HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 02 - Resolution 1948-12-08 (B)~ ·; ~1 . :;i-... ( ...-~ .. .1 .; 1 2 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT No~ 2 OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ~· ·. :. ,, On motion of Director WILSON , duly seconded and car- 3 ried, the following Resolution was adopted: 4 BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of Directors that it is for the inter- 5 est and advantage of this Sanitation District and County Sanitation Dis- 6 tricts Nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11 to enter into an agreement for the ,1 7 llmaintenance of a centralized and joint administrative organization to care 8 11for the general administration of the affairs of each of the said County 9 11Sani tation Districts for the supervision, operation and maintenance of the 10 work of each of said districts, and that for that purpose each of said 11 districts shall employ the same engi~eer, surveyors, counsel, and other 12 1wersons needed to carry out the purposes of said districts. 1 3 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that that certain agreement, a copy of which 14 1lis hereunto annexed, be executed on behalf of County Sanitation District 15 ibo. 2 by the Chairman of this Board of Directors and that the Secret ary I 16 11attest the same. 17 l~YES: DIRECTORS GEORGE N. WEIMER, CHARLES O. McCART, IRVIN C. CHAP MAN I I AND ANTON w. WILSON. 18 LT rOES: DIRECTORS NONE. 19 IL ~OT VOTING: DIRECTORS CHARLES A. PEARSON 20 11 1iABSENT: DIRECTORS JAMES A. BAKER 21 11 ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA 22 ii pOUNTY OF ORANGE SS 23 11 I, CHARLES A. SWEET , Secretary of the Board of Directors 24 1\ ff County Sanitation District Noo 2 of Orange County, California, hereby 25 11 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I 11 ertify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly dopted by the said Board at a regular meeting thereof held on the th day of December, 1948, and passed by a majority vote of said oard. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of ecember, 1948. ~d'~ Secretary of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 2 of Orange County, California I J0IIT ADKlltlSTRATIVE AGBl.EME.ft 1 II !his agreeunt en.t,tH•ed 1nto this ~ day ot December 19..J.&, b7 and between, , 2 3 4 5 Ii 6 7 8 9 10 II 11 11 12 ' 13 141 i 15 :i 1611 II ii I! 17 II ii 1811 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 OOW'Nfi $Al!Jl,,.A'!l()N .l)lSTllef NO. OOURft' SAIIT:A'fION DiftlUe! HO. OOVlfY SABI'fA'!lON DISBIOf MO. OOUIU SANI!AfIQI DIS!RIO! lo. OOU.NfY IAill.ITA!lON JJlW!RlC! 10. ®UNTI IABI!*AflON DI61'a:t0'1' NO. COOTX SANITA!ION IJIS'fl\lef 10. COUNTY SAMI!A!ION ru:sTRICf JJQ. l OF ORANGE OOtmfi 2 mr ORANGE ccnnnx 3 OF Ql\ANGE OOtnf?Y 5 OP ORANGE OOUN!Y b OF GRANGE aom:x: 7 01 QaAICl:E COUHI 8 OJ' OR.UtGE OOiftl' ll GP <m.AHGE OOUftI 'WI!;ESSJi!!H: fW\.T WB!L"'l.EAS, the afOrf;tM1d Coun't7 Sanitation District$ have heretotere been orcanlze4 and aiae now ex1st1.q a.nit exe,Pei!ling their tuetions as p\lblio agene.iea. purs•at to t.he pJ"oTi.sions ot' the Gount1 Sautat1on llts•r1ct Ac-t; ot 1.923, (Statu.tes·ot 1923, Chapter 250 ant\ P&aiments thereto) and ot Shapter J, Part ), D1v1•1.on V ot the Health and Satety Oode ot the State ot Cal1:fornia; and, WHlm.EAS, 1t 1.s the •tual desire or the Sanitation Dist:rlcrts,J parties herew, 'lo ex•nte a Jo1nt Mmtn1stra1-1on Apeement as. contem-f pla.ted in Sections ltg4o, !W!lf-1, and 4842 of the Health and sa:ret;y Code i et the Sta.ts of O.alif&rnia, au, j WHD1£Ae, 1 t ie and w1ll eon1U.nae 'to be, to the JDUtwal [ interest and ad·91u1tage ot said Sanitation D1s1ir1e'ts and each ot them i 1;o b&Te a s~gle, Joint and o•atraliz.ed adm1n1etrat1Te organiz.a't1en, and eaoh of. said D1.s1r1ctsha$ eo t<lund. and deelared 11>1 reau>lut1.on adepted b1 its Board ct D1reo\o:ps. IGW, THDJ:FORE, 1 t 1.s hereby agreed as follows: (1) !bat a.U ot sa1d D1etr1ots, and au.oh ether D1str1.cts, C1ty, $an1taey 1>1.atriot, other agene1 or eomb1nat1on thereof, as may he:reatter 'beoom• ;par-ties to th1s agreemeai, acting Jo111t.l1 and tor their mutual a<tv&n'tage,. shall ha.ire a single and. eent.ral.ilutd atf.m1n1s·- tra._1v• organlza.t;ion (h•re.1nat••r retened to as the J'Q.1nt Mnd.niatrative Ol"guizat1~m) to proT1.de tor and P•rferm the adad.nistratiw tu.noti~n• I of eaeh and al.l et said »1str1e'it 1n•lwl1ng the oonstr"Qc1i1on, .su:pen1eion, operation, and maintenano.e ot the sa:n1tat1on work.a or ea.eh and all ot said Distrie•s, said sanitation works are intended to mean the truu sewers, sew.age 1irea:tment plants, and sewage pumping plants cEuteinoted, pureha••4 and acquired 'bf $&14 »1s't-r1cta and those $runlt a•wers and sewage PUDl.P1llti plaii:ts so d•etgnated by such ~1t7, lamitar1 1)1s1ir1e't, o'bher &g•Hl01 .or ee•ainai1en 'Gher•ot, as •1 hereafter beeo.me parties te 't.h1s agr•ement; and for 'that purpose all et said JU . .etr1ets shall have the same Ob.ief li:ngiaeer er General Manager, and othe:r as.ais,ani or div1atonal en0.neers, accounting employees, oounsel, and sueh other oft1eers and empl.07••• u ma.7 be employect, with the. oonsen1i 28 ii and app!loval of the governing boai-ds ot eaeh la41ta•1ct1u1 D1striet pa:rt1 her•'o, fer 'the mta:tu.al ad:vutage of all D14t.r1ots hereto, b1 Octu:n:t;y 29 30 31 32 1&n11ta•1on. llis:triet l et' OJ"&ltge Oeuatr and who shall 'thereafter perform. their reapective d'tlties aa Joint ofti•ere. er employees of' all ot' sueh SQn.it.a.tion districts, part1es to this agre•men.t; -1- 1 2 3 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 II 12 131 I 14 II lo !I i! 11 16 \I ,1 11 17 I' 18 19 . 20 21 22 23 24 I I 25 i 26 271! 28' 29 30 31 32 Aad 1' is herebr mu't11all7 apee4 tn...:t the oo.mp•asati.on ot all aue.h. otf'1eera anQ. e.inplo7ee s and all. o'C;he!" expenses o·t said Je1nt Adm1a1strat1Te Oi-galli&a,1on and all eosta 1n~d in tu'lnnection with ope:ra.i1en and maintenance '1lereot slulll be equ1ta'bl.7 d1•1ded, alloeated, and apport1cntttd uong 'tb.e several D1at1'*1ets, :parties hereto, and shall be eharged to and paid by t:bem. ln the following manner,· te-wit: I (a) ill 1teiu or expense whieh can be readily segr•gate:d JI and allocated eh.all be ehaJ'Ced t1reetl1 ic the D1str1et tor tile. beaet1t of whieb. au.ell expEn1se w~u• 1neuned., and. te this end 1 t 1s uadere'tood ! that eer1*a1Jl •mployees, • .. u.oh as d•td.gnera. 