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Resolution 1970 - 0008
RESOLUTION NO.70-8-7 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.7 OF ORANGE COUNTY,CALIFORNIA,CALLING A SPECIAL ELEC TION TO BE HELD IN SAID DISTRICT ON MARCH 24,1970,FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID DISTRICT A PROPOSITION OF INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTED NESS IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $6,000,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING AND CONSTRUCTING ADDITIONAL SEWERAGE FACILITIES FOR SAID DISTRICT. The Board of Directors of County Sanitation District N0.7 of Orange County,California,resolves as follows: WHEREAS,pursuant to the County Sanit~tion District Act (Chapter 3,Part 3,Division 5 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California)and Section 4795 thereof,this Board of Directors has heretofore determined,by resolution passed by the unanimous vote of all its members,that the public interest and necessity of County Sanitation District No.7 of Orange County demand the issuance of additional bonds of said district for carrying out the objects of the district;and, WHEREAS,this Board did,by resolution direct Boyle Engineering, Consulting Engineers,as sanitation engineers for said District,to prepare a report pursuant to Section 4748 of said law,and said report was duly filed and set for hearing,and notice of said hearing was duly given,and said hearing was duly held and at the conclusion thereof this Board approved and adopted said report as made; NOW,THEREFORE,the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.7 of Orange County does hereby RESOLVE,DETERMINE AND ORDER,as follows: Section 1 That a special election is hereby called and ordered to be held in County Sanitation District No.7 of Orange County on March 2~l,1970,for the purpose of’submitting to the qualified electors of said district the proposition of incurring a bonded indebtedness of said district in the principal amount of $6,000,000 to obtain a portion of the funds necessary to acquire the property and do the work set forth in the report of Boyle Engineering approved and adopted by this Board on December 16,1969,and hereinafter stated. Section 2 That the general objects for which it is proposed to incur said bonded indebtedness are as follows: (1)The construction of approximately 68,790 feet of trunk sewers and appurtenances thereto,more particularly described as: (a)Sunflower Trunk,Reach 3,extending from Sunflower Avenue to Red Hill Avenue; (b)Red Hill Trunk; (c)Tustin-Orange Trunk; (d)West Relief Trunk; (e)South Irvine Relief Subtrunk; (f)Main-Dyer Trunk,excepting Reach 25 extending from Sunflower Avenue to MacArthur Boulevard; (g)Lemon Heights Relief Subtrunk. (2)The construction by the district in joint participation with County Sanitation District No.1 of approximately 29,620 feet of trunk sewers and appurtenances thereto,more particularly described as: (a)Sunflower Trunk,Reaches 1 and 2 extending from Treatment Plant No.1 to Main Street; (b)Main—Dyer Trunk,Reach 1 from Sunflower Avenue to MacArthur Boulevard. (3)The acquisition of all easements,pipe,machinery,equip ment,appurtenances and other property necessary for any of the foregoing; (4)The payment of all selling expenses,including legal opinions,incident to the sale of all bonds proposed to be issued; All of the foregoing in accordance with a report of Boyle Engineering,Consulting Engineers,approved and adopted by the Board of Directors of said County Sanitation District No.7 on December 16, —2- 1969,and on file in the office of the Secretary of said Board, reference to which report is hereby made for further particulars, ~and in accordance with the provisions of the County Sanitation District Act;all for the purpose of providing additional trunk and subtrunk sewerage facilities in the district to meet the sewage and industrial