HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1963-01-044 1-4-63 ~4fl~TJ~3 OF T}~V ADJOURNED REGULAR ~ETING:~.. ~~iary~~,.19ö3:a~k:GO p~m . V DISTRICTS NOS •1 M~.~-~ ORANQ~COUN’i~Y,CAlIFORNIA • V V~V Room 239.~.110k.West Eighth VVStreetV V V ~.V~.,SantaA~,,California V:-V ~P~rsuantV to V adjouI~’nnentaof meetings .~on December 12,.and December 20;:1962,the Boards;of Directors:of~County Sanitation Diatrict.s Nos.,.3.and 7 of OrangeVCounty~,California met:-:in an adJoiaz’ned regular meetlng~at k:O0 pm.,January ~,1963 in Room 239, 110k West Eighth Street,Santa Ana California - The Chairman of District Mo •1 called the meeting to order at k~oo p.m.The roll wae called.and a quorum was reported present for each District ~~. ‘NO.1 V V.::;~.:V..V;‘.~:.V V :DireOtor~present.:.~..~.A.Rail (Chairman),George W~..Doney, A.H.Meyers and C.M Feather].y Directors absent None • •.:DISTRICT NO.,~ V •V,V~VVV V~V Directors~present.::.. . George W.Doney (Chairman),Dee Cook, A..A..Hail,-P&~.V H.Meyers.,Rex:A..Parks •:.c:. and.C M.Featheriy.~...• Directora absent None Others.present:V•V l~e W..Nelson,V Paul.a Brown,C.Arthur V V :V Nisson,..Jr..E~.H..Finster,,.Arthur Guy,. (~he’Stave and Fred A Harper,Secretary DISTRICT 1 Moved.,seconded.and duly V Approving,and adopting Addendum carried:.V. NO’•1 to the~,a~ecjfi:~ oati.ons zap Job No~k’~L-tS That Addendum Na.3.dated V ..~.I flecember 2~V 1962 t~the .1 specifXcationa~for En~tne-GeneratOr No.I,Plant NoV.1,Job ~PL-8,be approved.and adopted..~V DISTRICT’1 ..V This being the ~time and place ----V~-fixed by the Board for the ___________________________ opening of-.propoaal&received for~~V Engine-Generator NO.,1, was moved,seconded and duly .~ ~ias received ror Job P1-a,. publicly opened,and..read.•V~ Plant’No:.1Vj~JobNo..?i.-8,.VVit~ carried:: . CL That the Secretary be.direo.tedto.open the proposals received for said.Job No..pi-8.:The-.bids.-.were then.V.pub].].y-.op’ened and ~read....V.V’,V V ~V ‘V:..: DISTRICT 1 —~eferring bids opened for Job P1-ö to the Engineers and the General Manager V V Moved,seconded and duly carried That the bids publicly opened and read at this meeting for flT~’T’RT(!P 7 and duly carried:: 1-11-63 That the:Secretary’~te7 directed:to:open the’.próposals~received ::fOr~Oonstructjon:of .:said’‘Contraot~’No e~~.:.The...bidw.’Were then publicly opened and read. DISTRICT 7 Moved,seconded and duly carried Referring bids fox’Contract No..7-4C to the Eng1neers~~That.the bida.publicly opened and ~and~the’Generaj Managex”::’::~’:’-~~read:.at.this.meeting for con atniction of Contract No..7~1IC Sub-Trunks,be referred to the Engineers and the General Manager for tabulation and reooiiunendation..to the:Board. DISTRICT’7~“:‘~~‘“~ APprOVing:Addendum:NO’.,~:l~-‘ to the.plans and specifi cations for Contract 7-2A,. 7-3C &‘7-3D •MovedseoondedYand~:duly carried: ~. ______________________That.Addendum No..1 to~the plans and speCifi’catiâns~fOx’Contract No..7.-2A,7-3C &7-3D Sub-Trunks, is’.hereby approyed and adopted. f~T~’!~RT(!P 7’.‘..‘‘‘..‘.‘:.~Moved,seconded~ard”düly carried: Letters rrom.the Countv:~r~ Orange in connection with ‘That letter from the Ccunty of Contract No.,.7-3,,receivea Orange-dated December 10,1962, and.ordered filed :‘‘‘requesting-repláoement~of un acceptable paving,on Contract ~be’received,and’.ordered.filed;and FU~’RER M0V~:That letter from the County o~Orange dated December 28’‘l962~e4Vising that due to the failure’~f the Contractor tstaler,Inc .,)to correct inferiort paving,,the County forces will,complete the:necessary work and bill the coet~,be-received and ordered filed. DISTRICT 7 ~joved,,seconded and duly carried Actions regarding Contract I No’..7—3~(Staler,‘Inc.’J’~That letter dated January ~4,1963 ‘•,-..