HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1979 - 0021 (REPEALED)V. RESO LU]’I ON NO.79-21 PROV fl~~~RIJ!J~S AN!)REEIJLA1’IONS RE’!ERMS AND CONIfl TI ONS U!:F;!i’!OYNH~NI’ A JOINT RESOJUT]ON OF TI Ii ROARDS OF DI REC’I’ORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DiSTRICTS NOS.1 ,2,3,S ,6, 7 AND 11 OF ORANGE COUNTY,CALl FORN TA,i’RO\!I DING FOR RULES AND REGULA1I (INS RE LA’!’]VE ‘1.0 TERMS AND CONDITI ONS OF I1MPLOYMEN’I’,AND RESCINDING ALL RESOLUTIONS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED IN Ti ITS CONNECTION *****~****** WhEREAS,the Districts’management representative has reached an agreement, as evidenced by executed Memoranda of Understanding,as amended,with representatives of employeeunits as follows: ~ployce Unit MOO Date MOO Period Admini strative/Clbrical Employees 12/14/77 12/02/77 through 11/27/80 Supervisor)’Employees 12/14/77 1.2/02/77 through 11/27/80 Engineering Employees 11/30/78 12/01/78 through 11/27/80 Laboratory Employees 12/05/78 12/15/78 through 11/27/80 Operations afld Maintenance Employees 1/19/79 12/29/78 through 11/29/79 NOW TFIEREFOR:- The Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6, 7 and 11 of Orange County,California, DO FIEREBY RESOLVE,DETERMINE AND ORDER: That the following rules and regulations be estabi ished to govern the terms and conditions of employment for all persons,except the Genera.1 Counsel,employed by the Count)’Sanitation Districts of Orange County,by and through the Joint Administrative Organization: 1.WORKiNG hOURS Section].The General ft~nager shall have the autlior:i.ty to define and estal)]:ish what shall constitute a regular day’s work for al)employees,provided, however,sai (1 regui ar workday shall not be less than ciglii (8)hours , nor more t han ten (10)hours. Section 2 Except :is provided in Section 3 hcrCi.n,it shall be the duty of the General Manager to arrange the work schedules so that no cmployec shall work more than five (5)regular days in each work week nor less than four (4) regular days i.n each work week.However,the General Manager or his designee may require any employee temporarily to perform services i.n excess of said prescribed limitation when the public necessity or conveniciic.c so requires. • II.OVERTIME Section 3 If,in the judgement of the General Manager,or his designee, work beyond the prescribed workday and/or work week,or work on a paid holiday or on a regularly scheduled day off is required of a full time,permanent employee, • such work will he compensated for as provided in Section 9 of the Districts’ most current Positions and Salaries resolution. Section ~Any employee separating from the Districts’service who has performed overtime service and is otherwise entitled to overtime pa)’and which overtime service has not been cornpensated,for as provided in the Districts’most current Positions and Salaries resdlution,shall be entitled to full compensator)’ pay at his regular rate at the time of separation for such overtime service. Aiiy such overtime pay shall be separately i.temized and paid in a lump sum on the payroll following separation.When separation is caused by tlie death of an employee,payment shall be made to the estate of such employee,or in applicable cases,as provided bySection630 of the Probate Code.Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as preventing the General Manager from filling a position vacated by separation immediately following the last day actually worked by the separated employee. III.\‘ACATION Section 5.Absence because of injury or sickness which is covered by accumulated sick I cave shall not be a bar to the granting of the annual vacation accrued by an employee.The granting of any leave of absence without pay exceeding fifteen (IS)consecutive working days shall cause the employee’s cli~ibili iy date for annwil vacation to be j)ostpollCd a iiumhcr of days equal to the ninnbcr of Ca]cndar days the cmpl oycc i s on I cave of abscncc without pay,less the first fifteen (15)calendar days of such leave. Section 6.Any employee separating from the Districts’service who has not taken his unused earned vacation,if any,shall receive the hourly equivalent of his salary for each hour of Unused earned vacation. When separation is caused by death of any employee,payment shall b~macic to the estate of such cniployee,or in applicable cases,as provided in Section 630 of the Probate Code.An employee receiving pay in lieu of unused vacation may not be re-employed by the County Sanitation Districts in any capacity until a number of working days equal to the number of days paid vacation has elapsed following the effective date of ~eparation.Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as preventing the General Manager from fi].ling a position vacated by separation immediately following the effective date of such separation. Scct:i.on 7.No employee shall be permitted to work for compensation •for the Districts during the time of his paid vaoation,nor be otherwise compensated for vacation time not taken,except as provided in Section 6 hereof. The General Manager or his designee-shall be responsible for scheduling the vacations of employees in such a manner as to achieve the most efficient function ing of the Districts.In any use of vacation the minimum charge to the employee’s earned vacation shall.be one-half (½)hour,while additional actual leave over one-half (½)hour shall be charged to the nearest half hour to a maximum of the employee’s entitlement. IV.SICK LEAVE Section S.Except as hereafter provided,sick leave may be applied only to absence caused by il].ncss,injury or pregnancy of an employee.Application of accumulated sick leave to medical rind dental office cal].s during working hours may be authorized at the discretion of the Genera]Manager.In any instance involving use of a fraction of a day’s sick I cave,the minimum charge to,the —3.- Clfl~))oyeC’S sick leave accOunt shall be one—half (~)hour,hhi Ic nddi ti onal actual absence over onc—h:il f (~)hour shall be charged to the nearest onc—hal f (~)hour.The General Manager shall bc responsible for control of abuse of the sick leave privilege.The employee may be required to furnish a certificate issued by a licensed physician or nurse,or other,satisfactory evidence of illness. Sick leave may also be applied because an employee’s presence is needed to attend to the illness of a member of his or her immediate family (spouse or child),provided that ~uch absence shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) working days per year. V.SICK LEAVE —(Involving Worker’s Compensation Section 9.Whenever any employee is compelled by direction of his physician to be absent from duty on account of injury arising out of and in the course of his employment,he shall receive full compensation during the first three (3) calendar days of such absence.Thereafter,during such absence,he may elect to apply pro-rated accrued sick leave to such absence and to receive compensation therefor in an amount equal to the difference between the compensation to which he is.entit)ed under the Worker’s Compensation Act and his regular pay not to exceed the amount of his earned sick leave.An employee may also elect to use - any earned vacation time and compensatory time off in like manner after his sick leave is exhausted. VI.LEA\/E OF ABSENCE -(Emergency) Section’10 Whenever any person holding a duly established permanent,full time position is compelled to be absent from duty by reason of the death or critical illness where death appears imminent,of either father,mother, foster parent,stel)-parcnt,mother—in-law,father-in-law,brother,sister,wife, husband,child or step-child,such person shall be entitled to a maximum of three (3)working days absence with pay. VII.LEA\’E OF ABSENCE -(Regular Section 11.Upon written request,approved by the General Manager,any —4— cmpl nec holding a duly’cstab)ished pcrm:ineiit posi tion may be granted a leave of absence without pay not to exceed one ycar,for.afiy of the following reasons: a)Illness or disability b)Pregnancy c)To take a course of study which will increase the employee’s usefulness on return to his position d)For personal reasons acceptable to the General Manager A leave of absence must be requested in all instances where an employee is absent without pay for more than fifteen (15)consecutive working day’s.The conditions of each leave of absence shall be determined by the General Manager, base~1 upon the Districts’needs and requirements. VII.LEAVE OF ABSENCE -(Military) Section 12 Military leave is governed by the provisions of the Military and Veterans Code of the State of California,Sections 395 -395.02. IX.COMPENSATION ASSIGNMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS Section 13.Except for employ’ees reclassified in accordance with the pro\’isions of Section 14 hereof,each employee empld~yed-before the effective date of this resolution and assigned to a full time,permanent position established in the current Positions and Salaries resolution,shall be assigned a salary’no greater than that provided for by the step number to which such employe,e is entitled on the effective date of this resolution,under the provisions of,and the salary assignments authorized by prior resolutions,as amended.. Each employee employed on or after the effective date of this resolution shall be assigned,insofar as practicable,a salary’provided for by’the first step rate hereinabove established for the position being filled;provided, however,that U~Ofl a determination by the General Manager that an individual being cnip].oy~d has unusual qualifications or that there is unusual difficulty’ ~\in recruiting an employee for the position,the General Man~gcr may assign to such an eml)loycc a salary not to exceed that f)rovidcd for by the third full step rate for the position being fil led at.any time dur~ug the first ninety (90)days of r cup]0)1110 n t.It is further p roy (1 ed , tlia t on rcconuncnd:l t i on of t lie Genera I ~~:tiia ger the J~oards of Directors may,by motion,authorize the assignment to such an employee of a Salar)’exceeding that provided for by the third full St.e1)rate far the position being filled. Each empi oyee employed iii a position for which only an hourly salary has been