HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 07 - Resolution 12-08-1948 (A)·'.' ,,. 1 2 3 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUN'I'Y SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 7 OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA On motion of Director GORDON , duly seconded and carried, 4llthe following Resolution was adopted: 5 II BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of Directors that it is for the inter- 6 JI est and advantage of this Sanitation District and County Sanitation Dis- 7 JJtricts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 11 to enter into an agreement for the 8 II maintenance of a centralized and jointadministrative organization to care 9 II for the general administration of the affairs of each of the said County 10 II Sanitation Districts for the supervision, operation and maintenance of the 11 II work of each of said districts, and that for that purpose each of said 12 I\ districts shall employ the same engineer, surveyors, counsel, and other 13 II persons needed to carry out the purposes of said districts. 14 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that that certain agreement, a copy of which 15 llis hereunto annexed, be executed on behalf of County Sanitation District 16 II No. 7 by the Chairman of this Board of Directors and that the Secretary 1711attest the same. 18 II AYES: DIRECTORS 19 NOES: DIRECTORS 20 ARTHUR CHARLETON, WILLARD SMITH AND IRVIN GEORGE GORDON. NONE. ABSENT: DIRECTORS NONE. 21 22 STA'I1E OF CALIFORNIA SS 2 3 COUNTY OF ORANGE 24 I, CHARLES A. SWEET , Secretary of the Board of Directors 25 11of County Sanitation District No. 7 of Orange County, California, hereby 26 11certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly 2? 11adopted by the same Board at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28 8th day of December, 1948, and passed by a unanimous vote of said 29 11 Board. 30 IN WITNESS \/vHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of 31 11 December, 1948 32 ~u~ Secretary~~of-the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 7 of Orange County, California 'I 'I 11 i I I J(;)Drf Al'.'1llltS!1itA.lrM .-.mn 111 19.,M, 21 flde apeeunt en•e"4 1.ato \his 8th dq or De£ember .................. b7 aad bet•ea, . <»tn~n $.AJi.IfAf:tcni DI.S'ta.la!' 'NO. l OF OMNil~ OOUllll ~lift S.Alllf.AflON DISftliaf NO. ! QI OlU.l&E COUN'TX' , I 3 4 5 ;1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 !' 1611 ii 17 ![ 11 1811 19 I I 20 I 21 I 22' 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ' ®.