Au~~t 17,1962 at 4:00 p~m~
239,llO4~.West Eighth Street.
Santa~Ana~,.California .
Pursuant to adjournment of the.regular,meeting on August 8,
1962,.the,Board of Directors.of q~inty.SànitatLon’District No •1 of
Orange County,California met in an adjourned regular meeting at
4:00 p.m.,August 17,1962 In Room 239 at 1104 West Eighth Street,
Lee M.Nelson,Paul.G.Brown,H...Harvey
Hunt,T..:A.Dunn,Jean B ston,R.N.
Galloway,Jack Boettner and.Pred~.A.
Headworks No.2,Sedimentation
•BasinB 6 and.~’and’Digesters F,a.and;H,pursuant.tO legal
notice publishédin The Register ~or~~the tIme~and in the manner
prescribed by law,it was moved,seconded and duly carried:
That the Secretary be directed to.open the.proposals received
for construction of 8aid.Job No..P2-5.Whereupon,said sealed
proposals were.publicly.opened.and read.
Bids recet~ed for construction
of Job No.P2-5,referred to
the Engineers and the General
Manager for tabulation and
recommendation to the Board
The Chairman called the
was:called and the Secretary
meeting ‘•.to.orderat~k:0Op.m.TherO11
reported a quorum present.
Directors present A A Hall (Chairman),George W
Doné~,A.H.Meyers and William J.
Directors absent:None
Others present:.
Approving and adopting Addendum
No.2 to the plans and specifi
cations.for Job P2-5
Moved,seconded and duly carried:
That.bids received,for con
struction of Job No..P2...5,be
referred to the Engineers and
the General Manager for tabula
tj.on and recommendation to the Board.
Moved,,seconded ~d duly
•That Addendum No.~2:dated
August 14,1962,to the plans and specifications for Headworks
No.2,$edimentatlon Basins 6 and 7 and Digesters F,G and H,
Job’No ~P2-5,be approved,adopted.~ordere&.filed.in•the
office of the Secretary....:~.•
Sealed proposals received for
This being tetiflie and place
Headworks No.2,Sedimentation
flicedby theBoard of Directors
~asins 6 and 7 and Digesters F for publicly opening,reading
G and H,Job P2-5,publicly 1..and.examining sealed proposals
~pened and read received for construction of
Sealed proposals received for This being the time and place
Raw Sewage Pumps and Gear fixed by the Board of Directors
Reduction Units for Plant Mo.2,for publicly opening,reading
Job No.P2-5C (Re-Bid),.publicly and e,ramThing~sealed proposals
~pened and read received,for Raw Sewage Pumps
and~Gear ReduOtion Units for
Plant No,2,.:Job.No,.P2-5C.(.Re_Bid),:.pursuant to legal notice
published in The Register for the.:time and in the maImer pre
scribed by law,it was moved,seconded and duly carried:
That the Secretary be:directed to.~open.the:bidB received for
said~Job No1 .P2-5C (.Re:-Bid);.Whereupon,said ealed bids-were
publicly opened and read.
Bids received for Raw Sewage Moved,seconded and.duly
?umps and Gear Reduction Units carried:
tar P1an~No.2,Job No ~~2-~C ...:..
~Re-~jd),referred to theL:.::.That b~de~received for Raw
~n~ineers and the General Sewage Pumps and Gear
Manager for tabula4.ion and recom-Reduction Unita for Plant No.
mendatlon ..:.Job No.P2-5C~(Re-Bid),be
referred to the Engineers and
the General Manager for tabulation and recommendation to the
were publicly
Sealed proposals:received for
Job J~-ôB:,publicly opened and
read .
This being~the time~and place
fixed by theBoard of Directors
for publicly opening,reading
and examiningF sealed pro
posals.:received for..Bar Screens.~&i’Belt Conveyor,.Job:No.J-6B,
pursuant.to legal.notioe’published in The Register for the
time and in the manner~prescribed-by:law,it Was.moved,
seconded and duly carried:
That the Secretary be directéd to opeE’’the’bids ±‘éceived for
said :Job.No.J-6B.Whereupon,said .sealedbids .~iere..publiOly
Opened and read ~
Sealed proposals .reOeivedfor This being:~th~time;.and place
Job No,J.bA,publicly opened fixed by the Board of Directors
and.read ...
for publicly àpening’,reading
..and ex~inining~sealed proposals
received for Pumps,Drives and
Motors,Job No.J-6A,pursuant to legal notlcet published in
The Register for the~time and in the manner prescribed by law,
it.was~.moved,seconded and duly carried:..;..,•.:
That the Secretary be directed to open the bids
said Job ;No.J-6A ~Whereupon,said sealed’bidS
Bids:reoejve&fort Pumps.Drives.’
