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WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Orange County Sanitation District
(OCSD), ("Board") is considering the approval of collection system improvements in
northern and central Orange County to ensure adequate conveyance of wastewater to
regional treatment facilities; and,
WHEREAS, because OCSD will be undertaking the Plan, OCSD is the lead
agency for the Plan pursuant to CEQA; and,
WHEREAS, Integrated Program Management Consultants, under the direction of
OCSD Staff has prepared a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)for the Plan
consisting of the Draft PEIR (Volume 1) and the Final SEIR (Volume 2), which includes
copies of the comment letters OCSD staff received on the Draft PEIR and the OCSD
responses to said comments, and Draft PEIR text revisions; and,
WHEREAS, the PEIR analyzed the environmental effects of the proposed
Collection System Improvement Plan (Plan);
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of Orange County Sanitation District,
1. That the Board certifies that the PEIR has been completed in compliance with
CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines; and,
2. That the Board has reviewed and considered the information contained in the
PEIR before considering Plan approval; and,
3. That the Board determines that the PEIR reflects OCSD's independent
judgment and analysis: and,
4. That the Board adopts the Findings of Fact, attached as "Attachment A"; and,
5. That the Board adopts the Statement of Overriding Considerations, attached as
"Attachment B"; and,
6. That the Board adopts the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program,
attached as "Attachment C"; and,
7. That the Board approves the Collection System Improvement Plan, Job
No. 7-61; and,
8. That the Board specifies that the record of proceedings on which the Board's
decision is based is located at OCSD administrative offices at 10844 Ellis
Avenue, Fountain Valley, California, 92708. The custodian of the record of
proceedings is the OCSD Clerk of the Board. Project files are located in the
OCSD Engineering Planning and Design Division.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting held August 22, 2007.
Clerk of the Obard
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The Orange County Sanitation District (the "District") has prepared this Program Environmental
Impact Report("PEIR") for the Collection System Improvement Plan("Plan")pursuant to section
21094 of the California Environmental Quality Act("CEQA") and the CEQA Guidelines, section
15168. The PEIR consists of two volumes. Volume I is the Draft PEIR and Volume 2 is the
Final PEIR. The Final PEIR has been prepared in accordance with the CEQA Guidelines, section
15132, and includes, for example, copies of the comment letters received on the Draft PEIR and
the District's responses to significant environmental issues raised in those comments.
The following information is incorporated by reference and constitutes the record of proceedings
upon which these findings are based:
1. The PEIR and all documents relied upon or incorporated by reference in the Draft and Final
PEIR documents, including the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.
2. All testimony, documentary evidence and all correspondence submitted to or delivered to the -
District in connection with the meetings,workshops, and public hearings that the District may
have conducted to consider the PEIR.
3. All staff reports, memoranda, maps, slides, letters, minutes of meetings and other documents
prepared by District staff and consultants relating to the Plan.
4. Any other documents specified by Public Resources Code section 21167.6(e).
The District is the custodian of the administrative record, including all CEQA documents and the
other background documents and materials, which constitute the record of the proceedings upon
which the District's Board decisions to certify the PEIR and approve the Plan are based. The
administrative record is located at the District's administrative offices at 10844 Ellis Avenue,
Fountain Valley, California, 92708.
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 2
The PEIR evaluates the significant adverse environmental impacts that could result from the
project, which in this case is the Plan. Section 15091 of the CEQA Guidelines requires that the
public agency approving or carrying out a project shall make written findings for each significant
impact identified in the PEIR, accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each
finding. These findings include one of the following:
1. Changes or alterations have been required to, or incorporated into, the project to avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as defined in the PEIR.
2. Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public
agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such
other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency.
3. Specific economic, legal, social,technological, or other considerations, including provision
of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation
measures or project alternatives identified in the PEIR.
These findings accomplish the following:
1. They address the significant environmental effects identified in the PEIR for the approved
2. They incorporate all mitigation measures associated with these significant impacts
identified in the PEIR.
3. They explain whether a significant effect is avoided or reduced by the adopted mitigation
measures to a less than significant level, or remain significant and unavoidable, either
because there are no feasible mitigation measures or because, even with implementation of
mitigation measures, an impact would remain significant.
The conclusions presented in these findings are based on the record of proceedings.
To the extent that these findings conclude that various proposed mitigation measures outlined in
the PEIR are feasible and have not been modified, superseded, or withdrawn, the District hereby
binds itself to implement these measures. These findings, in other words, are not merely
information. The mitigation measures identified as feasible and within the District's authority to
implement for the approved projects are express conditions of approval to which the District
binds itself upon adoption of this resolution and project approval. The Board will adopt a
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ("MMRP") concurrently with these findings to
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 3
ensure that the all mitigation measures will be implemented. The MMRP for the PEIR includes
feasible measures developed as part of the PEIR process.
The District proposes to construct improvements to the regional wastewater collection system to
accommodate existing and planned growth within the District's service area boundary. The Plan
will upgrade the District's collection system in a timely and cost-effective manner to serve the
needs of its service area through 2030 and to ensure compliance with the State General Waste
Discharge Requirements for wastewater collection agencies. The Plan consists of the group of
nineteen individual construction projects listed in Table 1. In addition to these construction
projects, the proposed Plan includes repairs, replacements and minor modifications to collection
system facilities.
Table 1 -Proposed Collection System Improvements
No. Title Location
01-101 Raitt and Bristol Street Sewer Extension Santa Ana
01-17 Santa Ana Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Fountain Valley, Santa Ana
02-49 Taft Branch Improvements Orange
02-52 Euclid Relief Improvements Fountain Valley,Santa Ana
02-65 Newhope-Placentia and Cypress Trunk Anaheim,Fullerton
Replacement -
02-71 Fullerton-Brea Interceptor Sewer Relief Fullerton
03-55 Westside Relief Interceptor La Palma,Cypress,Los Alamitos
03-58 Magnolia Trunk Rehabilitation Fountain Valley,Westminster, Garden
Grove, Stanton,Anaheim
03-59 Miller-Holder Trunk Sewer Relief Buena Park
03-60 Beach Trunk-Knott Interceptor Sewer Relief Buena Park
05-47 Balboa Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Newport Beach
05-M Newport Beach Force Main Upgrades Newport Beach
05-61 Bayside Drive Improvement Newport Beach
05-63 Dover Drive Trunk Sewer Relief Costa Mesa,Newport Beach
06-17 District 6 Trunk Sewer Relief Costa Mesa,Newport Beach
06-18 Fairview Road Trunk Sewer Relief Costa Mesa
07-60 Browning Subtrunk Sewer Relief Tustin,Unincorporated Orange County
07-62 Von Karman Trunk Sewer Relief Irvine,Newport Beach
11-25 Edinger-Bolsa Chica Trunk Improvements Huntington Beach,Seal Beach
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 4
Implementation of collection system improvements would occur between 2008 and continuing
through 2015. Many of the proposed improvements would be under construction at the same
time. In any given year, it is possible that six projects could be under construction
Construction methods for individual Plan projects generally include lining, manhole repair, open-
trench excavation for new sewer installations, shoring, dewatering, potential pipe removal,
manhole removal with associated demolition, and potential jack-and-bore methods for installation
at sensitive crossings (e.g., busy intersections, railroad spurs, or flood control channels).
Construction equipment for open-trench excavation, typically used for sewer installations, would
vary by phase as listed in Table 2.
Table 2—Open Trench Construction Equipment
Activity Equipment
Excavation Pavement Saw
Jack Hammer
Air Compressor
Front-end Loader
Dump Truck
Contractor Pickup Truck
Sewer Installation Concrete Truck
Delivery Truck
Contractor Pickup Truck
Paving Backhoe
Asphalt Truck
Paving Machine
Contractor Pickup Truck
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes potential air quality impacts in Section 3.2. As described in this
section, construction equipment and haul trucks would emit criteria pollutants that would exceed
the significance thresholds set by the South Coast Air Quality Management District
("SCAQMD") for oxides of nitrogen (NOX). The PEIR concludes that this impact would be
significant and unavoidable
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 5
2. The PEIR identifies several feasible measures to reduce NO,, emission impacts. These
measures include regular maintenance of equipment engines and requiring trucks and vehicles in
loading or unloading queues to shut off their engines when not in use (see mitigation measures
3.2-1 a and 3.2-1 b).
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. NOX emissions during project construction will have a significant and unavoidable
impact on air quality; the mitigation measures described above are adopted and will reduce this
impact, but not to a level of insignificance.
2. This impact is overridden by project benefits as set forth in the statement of overriding
considerations adopted concurrently herewith.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes potential noise impacts in Section 3.9. As described in this section,
project construction could result in short-term noise disruptions to surrounding areas. This
impact is identified in the PEIR as significant and unavoidable.
2. The PEIR identifies mitigation measure 3.9-1 to reduce noise disruptions during
construction. These mitigation measure includes placement of sound blankets or temporary
sound walls around noise-generating equipment,placement of noise-generating equipment within
jacking pits where possible, limiting construction activities to specific times, and monitoring
noise levels at the closest sensitive receptor. The PEIR concludes, however, that noise impacts
from construction could remain disruptive even with mitigation and that the impact is significant
and unavoidable.