· ... ·.··URfl 8AN.IfA! .. lON l>Ii!l\lQ! NO. i· er GM.~~m ®.· •fj'Nft ... ·. ooum :SAl1fA'!l01 l>I~Ift IO. . or ORA.NG!: oou.m 0$UlfY idl'?A!ItilUIJ Dl!fi'&le! 10. QJI ~GI OOllJf!'X QOllffl SAUTAtIOR Vlft:IIO'f NO. 1 Of <.mARGE OOUHI OOtflf'I'. iAIITAfIOI" »I.ifRl{J! RO. 3 01' OUNGI. OOV!ltt OQVMft $J\.II'!A!ION D!.Sftlti"f RO. ll OF O"i.AMG:t ooumx w I! Nm a 8 Er a.: I I I [ I Ti.A.t ~i!i!MD&At, tu ato"•1d Gou•1 llanita:t:.lt>n niartrtets i have lu~retC11te~e been •~ls•d ad. a:r1 now ex1at.1*8 and exe!*e1a1na; I 'lae1r tuot1.ens aa pu~llaJ .qene1ea pur.aWt.itt t:o. the pl'Grta!ons of the 1 aout1 1aa1,att1oa. lt1atr-1et Aet o~ 1923,. (Statut:es et 1923, Cha;pte!' 250 1 1 aR4 amendlaenis tll•:Hto) and ot ._pter J, P'aJl"t. ), .. '.91•. tel.on V ot tae I Meal.th and aa.t••7 004• o.t the state et Sali:torni&J and. w~s. 111 ta the ntaal. desire or 'the Saa1tation Distr-1ots,I part1•u• hereto, 'to ex•••t:e .a Jolat A41lin1s'tra.1il.tHl Ape•mea1; as eontem-j plated in leet1••• 4S4o, J4.841, ad. 4-a4a-ot tl'le Health a.nd Safety Oodle I o.t tae state of fJaliterna, and, 1 ~ll'UA8, 1• 11 aad wU1 contln•• to b•, te ub.e ••ual 1ntereat am a4Yanta1e of aa1d Sa.~'d,.tation Uia,rl•t• and eaeh ot them te ba•e a stAgle, Jo1at ldld.. e•atl'al!,sta •4m1al,1.1'ra•1ye orpn1ut1on, Md each I!>!" eua J1.st11'lo1ht as eo f'...a and declared 'b7 rtH1elut1«>n · adopted la1 1t11 loud ot lireeten. IOW, T'IDIFQH, it 1s hen'.b;v aped. e.1 follows: (l) !hat all or 1ald. D1stl"'1et.a, al'd. aaoh oiaer n1str1c1s, Slt;r, hn1•al7 Dlatriot.t o'tb.er apnq or eo·llibirla\1on thtn•eof, a.a ••7 lleJl'eat'ter become parties le •hi• agJtMll8ni., acting Jointl1 ~ tor their mutual at.'Ya.n''ae;e, shall have a single &M· oentra11ze4 daUJ.s- ,,,._,1ve or~aa't1on (lMJl"81n&t1elP ntenod to •• the Jttni Ab1n1at.1ral1ve QJ.!'pmisatlon) 'to preTid.e t-r and pel"fo.n the dll1niatra,1ve tuncft1ons d eao aad all et 1a1d Diavie•• taelwU.ag tl!le eonat.~0•1ori, sQenl.aion, opeva.t1on, .and ma1.nteaance or ·· t:be san1ta't1.on wons Qt each u<l all ot sa1d D1sttr1ots, ea1d aani1ia1'1on wo:rke al!'• 1ta1etl.ded h mean tl:te tru.U. aewer111, eewap '"a.'tnnent plaa1lis. al\4 sewage p~Q1ag plants coaa1i"1ote4, pvobaae4 and aequ.1l"M 1>1 nl,d Dletriota a.:n« tu.ae t.ru.nk a•wt•• an4 aewage pu:ap1~ plants so dee1grua:t•d bJ al.leh M.'1, hni tar1 Dietr·1et, o1lh•:r agene1 or M81,M1:1on til•reot', u •1 ae:reatter become part,ie-e to "h1a aoe•atU'lt; . and. 