1 draf"1s.men, and ol:ber similar · 1 emplo7ees, wh.ot1e work can \>& readilJ aepega:ted, shall nevertheless l:tf e19lo7e4 bJ aou'r San.,1ta,1o:n D1a1r1ct Ha. l tor th• nhal adTantage f <flt all said »1•1Jr1ets, but that ara accurate reeol"d shall be kept of the fiiu ot. · •••.·. h eaplo1eea ui •. eh. age made direct to th.' .e Hepeot:i•.· e D1str1et · f'or 1he1r proport1oaate sllare of' the oompenaat1on Pa.7•ble to s•Oh Jo1nt employees ln aeeordaaee w1 th said reeord. !he amoiut1uit thus oharged to the r•u~pective ?>1etricts ahall, after being appn•ed l>7 'tht1.r gcrverning I boarcts, be paid 'b7 t~•m 1a.1o the hJ1da ot Ooun't1 Sanitation District i lo. l a~d d1slhil'se4 by aaid Dlstr1ot as hereinafter provided. I (b) Such portion e'!' the expense 1neu:r.red. ir1 oonneC1rt1on w1th I said Jo1n.t Adm1nistrat1 Te Oi-gan1.z.at1on as cannot be read117 segregated 1 and allo~ted a$ here1nabove provided, shall be a.pport1on.&d and charged 1 to the -respective Distrlete 1n one o'!' 1'he following m.eth.ottsn l l. 2. :;. The amount •PP·•n1oned 'tio each »1str1ot shall be ln the ratio that the bond ieaue or 0ap1. tal innstmtnit, whichever 1a the gl"eater, of slileb D1stl"1et bears te the aggnga,te of stlch grea:ter aus tor all e.t the . 1'1atr1c'ta, part:1es hereto. For 11.he pur;poaea ot this agree•tntt oa:p1ia1 1nvestment shall be d.eterf.d.ned in the to1low1ng a.anner: 'fo 'tib$ total amttunt ot 'bends authorized by a l>1t1tria't aball 'be adied such amw.nt as ma.1 repre aen:t the fair value o.t the sewerage works con.s'true'ted or &El(}Uirei b7 au.Oh D1sir1et tr0m funds other tiban those 4er1'"4 ·troo• itstle and sale of 'bond.a, plas the fair val.ue. o.f suck sewerage works not owned 'b7 "\tlle D1.atr1ct but used 'b;r it f'er D1stl'iet pu~aes. In the e9.ee o'! .allJ l>1atrte•, part1 hereto, wh1eh has nei tluJr author1.&ed the 1ssuanoe ot bonds nor ac;Jqu!.red •everage work..s ·nor tb.e right to uae sewerage Y$1"lts . not the property o.r wen D1ertr-1et, the apportionment of e.xpen•• shall be in t:ll.e ra1;1& at tae estimated oos"t of work p.ropos$d b7 th$ Engineer• s Report, tiled pursuant te Seet1on 4748 ot 'the .Heal'th and Satetr.Oode, te tb,e aggn.gat• ot the greater suma, as provided ln ptu•&i,"lNa.ph b-l tll•J"eot, ot all et the D1.a,r1cts, pot1es hereto. Ia lieu of etther of the foregoing ae1;hods, the part1es hereto' b7 mutual agreenu.~:nt, mar deteJ"m1ne a ·~ec1t1•4 annual charge to be paid by a D1at1".1et during th& intePTal between the tormat1on. ot tne District and the 1.srutanee ot bond.a tor e1:nu1tnetlon ptn•peses; provided, hr.nt•ver, tbt upon t.he 1SSUtd\ee Of bonds Df SU.Ch Jiatnet or the aequ1sit1en or works r~• other runds or sources, 'the portion •f the tetal Jt>1nt M.m1alstrat1o expense to be borne by aue.h D1st.r1et 1 shall be deter- m.1.n.ed. b7 one er the other allooation methods above $peeif1ed. -2- I 1 i\ I 1 11 ( e) For the PUJ1>G•e of' tae1li,tat1ng the pa;ment of suoh Joint eosts., expenses. salartea, vape or other eom.peasa.tion 1nc\U.'Ted in 2 11con.neot,1on with e11oh Joint Ad111n1siJ1-a1U.ve organzat1on, it is apeeed that the appor'liionment, ae hei-e1ubove proT1dtt<l, shall be paid monthly b7 3 il••eb. 1'1artr1ot 1nto the f'Q.Rds of County ~nitat1on D1a1riet No. l or Orange Ooua'ly, Which ts h•nl>J d.ee1gnat.ed tor thl.s purpose, and such 4 114••1p.a.'led