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Noise levels during project construction will be significant and unavoidable; the
mitigation measure described above is adopted and will reduce this impact, but not to a level of
2. This impact is overridden by project benefits as set forth in the statement of overriding
considerations adopted concurrently herewith.
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 6
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes potential traffic and transportation impacts in Section 3.12. As
described in this section, construction of collection system improvements would likely include
some lane closures and limited road closures, causing an impact on traffic on local streets and at
times a decline in level of service (LOS). The PEIR concludes that this impact would be
significant and unavoidable.
2. The PEIR identifies mitigation measures 3.12-2a, 3.12-2b, 3.12-2c, 3.12-2d, 3.12-2e, and
3.12-2f to reduce traffic and transportation impacts associated with lane and road closures. These
mitigation measures require the District to(1) stage construction in closed lanes or outside of city
streets; (2) provide adequate signage to inform motorists, local residents and business owners
about construction activities; (3) use traffic cones and/or traffic guards to indicate altered traffic
lanes; (4) consider alternate sewer alignments and construction techniques to mitigate traffic
impacts; (5) to maintain traffic flow during peak hours; and (6) to coordinate road closures with
local jurisdictions and Caltrans. The PEIR concludes, however, that even with mitigation,
transportation and traffic impacts from construction activities could be significant and
B. Findings
This Board fmds that:
1. Construction activities associated with the Plan could have a significant and unavoidable
impact on transportation and traffic due to lane and road closures; the mitigation measures
described above are adopted and will reduce this impact,but not to a level of insignificance.
2. This impact is overridden by project benefits as set forth in the statement of overriding
considerations adopted concurrently herewith.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes the Plan's cumulative impacts in Section 5.1. According to the PEIR,
construction-related NO,, emissions would result in construction-related air quality impacts.
When combined with construction of reasonably foreseeable future projects in northern and
central Orange County within the same period, emissions are anticipated to exceed significance
thresholds for NO,. The PEIR identifies mitigation measures to reduce the Plan's direct impacts
on air quality during construction that would similarly reduce the cumulative impact. However,
cumulative air quality impacts would remain significant and unavoidable during construction.
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 7
2. The PEIR concludes in Section 5.1 that the Plan would result in a cumulative noise
impact during construction should construction of the reasonably foreseeable future projects
occur in the same vicinity of the proposed collection system improvements. The PEIR identifies
various measures to reduce the Plan's direct noise impacts during construction that would
similarly reduce the Plan's cumulative impact. Nonetheless, the Project's cumulative
construction noise impact could remain significant and unavoidable.
3. The PEIR concludes in Section 5.1 that the Plan would result a transportation and traffic
impact should construction of the cumulative projects occur in the same vicinity of the proposed
collection system improvements. The PEIR identifies various measures to reduce the Plan's
transportation and traffic impacts during construction that would similarly reduce the Plan's
cumulative impact. Nonetheless, the Plan's cumulative transportation and traffic impact could
remain significant and unavoidable.
B. Findings
The Board finds that:
1. NO,, emissions during project construction will have a significant and unavoidable
cumulative air quality impact; the mitigation measures described above are adopted and will
reduce this impact, but not to a level of insignificance.
2. Noise levels during project construction will have a significant and unavoidable
cumulative impact; the mitigation measures described above are adopted and will reduce this
impact,but not to a level of insignificance.
3. Traffic disruptions during construction will have a significant and unavoidable
cumulative impact; the mitigation measures described above are adopted and will reduce this
impact,but not to a level of insignificance.
4. These impacts are overridden by project benefits as set forth in the statement of
overriding considerations adopted concurrently herewith.
The PEIR concludes that certain significant environmental impacts would be reduced to a "less
than significant" level with implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. With
respect to the impacts described in this section, the Board finds that changes or alterations have
been required in,or incorporated into,the Plan,which avoid or substantially lessen the significant
enviromnental effects to a less than significant level. These changes and alterations are presented
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 8
in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, which the Board is adopting concurrently
with these findings.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR discusses air quality impacts in Section 3.2. According to the PEIR,
construction activities would produce fugitive dust or particulate matter (PMIo) emissions
resulting in a short-term impact to air quality.
2. The PEIR identifies mitigation measure 3.2-2, which requires the District to ensure that
contractors reduce fugitive dust emissions through the implementation of dust control measures.
These measures require the District's construction contractors to (1) cover all trucks hauling soil,
(2) apply water to exposed unpaved access roads, parking and staging areas, (3) routinely sweep
paved access roads and parking areas, (4) water or apply nontoxic soil stabilizer to exposed soil
stockpiles and other areas disturbed by construction activity, and (5) limit traffic speeds to 15
mph. In addition, each individual construction project would be subject to South Coast Air
Quality Management District Rule 403, which contains specific requirements for controlling
fugitive dust at construction sites. Collectively, these measures will reduce fugitive dust or PMIo
emissions to a less than significant level.
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measure 3.2-2, have been required in, or
incorporated into,the Plan,which avoid or substantially lessen short-term fugitive dust emissions
during construction to a less than significant level. Mitigation Measure 3.2-2 in the PEIR is
hereby adopted and has been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting program
that has been concurrently adopted by this Board.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR identified three (3) potentially significant impacts to biological resources that
could result from the Plan. The PEIR discusses these impacts in Section 3.3. First, the Plan
could require construction activities near natural habitat that could affect special-status biological
resources. Second, runoff from construction activities could impact aquatic fisheries. Finally,
project activities that occur within state or federal jurisdictional waters of the United States,
including wetlands, could affect biological resources that inhabit these areas.
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 9
2. To address potential Plan impacts to special status biological resources, the PEIR
recommends mitigation measure 3.3-1. This measure requires the District to evaluate impacts to
special status plants, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles at a project-level during design in
areas of natural habitat within the footprint of proposed construction activities. If such resources
occur within individual project footprints then the District must implement measures to avoid,
minimize and mitigate impacts to biological resources from construction activities.
3. To address potential Plan impacts on aquatic fisheries during construction activity, the
PEIR recommends mitigation measure 3.3-2, which requires the District to implement best
management practices to avoid contaminant runoff from construction practices. Equipment will
not be operated in areas of ponded or flowing water. Stationary equipment, staging areas,
stockpiles and storage will be located a minimum of 200 feet outside aquatic and wetland
habitats. All maintenance and service of equipment and vehicles will occur 200 feet outside of
aquatic and wetland habitats. Construction equipment will be checked periodically to ensure no
potential for fugitive emissions of oil or other hazardous products exists. Additionally sediment-
retention devices and structures will be used and maintained to prevent sediment-laden water
from draining offsite.
4. To address potential impacts on biological resources within jurisdictional waters of the
United States, the PEIR recommends mitigation measure 3.3-3, which requires the District to
identify jurisdictional areas at the project level and design project components to avoid these
areas. If impacts to jurisdictional areas cannot be avoided,the District will work with the United
States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) to develop and implement a mitigation plan to
compensate for impacts.
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measure 3.3-1 through 3.3-3, have been
required in, or incorporated into, the Plan, which avoid or substantially lessen potential impacts
on special status resources, aquatic fisheries, and resources within jurisdictional waters of the
United States to a less than significant level. These mitigation measures are hereby adopted and
have been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program that has been
concurrently adopted by this Board.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes potential impacts to cultural resources in Section 3.4. According to
the PEIR, proposed construction could affect known, significant, archaeological, paleontological
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 10
and historical resources. Additionally, unknown cultural resources, including buried human
remains could be exposed,encountered, or accidentally discovered during excavation.
2. To address potential impacts on known, significant, archaeological, paleontological and
historical resources, the PEIR identifies mitigation measure 3.4-1, which requires the District to
complete a literature review to identify cultural resources within the individual project footprint
and in close proximity to the project alignment and to develop project-specific mitigation for
known cultural resources as appropriate.
3. To address potential impacts on accidentally discovered cultural resources, including
buried human remains, during construction, the PEIR identifies mitigation measures 3.4-2a and
3.4-2b. Prior to construction District staff and contractors will receive an archaeological
orientation from a professional archaeologist regarding the types of resources that could be
uncovered during construction activities and the identification of these resources. If cultural
resources are encountered during project excavation, construction personnel will avoid altering
the materials and their context until a qualified archaeologist has evaluated the situation.
4. The PEIR identifies mitigation measures 3.4-2c to address accidental discovery of human
remains during excavation activities. In the event of such discovery, construction work will be
halted and the county coroner notified. If remains are determined to be Native American, the
Native American Heritage Commission will be notified within 24 hours and District must adhere
to its guidelines for treatment and disposition of the remains.