'ror 'tb&t purpose aU er said D1at:r1o'ia shall have 'he aaaut Ob.1d' Engineer o:r Geun1 -l•l', anti ether aa.sia'eant or> iU.v1e1onal eng.~AfUt?"s; .aru::u~ouii.ng emplayeea, oouasel, and neh other ott1eeJ>a ad •l!IPlo1ees as mas be emplofed, w1tb. t.b.e •on.aen1 ~ a:pp:ron.1 ot the pTen1q bolU'il.s ot ea$h iaat1ta$1on 1'1ab1o• partr neNto, te:r t>ae •tu.al at.vantage or al.l 'D1•trute ure1:o, b1 C.11A$7 5aa1'4•1on m.at-rlet l et O:r-uge Ooua1iy and Yllo deal.l 1h•reatier p!!t!!"f'on their reapen1•• dutt.&s as Jo1.nt ottlo•rs or emplo1e1ui ot all et au.eh Mni't:at1on d.1air1eta, pan.1es to this ag!"Be1u,riti -1- I I 1 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12 13 I 141 I 15 Ii 16 ii I! 17 11 ,, i' 18 fll 11 191 20 I 21 I 221 I 23 2411 251 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 And 11i 1s llere'bf .llu'lully •5"•4 '.bat the oompensatlion ot all su.eb. otf'ieera and •JBPl•J&&n and -11 o1he:I" expeaees ot aid Jo:1nt .AOilaiatrattve 0JJg&n1aa•toa and all fts'l1 1ru•uned ta eEnt:muattoa w11dt opents1.en aa<i matn'teJtalloe 'lh•f'•·ot ab.all ~ equ.1tably d.1•14•«, allocated, .a.aA appar11o•t auag the several D1a.tr1eia, ,parties bere"Go, and shall be eb.a.rged. t3 alld paid by th•• t.n the f'ol.ln1ng -.ane-r, to-w1,.t I l I hd . All items or ~al}~tl$e which. •n l>e readily segt'ega\h~<l j aad. all~ulatett .11"111 be .. , d.1l'.'ectl1 tc 'th,e ll1str1e• tor~· beaetit j of whia.b. ••eh euqMar1uu11 Wt!Hl 1.n.cvrea, and t.e •h.1# end. 1 t . is ~·~a'.fio.cd ~' oe,..-tun e11plo7ee4, such aa 4••.1.pera; e~amen, fdtd. •••r 1.lmlla:r 1 t11plo1••th wute vorlt can be :read1lf &tgng&ted, shall aeTer\b.eles• ltf l •11>l•T•d 'bJ aou11 laa1'4,l1«>n Dlatr1ot Jl,o. l tor the •tual '4Yau.1iags of' all said··· lt1st•1o .. ts, 11>ut 'ha.·· t a.n. aectit:r&te reeoN: alu.l· l·l 'b.e lt•p.· ~ et 1b.e . 11m.e o'f 1:aoa emp107e•1 ad. a ~p •• <U.reot •• '1\le respeo'tt w i'Jlt;ti?1•t tor tlu•ir J)N,po:ri1oute ahiu1i or. the OGm.P••aatJ;o.n. pqal)le to Rath. Jo1nt 1· •llpl•7eEhl 1n aceerdaao with said t-e•M• fhe auata 'lbus ~p-a to tb.e r•eptcttw t;1•'c;rt•ts. I.ball, dtel' b•iag ~n•ed . DJ. thfd.,. pve:rn1ng [ boa.Ma, be J>;tid · \r1 them !ato \h& had• o.t OoutJ Sard.,t~t1on »1st:r1et No. 1 and eU.iJll\ll"t1ed &1 aa1o, ll>istr1ct aa hin•oi.ns.tter .Jfl'tr•14ed. I {b} Suoh po.rtiion of th• •JCP•Uuui~ ;t.n~ed in eonnection with I u1d Jolnt l.dm1n1at:ra1U.Y1t Q,rsan1.atit1on a• e-allAOt he :read11J' ••1H1•i•d I and. alloea.ted. as h~u·eJ.mi'bo'Vfl! pv~v1ded, shall lM q>po"t1~ned. and eMf'lled l t• •he reape<atin l:U.stv1ota 1n ane of the f&ll•wtng uthoda: I 1. !he amt)un't appei»t1olltad to oaoo D1s,i-1ct shall be 1n th.e ratio ·~n1at trot~ 'bond 1~nn.H1 ur G&p1 tal 1nve.