete the quitclaim and transfer process of local sewers to Tustin, Orange, and Anaheim.
Provide revised data and renew our discussions for quitclaim and transfer of sewers and pump
stations to Newport Beach. Provide preliminary data and begin discussions with Santa Ana and
Huntington Beach.
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STATUS: In Tustin, staff is working with the new City Manager to carry out the City Council’s
direction to conclude the transfer of 174 miles of small diameter local sewers within Tustin and
the unincorporated areas north of the City including El Modena in the City of Orange’s sphere of
influence. In Orange, we are working with City staff to conclude the transfer of 7.5 miles of
sewers. In Anaheim, City staff is evaluating several local construction projects to reroute flow
and to accommodate potential new development. OCSD staff will work with City staff as plans
firm up. In Huntington Beach, there are 27 miles of local sewers and two pump stations
proposed for transfer. As part of their due diligence process, City staff inspected the Edinger
and Slater Pump Stations and they are currently reviewing OCSD’s closed circuit TV (CCTV) data,
our computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) records, and the electric and
water utility expenses for the pump stations.
In Santa Ana, City staff is performing a rate study and has included the 18 miles of sewer
proposed for transfer in their study. Additionally, City staff has indicated that they will be giving
us a list of questions to support their due diligence process. Costa Mesa Sanitary District (CMSD)
came to us this year with a new request to quitclaim to them a gravity sewer about 0.60 miles
long under Fairview Avenue north of the 405 freeway. A due diligence process by CMSD staff is
underway and the quitclaim is expected to be completed early in 2013.
In Newport Beach, at City staff’s request to transfer local facilities to the City, we recently
concluded an extensive research effort to determine if OCSD was the owner of the 12-inch
diameter Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP) sewer in the Back Bay Drive area of Newport Beach. This is
adjacent to the Newport Dunes Resort. It is evident that this sewer was never constructed or
owned by OCSD. We have advised the City and the regulatory agencies of our findings. This
sewer only serves local parcels in the City and county areas and the City collects a local sewer
service fee from those parcels connected. We also presented information to quitclaim local
sewers in the parking lot of the old Newport Nautical Museum / Reuben E. Lee. OCSD currently
owns and operates these sewers, and they serve only local facilities. Additionally, there are
another 20 miles of sewers that serve only a local purpose in addition to four pumping facilities
that we currently own and operate. The City recently advised us that it now plans to conduct a
sewer fee study for its facilities. We have asked that all the proposed asset transfers be
included in its study.
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9. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: Continue to implement training programs for front-line
supervisors and other levels of the organization based on identified skill and knowledge gaps.
Consider recommendations from the Leadership Development Team formed in FY 2010-2011,
and support the implementation of newly proposed programs. Revise the onboarding process
for new supervisors and new employees to support their success. Continue to revamp the
Succession Management Program to build a sustainable culture of talent development,
addressing both organizational and employee needs and supporting the transfer of knowledge.
STATUS: Leadership Competency Gaps – 50% of leadership / management personnel are eligible
to retire in the next three-years. The Leadership Development Team (LDT) identified high
quality, low cost leadership training programs for staff in support of the strategic plan initiative
for leadership development. Also, the BLAST (Building Leaders, Abilities, and Skills for
Tomorrow) program set 23 leadership competency courses that prepare staff for leadership
positions at all organizational levels.
Technical Skill Gaps – 40% of staff in core wastewater jobs are eligible to retire in the next three-
years. Targeted technical training was implemented for job specific training. Staff surveyed
workforce skill and knowledge requirements in the two-year budget process, completing the
most recent survey in April 2012. Focus is operator certification levels for class V plants and
industrial skills training for maintenance personnel.
The new supervisor and employee orientation (“on-boarding”) process was revised, tailoring the
process to individual departments. A talent management system was implemented, providing
for knowledge transfer and integration of succession, learning, and performance management
10. PUBLIC EDUCATION: Staff will create a public education and outreach strategy leading up to the
Board of Directors’ 2013 rate decision. The strategy will include a variety of media elements
targeted at key stakeholders who could influence this issue. Staff will work closely with the
Steering Committee to create the strategy and brief the board of directors prior to the launch of
the strategy elements in early 2012.
STATUS: Staff developed an outreach strategy in early 2012. The plan runs through the Board
discussion of rates in 2013. In March, staff presented the strategy to the Steering Committee,
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along with the new OCSD Website. Included in this plan are the strategies and target audiences.
We set a goal of attending a community event in each of the communities we serve, meeting
with each of the cities in our service area and increasing our tour and student outreach.
In the summer of 2012, staff is participating in a number of outreach events, including the Tustin
Street Fair, the Fountain Valley Summerfest and the Orange Street Fair.
In July, OCSD will host a community open house and continue outreach through the summer.
The goal of the outreach is to educate the public about who we are and what we do to protect
public health and the environment.
11. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: Staff will develop business continuity procedures to ensure that
OCSD continues to operate in the event of a natural disaster, including fire, earthquake, floods,
or pandemic illnesses. Staff will also enhance plans for other business/operational events such
as the loss of source of supply, loss of critical infrastructure (a major piece of machinery or
computing/network resource), or the result of theft or vandalism.
STATUS: Recognizing the importance of OCSD’s continued operations under adverse conditions,
Risk Management continues to develop a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan (BCP). This
plan will be the roadmap to recover, respond, keep our utility in business, and maintain
operations in times of crisis. There are three major components to the BCP. The Risk
Management staff recently completed the updates on both volumes of the Integrated
Emergency Response Plan (IERP), which completes the first of the three components. Risk
Management will take the lead role and partner with selected members throughout the
organization to develop a Continuity of Operations Plan and a Continuity of Government Plan to
complete the BCP.
OCSD also continues to play an active role in The Water Emergency Organization of Orange
County (WEROC), who coordinates and supports emergency response to major disasters on
behalf of Orange County Water and Wastewater Agencies. Risk Management has helped
develop a Hazard Mitigation Plan, which helps identify vulnerability and reduce disaster losses
throughout the County.
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Officials from NOAA's National Weather Service will recognize OCSD in Huntington Beach, CA,
for completing a set of rigorous guidelines necessary to earn the distinction of being
The TsunamiReady preparedness program helps communities develop tsunami response plans
with NOAA's National Weather Service and local emergency managers. Since the program
began in 2004, more than 80 U.S. communities have become TsunamiReady.
To achieve this distinction OCSD met rigorous criteria, which include developing a tsunami
safety plan and communications infrastructure, installation of dozens of tsunami hazard zone
and evacuation signs, as well as actively promoting tsunami safety through public awareness
activities and training.
OCSD received a separate security assessment from the Department of Homeland Security for
Plant 2, as well as the fifteen pump stations throughout Orange County. Risk Management will
review the findings and due a risk evaluation in order to determine the prioritization of the
security concerns.
12. SAFETY ENHANCEMENTS: Staff will deploy enhancements to safety program. Safety is an
important aspect of any organization. As a result of the industrial nature of the work done here
at OCSD, safety is even more important. Therefore, we will be incorporating various new safety
programs including continuous and comprehensive safety training programs. All OCSD
employees will receive safety training corresponding with their responsibility and exposure.
STATUS: Recognizing the importance of safety at OCSD, Risk Management staff are
continuously improving the current safety policies and have been implementing new policies to
better protect our employees. We have also worked with consultants to have the organizations
safety programs evaluated to ensure they are providing the proper level of protection. Based
upon the findings, Risk Management staff has made improvements in the programs. Risk
Management staff has incorporated safety requirements into performance evaluations to bring
greater emphasis to staff on the importance of safety.
Risk Management has taken over the health and wellness responsibilities from Human
Resources continuing the strong focus on the health of our employees to ensure we have a
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happy and healthy workforce. Risk Management converted an existing position to a full-time
Occupational Health Nurse to help oversee the health and wellness programs for the
OCSD engaged an external risk assessment firm to conduct an OSHA Voluntary Protection
Program (VPP) gap analysis audit. The OSHA VPP is a joint venture between OSHA, the
employer, and the employees to validate the employer meeting or exceeding all safety
regulations. The audit looked at OCSD safety policies, procedures, practices, and safety culture.
The audit was conducted during the week of May 23rd and lasted for four days. Risk
Management Staff is working with the VPP Sub-Committee to address the findings. We are
looking to submit an application for VPP review in August.
13. OCEAN OUTFALL REPAIR: Staff will complete the planning, California Environmental Quality Act
process, Coastal Development Permitting, design, and construction of repairs to the OCSD 5-
mile ocean outfall by winter of 2012.
STATUS: This work has made tremendous progress in a short time and is on schedule. The
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) required by the CEQA process was certified by the Board of
Directors in February and the design was completed in March 2012. Contractor Bids were
received in May and the Board of Directors approved award of the construction contract in June.
The Regional Board approved the new Ocean Discharge Permit allowing for temporary use of
the standby short outfall for maintenance of the long outfall. The project timeline is extremely
critical and work in the outfall should begin in September 2012, with the use of the standby
outfall for approximately 4 weeks. There are still significant risks with the work, but it appears
that the work remains on schedule at this time.
14. DIVERSITY INITIATIVE: Provide additional training opportunities for all levels of the organization
to continue to promote the value of diversity. Require new supervisors to complete diversity
training such as “Living the Core Values” prior to assuming their new responsibilities. Continue
to advertise job openings on various websites that attract applicants who are representative of
the community we serve. Staff will continue to build an infrastructure that appreciates the
diversity of employees and the increasingly changing workforce, and will work to provide
opportunities to provide a work place in which all people are treated equally.
