HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCSD 05-17... ' RESOLUTION NO. OCSD 05-17 AUTHORIZING INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS AND FILING OF APPLICATION TO LAFCO RE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (ANNEXATION NO. OCSD 52 -CRAWFORD ANNEXATION) A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, AUTHORIZING INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS AND REQUESTING THE ORANGE COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT OF TERRITORY KNOWN AS ANNEXATION NO. OCSD 52 -CRAWFORD ANNEXATION The Board of Directors of Orange County Sanitation District, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER: Section 1. That proceedings are hereby authorized to be initiated by Orange County Sanitation District, and the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission is hereby requested to take proceedings for the annexation of territory designated as "Annexation No. OCSD-52 -Crawford Annexation to Orange County Sanitation District", the boundaries of which are more particularly described and delineated on Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto and by reference made a part of this Resolution, according to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth in this Resolution in the manner provided by the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985; and, Section 2. That this proposal is made pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, Division 3, commencing with Section 56000 of the California Government Code; and, Section 3. That this application is for the purpose of annexing approximately .349 acres of territory to the District in the vicinity of Randall Street and Frank Street, in an unincorporated area of Orange County, to provide sanitary sewer service to said territory, as requested by John and Jacquelyn Crawford, property owners, which said service is not now provided by any public agency; and, Section 4. That the territory to be annexed is uninhabited; and, 1 ' Section 5. That this proposal is consistent with the adopted sphere of influence of the District; and, Section 6. That proposed Annexation No. OCSD-52 shall be subject to the condition that all fees required to be paid to the District must be satisfied prior to completion of the annexation proceedings; and, Section 7. That the District hereby agrees, pursuant to Section 99.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, to waive its ad valorem property tax allocation exchange with other affected taxing agencies. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting heldJune 22, 2005. Chair ATTEST: B~a!1·f& l,~ > -'· v' I ' ' " .. _,, "\ h· / 1, I '::.., -' r ---,"'--' ,•: r,J' ,, / ' , ) , . ·; .I f11 .. ) ' I l ·) ', 2 ) . ~ EXHIBIT "A" OCSD-52 Crawford Annexation No. DA 05-22 to the Orange County Sanitation District That portion of land situated in the unincorporated territory of the County of Orange, 2 State of California, being all of Lot 64, a portion of Randall Street, Lot "A", and Frank 3 Street, Lot "F" of Tract 752, Book 25, Pages 12-14 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office 4 of the County Recorder of said County, more particularly described as follows: 5 Beginning at the an angle point in the existing boundary of the Orange County 6 Sanitation District (OCSD), as established by the "OCSD-35 Kirkland Annexation No. 1 DA 03-22", to said District, said point being the northwesterly terminus of that certain s course described as "N08°28'19'W 70.00"' of said annexation, a tie from said point 9 bears South 68°02'53" East 908.36 feet from Orange County Horizontal Control Station 10 GPS No. 3192, having a coordinate value (U.S. Survey foot) of North 2243089.237 and 11 East 6095869.521, based upon the California Coordinate System (CCS 83), Zone VI, 12 1983 NAO ( 1991.35 epoch OCS GPS Adjustment) as said GPS No. 3192 is shown on 13 · Tract 13833 filed in Book 690, P~ges 21-24, Miscellaneous Maps of said County, said 14 point also being on the centerline of Randall Street, Lot "A", said point also being the 15 Point of Beginning. 