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measure 3.4-1, and 3.4-2a through 3.4-
2c, have been required in, or incorporated into, the Plan, which avoid or substantially lessen
potential impacts on cultural resources to a less than significant level. These mitigation measures
are hereby adopted and have been incorporated into the mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program that has been concurrently adopted by this Board.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes the Plan's impact on geology and soils in Section 3.5. The PEIR
concludes that individual projects within the Plan could be constructed in areas that are
susceptible to seismicity and groundshaking and in soils with the potential for liquefaction and/or
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 1 1
2. The PEIR recommends mitigation measures 3.5-1 through 3.5-3 to address the Plan's
potential impacts on geology and soils. To reduce the potential impacts from seismic activity and
groundshaking, the PEIR recommends mitigation measures 3.5-1, which requires the District to
design and construct new facilities in accordance with District standards and applicable building
codes. To address potential liquefaction impacts, the PEIR recommends mitigation measure
3.5-2, which requires the District to conduct soil surveys to detennine liquefaction potential for
new project facilities and to install pipelines with consolidated engineered backfill. Finally, to
address potential settlement impacts, the PEIR recommends mitigation measure 3.5-3, which
requires areas of peat bogs to be consolidated or removed prior to construction and to install
pipelines with consolidated engineered backfill.,
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measures 3.5-1 through 3.5-3,have been
required in, or incorporated into, the Plan, which avoid or substantially lessen potential impacts
on geology and soils to a less than significant level. These mitigation measures are hereby
adopted and have been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program that
has been concurrently adopted by this Board.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes hazards and hazardous materials impacts in Section 3.6. According
to the PEIR, transportation, storage and accidental spill of hazardous materials associated with
Plan activities could result in a hazards and hazardous materials related impact. Hazardous
material accidents and spills represent a safety hazard for workers. Additionally, improperly
abandoned oil wells and contaminated soils may exist near proposed improvements. Abandoned
oil wells may act as conduits for surface contamination to reach groundwater, and well shafts can
pose safety, fire and explosion hazards during construction activities. The PEIR also concludes
that construction activity could encounter contaminated soils caused by leaking underground
storage tanks during construction.
2. In addition to the existing strict federal and state regulatory framework governing the use,
storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous waste and materials, the PEIR identifies
mitigation measures 3.6-1, 3.6-2, 3.6-3 and 3.6-4 to further reduce potential impacts related to
transportation, storage, accidental spill and disposal of hazardous materials. Mitigation measure
3.6-1 requires all transportation of hazardous materials to be conducted in accordance with
applicable federal, state and local regulations. Mitigation measure 3.6-2 requires the District to
file a Hazardous Materials Inventory and Business Emergency Plan prior to storing any
hazardous materials at any of the individual project locations contemplated in the Plan. In the
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 12
event of an accidental spill of hazardous materials, mitigation measure 3.6-3 requires immediate
spill containment in accordance with the requirements of the spill response and waste disposal
protocol identified in the materials safety data sheet and Business Emergency Plan. Finally,
mitigation measure 3.6-4 requires that the disposal of any hazardous waste generated under the
Plan occur at a properly permitted facility in accordance with applicable, federal, state and local
3. To address the potential impact from improperly abandoned oil wells at individual project
locations,the PEIR identifies mitigation measures 3.6-5a and 3.6-5b. These measures require the
District to identify existing and abandoned oil production wells prior to construction activities
and to follow California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal
Resources (DOGGR) specifications for any work pertaining to oil production wells prior to or
during construction activities.
4. The PEIR identifies mitigation measure 3.6-6 to reduce potential impacts associated with
existing soil contamination, including contamination caused by leaking underground storage
tanks. Prior to construction, sites with known contamination will be identified through database
screening. Additionally, soils will be sampled in areas of suspected contamination. In the event
that contaminated soils are encountered during project implementation, removal will be handled
in accordance with applicable regulations.
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measures 3.6-1 through 3.6-6,have been
required in, or incorporated into, the Plan, which avoid or substantially lessen potential impacts
relating to hazards and hazardous materials to a less than significant level. These mitigation
measures are hereby adopted and have been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program that has been concurrently adopted by this Board.
1. The PEIR analyzes hydrology and water quality impacts in Section 3.7. The proposed
construction activities could cause erosion and siltation and affect surface water quality through
stormwater runoff. Construction dewatering and discharge could also affect surface water
quality. Additionally, activities within jurisdictional areas, including wetlands, could impact
biological resources. In jurisdictional areas, construction activities such as equipment refueling
and vehicle use are of particular concern.
2. The PEIR recommends mitigation measure 3.7-1 to reduce the Plan's potential storm
water impacts. This measure addresses State Water Resource Control Board requirements under
the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and best management practices
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 13
for construction sites. For proposed collection system improvements,the District will ensure that
construction contractors implement Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) or
Stormwater Pollution Control Plans(SWPCP)as applicable to the specific project site.
3. The PEIR recommends mitigation measure 3.7-2 to reduce impacts to jurisdictional
areas. Prior to initiating activities within Waters of the United States, including jurisdictional
wetlands,the District will obtain the approved 401 Water Quality Certification from the Regional
Water Quality Control Board, the 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement from California
Department of Fish and Game, and the 404 permit from USACE as applicable for the specific
project site. Vehicle maintenance and fueling will be prohibited within 50 feet of the bank of
jurisdictional area. Following construction within a jurisdictional area, the affected area will be
returned to preconstruction grade.
4. The PEIR identifies mitigation measure 3.7-3 to reduce impacts from construction
dewatering activities. Prior to initiating construction dewatering activities, the District or its
designee will obtain authorization from the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board and
will comply with NPDES Permit No. CAG998001 for insignificant discharges to surface water
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measures 3.7-1 through 3.7-3, have been
required in, or incorporated into, the Plan, which avoid or substantially lessen potential impacts
on hydrology and water quality to a less than significant level. These mitigation measures are
hereby adopted and have been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program that has been concurrently adopted by the Board.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes impacts associated with Land Use and Planning in Section 3-8.
According to the PEIR, the Project could impact adjacent property owners and disrupt access to
adjacent land uses, businesses and community services.
2. The PEIR recommends mitigation measure 3.8-1, 3.8-2, 3.8-3 and 3.8-4 to address
potential land use and planning impacts. Mitigation measure 3.8-1 requires the District to notify
adjacent property owners, businesses, places of worship, schools, and emergency service
providers prior to construction. Mitigation measure 3.8-2 requires the District to coordinate with
local emergency service providers with stations adjacent to Plan projects to ensure that 24-hour
emergency access is maintained. Mitigation measure 3.8-3 requires the District to minimize
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 14
obstruction of driveways to adjacent land uses, such as schools, through the placement of steel
trench plates over open trenches. Finally, mitigation measure 3.8-4 requires the District to install
temporary signage indicating that businesses are open during construction.
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measure 3.8-1 through 3.8-4, have been
required in, or incorporated into, the Plan, which avoid or substantially lessen potential land use
and planning impacts to a less than significant level. These mitigation measures are hereby
adopted and have been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program that
has been concurrently adopted by this Board.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes noise and vibration in Section 3.9. According to the PEIR, the
construction activities associated with the proposed improvements could expose persons to or
generate groundborne vibration.
2. The PEIR recommends mitigation measure 3.9-2 to minimize impacts associated with
vibration. Project level review will be completed to identify specific areas susceptible to
groundborne vibration. For such areas, construction notification would occur and construction
activities would be limited to times allowed by applicable codes,noise ordinances or permits.
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measure 3.9-2, has been required in, or
incorporated into, the Plan, which avoid or substantially lessen potential groundborne vibration
impacts to a less than significant level. This mitigation measure is hereby adopted and has been
incorporated into the mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program that has been concurrently
adopted by this Board.
A. Facts
1. The PEIR analyzes impacts to Public Services in Section 3.11. According to the PEIR,
the construction activities associated with the proposed improvements could impact police
departments, fire departments, local service providers, and schools by increasing traffic
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 15
congestion and limiting access to facilities. Additionally, vandalism could occur at construction
sites and project activities could disrupt utilities and present safety hazards such as open trenches
or nuisances such as improper disposal of refuse.
2. The PEIR identifies numerous mitigation measures to address public services impacts,
including measures 3.11-1, 3.11-2, 3.11-3a through 3.11-3c, 3.11-4, 3.11-5a and 3.11-5b, 3.11-6a
through 3.11-6c, and 3.11-7. Mitigation measure 3.11-1 requires the District contractors to
provide copies of its traffic control plans to sheriff, local police and fire departments prior to
construction and to provide seventy-two hour notice prior to construction of individual Plan
projects. Mitigation measure 3.11-2 requires the District to maintain access to fire stations and
emergency medical facilities on a 24-hour basis and at least one access to medical facilities must
be maintained at all times. Medical facilities also will be notified of construction schedules.
Mitigation measure 3.11-3a through 3.11-3c requires the District to (1) secure construction areas
and backfill trenches promptly after pipeline installation and to place temporary steel plates over
trenches in active construction areas; (2) install barriers and warning signs to prevent pedestrians
from entering active construction areas and open trenches; and(3) restore construction areas to a
condition that is mutually acceptable to the District and affected jurisdiction. Mitigation measure
3.11-4 requires the District contractors to provide appropriate security measures for all staging
equipment and storage areas to prevent vandalism. Mitigation measure 3.11-5a and 3.11-5b
requires District contractors to dispose of construction waste at appropriate locations and to
maintain construction sites in an orderly manner, free of trash and debris. Mitigation measures
3.11-6a through 3.11-6c require detailed studies identifying existing utilities along individual
project routes and prescribed measures to ensure that any impacts on such utilities would be
minimized. Finally, mitigation measure 3.11-7 requires the District to coordinate with the
affected cities and County to explore joint-use projects and to ensure that plan projects are
compatible with any capital improvement plans that the affected jurisdiction may have planned
for the affected area.