$l-lu&nt, wh1~h••er 1$ tlae great.er" o'Z snie'tl 1.'J14StJ'1c't bea;r.• to th• ~"&~•~ or sllO.h gJ10tufliiar aw:as ttJr .all ~.f \he Piatr1e:ts, partiea bet"$,&. Ire.~ ~-purpoael!J flt th:1a f14greeunt '1.ap1'tal iBVf!J~tment ebal.l l)a de'h~-1.nett 1n the tollowitta ~ep: fo 'lbe total a.•:n.u1t of kn.de av.'-hor1ze~ 'by a ~1stfJ1oi au.l.l be Nlhd su.ah, a:1101u1i a~ u1 Hp:resent tihfl talr 't'due ot the·1ewer.t)lp 1'/0~ks con.stwe-;sd. or :ae(lii'i:t"e«. bf aaeb. D1str1et troa t'wlds o~her t~~n tthen ·deri •• tnm 1.a•us ·ind eal e of bonds, plus the ta1r value of su.o s .. ~ ~rk!! aet <:)W0d b7 tn,e.i1atr1at but a.sod. ~1 it tar D1stJr1et pui!'posea .. 2. la the e~se o-r anJ n1.atri1ct, p&rt;r hereto, Whiell has n~1~ecr au:tn1ul"12.:e4 tu t.a:S\\4!Ul4• ot bo•d• nor ~\l,lr·e4 aewnge, wo.:rk• nor tlae .:r1P,1 to ••• sewerage ~~k.s not the pJS;pe.a-t1 ot. w.a n1s•t"lot.., 1ih• a.pµol"'ti.Q~at or expeb• ~ll be u -· )!iatio st t-e eeti..!Da'Ced Qoet ot ·work p1!topose4 b;r the .EiB1.1ne01-• a R.epor"1, fil~~ pttn\lJ:Utt to h$llo11 474& or 't.be lieal'tb. and hftrtf Gode, to t.?le a3g~1a'8 •t the ~t:tir a~, aa pr'OV1drfN. in pAX"&P"apb b<-1 tb.eret>t, o'Z all e>:t the lU,a'triet•, pal"t.:J.se hereto. I I I I I I I I :;. In lieu e;t e1the:r ot the t'Qreg&1¥.ig u~o«s, the. parties ht1Ntto, b; an.a:tual apt$tDMln1S, _, <l•rt:er,•1-• a s;pec1t1e4 annual ohal'ge "to be P•14 bJ' aD1e'tr1et.dlU'ing the 1n'ter'"1l btliweea th• to~1;.1en ot th& Uidriet a.»4 the 1tiatta:nee •t bonds ter eo:na1'rl1e't1sr,i :puJ!Po•••i pJ"OV1ded, u1N!l'Yit-, that upon the 1tunuin-. of knds 1'1 ••oh litt!"J.et or th.e a.equ1•1•111)n ot works from other tuad.s . j or snraes, 'th~ popt1on et the 'tetal .Joiat Ma1n1stm1J1o.n e:zpena• 1;o 'be bwae by auoll !)i.4!1tt<P1ot 1 shall be dettr- m1n•4 bJ one or the other allocation methoda above spee:1:t1ed. -2- , ( r.t) .'ror the P'\7PO·S& of' ttlo.1111'-.ttag the Pa1aaeat ot such 11 1Jcd.n' eo;11u,1. expena:es, Mlar1••, waa-s or othei-eem.peaaa,1on 1titJUT•4 tn 2 I oonMotioc vi.In ••·•ll J:o.lnt M•1n1s•nt1Y• or1am..~at1(u1, it ts ll,p"eed that 11tM·· appOl"'t1•U$nt, aa MN1M\)ow :p;rort4•4, . tmal.l »• paid montilly bf 3 1 ••ch D1atr1ct .late. the ttmd• ot ~n•1 a&n1ta:t1on D1a-.r1ot lo. l .•t Qrarce O$un.t7, wh1eh 1& lteHb7 4ee1pat•d tor this purpose, and au.eh 4 114•s1gaatea. D1et•1et ahall 'the:reatte:r, tt.