waste disposal requirements thereof. Section 3 That the amount of the principal of the bonds proposed to be issued by said district for said objects and purposes is $6,000,000;that the number of years not to exceed which the whole of said bonds are to run is forty ()40)years,but said bonds may be made to mature within a lesser number of years;that the maximum rate of interest to be paid on such indebtedness shall be not to exceed seven percent (7~)per annum,payable annually the first year and semiannually thereafter,the actual rate or rates to be determined at the time of the sale or sales thereof;that if at such election a majority required by law of the votes cast are in favor of incurring said bonded indebtedness,then bonds of the district not exceeding the amount stated herein shall be issued and sold as provided in said Act. Section 24•That for the purpose of holding said election, there are hereby established thirty-one (31)consolidated voting pre cincts designated as hereinafter stated.That each such consolidated voting precinct shall consist of the hereinafter designated regular election precincts (or the portion thereof within said district) established for the holding of state and county elections as such regular election precincts have been established by the Board of Supervisors of Orange County and exist on the date of adoption of this resolution.That the polling places for the respective consolidated precincts shall be the places hereinafter designated,and the persons hereinafter named,being competent and qualified electors and residents of said district and of their respective consolidated voting precincts, are hereby appointed officers of election for their respective con solidated voting precincts and they shall hold said election and make return thereof in the manner provided by law. -3-- -COkTSCLL%t’flD VOTIUG PUCDflV t.tW ELECflOU OPflCZEZ corn.’n s nncw DISTRICT 10.7 07 014I~3E CCP1fl,CLLIPOEflâ •FOR ELECTION K%tC 24,1970 CONSOLT.DAW VOTLW nzCDrr TO.I consisting of nnisler eke tiot precincts (or portioa thereof within said ci1atrict~deaignstsid 63.018,63-077 and 69-037.- Poflin3 Place:Re Sstn aerate,4144 tel bile live. Inspector:lire.I.Re term Judge:Mrs.S.C.Scott Clark:Mrs.L.B.Condo COLtt’%Z~D VOTIt!3 r?~CIrcfr Z.2 coasizt5n%of rsialer elaction precincts (or portions thereof within said dkstx-ict~desS~nsted 63-065 tad 63-076. PolUn2 Place:Prospect School,3fl ito.Prospect Stv~ot Inspector:firs.3.flatten lire.A.Jaccson Clerk:hiss C.V.Gonas ~~ZS~Lflfl~)Vc’Tt~nwrxr RD.3 connistfac~of ro’tlcr ci1~ction preci’icts (or portionc thareof within said diotrict~deaS~n~tei 61-lOB,63—029 and 63—062. Polling Piece:Pnksid.SOLool,12151 So.Torbn Znspctor:Mrs.S.C.Erickcom - Judge:firs.It.L.Schrooclcr Clerk:1cr..C.H.Uendricicson CDNSOLXUflfl,vontrt P?SCIflCT ITO.4 consistiuçç of rec~u1nr olcttion prceivcti;(o~r.arttcnc tbereo2 tcithtn oatc2 diotrsct’)danigiatod 63-056 ?nd 72-093. Poiiitjt Place:Jorctau School,431t C.Jotdou Inspnctor:Itra.IT.V.ClIfford Judze:Mrs.H.B.Pcrtcnz - Clerk:Mrs.It.H.Cotter -1~- COZWOLXDATED VCYflXtG PRECDTCT 10,5 connis tin’of resular election precincts (or portions thereof within said district)designated 60-103,64—081 and 72.262. Pollina Place:Panornms School,10~12 Meuport Ave. Inspector:Mrs.S.C.Yontyn Judge:Mrs.1).N.Cspozxoli Clerk:Nrs.Jerri.Brady COIISOLIDATZ!)VOTIIfl PItECIUCT $0.6 cons ist~ng of rorular election precincts (or portions thereof within said district)designated 60-101 cr4 60-104. Pollicg risc.:Arroyo School,11112 Corcnel poad Inspector:Mrs.L.Sullivan Judge:Mrs.S.W.lTc’nstercy Clerk:Mrs.B.£.Erickson CO7SOLTJV.TJZD VOfl~Q nr~cyxc’r !