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STATUS: The diversity initiative involves diversity change strategies. Activities planned and/or
implemented so far during the period include the following:
• “Living the Core Values” – Acted on the added value that diversity brings and reducing
bias through understanding.
• New supervisor orientation – Key points of the District’s Core Values related to diversity
awareness provided prior to taking on supervisory assignment.
• Ethics AB 1234 compliance/mandated sexual harassment training – Mandatory training
targeted for March that incorporates learning objectives that focus on diversity.
• Employee resource groups (ERG) – Provides positive diversity related change strategies
aimed at creating a more inclusive work environment and supporting a culture of
• Employment opportunities – Posted on various websites that ensure equal access to
District jobs, including the State of California’s Employment Development Department.
• Promoted 5 women into leadership positions over the past 6 years.
15. TRANSITION PLAN: The General Manager, working in conjunction with the Steering Committee
and the Board of Directors, will prepare and submit a Transition Plan for his successor by March
1, 2012.
STATUS: At the direction of the Steering Committee, a transition plan is in place to move Jim
Herberg, currently Director of Engineering, into the position of General Manager, when I leave
OCSD. The transition plan envisions my departure from OCSD on April 1, 2013, at which time
Jim Herberg will take over as General Manager. In the meantime, we are conducting an
executive search to find a new Director of Engineering with the goal of having this person in
place in January 2013 to provide some overlap before Jim Herberg takes on his new role as
General Manager.
Page 1 of 3
DATE: July 25, 2012
TO: Chairman and Members of the Steering Committee
FROM: James D. Ruth, General Manager
SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Proposed Work Plan
I am pleased to present my work plan for Fiscal Year 2012-2013. I have identified 15 areas that
I will focus on during the year including strategic planning, labor and budget, operational issues,
and workforce development. The goals listed in this plan are for Steering Committee review
prior to presenting to the full Board.
1. LABOR NEGOTIATIONS: Conduct labor negotiations with the Supervisor and
Professional groups over successor labor agreements that expire June 30, 2013, in
compliance with the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act.
2. PUBLIC OUTREACH: Undertake aggressive public education and outreach efforts
leading up to June 2013 Board vote on rates.
3. RATE PROPOSAL: Recommend a rate program for Board approval no later than June
4. SECONDARY TREATMENT: Complete commissioning of secondary treatment by the
December 31, 2012 consent decree deadline and optimize the various treatment
processes considering cost, compliance, and GWRS requirements. Conduct a
celebratory event in fall 2012 to recognize this historic milestone.
Page 2 of 3
5. OCEAN PROTECTION AND DISINFECTION: Complete water quality studies and
recommend a solution for improving environmental conditions around the ocean
6. TRANSITION PLAN: Successfully implement the Steering Committee’s General Manager
transition plan by April 1, 2013.
7. SAWPA ARBITRATION: Working with General Counsel, aggressively pursue successful
outcome on SAWPA’s arbitration claim.
8. LOCAL SEWER TRANSFERS: Complete the transfer of local sewers to member agencies
and cities, focusing on completion of the Tustin transfer.
9. TRANSPARENCY: In response to Grand Jury recommendations, complete upgrades to
OCSD website to enhance transparency related to compensation and benefits
information and undertake performance audits of various programs.
10. WORKFORCE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Continue to develop comprehensive
workforce planning and development activities that improve workforce capability,
adaptability, efficiency, and accountability, and that address employee turnover and
11. SAFETY AND SECURITY: Working with the Department of Homeland Security, conduct a
thorough assessment of our emergency preparedness planning and fill identified gaps,
including business continuity planning, and security upgrades to treatment plants and
pump stations.
12. STRATEGIC PLAN: Conduct a strategic planning Board workshop in October 2012 and
prepare the annual update of the 5-year strategic plan in December 2012 with a critical
review of our levels of service.
Page 3 of 3
13. CHEMICAL SUSTAINABILITY: Continue efforts to ensure strategic positioning in the
market by creating competitive markets for chemicals and reducing utilization of
14. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Continue the transition from expansion to
rehabilitation in our CIP program, with a focus on completing key projects including SARI
line, secondary treatment, and beach box repair. Integrate supplemental CIP program
staffing through Jacobs Engineering project management consulting services.
15. ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES MASTER PLAN: Complete a comprehensive study of space
planning needs by October 2012 and implement recommendations for access
compliance improvements and office building options.
Page 1 of 4
STEERING COMMITTEE Meeting Date 09/26/12 To Bd. of Dir. --
AGENDA REPORT Item Number 3 Item Number --
Orange County Sanitation District FROM: James D. Ruth, General Manager
Originator: Michael Gold, Public Affairs Manager
SUBJECT: Public Affairs Update
Information Only
This report is the monthly Public Affairs Division update that includes legislative and
political information from Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, lobbyists’ activities, and
outreach education and communication programs to member cities, employees and the public.
Public Affairs Update
OCSD wins another public outreach award
Following last month’s announcement that OCSD won a public outreach award from the
California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA), we won another award this month. The City-County Communications and Marketing Association (3CMA), the national association of public agency communication professionals, recognized OCSD
for the “Most Creative Activity with the Least Dollars Spent” with our Allie@Work
segment with KTLA 5 did a live broadcast from OCSD Plant 1.
Outreach and education keep on rolling along OCSD’s aggressive public education and outreach program continues with several high
profile events scheduled. We continue focus on our “What 2 Flush” campaign educating
people what goes down the drain. Recent events include:
· Westminster Green Expo – August 16
· Huntington Beach Green Expo – September 15
· National Drug Take Back Day at Kaiser Permante – September29
· UCI Landscape Open House – September 29
· Tustin Tiller Days – Oct 5-6
Grants update – Proposition 84 OWOW round two The Santa Ana Watershed Protection Authority (SAWPA) announced round two of their
One Water One Watershed grant program. These are the Integrated Regional
Watershed Management grants from Proposition 84. OCSD received $1 million in round
one for project P1-101.
Page 2 of 4
Staff attended an informational workshop about these grants and will evaluate projects
for consideration. The first project deadline is October 1. The biggest hurdle with these
grants is that the State of California attaches many reporting requirements. Staff will
keep the Board informed of our progress.
Federal Legislative Update
Legislative Advocate: Eric Sapirstein, ENS Resources
Not too much is happening in Congress these days between the upcoming elections
and partisan gridlock but as we have been reporting, the optimists are hopeful the next Congress will bring some positive changes.
Congressal staff and telling us that “Congressionally directed spending” or earmarks
may return next year. Staff acknowledge that the protracted debates surrounding
policymaking is, in part, a function that Members have no reason to negotiate compromises and growing sense that the inability to determine priorities in authorization
and spending bills has abdicated too much power to the Executive Branch. It appears
the rules governing the House and Senate could be modified to remedy this concern in
December when both chambers begin the process of reorganizing.
Congress recessed on September 14 (two weeks ahead of their scheduled time) and
will not return until after the election. Below are some other issues of concern to OCSD.
Sequestration On September 14, the White House transmitted an analysis of the anticipated budget
cuts as required by the Sequestration Transparency Act. This law requires a
delineation of how the Administration would implement, on a programmatic basis, the
$55 billion in domestic and $55 billion in defense spending reductions. The impacts of
the reductions are severe and the report is considered the first real step to force Congress to address the deficit reduction needs in the Lame Duck Session. Absent a
resolution, the cuts go into effect January 2, 2013.
Fiscal Year 2013 Budget
Not surprisingly, Congress decided not to tackle this year’s budget and instead past a six month extension through March 27, 2013 (well past the elections). In part, Congress
made this move because neither said had enough votes to move something without a
protracted debate within and between the two chambers. Since Congress is already
facing record low approval numbers, they did not want an embarrassing government
shut down around the time of the election.
Page 3 of 4
Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) Against all expectations, it appears that both the Senate and House are setting the
stage for consideration of WRDA during the Lame Duck Session. The Senate will
conduct a hearing into the need for WRDA just days before recessing for the elections.
The House will also convene a hearing into the burdens of the Clean Water Act’s regulatory mandates related to Section 404 of the law. Section 404 limits construction activities if they adversely impact water resources. Both of these hearings are expected
to provide a basis to renew WRDA in a Lame Duck Session, if the opportunity presents
Conflict of Interest Regulation and Appointment to Water Boards Since the earlier EPA response to Rep. Miller bill H.R. 2765 that he introduced at the
request of the District, we have continued working with Miller’s staff and the Committee
on Transportation and Infrastructure. As a result of this activity, the Chairman’s
committee staff have stated that they support the legislation, noting that it is a commonsense response. They confirmed that it is their hope that it can be taken up during a Lame Duck Session. To this end, we are working with the National League of
Cities to demonstrate that the legislation enjoys national support as well as California
support. This is a request from the committee staff in anticipation of making the case to
the committee that the issue demands a federal response.
