HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1973 - 0179RESOLUTION NO.73—179 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO.71—3,AS AMENDED, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARIES Ti-IEREFOR A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARDS OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS NOS.1,2,3, 5,6,AND 7,OF ORANGE COUNTY,CALIFORNIA, A!€NDING RESOLUTION NO.70-3,AS AMENDED,AND RESOLUTION NO.71—3,AS AMENDED,ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS AND SETTING SALARIES THEREFOR a *•****** The Boards of Directors of Cou~ty Sanitation Districts Nos.1, 2,3,5,6,and 7,of Orange County,California, DO HEREBY RESOLVE,DETERNINE AND ORDER: Section 1.That there are hereby established in the Joint Administrative Organization ~he following basic salary ranges: Range No. (1)(1.5) . (2) . Monthly Step Rates. (4)(4.5) • (5) Rang No. (2.5)(3)(3.5) • . • \ - 37 37A 37B 37C 38 38A 38B 38C 39 39A 39B 39C 40 4oA UOB Uoc 4]. LIlA UlB 4ic 42 42A 42B 42C 43 43A 43B 43c 44 LILIA 44B 44c 45 4~A 45B 4~c 46 •46A 116B 46c 47 47A 4’(B 47c 417 422 428 434 440 446 452 458 464 470 476 482 489 496 502 509 516 523 530 538 545 552 560 568 575 583 591 600 608 616 6~4 632 641 65o 659 668 677 686 696 706 715 725 735 745 428 434 440 446 452 458 464 470 476 482 489 496 502 509 516 523 530 538 545 552 56o 568 575 583 591 600 608 616 624 632 641 650 659 668 677 686 696 706 715 725 735 745 75~ 766 440 446 14.52 458 464 470 476. 482 489 496 502 509 516 523 530 538 545 552 560 568 575 583 591 600 608 616 624 632 641 650 659 668 677 686 696 706 715 725 735 745 755 766 776 786 452 458 464 470 476 482 489 496 502 509 516 523 530 538 545 552 560 568 575 583 591 600 608 616 624 632 641 650 659 668 677 686 696 706 715 725 735 745 755 766 776 786 797 808 464 470 476 482 489 496 502 509 5i6 523 530 538 545 552 ~6o ~68 575 583- 591 600 608 616 624 632 641 65o 659 668 677 - 686 696 706 715 725 735 745 755 766 776 786 797 808 819 830 476 U8~ 489 496 502 509 516 523 530 538 545 552 560 568 575 583 591 600 608 616 624 632 641 650 659 668 677 686 696 706 715 725 735 745 755 766 776 786 797 808 819 830 842 854 489 496 502 509 516 523 530 538 545 552 560 568 575 583 591 600 608 616 624 632 641 650 659 668 677 686 696 706 715 725 735 745 755 766 776 786 797 808 819 830 842 85’4- 865 877 502 509 516 523 530 538 ~ 552 560 568 575 583 591 . 600 608 616 624 632 641 650 659 668 677 686 696 706 715 725 735 745 755 766 776 786 797 808 819 830 842 854 865 877 889 902 516 523 530 538 545 552 56o 568 575 583 591 6oo 608 616 624 632 641 650 659 668 677 686 696 706 715 725 735 745 755 766 776 786 797 808 819 830 842 854 865 877 889 902 ~i4 927 37 37A 37B 37C 38 38A 38E 38C 39 39A 39B 39C 40 . 4oA Uon L1.OC 41 41A 41B 4lC 42 42A 42E 42C 43 43A 43B 430 44 44A 44B LI.J~I~C 45 45A 45B U~c 46 46A 46B 46C 47 47A 47B 470 . 0)0)0)0)0)0)0)0)0\0)0)0)0)0)0’.0)010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101u1010101 ~I ~j U)U)U)U)N)N)N)N)H H H HO 0 0 0U)U)’-O’-0 CDCDCDCD—3—’)--’)--’)0)0)0)0)01010101 -~-~WU)WU)N)N)N)N)H H H H 000 O~CU)’OU)0)CDCDCD i~Z ~‘ 0W~0tx~ottI~oW~’0W~CW~r~0W~OW~OW~aW~C)W~Ot)j~Qtr,~QtrJr~QtrF.~()~~io~ I. 10 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH •-3--3--’)0)0)0)0)0)01010101 ~4~-~-~U)WU)U)U)N)N)N)N)N)N)H H H H H H 000000 OU)U)U)U)U)U)U)U)COCDCDCDCDCDCDCO-’)----’)--’)--)-~ ~F-’ N)-3W U)0.U)0—1’ui U)N)00 U)Coo)CD’—O 00 N)U)-~0)0)H 4~OrU)U)-30 -~0)N)-3 N)-‘)N)CD -~-00’.c\)~0 O’IU)0-3 4~-N)U)-401 4~N)0 U)0)-’)0)0)0)01 — HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH -~ CDCO—4---)---J-’)0)0)0)0)0)01010101 4~4~WU)U)U)U)N)N)N)N)N)N)H H H H H H 000000 OU)U)U)U)U)U)U)U)CDCOCOCXIC00)COCD—)-)--’)H ~ N)0)N)-U)U)0’.U)0-301W N)00 U)0)0)CDU)0010 U)4~0’.0)H ~0’.U)U)—30 4~0)10-’)N)—‘)N)CO 4~0 0’.N)U)O.U)0—’)-~N)U)—301 4 N)0 U)CD-3 0)0’.Ui HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH COCDCDCD—4--’)---’)---’)0)0)0)0)0)01010101 4~-~-~WU)U)U)U)N)N)N)N)N)N)H H H H H H 000000 0U)U)U)U)U)U)U)U)ODaCOCOCOcX)COCO—’)—- ~N) U)-)N)0’.N)—4U)U)0\U)0-301W N)0 0U)0)0)CDU)00 N)U)4~CT\CDH ~0’.U)W -30 4~CDN)-‘)N)-’)N)CO4~0 O’.N)U)O’.U)0--)4~N)U)-~01 ~N)OU)CD—’) to H H H H F—’H H F—’H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H I—H H H H HF-H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H ‘-OU)CD0)CDCD—’)---’)----)--’)0’.0’.0’.0)O’.’J01’Ui01 ~N)N)N)N)N)N)H H H H H H 00 0000 0U)U)U)U)U)U)U)U)CDCDCOCDCDCDO)N)1c1 -L~I--’U)O’.4~HU)0’.