16 THENCE following along the centerline of Randall Street, North 08°28'19" East 80.00 17 feet, to the intersection of said centerline and the centerline of Frank Street, Lot "F"; 18 THENCE following along the said centerline of Frank, North 81°31'41" East 190.00 feet, 19 to the intersection of said centerline and the northerly prolongation of the easterly 20 boundary of said Lot 64; 21 THENCE following along the easterly boundary of said lot, South 08°28'19" East 80.00 22 feet, to an angle point in the northeasterly boundary of said OCSD -35 Kirkland 3 Annexation No. DA 03-22; 24 THENCE following along the northerly boundary of said OCSD -35 Kirkland Annexation 25 No. DA 03-22, South 81°31 '41" West 190.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. 26 27 Page I of2 EXHIBIT "A" OCSD-52 Crawford Annexation No. DA 05-22 to the Orange County Sanitation District Unless otherwise noted, all distances are ground and are based upon the California 2 Coordinate System (CCS 83), Zone VI, 1983 NAO (1991.35 EPOCH OCS GPS 3 Adjustment). To obtain grid distances, multiply the ground distances by 0.99997284. 4 s The above-described parcel of land contains 0.349 acres, more or less. 6 1 All as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference, made a part thereof. 8 This document was prepared by me or under my direction and supervision. 9 10 \ Dated this ~ day of~ \J..M.SL:= , 2005 11 12~~ 13 Wanda Bale LS. 7695 My license expires 12-31-06 14 15 16 This document does meet the approval of 17 the Orange County Surveyor's Office 18 Dated this ti~ day of ~~t-_.__ 19 20 21 R ond L Mathe, County Surveyor I 2005 LS. 6185, My license expires 3-31-06 22 3 24 25 26 27 Page 2 of2 EXHIBIT "B II SHEET 1 OF 1 OCSD-52 CRAWFORD ANNEXATION No. DA 05-22 TO THE ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APN 379-582-13 0.349 ACRES +/- lllJINIOOOCOIJllJDOlllA VIEID Tl!RlllOVOIJIY 30' I 30' iEI:> I STREET L__:~~~:?Q '90. oo' FRANK t-18,.3,' 4, "f. "' -------· OT f ------g ---· i \\. -----------CJ>..:; GPSJ:e~----4_-------· 0~ CJ>~ --;~;;;;~:582-13 ~-; ~ o. '::'. r'i N 2243089.237 -T 14 E 6095869.521 ~ 0 ,; 11.0 "" 211 '112·'11.t ;o o_"' T 'fill• ...... "OM RQAO \Mt~ (.L.\ m £ Tl!lAC , 90. oo. SANl\AGO CAN• - - -~ ---, ---J~------------------- S68'02'53"E 908. 36' I GPS TIE l SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT THIS PROPOSAL WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. ~~Oa WANDA BALE. L.S. 7695 MY LICENSE EXPIRES 12131/2006 COUNTX SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT THIS PROPOSAL DOES MEET THE APPROVAL OF THE ORANGE COUNTi SURVEYORS OFF I CE. 1 DATED THIS ~ DAY OF ~v~d. 2005. MATHE, COUNTY SURVEYOR MY LICENSE EXPIRES 03/31/2006 ALL OF THE AREA SHOWN IN ACRES AND/OR SQUARE FEET IS ALL OF THAT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER INDICATED AND INCLUDES THE ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE CENTERLINE OF ABUTTING STREETS. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DISTANCES ON THIS MAP ARE GROUND ANO ARE BASED UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM ICCS83l, ZONE VI. 1983 NAO 11991.35 EPOCH OCS GPS ADJUSTMENT>. TO OBTAIN GRID DISTANCE, MULTIPL~ GROUND DISTANCE BY O. 99997284 2005-20.dgn 617/2005 11 :17:07 AM I I -I % I -o 1 l'j"l -1CJ> I L..:.J ?,.:; I OCI> I 0 " I --I -"°. ' :£ I -I I I I I ' llDINJOINJCOllllJD01111A VIEID VIEIRIRlDVOllllY 40 o· 20· 40 ----- --- GRAPHIC SCALE 1"•40" 1'71 OCS0-35 KIRKLAND ANNEXATION No. DA 03-22 L.!.J TO THE ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT. l RECORD PER OCSD-35 KIRKLAND ANNEXATION No. DA 03-22 -ANNEXATION BOUNDARY ~EXISTING ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT 10.c.s.o.) BOUNDARY. .A. INDICATES OCS HORIZONTAL CONTROL STATION AS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ORANGE COUNTY SURVEYOR. ·-·-·-STREET CENTERLINE ---RIGHT-OF-WAY ------EXISITING LOT LINE