cstablished in the current Positi.ons and Salaries resolution shall,at the discretion of the General Manager,he assigned a salary equal to or less,than the maximum hourly rates specified in the current Posi tions and Salaries resolution. Section 14.Upon the determination by the General Manager,with the ath~ice and ‘recommendation of the Personnel Review Committee,that a person already employed should be transferred or reclassified to a position with a different title or range number,the assigrnnent of a new salary to such a person shall be made as follows: A.For an empldyee transferred to a position of substantially the same •responsibility,the employee shall be assigned a salary established for said position corresponding to the same step number occupied under thc cmployee’s former classification on the effective date of the reclassification. B.For an employee transferred to a position of higher responsibility, the employee shall ~e assigned a salary established for said position up to the step number occupied under the former classification on the effective date of the reclassifi~ation. C.For ~n employee transferred to a position of lesser responsibility or lower salary range,the employee shall be assigned a salary established for said position corresponding to a step number which is deemed appropriate by the General Manager under the circumstances. Section 15.If,in the determination of the General Manager,work of a higher paid classification is required by a I)cpartmcnt Head or Division Supervisor of an employee on a temporary basis for a period of more than twenty—one (21) consecutive working days in ~payroll year,the employee working telllporar.i 1>’in sa i.d lii glicr classif I.ca l:ion sha 1].be cli gi H e to receive a temporary increa so in p:~y’rate for time worked in the higher paid c1:I!;si ii cation 1)e~1nnin~with the 22nd consecutive working day,provided (a)that it is estahl islied by the Department head that said employee is,in fact,performing in the Capaci ty of the higher position;(b)that the higher position classification is vacant by virtue of the incumbent having been promoted,terminated,or on an extended leave;and (c)that written notification of the rcquircd work of a higher paid classification has been properly filed with the Department Head within the first ten (10)consecutive days of said work.The increased compensation to be.paid to an employee who meets the aforementioned criteria shall be equal to a one full •step salary increase or the first step of the position classification for which said work is allegedly being performed,whichever is greater,provided that such increase does not exceed the top step of said position classification and, further provided,only the percentage of time actually devoted to performing work of the higher classification commencing with the 22nd consecutive work day shall be compensated at the higher rate of pay. When an employee is requested by the Department Head to work in an upgraded classification wherein it is the intent to permanently upgrade said employee in that classification,the twenty-one (21)consecutive working dar waiting period for temporary increase in pay rate eligibility,as hereinabove provided,may be waived by the General Manager. Section 16.For each full time,permanent employee in the Joint Administrative Organization assigned to a position established in the current Positions and Salaries resolution,there shall be a salary anniversary date which,in the case of employees Cm~)lOyed before the effective date of this resolution,shall be the salary anniversary date heretofore established under the provi.sions of prior resolutions,as amended.Thereafter,such employees’annual sal ary anniversary date shall be the first day of the biweekly pay period following fifty-two (52) weeks of continuous service from the preceding salary anniversary date. -7- In the case of (‘nip]oyecs employed after the cffcct ive date of thi s rcsol ut.i on, the salary anniversary (late shall be the first day of the biweekly pay period following the COllh1)lCtiOII of the first twenty-six (26)weeks of continuous service. Thereafter,such employees’annu~il salary anniversary date shall be the first day of the biweekly pay period following fifty-two (52)weeks of continuous servi cc from the preceding salary anniversary date. For each employee assigned to a position designated as Supervisory,there shall be established a salary anniversary date which shall be the first (lay of the first biweekly pay period of the Districts’fiscal year. Section 17 Except as provided hereafter in this section,thirty (30)days prior to the salary anniversary date of each full time,permanent employee,the GeneralMariager shall cause to be made a review of such employee’s performance on the job.With the advice of the Personnel Review Committee,the General Manager shall either (1)assign to each such employee a salary representing a higher step rate not to exceed one full step effective on the employee’s anniversary date or (2)cause such assignment to be postponed~for a period up to the next anniversary date.The General Manager shall cause such