‘ . ~~“.~om~Boyle and ‘Iy~.~report1ng on work to be completed;and..‘remedial.~work to:be per~ormed on Contract No.7-3 by Staler,Inc.,Contraotor,Ibe received and ordered filed. The Chair recognized Arthur Guy,attorney for Staler,Inc., who ‘addressed the-Board concerning the Contraptor’a positIon •in-the matter,“and following,further discussion .by..the Directors it’.was moved’,.seconded.and duly carried,:: :~~: •-Thabbasèdu~i”the-reoommendat1on’of the Engineera.and the General.MaMger’3progx’ess”payments on’Contra~t’No.7-3 be suspended as provided in Section 8-2 of the General Provisions ~‘ portion of-the specifications for said contract. —. Job N ~Pl’-~,‘be ~et~rred~.‘he~:~~gineerS~and the General Manager for.tä~ul~tion~and~’recommendation to the Board. ________________________ ..‘::.mie~ing the tme an~place Bids received for Contract~‘‘.:~‘fixed..by the Boai’d for the open No.7~Z4C,publicly opened .lug,of proposals received for and read ...‘:::..‘.~-~.conatruction~of Contract No •7-4C :~‘~‘~.~:~~Subrunks,.i~was,moved,seconded -2- 1~-63 Following a.di8cuasiOn pertaining to the-.suspenaion...öf Contrac.t No.4.-3~it~was;maved,...sèconded and duly carried That in accordance ~Section Y 5..U~~page~i2~of~i oónt~ac~.:(plana ~árid specifications)en 1i~Ied~”3U3PEN~I0N’~Qp ~the opiniozv of the ~the work with the ~diIigence rnd~fOrce 3peolfied and thtendöd in and by the :!te~s.:of the contrgct.;i .~andC.the General Manager for’.the District ‘.:ishreby ~authort~d andcdire~teth”at’hi3~-diacréti’on to serve written notice:.ön the.,Contractor for Contract No.‘7-3 (Lemon Heights Trunk.Sewer),Staler,Inc.,stating that.said Contractor wt11~be suapended from the ~ont~aQ~if it ~iaa r~ot,.wi.thiri five days after reoeipt of said,notice,completed the coritpact to the satisfaction of the ] ietr1.o~’s engirieex~s~ •..~ •iDI3TE~’.::~Moved,seconded and duly Letters from Boyle and Lowry - carried.— regarding COntract’No’,~~:~~ received and ordered filed “~‘~Tha ~from ‘Bóyl’ë and Lowry dated January 3,adviaing that ~the~Cofltx’act&,‘~!taIérj Ino’.,,has not .pro.ceede&in 2~accordance with the revised . construction schedule.sübmittéd.,td~the.:District on December 20,.1962,be received and ordered.filed~and PUR1’HER MOVED:That letter from Boyle and Lowry dated December 28~l962,époi’t’ing-orr remedial work:to be perforrned~on con tract No.7-5-2.by Staler,,Inc.,Contractor,.be’received and ordered filed. .. ‘)2~: ~: DISTRICT 7 .:Moved~.seoonde&.ax’&duI...Oarried: Action on’prägress payments~’~L’~:t.’.ll .~‘..:.‘,.: on ‘Contract No.7-5-2,de~’~~..That consideration ofi’suspEnsion •“ferrëd ‘~2~iJ...’.:’‘Of progress payments,on Contract Ne.7-5-2 be deferred to the next meeting.of the Board.;., .. .,,•... . .••.,, DISTRICT 7 -Moved,seconded and d~uly oarried Request for Consent to Assign,approved (7-5-2J -That Reajieat for Consent to Assign on Contract No.7-5-2,be approved, received and ordered tiled — DISTRICT7”~.‘v~~~‘Moved.,~3econded~’.:a~id”Ydüiy carried: ‘from :yan3:.Dieat’.:2~:..‘.-‘•~‘,~‘ . . Bros.,.:Inc.wajviflgolaim t~.~..:That;.the:communication,dated any claimed,delays 1n.:the~.‘‘~‘.Janury~J1,1963,from Van Dieat construction ‘‘Contxaot~Bros.,“Inc .,~ackfloWlédging that No •7-5-2,received.and.ffl~~~”.‘~ty~’San±tatior~-DiStrict No •7 .‘.~.,:;.~ been,responsible for any delays in the progress of the con atruct±on of-any part of Contraat No.7-5-2,~he received and ordered filed. .. .~.