State Legislative Update
Legislative Advocates: Christopher Townsend, Heather Dion and Casey Elliott, Townsend Public Affairs
The focus of the Governor and Democratic Legislative leadership continues to be the passage of Proposition 30, the Governor’s tax initiative, in order to avoid the proposed
“trigger cuts” to social and education programs. One component of increasing support
for the tax initiative was for the Legislature to approve some form of comprehensive
pension reform before adjournment. Last October, Governor Brown released a 12-point pension reform plan to start
discussions with the Legislature. Since then, the Legislature established a Conference
Committee which held several hearings across the state to discuss pension reform, and
numerous legislators introduced legislation mirroring the Governor’s proposal. There was little public sign that meaningful progress was being made until August 28, three days prior to the adjournment of session, when Governor Brown held a press
conference in Los Angeles declaring he had reached an agreement with Democratic
Legislative leaders to enact substantive pension reform. While the agreement makes
significant reforms, it fell short of the Governor’s original 12-point proposal by dropping the hybrid pension plan and instead endorsing the proposal supported by the Democratic Leadership, which would preserve the state’s current defined benefit plan.
The pension agreement will increase employee contributions, institute benefit rollbacks
for new employees, and eliminate abusive pension practices. Also, under the agreement, new employees participating under CalPERS would, for the purpose of calculating retirement benefits, be limited to a maximum salary of $110,000. In addition,
Page 4 of 4
future non-public safety employees would have to wait until the age of 67 to collect maximum retirement benefits; and, future public safety employees, including police, fire
and prison officers, would have to wait until the age of 57 for maximum benefits. Under
the proposal, new employees will be required to pay half of their normal pension costs
and current local and state employees would be required to pay for half of their pension costs within five years, subject to negotiation through collective bargaining. The reform contains numerous provisions that will save the State an estimated $42 billion and $55
billion over 30 years, or $12 billion to $15 billion in inflation-adjusted dollars, according
to CalPERS estimates. While there will only be $146 million in savings next year,
pension savings will grow to $1.2 billion by the 10th year. The pension reform package was approved on a 38-1 vote in the Senate and a 48-8 in the Assembly.
On September 12, Governor Brown signed AB 340 (Furtuani), the pension reform
package. In a written statement, Governor Brown declared, “"This is the biggest
rollback to public pension benefits in the history of California pensions. We're lowering benefits to what they were before I was Governor the first time and reducing costs by up to $55 billion in PERS and billions more in other local pension systems. Under the new
rules, employers and employees alike are going to contribute their fair share of the
costs, resulting in a more sustainable system."
There were a number of bills of interest approved by the Legislature prior to their adjournment of the 2011-12 legislative session. One such measure authored by
Speaker Perez, AB 1532, would specify an expenditure plan for how revenues from the
Cap-and-Trade program should be allocated. In terms of wastewater agencies, the bill
outlines funding priorities for programs that invest in energy and water use efficiency, energy storage, and clean and renewable energy projects. The Governor has until September 30 to act on all bills passed in the final days of session.
1. Outreach Report (dated 09/19/12) 2. Legislative Matrix (dated 09/14/12)
Date Time Organization/Event Location Purpose Attendee
09/06/2012 - 900 - 1030 Plant Tour Boardroom CSULB Nursing Class to
tour P1. Approx. 20 guests.
Ann Crafton Tour Guide
09/06/2012 - 800 - 1000 Plant Tour Room A Rainbow to meet and tour
the facility. Approx. 6
Jim Colston Tour Guide
09/07/2012 - 900 - 1000 Speaking Engagement Portland
3CMA Annual Conference
speaking engagement:
Social Networking - The
stuff you haven't thought of
Sonja Morgan Speaker
09/12/2012 - 1400 -
Plant Tour Rooms A & B Chinese Delegation to tour
P1. Approx. 25 guests
Jian Liang Tour Guide
09/14/2012 - 1400 -
Plant Tour Boardroom Chinese Delegation from
Changzhou City to tour P1.
Approx. 25 guests.
Morris Ying Tour Guide
09/15/2012 - - Huntington Beach Green
Beach Pier
OCSD will be hosting an
information booth at the 5th
Annual Green Expo.
OCSD Volunteers
09/18/2012 - 1000 -
Plant Tours Boardroom OCSD Vendor event and
plant tours. 2 tours
Corey Tull Tour Guide.
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
OCSD Outreach Report - 09/19/2012
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
9/19/2012 2:28:34 PM
Date Time Organization/Event Location Purpose Attendee
OCSD Outreach Report - 09/19/2012
09/21/2012 - 730 - 830 Speaking Engagement Sea Cliff
Country Club
Huntington Beach
Chamber of Commerce
Speaking Engagement.
Jennifer Cabral Speaker
09/25/2012 - 900 - 1030 Plant Tour Boardroom New Employee/Open to the
Public Tour.
Ingrid Hellebrand Tour
09/26/2012 - - Tri Gen 22012 Cell Area National Fuel Cell
Research Center holding
Tri Gen 2012 workshop, to
include tours of the OCSD
Tri gen system.
UCI Hosting
09/27/2012 - 1000 -
Plant Tour Boardroom Marina High School to tour
P1. Approx. 20 guests
Corey Tull Tour Guide
09/29/2012 - 1000 -
National Drug Take Back
OCSD will host booths at 2
Kaiser locations; Irvine and
09/29/2012 - 900 - 1400 University of CA Landscape
Open House and Vendor
South Coast
Research and
OCSD to host information
Corey Tull Booth host
10/03/2012 - 845 - 1015 Plant Tour Boardroom Goldenwest College to tour
P1. Approx. 35 guests. (2
Corey Tull and Ingrid
Hellebrand tour guides
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Jim Duncan
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
9/19/2012 2:28:34 PM
Date Time Organization/Event Location Purpose Attendee
OCSD Outreach Report - 09/19/2012
10/04/2012 - 1000 -
Plant Tour Boardroom Vietnamese Delegation to
tour P1. Approx. 20 guests
Michael Voughn and Ingrid
Hellebrand tour guides
10/05/2012 - 1000 -
Plant Tour Boardroom CSUF to tour P1. Approx.
25 guests
Ann Crafton Tour Guide
10/05/2012 -
- Tustin Tiller Days Columbus
Tustin Park
OCSD Outreach Booth. OCSD Volunteers
10/10/2012 - 1245 -
Plant Tour Rooms A & B Fullerton College (Group 1)
to tour P1. Approx. 25
Corey Tull Tour Guide
10/15/2012 - 1245 -
Plant Tour Boardroom Fullerton College to tour
P1. (Group 2) Approx. 25
Ryal Wheeler tour guide
10/15/2012 - 1000 -
Speaking Engagement OCSD Speaking Engagement on
Risk Management.
Randy Kleinman Speaker
10/25/2012 - 1900 -
Speaking Engagement CAL ST
Speaking Engagement on
Risk Management.
Randy Kleinman Speaker
10/27/2012 - 745 - 945 Plant Tour Boardroom Cal St Fullerton to tour P1.
Approx. 20 guests.
Mark Esquer Tour Guide
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
Cheryl Scott
9/19/2012 2:28:34 PM
OCSD Legislative Matrix
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin.
Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 8/24/2011
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,
or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by
which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or
county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise
restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that
city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a
privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately
owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a
regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity
to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county .
AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/23/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit
equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to
adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written
findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/2/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies.
Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a
redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by
the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing
Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these
purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable
housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming
changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low
and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs
associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/7/2012
Last Amend: 5/17/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining
of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board
to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and
employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith
regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of
recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to
request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or
more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties'
agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would
also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request
that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the
date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill
would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel
cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended
to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws.
AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains.
Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/8/2012
Last Amend: 8/6/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries,
crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of
Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the
jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulated
decision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks
employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so
inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined.
Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of
implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law
establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for
Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and
materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the
bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as
defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By
expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new
crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified
fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing
moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would
require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards,
and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this bill
would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other
existing laws.
AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age
at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for
various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill
would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service
is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit
the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in
the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted
annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers'
Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also
establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and
the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state
other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937
authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide
pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any
other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid
to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to
the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits
prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation,
or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to
be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public
employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of
compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision.
AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture.
Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Last Amend: 3/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected
to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out
of his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public
retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as
specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent
felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,
his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary,
disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to
service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill
would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on
or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a
distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension
administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes.
AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected
to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out
of his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public
retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as
specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to
an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1,
2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit
all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a
member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified.
AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/17/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system
(NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the
state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits and
licenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the
Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops
does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions
and other existing laws.
AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be
paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the
cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation as
provided by a specified California Consumer Price Index.
AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 4/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or
repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of
Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or
repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in
accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the
agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and
individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a
regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it
within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes
effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions
occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major
regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a
regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. This
bill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming
effective include a statutory override of the regulation.
AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 4/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012,
which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the
issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond
Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make
$250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable
Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation
and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of
those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from
the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water
Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of
local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers
within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects ,
consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions.
AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications.
Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 6/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water
Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal
state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The act
requires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and
authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the
state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires
the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies.
Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to,
holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member,
a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication
that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that
a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff
member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or any
interested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is
permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the
communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditional
waivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise
prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the
communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as
defined. This bill contains other existing laws.
AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace
officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death
or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his
or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the
performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to
continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to
receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace
officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange.
AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater.
Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/1/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination
system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue
waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessary
to implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent
nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to
prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the
Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan .
AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/9/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actions
to prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes
determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car
wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1,
2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and
reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water
supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water.
AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional
water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater
in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and
the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act,
authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource
plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these
AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the plan
for the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water
resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the
contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various
strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include
an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of
drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan.
AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling.
Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 5/21/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with
authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public
Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for
groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to
develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by
December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria
would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the
feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to
provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law
requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011
to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and
adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the
feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the state
board to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling
criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate
those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing
law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per
year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state
board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water
Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the
Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would
require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for
groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or
before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced
treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria
for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to
review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department
on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and
contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as
appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be
submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating
a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil
penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the
Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled
water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations.
Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit
equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to
adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for
fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a
market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to
be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit
directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical
corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the direct
allocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those
customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism.
Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 12/6/2010
Last Amend: 6/27/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves
his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local
government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, for
compensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government
agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any
officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for
the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or
proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or
contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this
prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with
decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure.
Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 12/9/2010
Last Amend: 6/2/2011
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by
agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified
periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain,
among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 1 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/7/2012
Last Amend: 5/17/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining
of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board
to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and
employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith
regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of
recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to
request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or
more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties'
agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would
also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request
that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the
date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill
would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel
cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended
to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws.
AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains.
Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/8/2012
Last Amend: 8/6/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries,
crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of
Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the
jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulated
decision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks
employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so
inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined.
Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of
implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law
establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for
Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and
materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the
bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as
defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By
expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new
crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified
fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing
moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would
require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards,
and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this bill
would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other
existing laws.
AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age
at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for
various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill
would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service
is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit
the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in
the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted
annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers'
Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also
establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and
the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state
other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937
authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide
pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any
other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid
to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to
the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits
prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation,
or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to
be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public
employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of
compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision.
AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture.
Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Last Amend: 3/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected
to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out
of his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public
retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as
specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent
felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,
his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary,
disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to
service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill
would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on
or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a
distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension
administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes.
AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected
to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out
of his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public
retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as
specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to
an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1,
2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit
all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a
member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified.
AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/17/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system
(NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the
state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits and
licenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the
Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops
does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions
and other existing laws.
AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be
paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the
cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation as
provided by a specified California Consumer Price Index.
AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 4/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or
repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of
Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or
repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in
accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the
agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and
individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a
regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it
within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes
effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions
occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major
regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a
regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. This
bill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming
effective include a statutory override of the regulation.
AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 4/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012,
which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the
issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond
Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make
$250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable
Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation
and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of
those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from
the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water
Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of
local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers
within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects ,
consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions.
AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications.
Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 6/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water
Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal
state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The act
requires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and
authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the
state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires
the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies.
Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to,
holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member,
a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication
that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that
a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff
member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or any
interested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is
permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the
communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditional
waivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise
prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the
communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as
defined. This bill contains other existing laws.
AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace
officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death
or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his
or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the
performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to
continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to
receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace
officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange.
AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater.
Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/1/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination
system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue
waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessary
to implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent
nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to
prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the
Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan .
AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/9/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actions
to prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes
determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car
wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1,
2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and
reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water
supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water.
AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional
water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater
in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and
the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act,
authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource
plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these
AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the plan
for the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water
resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the
contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various
strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include
an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of
drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan.
AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling.
Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 5/21/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with
authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public
Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for
groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to
develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by
December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria
would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the
feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to
provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law
requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011
to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and
adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the
feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the state
board to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling
criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate
those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing
law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per
year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state
board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water
Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the
Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would
require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for
groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or
before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced
treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria
for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to
review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department
on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and
contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as
appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be
submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating
a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil
penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the
Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled
water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations.
Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit
equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to
adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for
fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a
market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to
be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit
directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical
corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the direct
allocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those
customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism.
Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 12/6/2010
Last Amend: 6/27/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves
his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local
government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, for
compensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government
agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any
officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for
the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or
proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or
contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this
prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with
decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure.
Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 12/9/2010
Last Amend: 6/2/2011
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by
agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified
periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain,
among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 2 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age
at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for
various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill
would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service
is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit
the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in
the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted
annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers'
Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also
establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and
the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state
other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937
authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide
pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any
other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid
to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to
the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits
prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation,
or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to
be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public
employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of
compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision.
AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture.
Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Last Amend: 3/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected
to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out
of his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public
retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as
specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent
felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,
his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary,
disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to
service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill
would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on
or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a
distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension
administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes.
AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected
to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out
of his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public
retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as
specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to
an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1,
2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit
all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a
member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified.
AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/17/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system
(NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the
state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits and
licenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the
Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops
does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions
and other existing laws.
AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be
paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the
cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation as
provided by a specified California Consumer Price Index.
AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 4/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or
repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of
Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or
repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in
accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the
agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and
individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a
regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it
within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes
effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions
occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major
regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a
regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. This
bill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming
effective include a statutory override of the regulation.
AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 4/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012,
which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the
issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond
Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make
$250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable
Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation
and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of
those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from
the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water
Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of
local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers
within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects ,
consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions.
AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications.
Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 6/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water
Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal
state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The act
requires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and
authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the
state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires
the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies.
Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to,
holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member,
a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication
that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that
a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff
member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or any
interested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is
permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the
communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditional
waivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise
prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the
communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as
defined. This bill contains other existing laws.
AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace
officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death
or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his
or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the
performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to
continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to
receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace
officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange.
AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater.
Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/1/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination
system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue
waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessary
to implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent
nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to
prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the
Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan .
AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/9/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actions
to prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes
determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car
wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1,
2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and
reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water
supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water.
AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional
water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater
in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and
the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act,
authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource
plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these
AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the plan
for the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water
resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the
contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various
strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include
an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of
drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan.
AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling.
Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 5/21/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with
authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public
Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for
groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to
develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by
December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria
would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the
feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to
provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law
requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011
to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and
adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the
feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the state
board to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling
criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate
those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing
law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per
year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state
board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water
Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the
Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would
require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for
groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or
before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced
treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria
for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to
review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department
on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and
contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as
appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be
submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating
a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil
penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the
Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled
water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations.
Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit
equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to
adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for
fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a
market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to
be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit
directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical
corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the direct
allocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those
customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism.
Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 12/6/2010
Last Amend: 6/27/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves
his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local
government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, for
compensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government
agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any
officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for
the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or
proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or
contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this
prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with
decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure.
Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 12/9/2010
Last Amend: 6/2/2011
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by
agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified
periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain,
among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 3 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected
to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out
of his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public
retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as
specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to
an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1,
2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit
all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a
member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified.
AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/17/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system
(NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the
state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits and
licenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the
Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops
does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions
and other existing laws.
AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be
paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the
cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation as
provided by a specified California Consumer Price Index.
AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 4/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or
repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of
Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or
repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in
accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the
agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and
individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a
regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it
within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes
effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions
occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major
regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a
regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. This
bill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming
effective include a statutory override of the regulation.
AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 4/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012,
which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the
issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond
Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make
$250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable
Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation
and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of
those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from
the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water
Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of
local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers
within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects ,
consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions.
AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications.
Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 6/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water
Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal
state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The act
requires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and
authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the
state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires
the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies.
Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to,
holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member,
a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication
that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that
a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff
member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or any
interested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is
permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the
communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditional
waivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise
prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the
communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as
defined. This bill contains other existing laws.
AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace
officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death
or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his
or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the
performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to
continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to
receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace
officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange.
AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater.
Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/1/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination
system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue
waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessary
to implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent
nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to
prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the
Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan .
AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/9/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actions
to prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes
determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car
wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1,
2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and
reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water
supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water.
AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional
water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater
in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and
the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act,
authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource
plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these
AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the plan
for the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water
resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the
contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various
strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include
an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of
drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan.
AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling.
Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 5/21/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with
authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public
Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for
groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to
develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by
December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria
would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the
feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to
provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law
requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011
to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and
adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the
feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the state
board to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling
criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate
those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing
law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per
year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state
board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water
Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the
Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would
require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for
groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or
before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced
treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria
for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to
review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department
on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and
contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as
appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be
submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating
a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil
penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the
Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled
water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations.
Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit
equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to
adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for
fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a
market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to
be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit
directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical
corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the direct
allocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those
customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism.
Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 12/6/2010
Last Amend: 6/27/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves
his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local
government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, for
compensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government
agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any
officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for
the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or
proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or
contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this
prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with
decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure.
Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 12/9/2010
Last Amend: 6/2/2011
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by
agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified
periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain,
among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 4 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. Position AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/17/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits andlicenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages. Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation asprovided by a specified California Consumer Price Index. Position AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the
agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and
individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a
regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it
within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes
effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions
occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major
regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a
regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. This
bill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming
effective include a statutory override of the regulation.
AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program.
Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 4/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012,
which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the
issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond
Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make
$250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable
Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation
and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of
those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from
the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water
Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of
local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers
within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects ,
consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions.
AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications.
Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 6/18/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water
Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal
state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The act
requires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and
authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the
state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires
the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies.
Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to,
holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member,
a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication
that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that
a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff
member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or any
interested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is
permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the
communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditional
waivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise
prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the
communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as
defined. This bill contains other existing laws.
AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace
officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death
or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his
or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the
performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to
continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to
receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace
officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange.
AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater.
Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/1/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination
system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue
waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessary
to implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent
nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to
prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the
Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan .
AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/9/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actions
to prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes
determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car
wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1,
2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and
reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water
supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water.
AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional
water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater
in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and
the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act,
authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource
plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these
AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the plan
for the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water
resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the
contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various
strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include
an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of
drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan.
AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling.
Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 5/21/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with
authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public
Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for
groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to
develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by
December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria
would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the
feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to
provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law
requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011
to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and
adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the
feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the state
board to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling
criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate
those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing
law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per
year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state
board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water
Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the
Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would
require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for
groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or
before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced
treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria
for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to
review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department
on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and
contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as
appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be
submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating
a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil
penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the
Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled
water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations.
Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit
equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to
adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for
fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a
market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to
be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit
directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical
corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the direct
allocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those
customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism.
Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 12/6/2010
Last Amend: 6/27/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves
his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local
government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, for
compensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government
agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any
officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for
the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or
proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or
contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this
prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with
decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure.
Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 12/9/2010
Last Amend: 6/2/2011
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by
agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified
periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain,
among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 5 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. Position AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/17/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits andlicenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages. Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation asprovided by a specified California Consumer Price Index. Position AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. Thisbill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming effective include a statutory override of the regulation. Position AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make $250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects , consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions. Position AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications. Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 6/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The actrequires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies. Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to, holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member, a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or anyinterested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditionalwaivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as defined. This bill contains other existing laws. Position
AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace
officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death
or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his
or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the
performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to
continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to
receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace
officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange.
AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater.
Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/23/2012
Last Amend: 5/1/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the
discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination
system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue
waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessary
to implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent
nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to
prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the
Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan .
AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/9/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actions
to prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes
determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car
wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1,
2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and
reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water
supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water.
AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional
water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater
in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and
the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act,
authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource
plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these
AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the plan
for the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water
resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the
contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various
strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include
an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of
drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan.
AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling.
Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 5/21/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with
authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public
Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for
groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to
develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by
December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria
would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the
feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to
provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law
requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011
to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and
adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the
feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the state
board to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling
criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate
those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing
law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per
year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state
board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water
Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the
Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would
require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for
groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or
before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced
treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria
for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to
review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department
on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and
contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as
appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be
submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating
a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil
penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the
Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled
water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations.
Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit
equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to
adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for
fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a
market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to
be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit
directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical
corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the direct
allocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those
customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism.
Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 12/6/2010
Last Amend: 6/27/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves
his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local
government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, for
compensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government
agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any
officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for
the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or
proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or
contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this
prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with
decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure.
Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 12/9/2010
Last Amend: 6/2/2011
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by
agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified
periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain,
among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 6 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. Position AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/17/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits andlicenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages. Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation asprovided by a specified California Consumer Price Index. Position AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. Thisbill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming effective include a statutory override of the regulation. Position AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make $250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects , consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions. Position AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications. Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 6/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The actrequires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies. Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to, holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member, a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or anyinterested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditionalwaivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as defined. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange. Position AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater. Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/1/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessaryto implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan . Position AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisionsin order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position
AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes.
Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/9/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actions
to prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes
determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car
wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1,
2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and
reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water
supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water.
AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional
water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater
in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and
the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act,
authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource
plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these
AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the plan
for the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water
resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the
contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various
strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include
an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of
drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan.
AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling.
Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 5/21/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with
authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public
Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for
groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to
develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by
December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria
would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the
feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to
provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law
requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011
to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and
adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the
feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the state
board to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling
criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate
those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing
law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per
year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state
board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water
Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the
Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would
require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for
groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or
before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced
treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria
for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to
review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department
on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and
contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as
appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be
submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating
a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil
penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the
Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled
water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations.
Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit
equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to
adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for
fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a
market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to
be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit
directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical
corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the direct
allocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those
customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism.
Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 12/6/2010
Last Amend: 6/27/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves
his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local
government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, for
compensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government
agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any
officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for
the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or
proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or
contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this
prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with
decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure.
Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 12/9/2010
Last Amend: 6/2/2011
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by
agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified
periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain,
among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 7 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. Position AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/17/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits andlicenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages. Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation asprovided by a specified California Consumer Price Index. Position AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. Thisbill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming effective include a statutory override of the regulation. Position AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make $250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects , consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions. Position AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications. Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 6/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The actrequires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies. Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to, holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member, a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or anyinterested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditionalwaivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as defined. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange. Position AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater. Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/1/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessaryto implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan . Position AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisionsin order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/9/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actionsto prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1, 2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water. Position AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act, authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these provisions. Position AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the planfor the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan. Position AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling. Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 5/21/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with
authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public
Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for
groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to
develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by
December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria
would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the
feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to
provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law
requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011
to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and
adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the
feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the state
board to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling
criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate
those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing
law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per
year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state
board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water
Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the
Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would
require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for
groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or
before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced
treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria
for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to
review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department
on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and
contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as
appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be
submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating
a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil
penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the
Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled
water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations.
Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/24/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit
equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to
adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for
fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a
market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to
be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit
directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical
corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the direct
allocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those
customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism.
Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 12/6/2010
Last Amend: 6/27/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves
his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local
government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, for
compensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government
agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any
officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for
the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or
proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or
contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this
prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with
decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure.
Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 12/9/2010
Last Amend: 6/2/2011
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by
agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified
periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain,
among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 8 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. Position AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/17/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits andlicenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages. Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation asprovided by a specified California Consumer Price Index. Position AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. Thisbill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming effective include a statutory override of the regulation. Position AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make $250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects , consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions. Position AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications. Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 6/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The actrequires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies. Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to, holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member, a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or anyinterested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditionalwaivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as defined. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange. Position AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater. Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/1/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessaryto implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan . Position AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisionsin order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/9/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actionsto prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1, 2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water. Position AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act, authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these provisions. Position AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the planfor the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan. Position AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling. Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 5/21/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011 to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the stateboard to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the directallocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism. Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/22/2012 Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions.
Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 12/6/2010
Last Amend: 6/27/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves
his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local
government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, for
compensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government
agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any
officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for
the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or
proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or
contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this
prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with
decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure.
Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html
Introduced: 12/9/2010
Last Amend: 6/2/2011
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by
agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified
periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain,
among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 9 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. Position AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/17/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits andlicenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages. Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation asprovided by a specified California Consumer Price Index. Position AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. Thisbill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming effective include a statutory override of the regulation. Position AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make $250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects , consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions. Position AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications. Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 6/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The actrequires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies. Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to, holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member, a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or anyinterested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditionalwaivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as defined. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange. Position AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater. Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/1/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessaryto implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan . Position AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisionsin order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/9/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actionsto prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1, 2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water. Position AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act, authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these provisions. Position AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the planfor the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan. Position AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling. Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 5/21/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011 to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the stateboard to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the directallocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism. Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/22/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges' Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitutionpermits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees. The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investmentreturns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected fromimpairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees adefined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things, that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws. Position SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions. Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html Introduced: 12/6/2010 Last Amend: 6/27/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, forcompensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure. Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html Introduced: 12/9/2010 Last Amend: 6/2/2011 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain, among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing
reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires
that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public
inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019,
require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is
required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation
disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment.
Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/18/2011
Last Amend: 1/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the
agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopment
agencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor
agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the
dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as
defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing
funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the
definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housing
funds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide
that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved
redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes.
This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California
regional water quality control boards.
Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 4/9/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their
powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance
with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review
adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State
Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various
exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the
issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would
provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of
specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers
issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined,
thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality
control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those
SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 1/11/2012
Last Amend: 8/29/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 10 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. Position AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/17/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits andlicenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages. Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation asprovided by a specified California Consumer Price Index. Position AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. Thisbill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming effective include a statutory override of the regulation. Position AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make $250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects , consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions. Position AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications. Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 6/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The actrequires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies. Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to, holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member, a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or anyinterested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditionalwaivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as defined. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange. Position AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater. Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/1/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessaryto implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan . Position AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisionsin order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/9/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actionsto prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1, 2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water. Position AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act, authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these provisions. Position AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the planfor the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan. Position AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling. Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 5/21/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011 to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the stateboard to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the directallocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism. Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/22/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges' Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitutionpermits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees. The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investmentreturns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected fromimpairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees adefined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things, that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws. Position SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions. Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html Introduced: 12/6/2010 Last Amend: 6/27/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, forcompensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure. Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html Introduced: 12/9/2010 Last Amend: 6/2/2011 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain, among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019, require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment. Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 1/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopmentagencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housingfunds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California regional water quality control boards. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/11/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined, thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those circumstances. Position SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/11/2012 Last Amend: 8/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED 2Year
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the
California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge
requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state
board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified.