postponement only for reason of sub standard performance by the employee or to establish as much as possible within each- position classification equal salary for equal ability and work performance with due consideration for training and seniority. In the case of employees’positions designated as Supervisory,the General Manager shall cause to he made a review of such employee’s 1)erformance on the job. With the advice and recommendation of the employee’s Department 1-lead and the Personnel Review Committee,the General Manager shall either (1)assign to each such employee a salary representing a higher step rate not to exceed one-half full step effective on the employee’s anniversar)r date or (2)cause such assign ment to be postponed for a period up to the next anniversary date.The General Manager shall cause such postponement only for reason of sub-standard performance by the employee or to c~tablish as much as possible within each position ci ussi — -8- fi cati on cqua)sa’ary for equal alit it>’and work performance with due cons idcr:it ion for training and seniority. X.DISC1I~L1NARY ACTIONS Scct ion 18.The General Manager is authori~cd and directed to exercise supervision over all employees and to impOSe disciplinary act.ions,for just cause,upon any person employed under the provisions of this resolution and the Positions and Salaries resolution.The General M:inager shall establish rules and gui delines pertaining to the procedures governing such actions,which such rules and guidelines are more specifically set forth on Exhibit “A”,attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. - XII.MEDICAL EXAMINATION Section 19.The General Manager may require evidence of good health and freedom from disabling defects,as shown by a recent medical examination,as a condition to original employment,or as a condition to appointment to any position U~Ofl return of an employee from a medical leave of absence,and may periodically thereafter require further medical examination of employees at the Districts’ expense.Chronic or persistent illness,or a disabling ph’sical defect not arising out of employment by the Districts,may be cause for separation from service. XIII.GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 20.A grievance procedure,which said procedure is more specifi.calay set forth on Exhibit “B”,attached hereto and made a part of this resolution, is hereby approved and authorized. XIV.LAY-OFF PROCEDURE Section 21 A lay-off procedure,which sai.d procedure is more specifically set forth on Exhibit “C”,attached hereto and made a part of this resolution,is hereby approved and authorized. -9- XV .SEVi ~ANCI~PAY Seci ion 22.A severance P~Y policy,whi cli said policy is more specifically set forth on Exhibit “D”,attached hereto and made a part of this resolution is hereby approvcd and authorized. XVI..MISCELLANEOUS Section 23.‘that any resolutions or motions or portions thereof that are i.n conflict herewith are hereby rescinded and made of no further dffect. Section 24.That,unlcss otherwise provided,the rules and regulations hereinabove adopted shall become effective as follows: Administrative/Clerical Employees December 1,1978 Supervisory Employees December 1,1978 Management Employees December 1,1978 Engineering Employees December 1,1978 Laboratory Employees December 15,1978 Operations and Maintenance Employees December 29,1978 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting held February 14,1979. —1 0— EXH]1~1i ‘‘A’’ 1)1 SC J P LI NAfl ~CT o~ The Genera)~.hnagCr is hereby authorized and di rc’ctc~to exercise supervision over a)I Cm]))O)’CCS and to impose SCI p13 fl11>’actiOnS,for just cause,upon — any person crap)oycd under tue provi SiOflS of the perSonnel and Sa 1 flT)’rCSO)uti oiis DiSciplinary action to be imposed,if an)’,slial 1 be that whi cli,if in the jtidgcrncnt of the General Manager,appears to l)C n the best int.crcst of the Districts.The General Manager shall have the authority to: Terminate the cinployee; or Suspend the employee,without pay,.for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30)working days; or Defc±~consideration of the employee’s annual anniversary merit review for a period of up to one year; and/or Adjust the employee’s salary to that representing a lower step rate within the hcretoforc-establi shed salary range of the employee’s assigned position classification; and/or flcclassify the employee by demotion to a position classification for which a lesser salary range has heretofore been established, in which case the employee may be assigned a salary representing an),step rate within said lower position classification as deemed appropriate under the circumstances by the General Manager. EXhIBIT “B” GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 1 A grievance is any dispute involving an individual employee concerning the interpretation or application of the Employee Relations Resolution No.75-127,or of a written memorandum of understanding, or of rules or regulations governing personnel practices or working conditions or of any alleged improper treatment of an cthployee not other wisecovered herein. Section 