~. DISTRICT 7 ...Maved,~.aecottded..and duly carried ~—“~~1:?....~‘.‘~...:. p~rtion of Contract 7-5-2 - That the Board of Directors adopt from Staler,Inc.to Van ‘~Resolution No.63-6-7,approving Diest Bros.,Inc assignment of a portion of Con- “.~‘‘~‘.‘.‘-~Inc. to Van fleet Bros..,Inc.Certified copy of’th±S rësolutlon Is DISTRICT 7 . ‘the’General .:;. Manager to serve notice on Staler1 Inc’.;(COntract~- No~7-3r -\.,?c’ a, —3— 1-4-63 attached:hereto and made a part of.these minutes. DISTRICT 7 Moved,seconded and duly carried Ordering Staler,Inc.to submit a new construction .That:.’Staler;;Inc..~be’ordered~to schedule prepare and submit a new I CQfl’ :..~‘‘‘;.... struction schedule showing the time.in which the work from.the.beginning;of Contract 7-5-2 shall be~completed:through Engineer”:sStatlon f39+50.and show Ing how ;the~corrections of defective work~.wil1 be:made and at what timethey 1will be ffiade.,:;.Sad-Imown.defi~ienoieB’have ~heretofore~been’.described,to;.Staler,inc .:by letter Written by’Boyle &;Z wry construotion~engineers,..dated’~Deceàber 28, 1962...;,:,,:,~.,~ DISTRICT 7...~...:: . ~....~ ‘ ‘:Moved,’,:seoonded and Notice to Withhold.from Associated,duly carried: Concrete Products,i~.,;receivedr ,~. •.~ . and ordered filed 7~3)That.Notice to Withhold ~....~,;•.dated December26,..1962, against Staler,.Inc~,~:CoXItract NO..:T-3’,.subrnitted’byl Asso ciated Concrete Products,.Inc.,in’:the amount ot~$188087 be received and ordered filed. DISTRICT 7 Moved,seconded and duly-carried Notice to 1lithhold.from .~~ Airamco,.received.and ...That.No,tioe~to.Withhold dated ordered filed (7-3 December 28,l962~against Staler, , ..‘ .:~‘Inc.,.Contract’.NO~7-3,8ubmitted by Airamco in the amount of $941.25,be received and~ordered filed...-‘.., DISTRICT 7 Moved,seconded and duly carried: Notice to Withhold’fromE,.B. Moritz Foundry received and That’.Notice ‘to’:.WithhoId’‘dated ordered filed’~7-2~.~December 28,.l962,~,Tgainst Jaolc .~‘:H~.MaoDona1d~Inc ~,‘Contract.No. 7-2,submitted~’.by E,B.Moritz:Foundry in the1 amountf of’’ $1,627.60,be reóeived and’ordered.filed.;, DISTRICT .7’.‘..-~Moved’,.seconded~and duly carried: Request from The Irvine ~•.~‘:::.‘,.,:.: received ;~filed and;referred That”thE.óommunication from The .the staff and the General Irvine Company request~thg that Counsel ..,:the~.District.enter’into an agree ment.to purchase,as a Master Plan:Sewer,.a portion~.ot the Paularino Avenue F Sewer~con structed.by The Irvine Companp (total.project coat,1.1$14,,917.94), be reoei~ed.and ordered.filed’‘and’.’referred:to~the:staff and the General Counsel.for the prepara~on’::01’a~Maater’Plan. /‘‘:Sewerage Facility Reimbursement Agreement:’covering.that’ portion of the Paularino Avenue Trunk Sewer coi~istruàted by The Irvine Company~for the Boardts considerapioñ. DISTRICT.7 ‘ - ‘.- .,Moved,seconded~and:duly carried: I~tters requesting construction of the West Trunk Bypass,re That.the communIcations from ce.ived,filed and.referred.to Raymond C.Martin dated December the staff and the engineers 28,.1962,K,:‘J~I Samaniego dated ~ December 28~...1962 and Jacob N. PeiltedatédJanuary.2,1963,requeating the immediate:con struótiOn of the;West.Trunk Bypass’,be’received’and’~ordered filed~and that..the.matter be referred to’thè~staff ‘and the engineers. — 1-k--63 DISTRICTS 1 AND.7 Moved,seconded and duly carried: Adjournment That this meeting of the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos..1 and 7 be adjourned. Whereupon the Chairman of District No.~1 declared the meeting so adjourned at 5:10 p.m.,January ~L,1963. H ___ -5- w I!