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measures 3.11-1, 3.11-2, 3.11-3a
through 3.11-3 c, 3.11-4, 3.11-5 a and 3.11-5b, and 3.11-6a through 3.11-6c, and 3.11-7,have been
required in, or incorporated into, the Plan, which avoid or substantially lessen potential public
services impacts to a less than significant level. These mitigation measures are hereby adopted
and have been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program that has been
concurrently adopted by this Board.
A. Facts
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 16
1. The PEIR analyzes potential traffic and transportation impacts in section 3.12. As
described in this section, construction of collection system improvements will occur within city
streets and would impact traffic. This impact is identified in the PEIR as less than significant
with mitigation.
2. The PEIR identifies mitigation measures 3.12-la, 3.12-lb, 3.12-1c, 3.12-1d, 3.12-le,
3.12-1f, 3.12-1g, 3.12-1h, 3.12-li, 3.12-1j, and 3.12-1k. These mitigation measures require the
District to take a number of steps to reduce potential short-term traffic disruption to a less than
significant level. These measures specifically require the District(1)prepare traffic control plans;
(2) consider alternative routes for traffic; (3) use signage and traffic control devices where
appropriate; (4)maintain access for traffic,pedestrian,bikes, and businesses to the greatest extent
feasible; (5)obtain encroachment permits for work within public right-of-ways and near railways;
(6) minimize hazards to traffic and pedestrians; (7) restore public roadways; (8) coordinate work
with local projects in the same area; (9) consult with emergency service purveyors; (10)maintain
access to bus stops, (11) obtain temporary use permits for storage where appropriate; (12) solicit
input from neighborhood residents and consider such impacts when crafting appropriate site
specific mitigation; and (12) coordinate with southern California Regional Rail Authority for
temporary railroad right-of-way encroachments. Collectively, these mitigation measures will
reduce short term construction impacts on traffic and transportation to a less than significant
B. Findings
This Board finds that:
1. Changes or alterations, in the form of mitigation measures 3.12-1a through 3.12-1k, have
been required in, or incorporated into, the Plan, which avoid or substantially lessen potential
traffic and circulation impacts to a less than significant level. These mitigation measures are
hereby adopted and have been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program that has been concurrently adopted by this Board.
The PEIR concluded that certain environmental impacts would be "less than significant;"
therefore,no mitigation measures were recommended or necessary to reduce these impacts.
1. The PEIR discusses population and housing impacts in section 3.10. According to the
PEIR,the proposed Plan will not induce substantial growth in an area,either directly or
indirectly. Instead,the Plan would accommodate planned growth within the District service area.
Moreover,to the extent that any planned growth or development projects has occurred or would
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 17
occur within one or more of the jurisdictions within the District's service area boundary,the
environmental impacts of such growth would be evaluated in separate environmental documents
prepared by the jurisdiction with general land use authority.
B. Findings
The Board fmds that:
1. The Plan would have a less than significant population and housing impact;therefore,no
mitigation measures are required.
1. Under the "No Project" alternative, the District would continue implementation of the
collection system projects identified in the 1989 Master Plan and 1999 Strategic Plan. The "No
Project"alternative is discussed in more detail and compared to the proposed Plan in Section 4.3.
2. The Board finds that the "No Project" alternative is less desirable than the proposed
Project and rejects this alternative for the following reasons:
• The proposed collection improvements contemplated under the "No Project"
alternative are based on outdated wastewater flow assumptions and recommendations
that were included in the 1989 Master Plan and 1999 Strategic Plan. Because the
overall growth projections have changed since these earlier documents were
prepared, the previously planned improvements may not resolve all of the currently
projected deficiencies in the system and would increase the risk of sewer spills.
• The "No Project" alternative would not meet the basic objectives of the Plan, which
includes correcting capacity deficiencies to prevent sanitary sewer overflows and to
ensure compliance with the State General Waste Discharge Requirements (G)AMR)
for sewage collection agencies.
1. Under the "Trunk Capacity Optimization" alternative, the District would install and
operate flow control structures at key diversion points within the collection system. The
alternative would not require the installation of the extensive network of new pipelines that is
currently contemplated under the Plan. Instead,the District would balance sewer flows and divert
flows on surcharged trunk sewer lines to lines that have excess flow capacity. However, as the
PEIR notes, this alternative is considered a temporary fix and would only defer installation of
new pipeline as the capacity in the existing collection system diminishes.
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 18
2. The Board finds this alternative less desirable than the proposed Project and rejects this
alternative for the following reasons:
• This alternative would only temporarily avoid and minimize the significant impacts
of the Plan. Ultimately, the District will need to install new pipelines or replace existing
pipelines to accommodate the increased wastewater flows caused by future growth within
the District's service area boundary.
• This alternative would not meet the basic objectives of the Plan, which includes
correcting capacity deficiencies to prevent sanitary sewer overflows and to ensure
compliance with the State General Waste Discharge Requirements (GWDR) for sewage
collection agencies. The alternative would increase system surcharging and the risk of
sanitary sewer overflows,particularly during wet weather.
OCSD Collection System Improvement Plan 19
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the Board of Directors (Board) to
balance the benefits of a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks in
detennining whether to approve the project. (Public Resources Code Section 21081(b); State
CEQA Guidelines Sections 15043 and 15093 (a)). As documented in the Program Environmental
Impact Report (PEIR) for the Collection System Improvement Plan (Plan), collection system
improvements could result in significant and unavoidable impacts on air quality, noise, and
transportation and traffic during construction (Impacts 3.2-1, 3.9-1, 3.12-2). In addition, the
proposed collection system improvements would have significant unavoidable cumulative
impacts to air quality, noise, and transportation and traffic during construction. Therefore, the
Board must identify and explain, in writing, the specific benefits of this Plan that outweigh the
significant and unavoidable construction impacts.
The Board has balanced the Plan's benefits against the significant and unavoidable construction
impacts on air quality, noise, and transportation and traffic. The Board finds that the Plan's
benefits outweigh the significant and unavoidable impacts, and the impacts are therefore
acceptable in light of the Plan's benefits. The Board finds that each of the following benefits is
an overriding consideration, independent of the other benefits, that warrants approval of the Plan
notwithstanding the Plan's significant and unavoidable impacts:
1. Upgrades to Existing Wastewater Collection Facilities
The Plan is being undertaken to upgrade the existing wastewater collection system facilities to
serve the needs of the Sanitation District service area through 2030. As part of its 2006 Strategic
Plan Update(Job No. J-101),the Orange County Sanitation District completed a capacity analysis
of its trunk sewer system. The capacity analysis, based on recent growth projections for the
Sanitation District service area and simulation of flows in the Sanitation District collection
system under dry and wet weather conditions, identified portions of the collection system with
potential capacity deficiencies through 2030. The Plan includes upgrades to wastewater
collection facilities that have been specifically proposed to address potential capacity deficiencies
through 2030. As documented in the PEIR for the Plan, collection system improvements could
result in significant and unavoidable impacts on air quality, noise, and transportation and traffic
during construction. Compared to the temporary nature of these construction impacts that, while
significant, do not cause a permanent environmental change, the social benefits of these upgrades
to existing wastewater collection facilities will result in adequate wastewater collection facilities
to serve the needs of the Sanitation District service area through 2030.
2. Ensure Compliance with the California General Waste Discharge Requirements(GWDR)
for Sanitary Sewer Systems Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ(Order).
The Order was adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board on May 2, 2006. The Order
requires the Sanitation District to provide adequate capacity for conveyance of wastewater flows
and it requires the Sanitation District to maintain a System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance
plan for its collection system. The Plan is being undertaken to ensure compliance with the
California GWDR for Sanitary Sewer Systems Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ (Order)by providing
adequate capacity within the regional wastewater conveyance system to convey wastewater flows
and prevent sanitary sewer overflows. As documented in the PEIR for the Plan, collection system
improvements could result in significant and unavoidable impacts on air quality, noise, and
transportation and traffic during construction. Compared to the temporary nature of these
construction impacts that, while significant, do not cause a permanent environmental change, the
legal and environmental benefits of ensuring compliance with the California GWDR for Sanitary
Sewer Systems Order will result in adequate capacity within the regional wastewater conveyance
system to convey wastewater flows and prevent sanitary sewer overflows.
3. Cost Effective Implementation of the Capital Improvement Program
The Plan is being undertaken to provide cost effective implementation of the Sanitation District
Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CEP is updated annually to reflect new information on
sewer conditions,wastewater flows, and Orange County demographics. The CIP is reviewed and
revised to ensure that wastewater facilities are maintained and upgraded,and that CIP projects are
scheduled and completed in a timely and cost effective manner. As documented in the PEIR for
the Plan, collection system improvements could result in significant and unavoidable impacts on
air quality, noise, and transportation and traffic during construction. Compared to the temporary
nature of these construction impacts that, while significant, do not cause a permanent
environmental change, the economic benefits of cost effective implementation of the CIP will
ensure that wastewater facilities are maintained and upgraded, and that CIP projects are scheduled
and completed in a timely and cost effective manner.