2 Step 1:When an employee has a grievance he shall contact his immediate supervisor within five (5)working days of the occurrence of the event creating the grievance.The supervisor shall ~ive a response within three (3)Working days thereafter. Step 2:If no agre-ernent is reached with his immediate supervisor at Step 1,within three (3)working days of his decision,the employee or his representative must reduce the grievance to writing arid file it with the Department Ilead. Within five (5)working days after receiving the written grievance,the Department Head shall meet with the employee and/or his representative and shall issue a written decision within five (5)working days after the meeting. EXHIBiT “B” Step 3:If 110 agrecmcnt can be reached with the Dcpartmcnt Head at Step.2,within five (5)working days of his decision,the ~rittcn grievance may be presented to the Personnel Review Committee who at the request of either party shall meet with the grievant and/or his representative and shall thereafter render a written decision within five (5)working days after rec~ipt of the grievance. Step 4:If no agreement can be reached with the Personnel Review Committee at Step 3,within seven (7)working days of its decision the written grievance may be presented to the. General Manager who at the request of either party shall-meet with the grievant and/or his representative and shall thereafter render a ~rittcn decision within five (5) working days after receipt of the grievance. Step 5:If no agreement can be reached with the General Manager,~ithin ten (10)days from hiS decision the written grievance may he presented to the DISTRICTS’Secretary for submission to the Boards of Directors for consideration at their next regularly scheduled meeting.Appeal to the DISIRICIS’ Boards shall be the final step in the grievance procedure. -2- EXIIIR1T ‘W’’ Scci.ion 3 A grievance may be prescntcd and processed by the cmployce, a recognized cnploycc organization or its duly authorized agent,whichever the cmployce desires. Section 4 An employee shall be given reasonable time off to present and process his grievance.If the employee is represented by a recognized employee organization,said organization may designate one (1)employee to present and process the grievance.Said employee shall also be given reasonable time off to handle this duty.Time off for processing grievance s’hal].be without loss of pay provided (a)said privilege is not abused; (b)the grievance is a legitimate and bona fide one;and (c)absence from •work station will not cause disruption to the DISTRICTS’operations. Provided,further,that if a grievance ari.ses which affects two (2).or more employees,the)’shall designate one (1)of them to process said grievance for and on behalf of all affected employees. Section 5 Failure of the DISTRICTS’representative to render a decision within the designated time limits shall be deemed a rejection enabling the grievant to process the grievance to the next available step. Section 6 If a grievai~ice is not presented or appealed within the designated time limits,it shall be considered settled and no further action need be taken. EXHIBIT ‘‘C’’ LM’OF F p Rcx:!}RE Step 1:Determination of the need for layoff will be made by the DISTRICTS. Step 2:Work groups and position classifications will be determined by the DiSTRIcTS. Step 3:Number of employees to be laid off will be determined by the DISTRICTS. Step 4:Department Head of work group affected will recommend to the Person’nel Review Committee employees to be laid off based upon performance,demonstrated competency as evidenced by past rcrformance Review and Action Notices (PRAN’s),length of service,and the requirements of the DISTRICTS.Performance and competency being determined equal among employees in a position classification selected for layoff,an employee with the least amount of full- time continuous service with the DISTRICTS will be laid off first, and thereafter,in order of length of service with the DISTRICTS. Personnel fleview Committee will recommend to the General Manager the employees to be laid off.The ~cneral Manager’s action to lay off employees will be final. Step 5:Employees to be laid off will be so informed in writing at least two weeks prior to the date of said layoff.Such notification will include “bump down”opi~ions.In the event employee has designated a recognized representative for purposes of employer- employee relations,said representative will receive a copy of the notification of layoff. Ste~6:It~~p -An employee selected for layoff may “bump down”into a classification in his work group for which he is qualified (qualification is presumed where the person has held the position previously with the DISTRICT or where the position is in the regular promotional line). An employee who is selected for layoff and who has not èompleted the new-hire probation period is not eligible for a “bump down”oI~tion. An employee informed of his impending layoff or “bump down~must inform his Department Head within ~fivc caJendar days of his intent to take the option of the layoff or the “bump down”. The process will be repeated