~0.7 consisting of ro~ulsr election precincts (oi yeortions thercsof uithS.n said district)oaflsnatcd 60-102 ant 72-257. Polling Pisec:Red Hill tehool,ilSil Red Lilt Ave. Inspector:Mrs.I.t ltuhli3. Judge:flrs.L.Duquetta Clerk: . Mrs.E.C.kamirez coisoLrntm)vonrz riwcuc~NO.8 cons istSn~of regular election precincts (or r.e?tions thereof nithin seid district)dc;kjzazt:ai 72—254 and 72-3W. Polling Place:Los (!eritos School,19061 PoothLll Blvd. Inspector:Mrs.P.B.Clnrkeon Judge:Mrs.A.Sw1!nars Clark:,lirs.H.C.Hooper CthSoLIw~trso VOTIIIG PRP4CIITCT MO.S conaictint:of rc’pilsr election precir.ctn (ot pzctionn the~eo~!uitIsiu said diatrictS Cecisnated 63—061 and 72—263. PollLn3 Macc:El Eorte School,18361 Lnsscn Inspector:Mrs.J.E.1t’imauskt Judge:Mrs.V.H.24nwrlc Clerk:Mrs.J.Rein -5- C0’ZOLIDATED VOflRG PRJZCWCT tO.10 cotisieting of rc&ular election precincts (or porticas thereof within said district)designated 63-059 and 63-C~9. Polling Place:La Vats School,2300 S.La Veto Inspectcr:urn.71.1..Wilson Jud~e:Mrs.74.T.Yo’ang Clerk:Mrs.V.A.Trutx COTTSOLID.tT)ZD V’?2tT.5 PflCWCT flO.13.cot~sistin~of regular election precincts (or pc1rtions thereof within said district)designated 57—003,63—053,63—054,63—057 and 65—161. Polling Plooc:Tustontnn flotiil Park,1925 5.La Vets Inspector:Hr.V.C.Fractnsn Judgo:lire.A.it.Lcne~joy Clerk:Mr.r.flSo!:t ~0!~SOLTh!fl~Vufl~C rctcv~c~icc.12 ccmsistict3 of regular election precincts (or nortioca thereof uttuin said district)dasignsted 61—109 and 73—~C5. Polling PLato:linkers Gs~agc,r1652 i’hitney Dr. Inspector:Mrs.B..7.Seekers Jud~e:Mrs..7.A.ttrotlusd Clerk:Mrs.L.1%.Bnrlov CO1UtCLID~%TED VOflt?C Pt.ZCIITCt MO.13 cons ist.ng of rctular eJ.oction precincts (or pe.ztiona thereof within said district)deaLt nated 68—152,63-159 ~i 6~-278. Polling Place:Fix Garcge,1542 5.l9thStreet - Inspector:firs.C.5.Fix Jud3e:Mrs.V.N.Hopkins Clerk:.Mrs.5.H.Schope COWSOLIT’ATEIt VCTfl3 flECI”CT PD.l/~conciat~nz oE rctulor eiActinn precinct’(o~I:Drti”rs thereof v!tld.n srid district)d©~i’~ntcd 71—243 and 72—!zs.c. Polling PUce:Lce.4 Vinte flc:heol,13022 Prospect Inaptictor:fire •V •0.Perryrnnn ---:Jud~e:Mrs.P.71.rfleidarar Clerk:Mrs.H.L.Peck - -6- CONSOLIDATED VOTII:G flECIPCT i~O.15 consisting of regular clccticm precincts (or pOXtO;13 thereo;~si~thin said district)desigi~ated 72—253 and 72..264. Polling Pitwe:Payne Garage,12162 Orvillina Dr. tn:4pcctor:Mrs.L.U.Bollard Judge:Mrs.S.U.hohe~ier Clerk:.:iCru.I.F.Jyae COI~S0LIDLTEk VOTL73 PRECIi7OT 10.16 consisting of regular e].cct~on precincts (or Portions thcn~of within said district)desIgnated 59—099 and 72-261. Polling Place:tda~~to Garagc,12601 Singingwoed Dr. Inspector:11-re.IL V.Caor~crata Judge:Mrs .Sara Arkto Cle~:I::lIre.I.Fr.lbc CO17SOLIL~ATED VUTLTG P~1iCIiTGT th).17 consisting of regui:;~:eic’.ction precInct:.(ci;:portiono thc-rco~iiitltj.r said dIstrict)cIccig~tcd 72—259 soca 72~•23O. Polling Pia•~:Syca~ore School,12712 N1iaahet}.~~Thy Iitspectc~r:Nrc.Ii.U.Cl-tonI. Judge:I-ire.B.F.Ipsen Clerk:Mrs.L.E.Ccx CONiiOLE~tTD VC’TI~ERECIECT rO.ill consisting of regular election precincts (or portiens thare-of within said district)ciceignItoLi 72—256 and 73—263. Polling Place:Coin Foss School,18492 Vanderlip Arc.. Inspector:Mrs.K.S.Larson Judge:Mrs.IL C.Griffith Clc:k:Mrs.L.azarth CON~OLID~.:~V(;flFit I :1~37jOT 1).19 eOL~5i5 t:h~g OX rc~oY.tr election precincts (or p o~’cioc2 tIicn:c~of nithizi end dIstrict)deL;n.~ted 73-265. Polline Place:Shotu1t~cr Garage,13911 Lsurinclr.Usy Inspcctc1?:lire.A.1:.Vandcrherg Judge:Mrs .N.L.Shcrai itor Clork:U;:a .A •N.Lange —7- COICOLIDLTflD votira P?SCt~CT In.20 consisting of regular election precincts (or portions thereof within miLd district)designated 71-284 and 72-25U. Polling Pirce:Recny Careze,l5~l Nelvin ~7ay Inspector:Mrs.L.13.Smith Judge:Mrs.A.C.Snyder Clerk:lire.E.A.Roomy CDIIZOLThAThD VCi?Dfl PPSCDTCT ITO.21 consisting of roJulsL’election pretin~ta Cot portions thereof vithin said dtatrict)designated 7l~.2A8 and 72—250. Polling Place:Lsn’bart Petulance,1151 San Jtuen Street Inspector:lire.it.a.Cox Judge:Mrs.V.I.Daff Clerk:lire.B.L.I?iilin,e,htn CGt~0LIDtTEil VCfl~VitWI~GT E0 22 connistirig of rezulnr election precinctu (or portions thereof witbbt Bait district)desi~szettd 71—241 and 71—M7. Polling Place:War lloinorinl BuLi’th13,let St.Tustin Inspector:M~c.P.1!.Sav~ntag Judge:Mrs.3.C.Cisry Clerk:Mrs.3.L.DeSiIva C0~iSOLrncTET.vonr;WXI1TCP MD.23 cons~stin~cf rculnr diction precincts (or p&Uo~’thereof within said district)&~sS.rjuated 71-200,71-242 sad 73-267. Polling Place:Eden Estockc Sclool,14741 torth t Str’iet Inqrector:14r.L.3.Ecu Judge:lire.1!.L.Piekoing Clerk:l4rv •C.ram!cry CtP3O7.Zt~ATEb VCT7I’.’