-~H’-0—401 N)00)0’.-~N)U)-’)01U)F-’0 CDO’.-I~N)0 CO-’)01W HO CD-’)01W N)OU)—1 0’.4~U)N)0U)-’)0)01 -~N)H 0 CD-4 0)01 4~U)H • ~JiiH N)HHHHHH~HHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH oU)U)U)CDCDCDCD-—4---3---’)---)0)0)0)0)0)01010101 ‘)~-t~-~-I~WU)U)WU)N)N)N)N)N)N)H H H H H H 0 0 0 0 00 0U)U)U)U)U)U)U)U)~—to 0-’)4~HU)0’.4~HU)0)4~HU)—)01 N)0 ODOr -~N)U)-301U)H 0 ODO”4~N)0 O)—)’.JiU)HO oD-’)01U)N)OU)-’)G’.-1~W N)0 U)—’)0.01 -~N~H 00)--)0)01 4~.) 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Construction Inspector 5lA 902/1122 51C 927/1154 Shift Supervisor 51 889/1107 5lB 9114/1138 Collection Facilities Foreman 503 865/1077 51 889/1107 Electrical.Technician II 50B 865/1077 51 889/1107 Instrumentatiän Technician II 508 865/1077 51 889/1107 Associate Engineering Aide 50 842/1048 50B 865/1077 Mechanical Foreman 50 8142/10148 503 865/1077 Plant Operator IV 50 842/1048 50B 865/1077 Engineering Aide III 119C 830/1034 50A 854/1062 Senior Laboratory and Research Analyst 119C 830/1034 50A 854/1062 Groundskeeping Foreman 493 819/1020 50 842/10.48 —3— Effective Effective 12/1/73 12/1/7’l Range Range Position Classification No.Salary No.Salary Assistant Construction 149A $808/i006 149C $830110314 Inspector Lead Maintenance Mechanic 149A 808/1006 149C 8~0/l0314 Lead Mechanic 149A 808/1006 149C 830/10314 Lead Painter 49A 808/1006 49C 830/10314 Laboratory Associate 119 797/992 119B 819/1020 Plant Operator III 49 797/992 149B 819/1020 Builder III 148B 776/966 49 797/992 Mechanic II 118B 776/966 49 797/992 Painter III 48B 776/966 149 797/992 Pump Station Mechanic II 48B 776/966 1I9 797/992 Welder 48B 776/966 1,9 797/992 Electrical Technician I 48B 776/966 149 797/992 Instrumentation Technician I 118B 776/966 49 797/992 Trunk Maintenance Foreman 148B 776/966 149 797/992 Maintenance Mechanic II 48 755/9110 148B 776/966 Engineering Aide II LI7C 7145/927 148A 766/953 Laboratory Analyst II 147~7145/927 148A 766/953 Plant Operator II 715/889 47B 735/914 Builder II 46B 696/865 147 715/889 Mechanic I 46B 696/865 117 715/889 Painter II 116B 696/865 47 715/889 Pump Station Mechanic I 146E 696/865 147 715/889 Trunk Maintenance Man II 146B 696/865 147 715/889 Electrical Maintenance Man 146B 696/865 117 715/889 Laboratory Analyst I 116A 686/8514 116C 706/877 Maintenance Mechanic I 116 677/8112 146B 696/865 Engineering Aide I ~15C 668/830 116A 686/854 Plant Operator I 45B 659/819 146 677/8142 Senior Groundskeeper 145B 659/819 146 677/8142 12/1/7 :i Range No. ~t’.r ~,4_4e~~_ 12/1/714 Range No.Position Classification Salary 115 $61111797 145B Salary $659/8l9BuilderI Fa1nt~r I 115 6~i/797 145B 659,’6i~ Laboratory Technician 4LIC 632/786 115A 650/808 Mechanical Maintenance Man 411B 6211/776 145 6111/797 Pump Station Maintenance Man IILIB 6211/776 . 115 6111/797 Groundskeeper II 1414B 6211/776 145 6111/797 Heavy Equipment Operator I )411B 6211/776 145 6111/797 Maintenance Man IILIB 6214/776 115 641/797 Trunk Maintenance Man 414B 6211/776 145 6111/797 Utilityman —Electrical 1414 608/755 1414B 6214/776 Utilityman —Projects 1111 608/755 1414B 6214/776 Utilityman —Mechanical 113B 591/735 1411 608/755 Groundskeeper I 113B 591/735 111!608/755 Utilityman —Collection Facilities 113B 591/735 1414 608/755 Utilityman —Maintenance 113B 591/735 1414 608/755 Utilityman —Operations 143B 591/735 411 608/755 Construction Inspector (Part—time)$7.50/Hr.Max Student Helper (Part—time)$2.115/Hr.Max B. Apprentice II —Electrical APPRENTICESHIP PERSONNEL 147 $715/88914613$696/865 Apprentice II —Laboratory 116A 686/8514 ‘16C 706/877 Apprentice II —Engineering 145C 668/830 146A 686/8514 Apprentice II —Operations 1453 659/819 146 677/8142 Apprentice II —Maintenance 14143 624/776 145 6141/797 Apprentice II —Mechanical 11113 6214/776 145 6141/797 Apprentice I 1113 530/659 142 5145/677 —5— ~i.ion 3 .