•• the hade 'blil• Jl'ald to 11*. iegetber w11h a1un1 par1U .. on et 1 t• own · tuads as ~ ebs.rgea'hl• tiloreto:re \ 5 11 tor the pa;uttt of' all eueh eoete, egpena~s, aala:J"lea, wages, &l' otaer 1 OOfti!«U111at1on 1nov.ne4 'bf, er to tte pat« in coan•etion. v1 th, the ma1n·ttent1t.nee1 6 11 ot lt.t.eil Joiat A4nd.n11tftttw Organ1zat1on. 1 7 II ?if IS UN»Bstoen AND Amt.Un, that la the OC!Utstni:0tion, opera,.lon 1u14. ma1ntenanee of ... h• aewe'.f' llaea f:U'ld eaa11'at1en workm of aald a 11D1etr1e't• uncler ,.h• eupeX"!l'1a1on ad Urtult1on of' sald Jo1ri• .Adll1alstr$:t2.Te Opganlzation, it will be n.eeeesar7 ti-om tla to time "to prort4e •1•F1als 9 11.ud equ1p•at and. te •11>101 tempol'a.P7 l$.berere, torewcul a.Jad, oth•r emplo1eea to.r tbe 1nd.tT.\4ua1 1uu1 &Ad beae1'"1.t of a e1ngle D1sUr1o._, and io 111t is ihe!'eton ucter-eteod au14 agneti ,ha,, aoiw1.tbs,,a.n41ng arq other i.PN•lale•u1 herein,. eaeh ct ta14 !U.atrleta ma.7 tro.m t1me 'to t.tu 11 111.M.1•14.ual.11 e~lo1 #1\uah teB\P,Or•~ e~l.07eea as M1 be n•o•a•ar1 in eon- \aeo,1cn1 w1 tb. tiut eonatNell.oa,. operat1.oa and ma1ateMnc~ of \be trut1 vldual 12 ·1·••Wel' l1rMut ~ works of aeh D1a,~tets, and iat suoh Diatriets ae ••lortag t•11POnr1' tt&plo7ees fo:r th• 1nd1•1dua1 u.:ee and banet1t of 1ihe 13 ,\rt1atr1cti atrecte4 a.hall p'lq cU •. 1"$etl7 tl"Gm the ttmd• ot said 1>1str1et the nlaries or wac•• er at&tth 'iempepa,r7 e11ple7ees aai. tha eosta ct aDJ 14 11•••r1als ant eq;ulpm•at pureh&sed or uaed. t0r the. 1nd1 T14ul be11et1 t o-r such Diatrl,ct. 15 i: ii . It 11 uaderacioOd ant!. agned that all ct' the D1et;p1ets, 16 1P&rt1•s ureto, sha.ll pat1e.1;pate 1n the Orange Co'Wlt1 £mplo7&EHJ' lftet1J"eaent SJalem 4\nd '/:or this. purpose C<n1ni1 San1ta:t1on D,1.s'tll'io' No. l 1 7 111s a•tho:r1.itt4 and. di.r1u1,•d on 1 ia own 1:ntblt and c.n btthalf' of the ether Diati-lots, parile• b•Hto, am each. part7 hereto •SH•• 'o take eueh l 811•ci1en at u7 b& requr"e4. to ••. cu.re. auoh parti.e1pat1on 1n .uid o.-ange ~unt1 IiZ_,101•••' Ret1l'ltnieflt Sya$em" 19 11' Qoun'ty Sanitation n1at:P1et lo .. ~ l is turreb7 d•s1gna1ied to 20 11•k• all pat.uat1 lo said Orange Goa'Q' .bpl11ees• Re"tlret1ent Stgtem in the manner e•ntempl.a:t:ed b,y law, and b7 •tteh nles a:nd :Peplat1cuul as •Y 21 11now or bereart•r be pro-1p••4 govtl'ftlng the a«min:tatrat1on ot said ,Betiffment lyatem. fll• mon1hlJ oontr1h11on bf eaeb 11•'r1ct to:r c•l!'T'en't 22 11ael"Tioe mull b• in t:~ nme prope!'tif»l'l te th• .total llliOU.ft1t paid 'bf ea.eh P1atric't 4u1ng sueh l\O,Jll:tll tot" 9alaries an& wapa;, •ltber lli:r•etly of!' 23 11in.4ireotl7., ff ••J\lo1ee1 •:e al"'• u.mbera a'f 'Ghe 1ltt1:re,Mn'C S7s'tem "ttea:Ps to '\b:e total a•u.nt paid. :ror $'1.la:r1e• and wages dur.tng &tunt m&cth bf 24 lla.11. Ditrl!"1ots 11 ,partiee b4J"e•o, to amp1.er••s who an me.ml'J>.ere of th& !l,et1nment 8711r1hJ11.. 