EDMS:0 03 83 8068/1.9.a
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
Air Quality
Impact 3.2-1: Construction activities would Generate NOx emissions in exceedence of the daily significance thresholds resulting in a short-term impact to air quality.
Significant Unavoidable.
Mitigation Measure 3.2-1a: Contractors will maintain equipment engines in proper tune and operate construction equipment so as to minimize exhaust
Mitigation Measure 3.2-1 b: During construction,trucks and vehicles in loading or unloading queues will keep engines off,when not in use,to reduce vehicle
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include construction equipment exhaust Maintain record of contract specifications to verify Sanitation District During Design.
minimization and vehicle emissions reduction adherence to mitigation measures.
mitigation measures in contract specifications.
2. Conduct periodic site inspections to verify Maintain record of site inspection to verify adherence to Sanitation District During Construction.
adherence to mitigation measures. mitigation measures.
Impact 3.2-2: Construction activities would produce fugitive dust emissions resulting in a short-term impact to air quality. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.2-2: Contractors will reduce fugitive dust emissions through implementation of the following dust control measures:
• Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand,or other loose materials
• Apply water as necessary on all unpaved access roads, parking areas,and staging areas at construction sites
• Sweep all paved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites with sweepers
• Water or apply nontoxic soil stabilizers to exposed soil stockpiles or areas disturbed by construction activities which produce dust
• Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include fugitive dust control measures Maintain record of contract specifications to verify Sanitation District During Design.
in contract specifications. adherence to mitigation measures.
2. Conduct periodic site inspections to Maintain record of site inspection to verify Sanitation District During Construction.
verify adherence to mitigation adherence to mitigation measures.
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
Biological Resources
Impact 3.3-1: Areas of natural habitat within the footprint of proposed activities could impact special-status biological resources. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.3-1: Evaluation of impacts to special-status plants, birds, mammals, and amphibians and reptiles will occur at the project level.
Specifically, all areas of natural habitat within the footprint of proposed construction activities with potential to support special-status biological resources will be
surveyed according to standard protocol.Where special-status biological resources are identified within the project footprint, appropriate avoidance,
minimization,and mitigation measures will be implements. Depending on the special-status biological resources present, measures could include the following:
Where rare plants are identified within the project footprint,the following avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures will be implemented:
• Project design will be evaluated to determine if an exclusionary zone can be established around rare plant populations;where feasible,this will be
implemented,and construction activities will be relocated or modified to avoid impact.
• If rare plant populations cannot be avoided,appropriate salvage of plant propagules will be implemented, and suitable habitats for transplanting or re-
establishing population will be identified and implemented.
• Mitigation will include an analysis of suitability of alternative locations and identification of suitable propagation techniques.
• Procurement of conservation easements will be implemented for alternative suitable habitats if the habitats are not already secured with conservation status.
Where special-status nesting birds are identified within the project footprint,the following avoidance, minimization,and mitigation measures will be implemented:
• Project design will be evaluated to determine if a 500-foot minimum exclusionary zone can be established around active bird nests; where feasible,this will
be implemented,and construction activities will be relocated or modified to avoid impact.
• If nesting birds or active nest sites cannot be avoided, construction will be timed to avoid the active nesting season (February to August),and construction
activities will not commence in the vicinity of nests until young have fledged.
Where special-status mammals or bat roosts are identified within the project footprint,the following avoidance,minimization,and mitigation measures will be
• Project design will be evaluated to determine if a 500-foot minimum exclusionary zone can be established around active bat roosts;where feasible,this will
be implemented,and construction activities will be relocated or modified to avoid impact.
• Project design will be evaluated to determine if direct impacts to habitats supporting small mammals can be avoided with an exclusionary zone; where
feasible,this will be implemented, and construction activities will be relocated or modified to avoid impact.
• Where avoidance is not feasible,trapping or hazing of special-status mammals to remove them from the project site will be implemented, and individuals will
be relocated to suitable habitat nearby;temporary fencing will be installed to prohibit species from returning to the construction zone.
• If construction adjacent to bat roosts cannot be avoided, construction will be timed to avoid the parturition period(February to August), and construction
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
activities will not commence in the vicinity of maternity roosts until young are weaned.
• If construction must occur during the parturition period,then active bat roosts will be excluded prior to onset of breeding.
Where special-status amphibians and reptiles are identified within the project footprint,the following avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures will be
• Project design will be evaluated to determine if direct impacts to habitats supporting amphibians or reptiles can be avoided with an exclusionary zone;where
feasible,this will be implemented, and construction activities will be relocated or modified to avoid impact.
• Where avoidance is not feasible,trapping or hazing of special-status amphibians or reptiles to remove them from the project site will be implemented, and
individuals will be relocated to suitable habitat nearby;temporary fencing will be installed to prohibit species from returning to the construction zone.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Conduct biological surveys of all areas of Maintain biological survey reports for Sanitation District, California Department During Design.
natural habitat within the Project area. administrative record. of Fish and Game(CDFG), U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service(USFWS)
2. Include any requirements in contract Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District During Design.
specifications(if needed). Include administrative record.
necessary actions to address potential for
encountering biological resources.
3. Implement above stated mitigation Document implementation of mitigation Sanitation District During Design. During
measures(if needed). measures for administrative record. Construction.
4. Conduct periodic site inspections to verify Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District, CDFG, USFWS During Construction.
adherence to mitigation measures.
5. For unplanned encounters with biological Document implementation of mitigation. Sanitation District, CDFG, USFWS During Construction.
resources,contact a qualified biologist
and implement mitigation as appropriate.
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
Impact 3.3-2: Runoff from construction activities could impact aquatic fisheries. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.3-2: To avoid impacts to aquatic fisheries, best management practices will be implemented to avoid contaminant runoff from construction
practices. This will include the following:
• Equipment will not be operated in areas of ponded or flowing water. Stationary equipment such as motors, pumps, generators,and welders will be located a
minimum of 200 feet outside aquatic and wetland habitats;construction staging areas,stockpiling,and equipment storage will be located a minimum of 200
feet outside aquatic and wetland habitats.
• Construction vehicles and equipment will be checked periodically to ensure that proper working conditions with no potential for fugitive emissions of oil and
other hazardous products exists. Refueling or lubrication of vehicles and cleaning of equipment,or other activities that involve open use of fuels, lubricants,
or solvents,will occur in upland locations at least 200 feet away from aquatic or wetland habitats.
• Temporary sediment-retention structures, hay bales, or silt fencing will be placed downstream of construction areas; sediment-retention devices will prevent
sediment-laden water from draining offsite;sediment-retention devices structures will be maintained and repaired after flood events.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include best management practices Maintain record of contract Sanitation District, U.S.Army Corps of Prior to Approval of Plans and
and requirements in contract specifications for administrative Engineers(USACE), Regional Water Quality Specifications.
specifications. record. Control Board(RWQCB), CDFG
2. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District, USACE, RWQCB, CDFG During Construction.
Impact 3.3-3: Project activities within jurisdictional areas, including wetlands,would result in impacts to biological resources. Less Than Significant With Mitigation,
Mitigation Measure 3.3-3: Direct impacts to jurisdictional areas including wetlands generally will be avoided by identifying these communities at the project
analysis level and designing project components to avoid these areas. However, if impacts to jurisdictional wetlands cannot be avoided,then the following
mitigation will be implemented:
• Delineation of affected jurisdictional sites will be implemented and impacts analyzed;this information will support permit applications to the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers(USACE)under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
• A proposed mitigation plan to compensate for impacts to jurisdictional areas will be developed and approved by the USACE; it will be implemented to
compensate for impacts.
• To avoid indirect impacts to jurisdictional areas from contaminant runoff, Mitigation Measure 3.3-2 will be implemented.
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Complete jurisdictional delineation of Maintain record of jurisdictional Sanitation District, USACE, RWQCB, During Design.
waters and/or wetlands. delineation for administrative record. CDFG
2. Acquire above stated permit if activities Maintain record of permit for Sanitation District, USACE, RWQCB, Prior to Commencement of
will occur within jurisdictional waters or administrative record. CDFG Construction Activities.
3. Include requirement for permit Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District During Construction.
compliance in contract specifications. for administrative record.
4. Implement compensatory mitigation. Maintain record of compensatory Sanitation District, USACE, RWQCB, After Construction.
mitigation. CDFG
Cultural Resources
Impact 3.4-1: Project activities could affect known, significant archaeological, paleontological, and historical resources. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.4-1: During preliminary design a Registered Professional Archaeologist(RPA)will complete a literature review using the archives of the
South Central Coastal Information Center of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS), located at California State University Fullerton,and
other sources as needed to identify previous cultural resources studies and previously recorded archaeological sites within close proximity to the project
alignment. The literature search will also include a search of the Sacred Lands Database maintained by the California Native American Heritage Commission
Using the results of the literature review in part,the archaeologist will develop a cultural resources sensitivity map for the project alignment,followed by a
determination of specific areas of the project that may require preconstruction survey, subsurface testing, or construction monitoring. Cultural resources identified
as a result of the literature review,field survey,testing,or construction monitoring will be evaluated by a Registered Professional Archaeologist to determine
whether they meet the criteria for designation as a historical resource(14 CCR§4850, PRC§21084.1, 14 CCR§ 15064.5(3))or a"unique archeological
resource"as defined in PRC§21083.2. If resources are present on state lands, Office of Historic Preservation(OHP)will be consulted (PRC§21083.2).