~fl addition ~u t~sa1arie~flei’elnabuve ~iurtfl _n Section 2,Subsections A and B,foreach position of employment,effective December 1,1973,the amount of $35.00 per calendar month shall be added to each step rate.anc1~effective December 1,1971~,an add!tional a~cunt of $30.00 per calendar month shall be added to each step rate. Section L~Section 1 and Section 2 of Resolution No.70—3,as arnende are hereby further amended to read as follows: “1 The General Manager shall have the authority to define and establish what shall constitute a regular day’s work for all employees,provided,however,said regular work day shall not be less than eight (8)hours,nor more than ten (10)hours.” “2 It shall be the duty of the General Manager to arrange the work schedules so that no employee,except as provided in Section 3 hereof,shall work more than five (5) days in each calendar week nor lessthan four (Ii)days in each calendar week.However,the General Manager or his designee may require any employee temporarily to perform services in excess of said prescribed limitation when the public necessity or convenience so requires.” ~ction 5 Section 8 of Resolution No.70—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “8 Except as hereafter provided in Section 9(a), every employee holding a duly established full—time, permanent position who has completed less than five corisecutiveyears of service shall be entitled to an annual paid vacation leave of ten (10)full working days at the conclusion of each full year of service dating from the date of commencement of his service,providing,however, that following the third consecutive year of service,said employee shall accrue said vacation in equal increments of time for each complete calendar month of service.On the —6— employee’s anniversary date any unused vacation from the ~ii~~~s ae~rud.~L1~.LJ.D~au~omatica1ly cancei.Led. Section 6 Section 9 of Resolution No.70—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “9(a)Every employee employed prior to January 1, l97L~and holdinga duly established full time position who has completed more than three consecutive years of full time service shall be entitled to an annual paid vacation leave of fifteen (15)full working days,accruable monthly in equal increments of time for each complete calendar month of service.For such employees,a maximum of five (5)days of unused vacation time from prior year’s accruals may be carriedover;provided,however,that the maximum total accumulated vacation time for any employee shall not exceed twenty (20)working days.Any unused accrued vacation time in excess of twenty (20)working days,shall be automatically cancelled.” “9(b)Every employee employed after December 31, 1973 and holding a duly established full—time,permanent position who has completed more than five consecutive years of full—time service shall be entitled to an annual paid vacation leave of fift.~en (15)full working days accruable monthly in equal increments of time for each complete calendar month of service.For such employee a maximum of five (5)days of unused vacation time from prior year’s accumulation may be carried over,provided,however,that the maximum total accumulated vacation time for any employee shall not exceed twenty (20)working days.Any unused accrued vacation time in excess of 20 working days shall be automatically cancelled.” SectIon 7.Section lL~of Resolution No.70—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “l14(a)Every employee employed in a duly established full—time,permanent position prior to January 1,197Lt, —7— ..-.4-’.—--’-..-..,44 ~-,.‘.-..—~1....i_t_~t.~.._~_‘-•..--~ --~—~-~—~—~~~——~ue (8)hours sick leave with pay for each full calendar month of actual continuous service,provided,however,that after such employee accumulates 880 hours of accrued sick leave,said employee sh~li bijereafter accrue six (6)hours sick leave with pay for each full calendar month of actual continuous service,except as hereafter provided in Section l1~(c).No such employee shall earn sick leave credit during a calendar month in which he is absent without pay for more than three working days.” “l14(b)Every employee employed after December 31, 1973,who is holding a duly established full—time,permanent position,whether paid by the month or by the hour,shall accrue six (6)hours sick leave with pay for each full calendar month of actual continuous service,except as here after provided in Section l~(c).No such employee shall earn sick leave credit during a calendar month in which he is absent without pay more than three working days.” “llT(c)In the event the State of California amends the laws governing the Public Employees Retirement System to provide for mandatory ~-ie—half continuance retirement benefits under the Public Employees Retirement System for the spouse or beneficiary on death of the retiring employee, every employee holding a duly established full—time,permanetit position,whether paid by the month or by the hour,shall then begin to accrue eight (8)hours sick leave with pay for each full calendar month of actual continuous service commencing with the month in which said amendment to the Public Employees Retirement System becomes mandatory,except that no employee shall earn sick leave credit during a calendar month in which he is absent without pay for more than three working days.” —8— ~ec1-1’~n 8 T~tt ~ect1~1~(~)~f P~c~Tht1c~N~.