J:1a•r1et shall thereat,er u.se the t"d4a thus paid to 1 t. l]toge~her wi 1ih such por1.i11Jn ot .1 ts own tW'lds as are chargeable therefore 5 1for the pa711ent ot all au® ooste, expce1u1ea,. salaries, wages> OJI' ether oompen.sat:ton·1ncu.rred 'bf, er to be :paid in eormeetion with, the maintenance 6 11o:t •w.ob. Joi.at ,Adm1ti1atrat1ve ergan1za11on. 7 11 . I! IS VNDB.STOOD AND AmtEED, that 1n the o:onst-ruotton, operation and maintenance sf the sewer ltnes and sanitation works ·Gf said e 11•1at71eis 11nde7 the superv1e1on and d.1rect1en Gf ea.id Joittt M.a1n1stratJ. n @r;an1!1aticn, 1t w1ll be rJ.eceaaary tnm time 1i<> time te p·rev1de materials 9 11and •ct11ip•nt s.nd to eapl.01 temporar1 lab~rera, f'oremen ancl othe:r emplo7ees for the 1.n~1Y1dual use and be.n•f1t ot a ~ingle D1str1ot, and 10 111t ls th•.retore utersteod and agreed that, notwithstanding all1.· other prey'islons htM'!:l.n, each 0t t1a1d Districts Irt$f t'rGm t1mf# to time 11 1n41v1.4ual.ly employ suah tempo.rlU7 e.mplo1eee. as m&f be ne.cesaar1 in e,on- neetion with the eenstwe•.1¢ln, operatl.em a.nd ma1ntenanee of the 1nd.1•1.4ual 12 •ewer lines and wo:ttka. Gt $U.eh l>1.s'tir1cts, a.ad 'tha:t au.oh n1etric'ts se emplo71ng te~rarf tmplo7ees for t:he indtv1d.u.al liee and. b~netit of the 13 ljlUst:rlot attected shall pq 41J"eetly fl'am t:he tttnds ot eaid D1e1r1ct the / salaries er wages or JSueh temporary employees am the ecste ot iu11 l 4 l'1raa'ler1a.ls and eq\11pment pueh&sed er uaed tor the 1nd1 v14ual benet1 t ot: jsuch D1str1et. 15 !! ii It is underst.eed and agreed th.at all of the D1atr1ets. 16 11p~urt1es hereto, shall part1eipa:te in the Orange Oou.nty Emplo;yees' l[Retireaent S1stem and for th1s purpose. Ooun1i7 Se.n1ta:t1cn D1etr1ct No. l 17 1 1 11s au:tbor1se4 and 4.ireeted en t•s own behalf an.ti. on behalf ot 1.he ether 1.P1atrS.ete, parties hel'e'to; and each part7 hereto agrees to take sueh 18 Ji 1aotion as ma1 be requ1r$d. to aeeure sU.ah part1o1pat1on in sa1d orange II ceu.trt7 Emplo7ees' Ret.1rement Sys1e~,. 19 fl . Count11 &.n1tat1on D1s1:rie11 No. l is here'by des.1p.ated to 20 make all pa71111Ht\ta to said Orange Oounty lemployees• Retlrem•n't S7stem in tb.e manner eente~la.ted 'by law, and. bf su.eh ?>ules e:n.d regalat1.&!ls as may 21 now or her•atter be pro-1.p.ted goverrd.ng the admi.nie'tra1;.1on et ••1d Retirement S:ystem.. 'fhe monthly oontribu't1on by ea$h i1s<tr1ot tor cu:M!'ent 22 aervie• sh.•11 bt in tbs eame proportloa to the total amount p.a1d bJ each. D1strie1 dv1ng such. mon;th tor salari.es and waps~ either di:reetly or 23 II i.ndirectl7, 't;o eaplo1e•s 'dle are members of the Ret1re•nt 87stem bears. , to the total 11u101uat p$,1d. rcrr salaries and wages during su~h mo:nth by 24 \lall :D1str1cte, parties beretG, to emplo1•es who !tr$ meabers. of the l llerti.I"\\lt.ent S7stem. 2s I :tor tb$ pUJ"Poace o'l' mak1ng al..l p-.ymen's into the G?'ange 26 II Cout1 Emplo7ees 1 R.e-g1rement S;ystem aecru.1ng trom and a:r,er the et:teet1:ve dltt• o.f this $Ontrac•, each ot 1Ule Jl1strlo~s, part.ifis hel"eto, shall 27 II eontl*ibu'te to Oc;n1nt1 Saa.1tat1on D1e,r1ot lo. l as the representative of . all. of' th• D1str1.cts, the amounts at the time and in the maane:r oontem- 2 s liplated b7 the provisions. o:t law ad the rules and :t"fgulations. of the Ora.AO'e Ch:n.tnt"' ~lo1rees • Reti.rem•l!lt avste.m. 29 II . li!!