25 tor the pu.l'pose ot mak1ag all JHtJme:ata 1n'to th4' Orange 26 llOoua17 im,plo1•,•s' 1\ttlrel'Kttit 11atem a.ocnisg fl"Om and ar1'er the ett'eetive te of th1a eontrsu1•• each. ot the D1etr1ots, pa:rtiea b.e:reto, e~ll 2 7 ll••tr1bu1Ht t(I 0Got7 lan1tat1on ll1atr1et I~,.. 1 as the repNs•nttat1.ve r>t 1 &11 or the liatrlcta, ihe 1u1ount.9 at thfJ time and 111 the nuei-oe13tem- 2s !~a.tea b7 th• pNY1e1c>riia or law a.act the ru.lea and ,;pegulat.S.on& ot the 'Mnge Oo1ln:tr :lmploreea• !let1.:Pe11Etllt srstelfa. 29 th• Qb.1et mnc1aee:r or General Manager to be appointed at\d 30 l\fiUIPle7ed tcu,. •he ntul advan:tag• ot all fJ1.s,1"10t•, part1sa h•~•to, 'Q7 Qe•n•7 :hn1ta1i1o~ ru.aur1et. No .. l ot Orang• $ou'l1 1 ahal.l be u caa,pge ot 31 l~u aaid Joini A4al.n1111;z-ai.1ve Orgall1aat1 .. ui aa ••U ae et tuee •mple7etut ,!ho, as pr.V14ed iaen la, are 1n41 Yld.ullJ' tllPl•Jed as temp:e~ emplo7ea.s 32 Int &l\\7 P1s·t:r1e1:, pot1 here'lo, tor oonstNot1on, operatio.n, antl 1nteruanoe of 1n41Yi4ul et'WeJ" 11Ms &ad warlta or au.ob '.liauie'e and -3 .... CD II tj II 1 II pa.14 d1r11H.itl1 from tlle t\lnda 01' the aai4 J1atl"1ot, a.Ad •14 Qhtet l.ng1n••• or hn.•nl J4a.gtr shall l't...ave sole eontMl c.t ti.le attalrs 0t 2 ti the 11at4 Joint .Admiaiatm.iive Organigatioa and of the a.i.adaiatntlv. at'fa1ra of the intU.v·ld\lal J1.11tr10'•• •1.l'bJeot •o the te:rBuJ •t th1s 3 II a,iT'eeael!lt and. 'e tile d1t'1h,.tions Qf thg !01u•d Qf nirecto:-1 of 'tilt n111:11e,1ve knit-at.ion. 11atr1(1rte, partl•t he1'1'f,o .. 4 fh• booka. re:oel"dl! an.4 aeeeuta rel$.t1ng to s·•.1d Jotn:t 5 ll Mmin1.at.rat1ve or~1uii2at1on shall .at all reas~t1able ttu• be open for 1napeot1on to the Boal"«. et l'U.;."eotora ot •nt of •a1~ s,anitat!.on IU .. •tr1e's 6 II o.r to an7 pe~on 1nter•u~te:d therein. 7 ~·bould ru-.1 diepu:te or CQntrro"fllray ~rille 1n eormeoti"n w1th said books. rtu,.or-1$.s Ol" aooolla~a. o~ u1 $OaJ!eetion w:lth the emplo1ment. e 11 or ft.PJ' of'f1Gflats $1"' empl1'Je~s of sald Joint M.m1ni.atre.tive organ1za.t1on or in corineetion with. •rtl of the atralrs or o)erati.o,n (J)f said Jo1Dt 9 11 Adm1.nlst:!'ti.1U.tt Orga!ii~ation. tne Board o.r bi~eotors ot &t,:ch ot e.a1d e.anlta.tion. :t1etr1•'• !!lb.all appoint er d•algia11te ene •~'h'lb&r th.e:teof to lo 11 pepre,tnt sall. Joa.rd ot Direetors ~.ni sa.14 rep'rt$"ntat1vea of the va:r1eue . Boarda or ll11'1te,oJl's shall a•'t .1tt1 a Boa:f'd of' Arb1t,.s:~1.