This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
do not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an
ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more
board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would
specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is
permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/13/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the
Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law
prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not
passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline.
Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice
or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as
provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system,
fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any
person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the
board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice
engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would
make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State
Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees.
Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to
elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective
officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions
in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the
University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for
this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from
allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would
except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by
the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not
have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or
after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft.
Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 11 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. Position AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/17/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits andlicenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages. Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation asprovided by a specified California Consumer Price Index. Position AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. Thisbill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming effective include a statutory override of the regulation. Position AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make $250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects , consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions. Position AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications. Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 6/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The actrequires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies. Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to, holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member, a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or anyinterested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditionalwaivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as defined. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange. Position AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater. Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/1/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessaryto implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan . Position AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisionsin order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/9/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actionsto prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1, 2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water. Position AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act, authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these provisions. Position AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the planfor the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan. Position AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling. Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 5/21/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011 to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the stateboard to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the directallocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism. Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/22/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges' Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitutionpermits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees. The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investmentreturns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected fromimpairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees adefined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things, that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws. Position SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions. Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html Introduced: 12/6/2010 Last Amend: 6/27/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, forcompensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure. Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html Introduced: 12/9/2010 Last Amend: 6/2/2011 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain, among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019, require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment. Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 1/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopmentagencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housingfunds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California regional water quality control boards. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/11/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined, thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those circumstances. Position SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/11/2012 Last Amend: 8/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified. This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Actdo not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline. Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system, fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existinglaws. Position SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/22/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisionsin order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/20/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used
machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law
requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the
course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or
disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any
purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is
punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a
reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection,
including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of
that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public
agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on
the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is
offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the
certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or
recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise
nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,
as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposing
this prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of
existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related
provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Is Fiscal: N
Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a
city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional
boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency
formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a
city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its
sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence
to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the
affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission
to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries
and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private
properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made.
The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certain
requests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional
boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The
bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains
other related provisions and other existing laws.
SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund.
Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/24/2012
Last Amend: 8/31/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources
Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of
greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions
limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
Page 12 / 13
OCSD Legislative Matrix 9/14/2012
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 34
AB 1178 (Ma D) Solid waste: place of origin. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2011 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 8/24/2011 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/20/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The existing California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 allows each county, city,or district to determine aspects of solid waste handling that are of local concern and the means by which the services are to be provided. This bill would prohibit an ordinance enacted by a city or county, including an ordinance enacted by initiative by the voters of a city or county, from otherwise restricting or limiting the importation of solid waste into a privately owned solid waste facility in that city or county based on place of origin. The bill would provide that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a privately owned solid waste facility to guarantee permitted capacity to a host jurisdiction, and does not otherwise limit or affect the land use authority of a city or county . Position Support AB 1532 (John A. Pérez D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Current Text: Enrolled: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/23/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/31/2012-A. ENROLLMENT 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. This bill would prohibit the Governor's written findings on the proposed link from being subject to judicial review. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1585 (John A. Pérez D) Community development. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/2/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies. Existing law authorizes the city, county, or city and county that authorized the creation of a redevelopment agency to retain the housing assets, functions, and powers previously performed by the redevelopment agency, excluding amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Existing law creates the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund to be used for these purposes, and provides that funds in that account shall be used in accordance with applicable housing-related provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. This bill would make conforming changes to clarify that specified provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund apply for purposes of funding administrative and planning costs associated with the implementation of the provisions described above. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1606 (Perea D) Local public employee organizations: impasse procedures. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/20/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/7/2012 Last Amend: 5/17/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/20/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act contains various provisions that govern collective bargaining of local represented employees, and delegates jurisdiction to the Public Employment Relations Board to resolve disputes and enforce the statutory duties and rights of local public agency employers and employees. The act requires the governing body of a public agency to meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of recognized employee organizations. This bill would instead authorize the employee organization to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not sooner than 30 days or more than 45 days following the appointment or selection of a mediator pursuant to the parties' agreement to mediate or a mediation process required by a public agency's local rules. The bill would also authorize an employee organization, if the dispute was not submitted to mediation, to request that the parties' differences be submitted to a factfinding panel not later than 30 days following the date that either party provided the other with a written notice of a declaration of impasse. The bill would specify that the procedural right of an employee organization to request a factfinding panel cannot be expressly or voluntarily waived. The bill would also specify that its provisions are intended to be technical and clarifying of existing law. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 1615 (Miller R) Human remains. Current Text: Amended: 8/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/8/2012 Last Amend: 8/6/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law, the Cemetery Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of cemeteries, crematories, and their personnel by the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a person who has had a license or registration under the jurisdiction of the bureau revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or surrendered under a stipulateddecision, within the immediately preceding 10 years, and who is employed by or who seeks employment with, a licensed cemetery, a licensed crematory, or a licensed cemetery broker to so inform the cemetery manager, crematory manager, or cemetery broker, respectively, as defined. Existing law creates the Cemetery Fund, which is continuously appropriated for the purpose of implementing the Cemetery Act. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing law establishes certified uniform program agencies, which are agencies certified by the Secretary for Environmental Protection to implement a specified unified program relating to hazardous waste and materials in accordance with certain requirements. This bill , until January 1, 2019, would require the bureau to license and regulate, as specified, hydrolysis facilities and hydrolysis facility managers, as defined, and would enact requirements substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria. By expanding the definition of crimes relating to the disposition of human remains and creating new crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require that specified fees paid to finance hydrolysis facility regulation be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. By depositing moneys in a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. The bill would require certified unified program agencies to ensure compliance with certain environmental standards, and to comply with specified reporting requirements. By increasing the duties of local agencies, this billwould impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1633 (Wagner R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing state and local public retirement systems provide defined benefits based on age at retirement, service credit, and final compensation. Existing law defines final compensation for various employment classifications in connection with the benefits provided by these systems. This bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is not included in the federal social security system from exceeding $100,000. The bill would prohibit the retirement benefit paid to a member of any public retirement system whose service is included in the federal social security system from exceeding $80,000. Those amounts would be adjusted annually by each public retirement system using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1639 (Hill D) Retirement: public employees. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their members. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II, which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System, which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisions in order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. This bill would specify that, in addition to any other benefit limitations prescribed by law, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit paid to a person who first becomes a member of a public retirement system on or after January 1, 2013, to the extent that the benefits payable under the system are subject to the compensation limits prescribed by a specified provision of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum salary, compensation, or payrate taken into account under the plan for any year shall not exceed the amount permitted to be taken into account under that provision of federal law. The bill would also prohibit a public employer from making contributions to any qualified public retirement plan based on any portion of compensation that exceeds the amount specified in that federal provision. Position AB 1649 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement: felony forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 3/29/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 3/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require that a public employee, as defined, who is convicted of any violent felony, serious felony, or a sex offense, as defined, for conduct arising out of, or in the performance of,his or her official duties in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement, or other benefits, forfeit retirement benefits attributable to service performed on and after the earliest date of the commission of the felony, as specified. The bill would also require any contributions to the public retirement system made by the public employee on or after that date to be returned, without interest, to the public employee upon the occurrence of a distribution event, as defined, unless otherwise ordered by a court or determined by the pension administrator. The bill would also make related, conforming changes. Position AB 1653 (Cook R) Public employees: pensions: forfeiture. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides that any elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2006, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly outof his or her official duties, forfeits all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. This bill would require any person employed at-will for the purposes of providing services to an elected public officer who takes public office, or is reelected to public office, on or after January 1, 2013, who is convicted of any specified felony arising directly out of his or her official duties, to forfeit all rights and benefits under, and membership in, any public retirement system in which he or she is a member, effective on the date of final conviction, as specified. Position AB 1750 (Solorio D) Rainwater Capture Act of 2012. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/17/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 9/13/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Under existing law, the state board administers a water rights program pursuant to which the state board grants permits andlicenses to appropriate water, upon an application to appropriate water. This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2012, which would provide that use of rainwater collected from rooftops does not require a water right permit from the state board. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 1958 (Grove R) Public contracts: public works: prevailing wages. Current Text: Introduced: 2/23/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, as provided, to be paid to all workers employed on public works projects that exceed $1,000. This bill would increase the cost threshold to $2,000 and would require that cost threshold to be adjusted annually for inflation asprovided by a specified California Consumer Price Index. Position AB 1982 (Gorell R) Regulations: effective date: legislative review. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act requires an agency, prior to submitting a proposal to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation, to determine the economic impact of that regulation, in accordance with certain procedures. That act defines a major regulation as a regulation that the agency determines has an expected economic impact on California business enterprises and individuals in an amount exceeding $50,000,000. That act requires the office to transmit a copy of a regulation to the Secretary of State for filing if the office approves the regulation or fails to act on it within 30 days. That act provides that a regulation or an order of repeal of a regulation becomes effective on the 30th day after it is filed with the Secretary of State, unless prescribed conditions occur. This bill would require the office to submit to the Legislature for review a copy of each major regulation that it submits to the Secretary of State. This bill would extend the time period that a regulation becomes effective after being filed with the Secretary of State from 30 days to 90 days. Thisbill would specify that the list of prescribed conditions that prevent a regulation from becoming effective include a statutory override of the regulation. Position AB 2011 (Gatto D) CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program. Current Text: Amended: 4/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 4/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law creates the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2012, which, if approved by the voters at the November 6, 2012, statewide election, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program. The act would make $250,000,000 available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Fund of 2012, for direct expenditures, grants, and loans for water conservation and water use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. The bill would require up to $50,000,000 of those water conservation and water use efficiency funds, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the fund, to be allocated to the Department of Water Resources to establish the CalConserve Water Conservation Retrofit Program to provide grants to local water agencies for the implementation of local and regional water conservation revolving loan programs, as prescribed, that assist customers within the service area of the water agency to carry out water use efficiency retrofit projects , consistent with the act . This bill contains other related provisions. Position AB 2063 (Alejo D) Ex parte communications. Current Text: Amended: 6/18/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 6/18/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, the State Water Resources Control Board and the 9 California regional water quality control boards are the principal state agencies with responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality in the state. The actrequires the state board to formulate and adopt state policies for water quality control, and authorizes the state board to hold any hearings and conduct any investigations in any part of the state necessary to carry out the powers vested in the state board, as specified. The act also requires the regional boards to adopt regional water quality control plans in compliance with the state policies. Existing law requires each regional board to conduct certain proceedings, including, but not limited to, holding at least 6 regular meetings each calendar year. This bill would prohibit a state board member, a regional board member, or any interested person, as defined, from engaging in a communication that would be considered ex parte under the Administrative Procedure Act. The bill would provide that a communication is not ex parte if the communication is between a state or regional board staff member acting in his or her official capacity and a state board member, regional board member, or anyinterested person. The bill would provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if the state or regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to waste discharge requirements, water quality certifications, or conditionalwaivers of waste discharge requirements, as specified. The bill would also provide that an otherwise prohibited ex parte communication is permissible if a regional board member fully discloses the communication, and the communication is in regard to a municipal separate storm sewer permit, as defined. This bill contains other existing laws. Position AB 2069 (Solorio D) Workers' compensation: peace officer benefits. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/6/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/6/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law provides for the payment of a scholarship to dependents of specified peace officers if the peace officer is killed in the performance of his or her duty or if the officer suffers death or permanent disability as a result of specified accidents or injuries incurred in the performance of his or her duties. Existing law also requires the employer of a peace officer who is killed in the performance of his or her duty, or who suffers death as a result of specified accidents or injuries, to continue providing health benefits to the deceased employee's spouse unless the spouse elects to receive a lump-sum survivor's benefit in lieu of monthly benefits. This bill would extend these peace officer benefits to Sheriff's Special Officers of the County of Orange. Position AB 2117 (Gorell R) Waste discharge requirements: stormwater. Current Text: Amended: 5/1/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/23/2012 Last Amend: 5/1/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program. Existing law requires the state board or the regional boards to issue waste discharge requirements which apply and ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and any more stringent effluent standards or limitations necessaryto implement water quality control plans, or for the protection of beneficial uses, or to prevent nuisance. This bill would require the state board, in consultation with affected stakeholders, to prepare a comprehensive statewide stormwater plan, as prescribed, and submit the plan to the Legislature, by January 1, 2015, subject to agreement by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide grant money to cover the costsof preparing the plan . Position AB 2224 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisionsin order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2230 (Gatto D) Recycled water: car washes. Current Text: Enrollment: 8/30/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/9/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 8/30/2012-A. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to take appropriate actionsto prevent waste or the unreasonable use of water. Under existing law, the board makes determinations with regard to the availability of recycled water. This bill would require an in-bay car wash, as defined, or a conveyor car wash, as defined, permitted and constructed after January 1, 2014, to either install, use, and maintain a water recycling system, as defined, that recycles and reuses at least 60% of the wash and rinse water, or to use recycled water provided by a water supplier for at least 60% of its wash and rinse water. Position AB 2311 (Atkins D) Stormwater Resource Planning Act. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 5/11/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Existing law, the Stormwater Resource Planning Act, authorizes a city, county, or special district to develop, jointly or individually, a stormwater resource plan that meets certain standards. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in these provisions. Position AB 2334 (Fong D) California Water Plan: drinking water and wastewater services. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 5/25/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources to update every 5 years the planfor the orderly and coordinated control, protection, conservation, development, and use of the water resources of the state, which is known as the California Water Plan. Existing law prescribes the contents of the California Water Plan, and requires the department to include a discussion of various strategies and information in that plan. This bill would additionally require the department to include an analysis of water affordability and possible mechanisms to address the lack of affordability of drinking water and wastewater services in updates of the California Water Plan. Position AB 2398 (Hueso D) Water recycling. Current Text: Amended: 5/21/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 5/21/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) as the principal state agencies with authority over matters relating to water quality. Existing law requires the State Department of Public Health (department) to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable water reuse for groundwater recharge, as defined, by December 31, 2013. Existing law requires the department to develop and adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation, as defined, by December 31, 2016, if a specified expert panel convened by the department finds that the criteria would adequately protect public health. Existing law requires the department to investigate the feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse, as defined, and to provide a final report on that investigation to the Legislature by December 31, 2016. Existing law requires the department, in consultation with the state board, to report to the Legislature from 2011 to 2016, inclusive, as part of the annual budget process, on the progress towards developing and adopting the water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation and its investigation of the feasibility of developing water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse. Existing law requires the stateboard to enter into an agreement with the department to assist in implementing the water recycling criteria provisions. This bill would enact the Water Recycling Act of 2012 to revise and consolidate those and other provisions relating to recycled water, and make other conforming changes to existing law. The act would establish a statewide goal to recycle a total of 1.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2020 and 2.5 million acre-feet of water per year by 2030. The act would require the state board and regional boards, the department, the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Water Resources, and other state agencies to exercise the authority and discretion granted to them by the Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water and meet the goals of the act. The act would require the department, on or before December 31, 2013, to adopt drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The bill would require the department, on or before December 31, 2016, to develop and adopt drinking water criteria for the use of advanced treated purified water for raw water augmentation projects not subject to the drinking water criteria for groundwater recharge projects utilizing recycled water. The act would subject those criteria to review by an expert panel convened and administered by the department to advise the department on public health issues and scientific and technical matters. The act would prescribe the types and contents of permits for recycled water to be issued by the state board or a regional board, as appropriate. Because certain reports submitted as part of the permit application process would be submitted under penalty of perjury, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating a new crime. The act would establish the Water Recycling Research Fund and require that certain civil penalties be deposited into the fund, to be expended by the state board, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to conduct or fund research necessary to support the continued and safe use of recycled water in the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position AB 2529 (Wieckowski D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: electrical corporations. Current Text: Amended: 8/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/24/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The act authorizes the state board to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the commission to credit directly, in proportion to the increase in electricity cost, to all retail delivery customers of an electrical corporation all revenues, as specified, the electrical corporation receives as a direct result of the directallocation of greenhouse gas allowances in proportion to the increase in electricity costs those customers incur as a result of the state board adopting a market-based compliance mechanism. Because a violation of this requirement is a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position ACA 22 (Smyth R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/22/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges' Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitutionpermits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees. The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investmentreturns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected fromimpairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees adefined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things, that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws. Position SB 31 (Correa D) Postgovernment employment: restrictions. Current Text: Amended: 6/27/2012 pdf html Introduced: 12/6/2010 Last Amend: 6/27/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 8/17/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits, for a period of one year after the official leaves his or her position, elected and other specified local officials who held positions with a local government agency, as defined, from acting as agents or attorneys for, or otherwise representing, forcompensation, any other person, by appearing before, or communicating with, that local government agency, or any committee, subcommittee, or present member of that local government agency, or any officer or employee of the local government agency, if the appearance or communication is made for the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, as specified, or influencing any