at.the next lower position class ification level within the group where an employee “bumps down”. The salary for an employee that has ‘‘bumped down’’shall be established at the same rate of pay for which sai.d employee had been assigned in the higher classification prOvided,however, that (a)in the event thc exact same rate of pay is not set forth in the salary range assigned to the position classification to which the CIflplO)’CC has “bU~npcd”,thcn the employee’s rate of pay shall be established as the next lower rate of pay in the new position classification range;and (b)in no event shall the employee receive a salary that exceeds Step S of the new position classification to which he has “bumped”. Step 7:Employees that have been laid off shall be placed on a rehire eligibility list for their respective work group.The employee most recently laid off shall be placed at the top of the list and thereafter,in descending order by date of layoff.Employees’ names shall be maintained on the eligibility list for a period of two years from date of separation. In the event the DISTRICTS commence hiring for positions.from which employees have been previously laid off,all employees on the rehire eligibility list shall be so notified.Employees responding to said notification within 10 calendar days will be eligible for re-employment in position classification openings in. the work group for which they have previously been laid off, in order of the rehire eligibility listing.In the event openings occur in other work groups,the employee may apply for said openings and will be considered without priority rating along with other applicants. Employees who do not respond within 10 calendar days.of the date said notification was mailed by the DISTRICTS will,automatically have their names removed from the rehire eligibility listing. NOTICES All notices and responses shall be in writing,certified mail, return receipt requested,to the last address of record,or delivered in person,for which written acknowledgment must be made.Responses to the DISTRICTS should be addressed to p.o. Box $127,Fountain Valley,CA 92708. -7- 1 !1 I ‘F ‘‘I)’ ~1~Vl~RANCl~PAY Employees arc required to give a minimum of two weeks (l’l calcndar days) written notification when terminating employment with the Districts.If an employee is on paid or unpaid leaVe during the two-week period then the required notification period must be increased by the rcma~ning number of days of such leave.Failure to do so may result in an unfavorable job reference which will become part of the employee’s permanent personnel file. ~Then a regular,full time employee is terminated by action of the Districts, except for disciplinary cause,the employee will be so notified in writing two weeks (14 calendar days)prior to the eff~ctive separation date.The notification period for employees on unpaid leave shall be reduced by the number of calendar days of such leave.In the event such notificatiOn is not given,the employee shall be entitled to severance pay,in accordance with the formula set forth belo’v.’: Employees in probationary Period: Six (6)hours pay for each full calendar month of continuous employment not to exceed thirty-six (36)hours pay Permanent Employees: Six (6)hours pay for each full calendar month of continuous employment not to exceed eighty (80)hours pay Employees in temporary,intermittent or part-time classifications are not eligible for severance pay under any circumstances. If an employee is terminated by the District for absence and such termination is a direct result-of the employee’s failure to contact his or her supervisor re garding said absence;or,if after notification,the employee is absent from work without authorization in accordance with Districts’policy,or fails to perform assigned duties in a satisfactory manner,the employee will not be eligihl~for severance pa’. If an emp]oyee is terminated as a result of a disciplinary action for just cause in accordance with Distri.cts’poilcy,the employee will not be elibible for severance pay. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )Ss. I,3.WAYNE SYLVESTER,Secretary of the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,and 11 of Orange County,California,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution No.79-19 ~as regularly passed and adopted at a Philip Anthony,Ruth Bailey,Sam Cooper,Norman Culver, Vernon Evans,Sal Gambina,Francis Glockner,Beth Graham, Don Griffin,Bernard Houston,Donald Hudson,Elvin Hutchison,Frank Laszlo,Don Mclnnis,Harry Miller, Richard Olson,David Ortiz,Ron Pattinson,Bob Perry, Alan Priest,Thomas Riley,Earl Roget,Donald Roth, Paul Ryckoff,Donald Saltarelli,James Sharp,Richard Siebert,Don Smith,Roger Stanton,Donald Strauss,Bernie Svalstad,Charles Sylvia,Bill Vardoulis,Louis Velasquez, Henry Wedaa,Ray Williams and Duane Winters regular meeting of said Boards on the 14th day of February , 1979 by the following vote,to wit: AYES: NOES:None ABSENT:Donald Holt IN WIThESS WHEREOF,I have,hereunto set my hand this 14th day of February i~79 Coi ster,Secretary, ecto~s,County istricts Nos.1,2, 6,7,and 11 of Orange :y,California S-lO1