~~er~~d,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “15(a)Upon separation by reason of death or retirement,an employee shall be entitled to receive 25Y~of hiS unu~e~accuniuidtecl sick leave.For employees that separate by reason of death or retirement after November 30, 19711,said employees shall be entitled to receive 30%of said unused accumulated sick leave.Said payment shall be at the rate of pay in effect at the time of separation.” Section 9 That Section 18 of Resolution No.71—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “18 The General Manager may designate employees who are required to be immediately available for emergency maintenance and repair work during normal off-day hours. Such employees,when so designated,shall be continuously available for a period of one calendar week beginning on Monday at 8:00 a.m.and shall be compensated for such additional service,in addition to overtime compensation, at the rate of $36.00 per calendar week for each week of such additional service performed.For such additional service after November 30,19711,the rate shall ~e increased from $36.00 to $112.00 per calendar week.Insofar as practicable,no employee will be assigned such emergency duty availability for more than 13 weeks in any one year.” Section 10 That Section 19 of Resolution No.71—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “19 No management,supervisory or administrative employee who occupies a position that has a salary,range exceeding that of Range No.511,as hereinabove established, will be compensated under the provisions of Sections 16,17 and 18 of this resolution.Effective December 1,19711,said range number shall be changed to Range No.55.” —9— S~rit1r1n lfl Salary ran~~t~bec~e ~f~t~vc Dc~:r 1,1971!a3 hereinabove set forth in Section 2,Subsections A and B,will be adjusted, if appropriate,in accordance with the following: When the cost of living (COL)as measured by the U.S. Departmcnt of Labor —Bui’eau cf Labor 3~aLi~tics (BLS) Cost of Living Index for the Los Angeles/Orange County Metropolitan areas (1967 =100),which said index is hereby agreed to be 131.2 for September,1973,for the 12 months immediately preceding the month of October in the calendar year in which the salary adjustment is to become effective changes in accordance with the following, the percent of salary adjustment will be correspondingly changed as set forth below: When Change in BLS Index is From 1110.11 to 1112.14 +1.375%(1/11 Range) Or 1112.5 to 11114.3 +2.75%(1/2 Range) Or 11414.14 to 1146.3 +14.125 (3/14 Range) Or 1146.14 to 1148.3 +5.50 (1 Range) In the event the BLS cost of living index reflects a decrease for the prescribed periods,then the percent of salary adjustment would be changed as follows: If Change in BLS Index is:Salary Percent Adjustment From 126.6 to 1214.6 —1.375%(1/14 Range) Or 1214.5 or less —2.75 (1/2 Range) Section 12 That any otber resolutions or motions or portions thereof that conflict herewith are hereby repealed and made of no further effect; and Section 13 That this Resolution become effective December 1,1973. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting held December 12,1973. —10— STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I,J.WAYNE SYLVESTER,Secretary of the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,arid 7 of Orange County,California,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution No.73-179 was regularly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Boards on the 12th day of December ,1973 ,by the following vote,to wit: AYES:Directors Robert Finnell (Chairman),David Baker, Robert Battin,Thomas Blackman,Dale Chaput,Ralph Clark,Norman Culver,-Jesse Davis,Roland Edwards, Donald Fox,John Garthe,Jack Green,Joseph Hyde, George Scott,Thomas Kowalski,Carl Kymla,Frank Marshott,Don Mclnnis,Robert Nevil,Jerry Patterson, Ellis Porter,Kerm Rima,Henry Roberts,Jr., Robert Root,Donald Saltarelli,Don Smith,.Charles Stevens,Jr.,John Store,Cor Vanderwaal,and Donald Winn NOES:None ABSENT:Directors Mark Stephenson and E.Ray~Quigley IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of December ,1973 Wa e S 1 ester,Secretary, ~p~arcW of D~ectdrs,County Sanitation Districts DIos.1,2, 3,5,6,7~and 11,of Orange County,California S—1O1 RESOLUTION NO.73—179-li AMENDING RESOLUTION NO.71-3,AS AMENDED, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARIES THEREFOR A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.11 OF ORANGE COUNTY,CALIFORNIA,AMENDING RESOLUTION NO.70—3, AS AMENDED,AND RESOLUTION NO.71—3.AS AMENDED, ESTABLIS.HINC CERTAIN POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS- AND SETTING SALARIES THEREFOR **.