> i'f ""'JiUi' <I . q The ab.1•f' Engineer or Gttneral )F..an~ger to be appointed and 30 II emplo;red tor the mutual ad.van.tap ot all Jistrlcta, part tei hereto, bf Qounty &an.1 tat1on ll1atJ-1et No. l cf OTange Oount;y, sh.all be in cluu, .. ge of 31 ll1fn• said Joint Adm1niat.n,1ve Organization as well as Gf those emplo;vees who, as provided aereia, are 1nd1T14Wil.l.y 11nap107ed as temporar1 emplo1ees 32 llot an, l)1sti1'1et, partr here'to, tor oonstruct1on, operation, and mai:r;ttenanee of 1nd1vicbuu ••wer lines and works or such !>1SJtx-1e:ts a,nd. -3- ~z,.,. 1 2 3 4 paid. d1:reetl1 from the flmda of the said llistr1et, and aaid Chier :bg1.aeer er hner>&l llaaapr shall have sole ct,Tn!ltrol ot the atta1.rs ot title sa14 Joint Administrative Grga.nizat1o:n and ot' the adm.i:n1strat1ve atta1rs of the 1nd1v1dual i1atr1ota, iau'bJttet to the terms et this agreement and to the directions ot' the loarti o:r Director• or the reapeetive Sanits:tion Dietr1ots, parties hereto. 'I !he books, records and a.ocou.nts relating to said Joint 5 II Adm1n1atrat1ve Organisation shall at all reasonable times be open tor 1nspec11en to the Beard o.f !>ir&cters ot a.n1 ot said Sa.ni 'bation D1s:tr1cts 6 II or to any person interested t.herein. 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~:I I 15 !I 161 17 I! is II I 19 20 21 I 22. 23 24 I 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Should any dispute or controversy.arise in connection w1th said booke, records or aec<na.n'lis, ·or in eenneot1on with the •ft1P1oyment of any Qff'lcers or employees or said Joint Ad11inistrative Orpnlz.ation or in conneeti.on with a.111 o.t' the affal..rs or eperati.on of' said Joint Adm1n1.strati w Organ1.r.at1.on, the Board ot Director& of ea oh of sa1d Sanitation :Districts eball appoint or des.1gaate one membe:r thenor to represent se.ld Beard ot Dire()tore and said representatives Gt the various learie et :01reeters shall aet as a B.oard of Arb1trat1on in oon.neet1on vi th au.eh d1apu.te or c~u1trov·ers1, and the t'intU.J.1gs bJ a ma.Jori ty ot said Boa.rd of' Ar'bl tration shall be binding a.nd conelusi ve upon the respeoti•e parties hereto. It is :f\lrther understo<:>d an,d a.greed that whenever any other San! ta,1on lH.stl"iet w!. thin tae County Qf: Ol"'a.nge, now or hereafter organized and created under th,e provisions of said C0:unt1 Sanitation D1a1*riet A.et of 1923, or arq amendment or ueu•intta thereof, or an7 Qlt7, san11'fan District, o'ther agenc1 or e,cunb1nat1.on thereor, shall desire to lrute&me a par-t7 to this agr•ement and its Governing Board shall, by r•solution, t1nd and declare t.hat 1t will be· to. the 1nte1"est and advantage o.t su.oh District, 01 ty, 8&.n1tary District. other agtnc1 0r eomb1na iion thereof, to .do so and shall aut.hor1ze the execut3,on and signing of this agreement, such D1s'Ur1ot, 01 t7, $an1 tary D1.s1ir1.o1i, <J ther agency er eolt.bination thereof, maJ', b7 the mutual. consent of' the parties hereto, as evidenced by reselt.ttions adopted bf theii-:respective Boards ot I>lrectors, be permitted to do so by execn.tting and signing this a:~ement, aadthere•p•n ea.oh D1•tr1ot, Oit;r, San1tuy