~PRECfl~L’Wi.24 ccP3int5sc~of rç4IeItt emotion nrecixv~tc (ce:po~tfir!a tiaceroof ~r~chSit utf.d district)d~uttc1 37—004,&—iSG,G~—’LfS ienO 71—Z40. Poi1in~P4cc:Tuçttn !cthoe.l District OSZica,300 toutb C Strcc~: Inhpebtor:Mrs.H.1 .Czztvcet Judge:Mrs.74.5.trooril Clezk:Mrs.1.Zryci -8- C0118)LL’bTED t%TIIZ P:d~CIRtT 710.25 consisting of regular election precincts (or portions thereof vithls acid district)designated 68—172,71—350,71—351 cud 74—262. Polling Place:Drake kesidonce,14211 Raleigh Inspector:Mrs.S.A.Olson Judge:•Mrs.P.2.Stinan -Clerk:Pin.D.14.!unridge C0t~730LTx’cTED VOTWO ncflcT MD.26 covtsLstin~of regular election precincts (or portioas thereof within said district)designated 63—170,71—249,71—235 and 71-352. Polling Place:Testi.n Village t~obil Ptnk,15352 Villians Street Inspector:Kr.0.C.Th~S~gs Judge:Itre.H.U.smith Clark:Mr.U.U.S!con CCflSOLIDLTED VOfltfl nxcr:cr 113.27 consisting of rc:ulrr election precincts (or portior.e thetnof nithin oni’l dtctnict)iicrignetisd 71-239 aLid 74-Ut1. Polling l’ltco:rcnjanin P.Doawick School,1262 Itttcb~ll Ave. Inspector:7ba.GroVel - Judze:•tire.IS.P.}tubsr Clerk:bra.B.D.Connally CONSOLID..tT30 VGfltTQ flSCD!CT 110.28 consisting of regular elstction precincts (or Portio~as thoeof cithin said district)dcsig,atect 71—245 and 74-233. Polling Place:U.It.ITolson School,14392 .Brow&ng Ave. Inspector:Mrs.U.Roden Judge:lire.B.rimrod Clerk:Un.A.i~.Cord G0PZ0LIP.t2~VOi’Z1~rzctrtr tYG.29 consictit~of rng’tlcr election precinctc’(or rc.nt:~’aa~thrt:cof i4thin ctid dLntnict~dos~~taZtd 52—027,53-064,53-C65,54s.0Gl,54-062 and 54-202. PollLn3 PlAce:))flviaw School,2531 Orchard Dr. Iñi’psctur:Ph’s.C.Z.T%s~d Judge:Mrs.%f.D.flxeeor Clcrk:Eleanor Atwell -9- F C!)PSOLIDLTEk)V0TI~fl1 P~flCIflCT NO.30 cons ~stin~of regular election procinets (or portions thereof within said district)design2ted 52—042,52—0/~3,52~165,52-174,52-18!,55—163,63-032,63—140. PollIng Place:Bear Street Schocl,3100 Bear St. Inspector:Mrs.II.It.Rone Judge:Firs.3.3.Kelly Clerk:Mrs.3.~J.Nililams CONSOLIDATED VOTINO PT~ECThCT NO.31 consisting of regular election precincts (or portions thereof within said district)designeted 52—041,52-167. Polling P10cc:I’cularino School,1060 Paularino AVO. Inspector:Mrs.Y.11.Brci~$rt Judge:Mrs.3.To~lin Clerk:Mrs.3.E.Thonet -10- Section 5 That the polls for said election shall be opened at seven o’clock a.m.of the day of said election and shall remain open continuously from said time until seven o’clock p.m.of the same day,when said polls shall be closed except as provided in Section 573k of the Elections Code of the State of California. Section 6 That on the ballots to be used at said elections, in addition to any other matters required by law,there shall be printed substantially the folldwing: MARK CROSS (+)ON BALLOT ONLY WITH RUBBER STPJVIP NEVER WITH PEN OR PENCIL (BALLOTS MAY BE MARKED WITH PEN AND INK OR PENcIL. BALLOT SPECIAL BOND ELECTION COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.7 OF ORANGE COUNTY,CALIFORNIA Tuesday,March 24,1970 INSTRUCTIONS TO V~TER To vote on any measure,stamp a cross (+)in the voting square after the word “YES”or after the word “NO”.All marks,except the cross (+),are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp,tear,or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and obtain another. On absent voter’3 ballots mark a cross (+)with p’-or pencil. 