****** The Board of.~Directors of ~County Sanitation District No.ii of Orange County,California, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE,DETERNINE AND ORDER: Section 1.That there are hereby established in the Joint Administrative Organization the following basic salary ranges: (1)(1.5)(2) 37 417 428 4~4-O 37A 422 .434 446 37B 428 440 1452 37C 43)4 •. 446 458 38 440 452 464 38A .3446 458 470 38B 452 464 476 38C 4~8 470 482 39 464 476 489 39A 470 482 496 39B 476 489 502 39C 482 496 509 40 1489 502 516 4oA 496 509 523 14OB 502 516 530 .koc 509 523 538 4].516 530 545 41A 523 538 552 41B 530 545 560 k,c 538 552 568 42 5145 560 575 42A 552 568 583 42B 560 575 591 42c 568 583 600 43 575 591 608 43A 583 600 616 43B 591 608 624 43c 600 616 632 144 608 624 641 Lt4A 616 632 650 44B 624 641 659 44c 632 650 668 4~64i 659 677 45A 650 668 •686 45B 659 677 696 • 4~c 668 686 706 46 677 696 715 •46A 686 706 725 146B 696 715 735 46c 706 725 7)45 47 715 735 755 47A 725 7)45 7b6 47B 735 755 776 47c 745 766 786 Monthly Step Rates~ (2.5)(~).(3.5)(4) 452 46)4 476 489 458 470 482 1496 464 476 489 502 470 482 496 .509 476 489 502 516 482 496 509 523 ~489 502 516 530 496 509 523 538 502 5i6 530 5~+5 509 523 ..538 552 516 530 545 560 523 538.552 568 530 545 560 575 538 552 568 583 5)45 560 575 .591 552 .568 583 600 560 575.591 608 568 583 600 616 575 591 608 62)4 583 600 . 616 632 591.608 624 6141 600 616 .632 650 608 62)4.641 659 616 632 650 668 624 64].659 677 632 650 668 686 641 659 677 696 650 668 686 706 659 677 696 715 668 686 .706 725 677 696 715 735 686 706 725 745 696 715 735 755 706 725 7145 766 715 735 755 776 725 745 766 786 735 755 776 797 7)45 766 786 808 755 776 797 819 766 . 786 808 830 776 797 819 842 786 808 830 854 797 819 842 865 808 830 .85)4 877 Rang No (4.5)(5) 502 ~i6 37 509 523 37~ 516 530 37E 523 538 37C 530 545 38 538 552 38P. 545 560 383 552 568 38C 560 575 39 568 583 39A 575 59].393 583 6~o 39C 591 608 40 600 6i6 14oA 608 62)4 )4o~ 616 632 4oc 624 641 Lll 632 650 141A 6)41 659 141B 650 668 . 659 677 42 668 686 42A 677 .696 42B 686 706 ~42c 696 715 43 706 725 )43A 715 735 4~j 725 745 43C 735 755 4)4 745 766 )44p~ 755 776 )4L~T~ 766 786 4)-i-c 776 797 145 786 808 4~A 797 819 14sT~ 808 830 45C 819 842 45 830 8514 )15A 8142 86~LIT~ 854 877 46c 865 889 47 877 • 902 47A 889 914 4yi~ 902 927 Li~7c Range No. . _____ / ~I ~ WL~WU~)A)A)A)A)H H H HO 00 O~D~’O~.U~U CDCDCDCD —.~--~0~J1~U1~J1 ~-1~tA)LA)WU)F’)A)A)A)H H H H 00 0 0W¼.O~D~~D CDOCDCD I~P’ QtXJ~>obJ~CW~OW~Obi~OW~QW~OW~C)W~otiir’ow,~Ct~r~ab1~C)ti1~Q~EI~1~’atLl~.Io~ I.aq lCD H HH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H HH HHHHH HHHHHH H I~HHH HHHHH ~~1~J1’J1’J1 -~-1~4~~iWWWW A)A)A)F’)A)A)H H H H H H 000000 O0~D’~0 -~--~~ “0 0~-~O-~~fl A)0 ~O-~J1UJ HO CDO\4~A)0 QD—~i1(A)H 0 CD-’~flU)A)0’~D-~CY~4~LA)A)O~0-.1 C\’~i1 4~A)H 0 CD—~G\~J1 4~)H 0~O 0D—~O\tJ1 H A))~0O\L~J 0—~nt.&A)0 O’-O (DCD0D~O 00 r\)~4~O~CDH ~0 -~CoA)--.1 A)-~J F’)o~o o~o o~w O-~4~r\)\0-~\J1 .~A)0¼D 0)—1 ~C’~O’\’J~ HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CD0)-.~~Ji~J1~4~-~JWWU)W A)A)A)A)A)A)H H H H H HO 00000 0D¼.O’jJ~O —~)-~--~H .1~H~0 0~-~0-~Ji A)0 A)~O—~J1W H 0 0)0\-~A)0 CD-~J1W HO CD—~)U1W A)OLD—.]O\4~W A)O’~O~CY\LTI 4~A)HO 0D-~O~fl 4~W H 0’.L)0)—~ A)C’~A)—.~Ui’~0 0~W 0-~J1U)A)0 O~O C00)0)¼0 00 A)W -~C\0)H 4~00W~0 4~0)A)-~A)-J A)0)~O O\A)~D O’~U)0 -~-~A)”0 —J¼i1 4~A)0~0 CiD—J 0~‘~ji HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 0)CD0)0~—J -~J-~~j -.