For sites within project alignment where human remains have been previously documented,the Sanitation District would enter into a written agreement between
an archaeological consultant,to be retained by the Sanitation District,and a Native American representative prior to construction in the vicinity of these sites.
This agreement would specify terms as to the treatment and disposition of the human remains,and will define"associated burial goods"with reference to PRC
§5097.94,5097.98,and 5097.99 and Health and Safety Code§7050.5.
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. RPA completes record search and develops Retain record search and sensitivity Sanitation District, CHRIS, NAHC During Design.
sensitivity map. map.
2. Conduct preconstruction survey/subsurface Maintain record of preconstruction Sanitation District During Design.
testing(if needed). survey/subsurface testing.
3. Include any requirements in contract Monitor compliance with construction Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
specifications(if needed). contract specifications. Specifications.
4. Consult with OHP (if needed). Document consultation with OHP. Sanitation District, OHP During Design.
5. Conduct construction monitoring (if needed). Maintain record of construction Sanitation District During Construction.
oversight for administrative record.
6. Enter agreement with archaeological consultant Retain agreement. Sanitation District, Native Prior to Commencement of
and Native American representative(if needed). American representative Construction Activities.
Impact 3.4-2: Construction excavation could expose,encounter,or accidentally discover cultural resources,including buried human remains. Less Than Significant With
Mitigation Measure 3.4-2a: Subsurface construction has the potential for exposing significant subsurface cultural resources. Due to the likelihood of
encountering cultural resources,the Sanitation District will implement the following prior to commencement of construction activities:
• Prior to construction,contractors,and Sanitation District staff will receive an archaeological orientation from a professional archaeologist regarding the types
of resources that could be uncovered during construction activities and the identification of these resources.The orientation also will cover procedures to
follow in the case of any archaeological discovery.
Mitigation Measure 3.4-2b: If cultural resources are encountered at any time during project excavation,construction personnel will avoid altering these
materials and their context until a qualified archaeologist has evaluated the situation. Project personnel will not collect or retain cultural resources. Prehistoric
resources include, but are not limited to,chert or obsidian flakes, projectile points, mortars and pestles, dark friable soil containing shell and bone, dietary debris,
heat-affected rock, or human burials. Historic resources include stone or adobe foundations or walls; structures and remains with square nails,and refuse
deposits(glass, metal,wood, ceramics)often found in old wells and privies.
Mitigation Measure 3.4-2c: In the event accidental discovery or recognition of any human remains,the county coroner will be notified immediately, and
construction activities will be halted. If the remains are found to be Native American,the Native American Heritage Commission will be notified within 24 hours.
Guidelines of the Native American Heritage Commission will be adhered to in the treatment and disposition of the remains.
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Conduct archaeological orientation from a Document completion of archaeological Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
professional archaeologist. orientation for administrative record. Specifications.
2. Include necessary actions in contract specifications Maintain record of contract specifications, Sanitation District, NAHC, During Design.
to address potential for encountering cultural including geotechnical evaluation for County Coroner
resources and/or human remains. administrative record.
3. In the event of accidental discovery of buried human Stop work and notify county coroner, Sanitation District, NAHC, During Construction.
remains, implement Mitigation Measure 3.4-2c. archaeologist,and NAHC. County Coroner
Geology and Soils
Impact 3.5-1: Project facilities would be located in areas susceptible to seismicity and groundshaking. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.5-1: The Sanitation District will design and construct new facilities in accordance with Sanitation District standards and/or applicable
building codes.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Conduct design level geotechnical evaluations Maintain record of contract specifications, including Sanitation District During Design.
and include in contract specifications. geotechnical evaluation for administrative record.
2. Require compliance with Sanitation District Maintain record of contract specifications, including Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
standards and/or applicable building codes in geotechnical evaluation for administrative record. Specifications.
contract specifications.
3. Construct facilities according to contract Maintain record of inspections as appropriate. Sanitation District During Construction.
Impact 3.5-2: Project facilities could be placed in areas with the potential for liquefaction. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.5-2: Soil surveys will be conducted to determine the liquefaction potential along the collection system improvement routes. Pipelines will
be installed within consolidated, engineered backfill.
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Conduct design level geotechnical evaluations Maintain record of contract specifications, Sanitation District During Design.
and include in contract specifications. including geotechnical evaluation for
administrative record.
2. Include requirement for pipelines to be Maintain record of contract specifications, Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
installed within consolidated,engineered including geotechnical evaluation for Specifications.
backfill, in contract specifications. administrative record.
3. Construct facilities according to contract Maintain record of inspections as appropriate. Sanitation District During Construction.
Impact 3.5-3: Project facilities could be placed in soils susceptible to settlement. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.5-3: Areas of peat bogs will be consolidated before construction or peat material will be removed prior to construction. Pipelines will be
installed within consolidated, engineered backfill.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Conduct design level geotechnical evaluations Maintain record of contract specifications, including Sanitation District During Design.
and include in contract specifications. geotechnical evaluation for administrative record.
2. Include requirement for pipelines to be Maintain record of contract specifications,including Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans
installed within consolidated, engineered geotechnical evaluation for administrative record. and Specifications.
backfill,in contract specifications.
3. Construct facilities according to contract Maintain record of inspections as appropriate. Sanitation District During Construction.
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Impact 3.6-1: Transportation of hazardous materials associated with Project activities could result in a hazards and hazardous materials related impact. Less Than
Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.6-1: Transportation of hazardous materials will be in accordance with all federal,state,and local regulations.
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include requirements for hazardous materials Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
transportation in contract specifications. administrative record. Specifications.
Impact 3.6-2: Storage of hazardous materials associated with Project activities could result in a hazards and hazardous materials related impact. Less Than Significant
With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.6-2: Prior to storage of hazardous materials,a Hazardous Materials Inventory and Business Emergency Plan will be filed with the Orange
County Fire Authority.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include requirement for completing Hazardous Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
Materials Inventory and Business Emergency administrative record. Specifications.
Plan in contract specifications.
Impact 3.6-3: Accidental spill of hazardous materials associated with Project activities could result in a hazards and hazardous materials related impact. Less Than
Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.6-3: In the event of an accidental spill, containment and cleanup will occur in conformance with the spill response and waste disposal
procedures identified in the Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS)and in the Business Emergency Plan.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include requirement for spill containment and Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
cleanup in contract specifications. administrative record. Specifications.
Impact 3.6-4: Improper disposal of hazardous materials could result in a hazards and hazardous materials related impact. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.6-4: Disposal of hazardous waste generated as part of construction or operation activities will occur at a properly permitted facility in
accordance with federal and state laws.
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include requirements for disposal of hazardous Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
waste in contract specifications. administrative record. Specifications.
Impact 3.6-5: Improperly abandoned oil wells may exist within excavation alignments. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.6-5a: Prior to construction,the Sanitation District will identify existing and abandoned oil production wells within the project area using
California Department of Conservation, California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas,and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR), District 1 well
location maps.Access to identified non-abandoned oil wells will be maintained. Previously abandoned wells identified beneath proposed structures or utility
corridors may need to be plugged to current DOGGR specifications including adequate gas venting systems.
Mitigation Measure 3.6-5b: Should construction activities uncover previously unidentified oil production wells,the DOGGR will be notified, and the well will be
abandoned following DOGGR specifications for well abandonment.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include in contract Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District, DOGGR Prior to Construction.
specifications. administrative record.
2. Construct facilities according Maintain record of inspections as appropriate. Sanitation District During Construction.
to contract specifications.
Impact 3.6-6: Construction activities could encounter areas of contamination, including contamination associated with leaking underground storage tanks. Less Than
Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.6-6: During project design,a database screening would be completed for listing of all known contamination sites, including contamination
associated with leaking underground storage tanks.Additionally, soils sampling would be completed for the presence of total recoverable petroleum
hydrocarbons(TRPH),volatile organics,and metals. In the event of suspected contamination from adjacent land uses, soil sampling would be completed to
verify hazardous substances. Under the Sanitation District's standard construction specifications,the Sanitation District and its contractors would comply with all
applicable regulatory requirements for the assessment,testing, remediation, removal,and disposal of hazardous wastes/materials.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Complete database screening. Maintain record of database screening. Sanitation District During Design.
2. Complete soil sampling for TRPH. Maintain record of soil sampling. Sanitation District During Design.
3. Include requirements for assessment,testing, remediation removal, Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District During Design. During
and disposal (if applicable), in the contract specifications. for administrative record. Construction.
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4. Construct facilities according to contract specifications. Maintain record of inspections as Sanitation District During Construction.