11— BOND PROPOSITION:Shall County Sanitation District No.7 of Orange County,California,incur a bonded indebtedness of $6,000,000 for the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of trunk and subtrunk sewerage facilities in the District to meet the sewage and industrial waste disposal requirements thereof by means of the following:(1)The construction of approximately 68,790 feet of trunk sewers and appur tenances thereto more particularly described as:(a) Sunflower Trunk,Reach 3,extending from Sunflower Avenue to Red Hill Avenue;(b)Red Hill Trunk;(c)YES Tustin-Orange Trunk;(d)West Relief Trunk;(e)South Irvine Relief Subtrunk;(f)Main-Dyer Trunk,except ing Reach 25 extending from Sunflower Avenue to MacArthur Boulevard;(g)Lemon Heights Relief Sub- trunk.(2)The construction by the district in joint participation with County Sanitation District No.1 of approximately 29,620 feet of trunk sewers and appurtenances thereto,more particularly described as: (a)Sunflower Trunk,Reaches 1 and 2 extending from Treatment Plant No.1 to Main Street;(b)Main-Dyer Trunk,Reach 1 from Sunflower Avenue to MacArthur Boulevard.(3)The acquisition of all easements, pipe,machinery,equipment,appurtenances and other property necessary for any of the foregoing.Q4)The payment of all selling expenses,including legal NO opinions,incident to the sale of all bonds proposed to be issued;all of the foregoing in accordance with a report of Boyle Engineering,Consulting Engineers, approved and adopted by the Board of Directors of said County Sanitation District No.7 on December 16,1969, and on file in the office of the Secretary of said Board,reference to which report is hereby made for further particulars,and in accordance with the pro visions of the County Sanitation District Act? Section 7 A cross (+)placed in the voting square after the word tYES~Tin the manner hereinbefore provided shall be counted in favor of the adoption of the proposition.A cross (+)placed in the voting square after the word “NO”in the manner hereinbefore provided shall be counted against the adoption of the proposition. Section 8 That,except as herein set forth,said election shall be held and conducted as far as practicable in accordance with the general election laws of the State of California as far as the same may be applicable. Section 9 That only registered voters residing within said district are eligible to vote at the bond election. Section 10 That the Secretary of this Board shall cause this resolution to be published once a week for three successive weeks in .~. -12- ~he Tustin News,a newspaper having a general circulation in said district.That no other notice of said election need be given. Section 11 That the Secretary of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to sign a certificate of the adoption of this resolution to be published herewith. The foregoing Resolution No.70-8-7 was passed and adopted by the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.7 of Orange County,California,at a regiilar meeting thereof - held on the 11th day of February ,1970. Secre ary,Board of Direc rs of County Sanitation District No.7 of Orange County,California STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss COUNTY OF ORANGE I,FRED A~HARPER,Secretary of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.7 of 0ran~e County,California,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution No.70-8-7 was passed and adopted by the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.7 of Orange County,California at a regular meeting thereof’held on the 11th day of February 1970, by the following roll call vote,to wit: AYES:Directors Clifton C.Miller (Chairman),Lorin Gr~j~et, Ellis N.Porter,Howard Rogers and Win.Hirstein NOES:None ABSENT:Director Don E.Smith IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of County Sanitation District No.7 of Orange County,California,this 11th day of February ,1970. revtors of District No.7 of Orange County,California -13-