~j J~Ji’ji 4~4~~UJWIJJWW F’)A)F’)A)A)A)H H H I-’H H 000 00 00 D~O~D ODCD-J -~ • ~H’~D0\-~H A)O A)WHOA)OWHOCDA)O~A)O~A)HO4~HO~0 A) U)—J A)CY~A)-~U)‘~0 O\U)0 -~‘ii U)A)00 ~.0 COO)CO”0 00 A)U)-~(J\0)H 4~O~’.0 U)-~0 ~0)A)-~A)-~A)CO 4~0 G\A)~D G\U)0 -~4~A)~0 —~~J1 4~A)0 ‘~0 0)—J 10 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H I-’H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H I-’H H H H H ~0’~0 CD0)CD0)1J-~J J1’J1’~J1 ~“U)U)(~AjU)A)A)A)A)A)A)H H H H H H 00 00.00 ~COCOCOCOCOCOCO A)Ic+ ~H’-.D ~-~0 G\-~H’-O—-J’J1 A)0 0)0\-(~A)’-0----.1L11W HO WLT~-~A)0 OJ—J’JlUJ HO 0)—.J~J1U)A)O~Q—3 G\-4~UJ A)O~)—J O’~tJl -~A)H C)CD—J 0\~J1 4~L~i H • A)O\~OW—J A)CY\A)—JuJ’~0 0~U)O-~J1U)A)0 O’0 0)CJD0)~O 00 A)U)-~O~O)H 4~O~0WJ 0 ~O)A)A)--~A)C04~O O\A)~0 0\U)0 —~-~A)~O--~fl -~A)O’-0 ‘~ii Ii-’ It!) 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Construction Inspector 51A 902/1122 51C 927/1154 Shift St;pervisor -51 889/1107 5lB 9114/1138 Collection Facilities Foreman . 503 865/1077 . 51 889/1107 Electrical Technician II 503 865/1077 51 889/1107 Instrumentation - Technician II 503 . 865/1077 . 51 889/1107 Associate Engineering Aide 50 8112/10148 50B 865/1077 Mechanical Foreman 50 8112/1ô118 50B 865/1077 Plant Operator IV 50 8112/1048 50B 865/1077 Engineering Aide III 119C 830/10311 50A 8514/1062 Senior Laboratory and Research Analyst LI9C 830/10314 . 50A 8514/1062 Groundskeeping Foreman 1193 819/102.0 .50 8142/10148 —3— Effective 12/1/73 Effective 12/1/714 Position Classification Range No. i49A Salary $808/1006 Range No. 119C . Salary $830110311 . Assistant Construction Inspector Lead Maintenance Mechanic 119A 808/1006 119C 830/10311 Lead Mechanic )49A 808/1006 119C 830/10314 Lead Painter 149A 808/1006 119C 830/10314 Laboratory Associate 119 797/992 119B 819/1020 -.Plant Operator III Builder III - 119 148B 797/992 776/966 149B 119 819/1020 797/992 Mechanic II 118B 776/966 149 797/992 . Painter III 118B 776/966 119 797/992 Pump Station Mechanic II 1I8B 776/966 119 797/992 Welder Electrical Technician I 48B 118B 776/966 776/966 149 119 797/992 797/992 . Instrumentation TechnicIan I 118B 776/966 •797/992 Trunk Maintenance Foreman 118B 776/966 119 .797/992 Maintenance Mechanic II 148 755/9110 118B 776/966 . Engineering Aide II Laboratory Analyst II 117C 117C 7145/927 7145/927 48A 118A. 766/953 766/953 Plant Operator II 117 715/8.89 147B 735/9111 Builder II ‘16B 696/865 117 715/889. Mechanic I 146B 696/865 117 715/889 Painter II 116B 696/865 117 715/889 Pump Station Mechanic I 146B 696/865 147 715/889 Trunk Maintenance Man II 1I6B 696/8’65 117 715/889 . Electrical Maintenance Man Laboratory Analyst I Maintenance Mechanic I . Engineering Aide I Plant Operator I Senior Groundskeeper i16B 116A 14~ 115C 115B 115B 696/865 686/8511 677/842 668/830 659/819 659/819 117 116C 146B ‘16A 116 116 . 715/889 706/877 696/865 686/8511 677/8142 677/8142 12/1/73 Range No. Effcct~vc 12/1/711 Position Classification 1I5 Salary $61111797BuilderI Painter I 115 6141/797 Laboratory Technician 1111C 632/786 Mechanical Maintenance Man 1411B 6211/776 Pump Station Maintenance Man 1ILIB 6214/776 Groundskeeper II .14143 6214/776 Heavy Equipment Operator I 14113 6211/776 Maintenance Man 1414B 6211/776 Trunk Maintenance Man 4l1B 624/776 Utilityman —Electrical 144 608/755 TJtilityman —Projects 1414 .608/755 tJtilityman —Mechanical 1433 •591/735 Groundskeeper I 113B 591/735 . tJtilityman —Collection Facilities 143B . 591/735 Utilityman —Maintenance 1133 591/735 .Utilityman —Operations 1133 591/735 Range No. 14 5B 1153 45A 145 115 1~5 115 145 1111 B 4113 4lj 1114 1114 414 147 116C 116A 116 145 145 42 Salary $659/819 659/819 650/808 6111/797 614 1/7 9 7 6~l/797 6141/797 6 1~l/7 97 614 1/7 97 62 14/7 7 6 62 14/7 7 6 60 8/7 55 608 /7 55 608/755 608/755 608/75.5 $715/8 8 9 706/87 7 686/8511 677/8112 6141/797 6141/797 514 5/6 77 Construction Inspector (Part—time) Student Helper (Part—time) B. Apprentice II —Electrical Apprentice II —Laboratory Apprentice II —Engineering Apprentice II —Operations Apprentice II —Maintenance Apprentice II —Mechanical Apprentice I $7.50/Hr.Max $2.145/Hr.Max APPRENTICESHIP PERSONNEL l16B $696/865 116A 686/8514 145C 668/830 1453 659/819 1414B 6211/776 14143 6214/776 1413 530/659 —5— ~Ii~ad~B.