<H\ in eoru1eet1on. 11 11 vith 1nuih d.1spute o:r c&rrurove.1"11.1, u~ th~ r1M.lngs t:7 .a mnJol"it1 of' said 12 1, .loa~ ~1' ,Arb1tnt1~ri ehall bf.t binding a,nd oenelu.sive UJH\U\ the reepeeti.•• I pal"ties h.eret~ .. 13 I, . . It 15 tu~th~r u.~~iet"s'tDed a.nd ~tgreett 'th.flit 'fiflurn.•ver any &t:hf;r 8a.n.11#at1on 'DteiP1e1 'tl1ib.1n tll• C'eat1 •:r Ora~, n-ow or hereafter 14 11 o%'pniiu~tt a.nd or-iiuited uruif!fr.o th• priov11d.ena of said Oount1 Santtat1on llsir1c' Ao1; or 1923, o.r ~'C.1 ,'iune~n11i $.!" amen4Mn'ts the~eQt, or an7 15 Cl'Uf,, Sanitary il1ati-te'b, ·other apno7 o~ ooald.11&t1aa th•Hot, shall 4e1U-e \o 't>eeorae a pa.rt7 tc 'this apl1f!t1mc$rJ:t and its hY$r'~i~ !t)~.l'd shall, 16 b; "solution,, t1a.1. and d~olare th~t 1t ~<till "ti~ to t.he. 1nt~Ns1 and ali.Ta.At•1• of' saeh Ilistr1e't, City, Santtu; 11s,~1.et, ether q\ll!l~J' or 1 7 t"Jombina.t1en th.~reof, to ·~Cl so ~.Ad t!ihall autho:rite 'th~ E?'xeouts.~n aad algni.t:tg ot th1a ~ettitUl'i, •~cl'-1 ~1.•tr1~ift,, City, ~an1 tar7 D1s11r1e1l, .e'th&r 18 qtu1e1 or ce:.ibirmtlC!P the:rlftof, 'IJ.fk:1 1 1;i;f ·thtt mutual eo11UH!it:G't e.f tbe pa.rt.iea hereto, $& ev1denced by rwtrt9lu~1ons adoptfid b7 their ~s;p•ct1ve Boards 19 flt tliraotora, bt:t ptrl.1il1tted. tei do ~o bl e,~ecuting ~nd s1aatng iAis &f;1"iJHJ!lf!Ult, and tliereu.poa •~flh 'nia,rl4tt, Ci t:r, S&utu,-District, o t.hsr 20 agGney or 0om'b!~t1on thereof, tbtui beeom1.ng a pa.rt1 he:rett:J, aball become ••llJ••' io 1ihe benet1•.s and 1l'bl1'at1oncS ot th.'~s ag:reement to 21 tho •a.•e e.xte:at and in like manr1e'r' &a tile or1g1n&l p4,;r'ti•a 'there'io, and. 11Ull bear and pay 1'' fJNport1~nat• s~:re ot tb.e ealu1ee et otf'1eera, 2 2 ee~fltn,,ation or tmplo;y~efi, par1U.eipai1ol\ in the Or-an{$@ O.olUlt;T r~mpl\l1·eea ~•tu•11:11..ent S7ste• ~*ii •the!" coat11 $.lld ex~ilUtaes iae'tlJi'ire:d in oonattetion 2 3 II w1th •~id J:o1ntJ A4m1n1stre.t1w O:rgan1.t.a1U.on, wh1oh :propor·t10uta aha.I•• 2 11 shall be detl•r:min4d.,. allo~8.ted., att!S. apporiioned, :ii& hert!J.lnabove prov1ded,· 4 I in the 81ltm8 mtU'llletl' aa fer other D1•'tr1Gts, parties. na:reto. 25 !I 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fhi1 agreement ahiitll e'1n11ma• in etteei tor 5, · yea:ra troa lh• date hePeo:t and so lcntg tk$rea:f1Utr ms 1t shall bi""'l'i'""'the ln1Ullrest ·an4 adftntage et the Dl~trlets. pal'ties h•:reto, . 