Moved.,seconded and duly
and Motors.Job Mo.J-bA.re carried:..
ferred to the Engineers and the
General Manager for.tabulation That.bids reoeived~for Pumps,
‘Dri~jes:andMotora;Job No,.
T-6A,be referred to the
Engineers,and.the General Manager’.‘fOr tabulation 5X~d:recom~
mendation to the Board.
Thia~being,the time and~place
-fixed by the Board of Directors
for publiclj open~,reading
and examining sealed proposals
received for 72”Propeller Meter,Job No.J-•~C,pursuant to
legal notice published in The Register for tte:time and in the
thannér prescribed by law,it was:moved,seco~ed~and duly
That the Secretary be’directed toopen the
said Job No,J-6c.Whereupon,said sealed.
opened and read.
Moved,seconded and duly
That.the..Secretary be.directed to open the bids received for
said Job No,J—6D~Whereupon,said sealed proposals were
•publicly opened and read.
Bids received for Job No.J-6D,
referred to the Engineers and
General Manager for tabulation
and rmm~n~tThn
That bids received for Single
Circuit 5000 ICVA Substation,
Job No,J-6D,be referred to the Engineers and the General
Manager for tabulation and recoiximendat.ion to the Board.
Sealed proposals received for
Job No.J-6E.oubliclv o~ened
and read
This being the time and place
fixed by the Board of Directors
for publicly opening,reading
and examining sealed proposals
received for 2k00 Volt Motor Control Center,Job No.J-6E,
pursuant to legal notice published in The Register for the time
and in the manner prescribed by law,it was moved,seconded and
duly carried:
That the Secretary be directed to open the bids received for
•.•said Job No.J-6E.Whereupon,said sealed proposals were
publicly opened and read.
Bids received for Job J-6B Moved,,se’~onded and duly
referred to the Engineers’and
the General Manager for tabula
tion and recommendation.
.That bids received for Bar
Screens&.~elt Conveyor,
Job No.J-6B,be referred to.the Engineers 3nd the General
Manager for•tabulation and recommendation’to the Board.
Sealed proposals received for
JobNo-.J-~C.~IIhll~lv opened
and read
Bids reoeivedfor Job J-~.6C~
referred to the Engineers and
the General Managerfor tabula
tion and re~omm~n~1-.1~,
bida received for
bi.~8.were publicly
That bids received for 72”
Propeller Meter,Job No.J-6c,
be referred to the Engineers and the Gener~il Manager for
tabulation and recommendation to the Board.
Sealed proposals received fOr ‘‘This beint the.time arid place
Job’No.J-bD,publicly opened ‘‘fixed by the Board of Directors
and read’•‘..•:.far publicly opening,reading
and exainin~.ng sealed proposals
•received for Sing :.Cjr~iti 5000 KVA Substation1 Job No.J-6D,
pursuant to legal notice published,in The’Register for the time
and in the manner prescribed by law,it was moved,seconded
and duly carried:
Moved,seconded and duly
-“.That bias:~céi~d for ‘2~OO
Volt Motor Control Center,
to the Engineers and the:General
recommendation to the Board
Job No.J-6E,be referred
Manager for tabulation and
Authorizing acceptance of
Pederal grants to County
Sanitation Districts Nos~
and 6 ~•...
Moved and seconded That
“Resolution No.62-109-1,autho
•rizing acceptance of.,Federal
:~gx.ant.B to.County:Sanitatiorr
DIstricts Nos.5 and 6,be
•Whereupon,:the Chairman ~declared the,matter open,for.
d.tscussion~‘The.Chairman’,:Director Hall,requeate&that it
be noted in the minutes that the Chairman of District No.1
In no way is approving or aebiowledging’desirability or
acceptability of ~edera1 grants in.this~regard,,and..’that County
‘Sanitation:District No..1 is~acting only.as..agent for Districts
Director Doney concurred In the above statement...
There being no further discussion,Reso1utiôn~.~o’.62-109-i’
was “adopted by roll,call vote~~’Certified:copyof thiS’resolu
tion is.attached hereto and made a part ‘ct’these minutes.’
Adjournment Moved1,seconded and .dulyàarried:’
That:.thIs.meeting of the Board of Directors of~County Sanita
tion District No..1 be adjourned:to LI:OO:p.m.,’August’22,’1962
in Room..239:at.11014.West Eighth Street’;Santa Aim,California.
Whereupon,.the.Chairman declared the:,meeting.so adjourned at
5:0k p~m..,August :17~.1962..~,
Chairman,Board of Directors of
County.Sanitation.District No •1
of Orange County,California
Secretary,.Board of Directors of ‘‘:
County Sanitation District No.1
of Orange.~County,California
Bids received for Job No.J-6E,
referred to the Engineers and
General Manager’~.for tabulation
and ~
Moved,seconded and duly