~.o~i ~.,I~~lc.ries hereinab ~forth ~ Section 2,Subsections A and B,for each position of employment,effective December 1,1973,the amount of $35.00 per calendar month shall be added to each step rate,and,effective December 1,l97L~,an additional amount of $30.00 per calendar month shall be added to each step rate. Section L~•Section 1 and Section 2 of Resolution No.70—3,as amended are hereby further amended to read as follows: “1 The General Manager shall have the authority to define and establish what shall constitute a regular day’s work for all employees,provided,however,said regular work day shall not be less than eight (8)hours,nor more than ten (10)hours.” “2 It shall be the duty of the General Manager to arrange the work schedules so that no employee,except as provided in Section 3 hereof,shall work more than five (5) da’ys in each calendar week nor less than four (14)days in each calendar week.However,the General Manager or his designee mayrequire any employee temporarily to perform services in excess of said prescribed limitation when the. public necessity or convenience so requires.” Section 5 Section 8 of Resolution No.70—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “8 Except as hereafter provided in Section 9(a), every employee holding a duly established full—time, permanent position who has completed less than five consecutive years of service shall be entitled to an annual paid vacation leave of ten (10)full working days at the conclusion of each full year of service dating from the date of commencement of his service,providing,however, that following the third consecutive year of service,said employee shall accrue said vacation in equal increments of time for each complete calendar month of service.On the —6— employee’s anniversary date any unused vacation from the prior year’s accrual shall be ~utomatie~1iy ~n~e]~ed, Section 6 Section 9 of Resolution No.70—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “9(a)Every employee employed prior to January 1, l97~and holdir~a duly esta~l~3hed full time pos1t~on whQ has completed more than three consecutive years of full time service shall be entitled to an annual paid vacation leave of fifteen (15)full working days,accruable monthly in equal Increments of time for each complete calendar month of service.For such employees,a maximum of five (5)days of unused vacation time from prior year’s accruals may be carried over;provided,however,that the maximum total accumulated vacation time for any employee shall not exceed twenty (20)working days.•Any unused accrue.d vacation time In excess of twenty (20)working days,shall be automa1~ically cancelled.” “9(b)Every,employee employed after December 31, 1973 and holding a duly established full—time,permanent position who has completed more than five consecutive years of full—time service shall be entitled to an annual paid vacation leave of fIftc~n (15)full working days accruable monthly in equal increments of time,for each complete calendar month of service.For such employee a maximum of five (5)days of unused vacation time from prior year’s accumulation may be carried over,provided,however,that the maximum total accumulated vacation time for any employee shall not exceed twenty (20)working days.Any unused accrued vacation time in excess of 20 working days shal.l be automatically cancelled.” Section 7.Section lL~of Resolution No.70—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “14(a)Every employee employed In a duly established “full—time,permanent position priorto January 1,1974, —7— whether paid by the month or by the hour.shall -accrue e1~ht (8)hours sick leave with pay for each full calendar month of actual continuous service,provided,however,that after such employee accumulates 880 hours of accrued sick leave,said employee shall thereafter acc’ue s!x (6)hcui’~~1c1:loave with pay for each full calendar month of actual continuous service,except as hereafter provided in Section 114(c).No such employee shall earn sick leave credit during a calendar month in which he is absent without pay for more than three wo~king days.” “lLI(b)Every employee employed after December 31, 1973,who Is holding a duly established full—time,permanent position,whether paid by the month or by the hour,shall accrue six (6)hours sick leave with pay for each full calendar month of actual continuous service,except as here after provided in Section l~(c).No such employee shall earn sick leave credit during a calendar month in which he is absent without pay more than three working days.” “lLt(c)In the event the State of California amends the laws governing the Public Employees Retirement System to provide for mandatory one—half continuance retirement benefits under the Public Employees Retirement System for the spouse or beneficiary on death of the retiring employee, every employee holding a duly established full—time,permanetit position,whether paid by the month or by the hour,shall then begin to accrue eight (8)hours