Dlatr1c't, other ageney or e.ombinat1on thereot-1 thlls becoming a. party hereto, shall become st1bJeat to the beneti'le and ab11.gat1~nu11 ot 'th1s agreement to the same extent and in lll:.e mannet" as the original parties ther·eto, and shall \lea:r tand par 1ta propo:rt1.onate share ot tb.e salaries at otfioe:rs, oampensat1on ot employees, pa.r'tieipa11oa in the Or-ange ·ocnurty 1limpl01ees R&t1.rem.ent S.ystea and other coats and exp•nses 1neu.wed in oonneet1on with said Joint A<tm1n1strat1ve Orge.nization, which proportio.ne.te: share shall be determined, allocated, and apportioned, a.s herein.above providetl, 1n the e.ame manner a.s for other llistriet.s, parties heret:o. Tb.is agreement shall continue 1.n etfeot tor .r; years i-rom the date hereot arul a.e long therea:rter as 1t ahall b~t'h• interea and a.4nntage et 1he Di•triets, parties .he.reto, to maintain such Joi&t Adm.1n1et:ra1itn Orpn1zation. If at any time after _i_ ;rears trom the date ot thi.s agreement it should cease t.o be to the-rnTereat and advan:tag1 of an7 D1etr1et, pal!'tyhtr•to, te eontinue as a partr to this agl?'91lment, and 1ts Board. Q,t Directors shall so t1Wi and declare bf reselu:t1on; it •1 w1tl1Glraw heret:rom and terminate its obllgations hereunder a1"'ter sixt;-(60) days notiee 1.n niti.ng tc> the other pa.rt1es hereto of itt. , 1nten.t1on to do eo, and by the full and complete d.1soharge ot all 1 ts debts at'ld obli.gations heretll\der for which 1t shall be o.r become liable u.p to the date ot i'f;s withdrawal; provided, however, that should an1 lliatr1et withdra:w bex-etrom, this agreement shall eent1nue in &:ffe~t thereafter as to the rema:1n1n& parties thereto 1n like manner as 11" ea.id l>i.atr1ct so wi tbd::ramng had n.eve:r been a party to sa.id apeement; -4- "' ,_r ' J 11P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 9 1 io I 11 I I 12 j I 13 /i 11 14 11 provided further that any District so withdrawing from the Joint Administration ABreement shall not be entitled to be reimbursed for any contributions previously made by it directly or indirectly to the Orange County Employees' Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, pursuant to resolutions adopted by their respective Board of Directors, have caused this instrument to be executed and signed, and their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed by their respective Chairman and Secretaries this 8th day of Decemb!:3r , 19 ..... 4.,...8...___ ATTEST: ~<2'~5t-- Secretary ATTEST: ~~ Secretary ATTEST: COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. ·1 OF ORANGE COUNTY By £~d.-~~~ Chairman COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 2 OF ORANGE COUNTY By ~JV:~.~ or~ airman COUNTY SANIT~TION DISTRICT 15 /1 ~ . 16 11 ~·~~ By V l /"-""'VV-'V ,, ....... ~ 17 1! ATTEST: 1 8 19 II ~d~Y- 20 If Secretary 21 II ATTEST: 22 " ~??.~~ 23 11 Secretary 24 II ATTEST: 25 I 26 I ~d~ 27 II Secretary 28 II ATTEST: 29 11 ~_/de~~ 30 II Secretary 31 11 ATTEST: 32 1 I ~d~ff- Secretary -5- _... ... COUNTY SANITATION D IST~ICT NO. ~ORANGE COUNTY By ~~,~~ Chairman --.. COUNTY SA~ITATION DISTRICT COU1'.TTY By / c ou:-JTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. COUNTtY By Y~l-~ --. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT 2