Hydrology and Water Quality
Impact 3.7-1: Construction activities could result in erosion and siltation related stormwater impacts to surface water quality. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.7-1: Prior to the initiation of ground-disturbing activities for sewer improvements with surface disturbances of 1 acre or more,the
Sanitation District(or its designee)will obtain approval from the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board)under the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES)General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity(General Permit).This includes submitting a
Notice of Intent(NOI)to the State Board and developing and implementing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). For sewer improvements with
less than 1 acre of surface disturbances,the Sanitation District(or its designee)will develop and implement a Stormwater Pollution Control Plan (SWPCP)prior
to initiating ground-disturbing activities. The SWPPP or SWPCP will identify potential sources of sediment and other pollutants that could affect the quality of the
stormwater discharge, and will specify best management practices(BMPs)to prevent or minimize the introduction of sediment and pollutants into surface waters
from a construction site. BMP methods of erosion and sediment control might include straw bales, silt fences, and other control techniques. Monitoring and
maintenance requirements will be specified in the SWPPP or SWPCP.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include requirement for stormwater permit Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
in contract specifications. administrative record. Specifications.
2. Include requirement for SWPPP or Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
SWPCP in contract specifications. administrative record. Specifications.
3. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District, SWRCB, During Construction.
inspections. RWQCB
Impact 3.7-2: Project activities within jurisdictional areas, including wetlands,would result in impacts to biological resources. Construction activities could also result in
impacts to jurisdictional areas associated with equipment refueling and vehicle use. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.7-2: Prior to initiating activities within Waters of the Unites States, including jurisdictional wetlands,the Sanitation District(or its designee)
will obtain the approved 401 Water Quality Certification from the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board), the 1600 Streambed Alteration
Agreement from California Department of Fish and Game(CDFG), and the 404 Permit from the USACE.Vehicle maintenance and fueling will be restricted from
areas within 50 feet of the bank of a jurisdictional area. Following construction within a jurisdictional area,the affected area will be returned to preconstruction
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Acquire above stated permits if activities will Maintain record of permits for Sanitation District, USACE, RWQCB, During Design.
occur within jurisdictional waters or wetlands. administrative record. CDFG
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2. Include requirement for permit compliance in Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans
contract specifications. for administrative record. and Specifications.
3. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District, USACE, RWQCB, During Construction.
inspections. CDFG
Impact 3.7-3: Construction dewatering discharges could result in impacts to surface water quality. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.7-3: Prior to the initiation of construction dewatering activities the Sanitation District(or its designee)will obtain authorization from the
Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board and will comply with the NPDES Permit No. CAG998001, General Waste Discharge Requirements for
Discharges to Surface Waters that Pose an Insignificant(De Minimus)Threat to Water Quality,for insignificant discharges to surface water bodies, including but
not limited to discharge of dewatered groundwater.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include requirement for construction dewatering Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District, RWQCB Prior to Approval of Plans and
permit authorization in contract specifications. for administrative record. Specifications.
2. Conduct periodic construction site inspections. Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District, RWQCB During Construction.
Land Use and Planning
Impact 3.8-1: Construction activities could impact adjacent property owners,including businesses and places of worship. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.8-1: The Sanitation District will provide notices of construction to adjacent property owners, including businesses and places of worship,
prior to initiating construction activities. Notices of construction will include a contact and telephone number of Sanitation District staff that can be contacted
regarding questions or concerns about construction activities.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include the preparation and distribution of notifications Maintain record of notifications. Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
prior to construction activities in contract specifications. Specifications.
2. Contractor provides notification. Maintain record of notifications. Sanitation District Prior to Commencement of Construction
Impact 3.8-2: Construction activities could affect 24-hour emergency access at adjacent fire stations, police stations,and hospitals. Less Than Significant With
Mitigation Measure 3.8-2: The Sanitation District will coordinate with officials of adjacent fire stations, police stations, and hospitals to ensure that 24-hour
emergency access is available.
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Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include 24-hour emergency access in Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
contract specifications. for administrative record. Specifications.
2. Coordinate with local authorities. Maintain record of communication with Sanitation District, Local Authorities During Construction.
local authorities.
3. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District, Local Authorities During Construction.
Impact 3.8-3: Construction activities could result in disruption of access to adjacent land uses including schools. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.8-3: To minimize disruption of access to driveways of adjacent land uses including schools during construction,the Sanitation District(or
its contractor)will maintain steel trench plates to provide vehicle access across trenches.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include steel trench plates for access to Contact local jurisdictions for specific steel trench Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
driveways affected by trenches in contract plating requirements. Maintain record of contract Specifications.
specifications. specifications for administrative record.
2. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District During Construction.
Impact 3.8-4: Construction activities could result in disruption to adjacent businesses. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.8-4: To minimize disruption to adjacent businesses during construction,the Sanitation District will provide temporary signage indicating
that businesses are open.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include signage for impacted Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
businesses in contract specifications. for administrative record. Specifications.
2. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District During Construction.
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Impact 3.9-1: Construction activities could result in short-term noise disruptions to surrounding areas. Significant Unavoidable.
Mitigation Measure 3.9-1: To minimize noise disruption during construction,construction activities will generally be scheduled to occur during times allowed by
applicable codes, noise ordinances or permits.Additionally,the following mitigations could be implemented as required:
• Noise reduction measures such as sound blankets or temporary sound walls could be used to reduce noise generation from stationary noise generating
equipment during construction.
• Stationary noise generating equipment such as generators could be placed within the jacking pits where possible to reduce noise during construction.
• Pile driving activities or other particularly disruptive construction could be limited to specific times agreed to with agencies of jurisdiction or adjacent property
owners prior to construction.
• Where appropriate, noise monitoring at the closest sensitive receptors could be conducted and reports submitted to the city of jurisdiction.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include construction restrictions of applicable Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
codes in contract specifications. for administrative record. Specifications.
2. Include construction noise mitigation Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
measures in contract specifications. for administrative record. Specifications.
3. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District During Construction.
Impact 3.9-2: Construction activities could expose persons to, or generate, groundborne vibration. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.9-2: Project level review will be completed and will identify specific areas susceptible to groundborne vibration. For such identified areas,
construction notification would occur and construction activities would be limited to times allowed by applicable codes, noise ordinances or permits.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Complete project level review and Maintain record of project level review and Sanitation District During Design.
identification of specific areas susceptible identification of specific areas susceptible to
to groundborne vibration. groundborne vibration for administrative record.
2. Include construction restrictions of Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
applicable codes in contract specifications. administrative record. Specifications.
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3. Include construction notification Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
requirements in contract specifications. administrative record. Specifications.
4. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District During Construction.
Public Services
Impact 3.11-1: Traffic impacts associated with construction activities could impact police departments,fire departments, local service providers, and schools. Less Than
Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-1: The contractor will provide a copy of the Traffic Control Plan to the Sheriff's Department, local police departments,and fire
departments prior to construction.The Sanitation District will provide 72-hour notice of construction to the local service providers of individual pipeline segments.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Provide Traffic Control Plan to local Maintain Traffic Control Plan and record of Sanitation District Prior to Commencement of
authorities, service providers,and schools, notifications for administrative record. Construction.
prior to construction.
2. Include 72-hour notice of construction in Maintain Traffic Control Plan and record of Sanitation District During Construction.
contract specifications. notifications for administrative record.
3. Contractor provides notification. Maintain record of notifications. Sanitation District Prior to Commencement of
Construction Activities.
Impact 3.11-2: Construction activities could impact access to fire stations and emergency medical facilities. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-2: Access to fire stations and emergency medical facilities will be maintained on a 24-hour basis, and at least one access to medical
facilities will be available at all times during construction.The Sanitation District will notify appropriate officials at the medical facility regarding construction
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include 24-hour access requirements Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
in construction contract specifications. and notifications for administrative record. Specifications.
2. Include medical facility notification in Maintain record of contract specifications Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
construction contract specifications. and notifications for administrative record. Specifications.
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Collection System Improvement Plan
3. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District, Fire Stations, During Construction.
inspections. Emergency Medical Facilities
Impact 3.11-3: Open trenches associated with construction activities could result in a safety impact. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-3a: Construction areas will be secured or trenches will be backfilled promptly after pipeline installation. If installation is incomplete,
steel trench plates will be used to cover open trenches as appropriate for the specific site.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-3b: Construction contractors will ensure that adequate barriers are established to prevent pedestrians from entering the open
trenches of an active construction area.Warnings will be posted sufficient distances from the work area to allow pedestrians to cross the street at controlled
Mitigation Measure 3.11-3c: To ensure aesthetic consistency and public safety,construction contractors will restore disturbed areas along the alignment as
mutually agreed by the Sanitation District and local jurisdictions prior to construction.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include site safety measures in Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
construction contract specification. administrative record. Specifications.
2. Include site restoration requirements Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District During Design.
in contract specifications. administrative record.
3. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District During Construction.
4. Restore site according to contract Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District During Construction.
Impact 3.11-4: During construction activities impacts associated with the vandalism of equipment at staging and storage areas could occur. Less Than Significant With
Mitigation Measure 3.11-4: Construction contractors will be responsible for providing appropriate security measures for all equipment staging and/or storage
areas needed for sewer improvement projects.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include contractor security responsibility in Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
the construction contract specification. administrative record. Specifications.