action or proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property. This bill, in addition, would apply this prohibition to other public officials serving as members of local governing boards or commissions with decisionmaking authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 46 (Correa D) Public officials: compensation disclosure. Current Text: Amended: 6/2/2011 pdf html Introduced: 12/9/2010 Last Amend: 6/2/2011 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 require certain persons employed by agencies to file annually a written statement of the economic interests they possess during specified periods. The act requires that state agencies promulgate a conflict of interest code that must contain, among other topics, provisions that require designated employees to file statements disclosing reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income. The act requires that every report and statement filed pursuant to the act is a public record and is open to public inspection. This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2013, and continuing until January 1, 2019, require every designated employee and other person, except a candidate for public office, who is required to file a statement of economic interests to include, as a part of that filing, a compensation disclosure form that provides compensation information for the preceding calendar year, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 654 (Steinberg D) Redevelopment. Current Text: Amended: 1/31/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/18/2011 Last Amend: 1/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 7/6/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law suspends various activities of redevelopment agencies and prohibits the agencies from incurring indebtedness for a specified period. Existing law also dissolves redevelopmentagencies and community development agencies, as of October 1, 2011, and designates successor agencies, as defined. Existing law requires successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, repay enforceable obligations, as defined, and to remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds, including housing funds, to the county auditor-controller for distribution to taxing entities. This bill would revise the definition of the term "enforceable obligation" and modify provisions relating to the transfer of housingfunds and responsibilities associated with dissolved redevelopment agencies. The bill would provide that any amounts on deposit in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of a dissolved redevelopment agency be transferred to specified entities. The bill would make conforming changes. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 964 (Wright D) Administrative Procedure Act: State Water Resources Control Board and California regional water quality control boards. Current Text: Amended: 4/9/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/11/2012 Last Amend: 4/9/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards and authorizes them to adopt regulations to carry out their powers and duties. Existing law generally requires state agencies to adopt regulations in accordance with prescribed procedures and requirements, and requires the Office of Administrative Law to review adopted regulations and to make specified determinations. However, existing law grants to the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards various exemptions to the above requirements, including an exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits. This bill would provide that the exemption for the adoption of regulations for the issuance, denial, or revocation of specified waste discharge requirements and permits shall not apply to any general permits or waivers issued under state law or the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, as defined, thereby requiring the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards to comply with provisions that require the adoption of regulations under those circumstances. Position SB 965 (Wright D) State and local government. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/11/2012 pdf html Introduced: 1/11/2012 Last Amend: 8/29/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/11/2012-S. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board (state board) and the California regional water quality control boards (regional boards) implement the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act by prescribing waste discharge requirements for discharges to the waters of the state, as specified. Existing law authorizes the state board and the regional boards to hold hearings necessary for carrying out their duties, as specified. This bill would provide that the ex parte communications provisions of the Administrative Procedure Actdo not apply to specified proceedings of the state board or a regional board. The bill would define an ex parte communication for these purposes as an oral or written communication with one or more board members regarding those specified state board or regional board proceedings. This bill would specify the instances in which an ex parte communication involving those specified proceedings is permissible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 1061 (Walters R) Professional engineers. Current Text: Introduced: 2/13/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/13/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law recognizes various engineering disciplines. Existing law prohibits the practicing of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering by any person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in that discipline. Existing law makes various violations of the Professional Engineers Act a crime, including the practice or offer to practice by a person of civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering without authorization as provided by the act. This bill would also prohibit the practice of agricultural, chemical, control system, fire protection, industrial, metallurgical, nuclear, petroleum, and traffic engineering, as defined, by any person who has not passed a specified examination and who is not appropriately licensed by the board in the particular discipline. The bill would authorize any licensed engineer to practice engineering work in any of those fields in which he or she is competent and proficient. The bill would make other changes to related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existinglaws. Position SB 1176 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement. Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/22/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 4/27/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law establishes the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) for the purpose of providing pension benefits to their employees. Existing law also establishes the Judges' Retirement System II which provides pension benefits to elected judges and the Legislators' Retirement System which provides pension benefits to elective officers of the state other than judges and to legislative statutory officers. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 authorizes counties to establish retirement systems pursuant to its provisionsin order to provide pension benefits to county, city, and district employees. The Regents of the University of California have established the University of California Retirement System as a trust for this purpose. This bill, on and after January 1, 2013, would prohibit a public retirement system from allowing the purchase of additional retirement service credit, as described above. The bill would except from this prohibition an official application to purchase this type of service credit received by the retirement system prior to January 1, 2013. The bill would prohibit any member who does not have at least 5 years of service credit before the operative date of this bill, or any person hired on or after that date, from purchasing additional retirement service credit. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 1387 (Emmerson R) Metal theft. Current Text: Enrollment: 9/12/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/20/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/12/2012-S. ENROLLED 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: Existing law governs the business of buying, selling, and dealing in secondhand and used machinery and all ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals and alloys, also known as "junk." Existing law requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep a written record of all sales and purchases made in the course of their business, including the name and address of each person to whom junk is sold or disposed of, and to preserve the written record for at least 2 years after making the final entry of any purchase or sale of junk. Existing law provides that the failure to keep a written record as required is punishable as a misdemeanor. This bill would prohibit any junk dealer or recycler from possessing a reasonably recognizable, disassembled, or inoperative fire hydrant or fire department connection, including, but not limited to, bronze or brass fittings or parts, a manhole cover or lid, or any part of that cover or lid, or a backflow device and connections to that device, that was owned by a public agency, city, county, city and county, special district, or private utility, without a written certification on the letterhead of the entity that owns or previously owned the material that the entity has sold or is offering the material for sale, and that the person possessing the certificate and identified in the certificate is authorized to negotiate the sale of the material. The bill would require a junk dealer or recycler who unknowingly takes possession of prohibited material as part of a load of otherwise nonprohibited materials without written certification to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency,as defined, by the end of the next business day upon discovery of the prohibited material. By imposingthis prohibition, the violation of which would be a misdemeanor pursuant to other provisions of existing law, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 1498 (Emmerson R) Local agency formation commission: powers. Current Text: Introduced: 2/24/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Is Fiscal: N Location: 5/11/2012-S. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 authorizes a city or district to provide new or extended services by contract or agreement outside its jurisdictional boundaries if the city or district requests and receives permission to do so from the local agency formation commission in the affected county. Existing law authorizes the commission to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries but within its sphere of influence in anticipation of a later change of organization, or outside its sphere of influence to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the affected territory, under specified circumstances. This bill would additionally authorize the commission to authorize a city or district to provide new or existing services outside its jurisdictional boundaries and outside its sphere of influence to support existing or planned uses involving public or private properties, subject to approval at a noticed public hearing, in which certain determinations are made. The bill would also authorize the commission to delegate to its executive officer the approval of certainrequests to authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries or outside its sphere of influence, as described above, under specified circumstances. The bill would also make certain technical, nonsubstantive, and conforming changes. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 1572 (Pavley D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: AB 32 Investment Fund. Current Text: Amended: 8/31/2012 pdf html Introduced: 2/24/2012 Last Amend: 8/31/2012 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 9/1/2012-A. DEAD 2YearDead Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.Conc. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Summary: The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and
to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum, technologically
feasible, and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The act authorizes the state board
to include use of market-based compliance mechanisms. The state board has adopted by regulation a
program pursuant to the act to cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide for market-based
compliance mechanisms, including the auction of allowances (cap-and-trade program). Existing law
requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board from the auction or
sale of allowances as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing
law requires a state agency, prior to expending any money appropriated to it by the Legislature from
the fund, to prepare a record consisting of a description of proposed expenditures and of how they
will further the regulatory purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, how they
will achieve specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions, how the agency considered other
objectives of that act, and how the agency will document expenditure results. This bill would
appropriate a specified portion of moneys collected by the state board and derived from the auction or
sale of allowances in the 2012-13 fiscal year from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the state
board. Under the bill, a specified portion of the money appropriated to the state board would be
available to fund prescribed projects that meet certain goals relating to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions. This bill would require any funds allocated to fund or finance eligible projects, as specified,
or awarded, as specified, to be committed by December 31, 2013. This bill would require the state
board , the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to adopt
regulations, and authorize those entities to adopt emergency regulations , for the purposes of funding
eligible projects, as prescribed. The bill would require the California Pollution Control Financing
Authority and the Strategic Growth Council to prepare and submit to the Legislature, until January 1,
2017, annual reports on funded projects and activities. The bill would require the state board to
publish information on projects on its Internet Web site. This bill contains other related provisions.
SCA 18 (Huff R) Public employees' retirement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/22/2012 pdf html
Introduced: 2/22/2012
Is Fiscal: Y
Location: 9/1/2012-S. DEAD
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered
1st House 2nd House
Summary: Existing law establishes various public agency retirement systems, including the Public
Employees' Retirement System (PERS), the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), the Judges'
Retirement System II, and various county retirement systems pursuant to the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937, among others, and these systems provide defined pension benefits to public
employees based on age, service credit, and amount of final compensation. The California Constitution
permits a city or county to adopt a charter for purposes of its governance that supersedes general
laws of the state in regard to specified subjects, including compensation of city or county employees.
The California Constitution also establishes the University of California as a public trust with full
powers of organization and government, subject only to specified limitations. Charter cities and the
University of California may establish pension plans under their respective independent constitutional
authority. These pension systems are funded by employee and employer contributions and investment
returns. Existing law provides that public employee pension benefits are a form of deferred
compensation, the right to which vests in the employee on contractual principles and is protected from
impairment by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution. This measure would
require each public retirement system, as defined in statute, to provide one or more hybrid pension
plans meeting the requirements of this measure to each public employer that provides its employees a
defined benefit pension plan administered by the public retirement system. The measure would
require that a hybrid pension plan consist of a defined benefit component and a defined contribution
or alternative plan design component, as specified. The measure would require, among other things,
that a hybrid pension plan be designed with a goal of providing annually during retirement, based on
a full career in public service, as defined, replacement income of 75% of a public employee's final
compensation. The measure would require the Director of Finance, on or before January 1, 2013, to
establish initial criteria and requirements for one or more hybrid pension plans, as specified. The
measure would require, on and after July 1, 2013, each public retirement system to administer, and
make available to each public employer that provides a defined benefit pension plan, one or more
hybrid pension plans, except as specified, for public employees hired in each member classification in
the public retirement system. This bill contains other existing laws.
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