1;o a1.ata1n n~tt Jo1at MmJ.1d.stnlive o,..•n.ization. It at; any. tble at"ter .~ 1ear1 from the date $f 1;hia agne11ent it •houl.4 aeue to be to tb.~J:"ilereai &nd edvan1;ap ot a,~, Dlstne\, · P~"'' h~ui•e'ia, to eontin:uce Zls a:. p~J to tbJ,s &gHement, u4 tts Boari et IU.reotor:s ahall s~ t1rd. and decl&l"$ b7 reaollltt&n, it m&J w11:b.4raY b•r•tH• dd termln.at• 1~s o-bl1ga•1ons here'W¥ler atter sut1 (6Q) da1s not1.ee in wr1t1ng 'l;o tl'iie othel"' ~al"''tle• fiepeto o-r its bt.fiua11oa to a. tlO, aQrjl bJ •he tull and. e.Ol!Plate d1.scbarp ot all its dalJts and obl1ga,10n$ h•reunder fr>'r whieh it ahall \le o:r b•~ome l1ahl• up *• 'lb• d.a1e at its w1•Mra,wal; prortded., hl'l>wever,. tnat sho:ul~ &a.nJ Di.st'a"l.e't w1 ~aw. untro•i this a.gNe11ea1 . sball con't1aae. in erteQt tllePeatte.r as to the nnlning :parties thento 1.J:i l..llte llaane:r ag 1.t aai.d '.£>1.lfltl"1G't ao w11thd.rawlag had never betH\ a pa.;rt7 to sai~i a.pe•ment; -4-t l. 4 , . ;/' 1 II provided further that any District so withdrawing from the Joint Administration Agreement shall not be entitled to be reimbursed for any 2 II contributions previously made by it directly or indirectly to the Orange County Employees' Retirement System pursuant to the provisions 3 of this agreement. 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, pursuant to resolutions adopted by their respective Board of Directors, ha.ve caused 5 II this instrument to be executed and signed, and their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed by their respective Chairman and Secretaries 6 II this 8th day of December , 19J!li_. 7 11 ATTEST: 8 .. 9 ll ~d~ Secretary 1 0 ! jl ATTEST: l 1 I --; I 12 1 1~??~ 13 Ii Secretary 1 4 II A TTE ST : 15 11 16 1~/??~ 1 7 \\ Secretary I ATT E ST: 1 8 19 1 11 ~~ 20 I I 21 II ATTEST: COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 1 OF ORANGE COUNTY By £~v ~~ Chairman COU NTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 2 OF ORA NGE COUNTY By <J~1~ 6 airman CO UNTY S A ~JIT ATION DISTRICT By v i .<~..., v L'V .....-121 ~v..,....­ Chairman COUNTY SANITATION DISTR ICT NO. 5 OF ORANGE CO UNTY By ~~,,~ Chairman COU NTY ./ 3 I 22 'I 23 11~~ ,,,,,/ ~R ~~ Chairr.i Secretary 24 II ATTEST: COUNTY 25 1 ~!Z~. 26 I 27 Secretary ::~~ Chairman 28 ATTEST: COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ::II~~ Secretary 3 1 :;~~ Chairman ATTEST: COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT 32 I ~?/~ I Secretary -5-