2. Implement security measures in contract Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District During Construction.
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Impact 3.11-5: Improper disposal of construction refuse would impact public services. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-5a: Construction contractors will dispose of construction refuse at approved disposal locations. Contractors will not be permitted to
dispose of construction debris in residential or business containers.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-5b: Construction contractors will be required to keep construction and staging areas orderly,free of trash and debris.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include waste disposal methods in Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
construction contract specifications. administrative record. Specifications.
2. Implement waste disposal methods in Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District During Construction.
contract specifications.
Impact 3.11-6: Project activities could result in impacts associated with disruptions to existing utilities. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-6a: A detailed study identifying utilities along the pipeline routes will be conducted during the design stages of sewer improvement
projects. For segments with potential adverse impacts,the following mitigations will be implemented.
• Utility excavation or encroachment permits will be required from the appropriate agencies.These permits include measures to minimize utility disruption. The
Sanitation District and its contractors will comply with permit conditions, and such conditions will be included in construction contract specifications.
• Utility locations will be verified through field surveys.
• Detailed specifications will be prepared as part of the design plans to include procedures for the excavation, support, and fill of areas around utility cables
and pipes. All affected utility services will be notified of Sanitation District construction plans and schedule.Arrangements will be made with these entities
regarding protection, relocation, or temporary disconnection of services.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-6b: To reduce potential impacts associated with utility conflicts,the following measures will be implemented in conjunction with
• Disconnected cables and lines will be promptly reconnected.
• The Sanitation District will observe Department of Health and Safety(DHS)standards,which require a 10-foot horizontal separation between parallel sewer
and water mains and 1-foot vertical separation between perpendicular water and sewer line crossings. In the event that the separation requirements cannot
be maintained,the Sanitation District will obtain DHS variance through provisions of water encasement,or other means deemed suitable by DHS, and by
encasing water mains in protective sleeves where a new sewer force main crosses under or over an existing sewer main.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-6c: The construction contractor will comply with Sanitation District requirements and specifications to protect existing utility lines.
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Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Complete underground utility surveys Maintain utility surveys for the Sanitation District During Design.
as part of project design. administrative record.
2. Implement mitigation measures listed Maintain all appropriate Sanitation District During Design, During Construction,
above. documentation.
3. Obtain permits, as appropriate. Maintain permits for the Sanitation District, Permitting Agencies Prior to commencement of construction
administrative record. activities.
4. Include specific requirements related Maintain record of contract Sanitation District Prior to approval of plans and
to utilities in construction contract specifications for administrative specifications.
specifications. record.
5. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District During Construction.
Impact 3.11-7: Projects could affect the compatibility of existing and future projects. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.11-7: The Sanitation District shall coordinate with the Orange County Resources and Development Management Department(RDMD)
and other jurisdictions as required to ensure compatibility and joint-use feasibility with existing and future projects.
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Coordinate with local authorities to Maintain record of coordination for Sanitation District, RDMD, local During Design.
ensure project compatibility. administrative record. jurisdictions,Caltrans
2. Include compatibility requirements in Maintain record of contract Sanitation District During Design.
contract specifications. specifications for administrative
3. Construct facilities according to Maintain record of inspections as Sanitation District During Construction.
contract specifications. appropriate.
Transportation and Traffic
Impact 3.12-1: Construction activities will occur within city streets and would impact traffic. Less Than Significant With Mitigation.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1a: Traffic control plans will be prepared by a qualified professional engineer as required prior to the construction phase of each sewer
line project.
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Mitigation Measure 3.12-1 b: Traffic control plans will consider the ability of alternative routes to carry additional traffic and will identify the least disruptive
hours of construction, site truck access routes,and the type and location of warning signs, lights,and other traffic control devices. Consideration will be given to
maintaining access to commercial parking lots, private driveways, sidewalks, bikeways, and equestrian trails to the greatest extent feasible.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1 c: Encroachment permits for all work within or adjacent to public rights-of-way will be obtained from each appropriate agency prior to
commencement of any construction.Agencies could include California Department of Transportation(Caltrans), RDMD and the various city agencies where work
will occur. The Sanitation District will comply with traffic control requirements, as identified by Caltrans and the affected local jurisdictions.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1d: Traffic control plans will comply with the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook and/or the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices, as determined by each affected local agency,to minimize any traffic and pedestrian hazards that exist during project construction.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1e: Public roadways will be restored to their existing condition after project construction is completed.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1f: The Sanitation District will attempt to schedule construction of relief facilities to occurjointly with other public works projects
already planned in the affected locations,through careful coordination with all local agencies involved.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1g: Emergency service purveyors will be contacted and consulted to preclude the creation of unnecessary traffic bottlenecks that will
seriously impede response times.Additionally, measures to provide an adequate level of access to private properties will be maintained to allow delivery of
emergency services.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1 h: Orange County Transportation Authority(OCTA)will be contacted when construction affects roadways that are part of the OCTA
bus transit network. Adequate procedures will be implemented to keep bus routes and station accessible to users.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1 is Construction traffic, mainly trucks,will be routed in a way to minimize impacts to sensitive neighborhoods. In addition, storage and
staging of materials and equipment will be done after obtaining a Temporary Use Permit,when needed.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1 j: An effort will be made to solicit input from residents in the neighborhoods of the proposed improvements.These inputs will be
considered in the planning phase through construction to mitigate the residents'concerns.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-1 k: For sewer improvements that occur within railroad rights-of-way,the Sanitation District will follow the Southern California Regional
Rail Authority(SCRRA) procedures for right-of-way encroachment—SCRRA Form No. 36.The procedures for temporary encroachment calls for: (1)the
submittal of a written statement of the reason and location of the encroachment; (2)a completed and executed SCRRA Form No.6, Right-of-Entry Agreement;
(3)plan check, inspection,and flagging fees; and (4)insurance certificates, as described in the Right-of-Entry Agreement. Per SCRRA Form No. 6,the
Sanitation District must comply with the rules and regulations of this agreement at all times when working on SCRRA property, including those outlines in the
"Rules and Requirements for Construction at Railway Property, SCRRA Form No. 37"and"General Safety Regulations for Construction/Maintenance Activity on
Railway Property."
Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Contract with qualified traffic control engineer to Maintain copy of traffic control plan for Sanitation District During Design.
prepare traffic control plan for each construction administrative record.
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2. Ensure that issues identified in mitigation Maintain copy of traffic control plan for Sanitation District During Design.
measures are included in traffic control plan. administrative record.
3. Include within construction contract Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District, Caltrans, Prior to Approval of Plans
specifications the acquisition of all necessary administrative record. Maintain permits for the RDMD, OCTA, Local Jurisdictions and Specifications.
encroachment permits. administrative record.
4. Conduct periodic construction site inspections. Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District, Caltrans, During Construction.
RDMD, OCTA, Local Jurisdictions
5. Include application for SCRRA encroachment Maintain record of contract specifications for Sanitation District, SCRRA Prior to Approval of Plans
permit in construction contract specifications. administrative record. Maintain permits for the and Specifications,
administrative record.
Impact 3.12-2: Construction of collection system improvement projects would include lane closures and limited road closures that would worsen level of service(LOS)
along local roadways. Significant Unavoidable.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-2a: Where lane closures are necessary for construction of sewer improvement projects,all construction equipment will be staged
within the closed lanes or in staging areas outside of city streets.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-2b: Where lane or road closures are necessary for construction of sewer improvement projects,adequate signage will be provided
informing local residents and business owners of construction activities prior to commencement of construction activities.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-2c: Where lane or road closures are necessary for construction of sewer improvement projects, cones and/or traffic guards will be
used to clearly indicate the locations and directions of temporarily altered traffic lanes.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-2d: The construction technique for implementation of the proposed sewer lines, such as tunneling,cut-and-cover with partial street
closure, or cut-and-cover with full street closure,will include consideration of the ability of the roadway system, both the street in question and alternate routes, to
carry existing traffic volumes during project construction. If necessary,adjacent parallel streets will be selected as alternate alignments for the proposed sewer
improvements.As required by local jurisdictions,trunk sewers will be jacked under select major intersections to avoid traffic disruption and congestion.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-2e: Public streets generally will be kept operational during construction, particularly in the morning and evening peak hours of traffic.
Lane closures will be minimized during peak traffic hours.
Mitigation Measure 3.12-2f: Where road closures are necessary for construction of sewer improvement projects, signage will be posted informing motorists of
road closures and delineating suitable detours, both prior to and during the duration of construction activities. Prior to initiating a road closure,coordination with
local jurisdictions, including Caltrans,will occur.
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Implementation Procedure Actions Responsibility Schedule
1. Include adherence to the traffic Maintain traffic control plan, permits, Sanitation District Prior to Approval of Plans and
control plan in construction contract and construction schedule and Specifications.
specifications. methods for administrative record.
2. Include coordination with local Maintain traffic control plan, permits, Sanitation District, Local Jurisdictions Prior to Approval of Plans and
jurisdictions,signage and notification and construction schedule and Specifications.
in construction contract specifications. methods for administrative record.
3. Conduct periodic construction site Maintain record of site inspections. Sanitation District, Local Jurisdictions During Construction.
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