sick leave with pay for each full calendar month of actual continuous service commencing with the month in which said amendment to the Public Employees Retirement System becomes mandatory,except that no employee shall earn sick leave credit during a calendar month in which he is absent without pay for more than three working days.” —8— Section 8 That Section 15(a)of Resolution No.70..3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “15(a)Upon separation by reason of death or retirement,an employee shall be entitled to receive 25%of his unused accumulated sick leave.For employees that separate by reason of death or retirement after November 30, 1971!,said employees-shall be entitled to receive 30%of said unused accumulated sick leave.Said payment shall be at the rate of pay in effect at the time of separation.” Sectidn 9 That Section 18 of Resolution No.71—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “18 The General Manager may designate employees who are required to be immediately available for emergency maintenance and repair work during normal off-day hours. Such employees,when so designated,shall be continuously available for a period of one calendar week beginning on Monday at 8:00 a.m.and shall be compensated for such additional service.,in addition to overtime compensation, at the rate of $36.00.per calendar week for each week of such additional service performed.For such additional service after November 30,l97LI,the rate shall be increased from $36.00 to $‘42.0O per calendar week.Insofar as practicable,no employee will be assigned such emergency duty availability for more than 13 weeks in any one year.” Section 10 That Section 19 of Resolution No.71—3,as amended,is hereby further amended to read as follows: “19 No management,supervisory or administrative employee who occupies a position that has a salary range exceeding that of Range No.51!,as hereinabove established, will be compensated under the provisions of Sections 1,17 and 18 of this resolution.Effective December 1,19714,said range number shall be changed to Range No.55.” Section 10 Salary ranges to become effective December 1,19714 as hereinabove set forth in Section 2,Subsections A and B,will be adjusted, if appropriate,in accordance with the following: When the cost of living (COL)as measured by the U.S. Department of Labor —Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Cost of Living Index for the Los Angeles/Orange County Metropolitan areas (~1967 =100),whichsaid index is hereby agreed to be 131.2 for September,1973,for the 12 months immediately preceding the month of October in the calendar year in which the salary adjustment is to become effective changes in accordance with the following, the percent of salary adjustment will be correspondingly changed as set forth below:- •When Change in BLS Index is - From 140.14 to 1142.4 +1.375%(1/14 Range) Or~1142.5 to 1414.3 +2.75%(1/2 Range) Or 1414.14 to 1146.3 +14.125 (3/14 Range)• Or 1146.14 to 1148.3 +5.50 (1 Range) In the event the BLS cost of living index reflects a decrease for the presôribed periods,then the percent of •salary adjustment would be changed as follows: - If Change in BLS Index is:Salary Percent Adjustment From 126.6 to 1211.6 • • —1.375%(1/LI Range)• Or 1211.5 or less —2.75 •(1/2 Range) Section 12 That any otber resolutions or motions or portions thereof that conflict herewith are hereby repealed and made of no further effect; and Section 13 That this Resolution become effective December 1,1973. PASSED AND ADOPTED at an adjourned regular meeting held December 19,1973. •—10— STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )sS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) S I,J.WAYNE SYLVESTER,Secretary of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.ii , of Orange County,California,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution No.73—179—11 was regularly ~assed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of said Board on the 19th day of December ,1973 ,by the following vote,to wit: AYES:Directors Henry Duke (Chairman),Norma Gibbs (Chairman pro tern),and David Baker NOES:None ABSENT:None IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of County Sanitation District No.11 , of Orange County,California,this 19th day of December ,19 73 . - j’~Tay,z7~SyI~~ter,Se~retary ~,BA6’ard~6f iJi~7ct,c~St of County Sanitation J~istrict No.11 of Orange County,California S-103