HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1960-03-09 BMINUTES OF ThE REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS,COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.1—- ORANGE COUNI’Y,CALI?ORNIA - March 9,1960at 7:30 o’clock p.m. Room 239,1104 West Eighth Street Santa Ana,California Pursuant to adjournment of the regular meeting on Febru ary 10,1960,the Board of Directors of County Sanitation Dis trict No.1 of Orange County,California,met in a regular adjourned meeting at 7:30 p.m.,March 9,1960 in Room 239 at 1104 West Eighth Street,Santa Ana,California. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The roll was called and the Secretary pro tern reported a quorum present. ~irectors Dresent:A.Allen Hall (Chairman), A.H.Meyers C.M.Feather].y Directors absent:None Others present:Jack Boettner,Lee M.Nelson, Paul G.Brown,William Kroeger, C.Arthur Nisson,Jr.,T.A.Dunn, Carl Billings,Harry Billings, Conrad Hohener and Fred A.Harper, Secretary pro tern Aor)ointrnent of Secretary Moved by Director Featherly, ore tern seconded by Director Pound and duly carried: That Fred A.Harper be appointed Secretary pro tern. Sealed prooosals for the This being the time and place Thterplarit Gas Transm1ss1~n fixed by the Board of Directors Line publicly opened,read for publicly opening,reading and and examined examining sealed proposals for the Interplant Gas Transmission Line pursuant to legal notices published in The Register for the time and In the manner prescribed by law,the Board of Directors took the following action: Moved by Director Meyers,seconded by Director Featherly and duly carried: That the Secretary be directed to open and read sealed pro oosals received for the Interplant Gas Transmission Line. Whereupon,said sealed oroposals were publicly opened,read and examined. —1— Director~Feathérly, _______________________ by Direc1tor Meyers _______________________ carried: _______________________ That bids publicl~y opened, examined and readi at this meeting for the Interplarit Gas Transmission Line be referred to the Engineers and the General Manager for tabulation and recommendation to the Board. Moved by Director~Feathérly, seconded by Director Me~ers That this meeting of the Board of Directors ~f County Sanita tion District No.1 be adjourned. Whereupon,the Chairman declared the meetingl so adjpurned at 7:38 p.m.,M~rch 9,1960. ATTEST: unairman,~oara or ijirectors or County Sanitation D1strict~No.I of Orange County,California secretary Of County Of Orange oro tern,~oara or ~irectors Sanitation District No.1 County,California Bids referred to the Engineers an~General Manager Tor tab~flation and recommendation to - the Böã~o Moved by seconded and duly Adjournment and duly carried: MINUTES 0?THE REGUTiAR ADJOURNED NEETING BOARD OF D~EcToR~couwrY SANITATION DI~T~ICT:TNO,.2 ORANGE C~U1SITY,~CALIFORNIA March 9,1960at 7:30 o’clock p.m. Room 239:,110k West Eighth Street Santa Ana,California Pursuant to adjournment of the regular meeting on February 10,1960,the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.2 ofOrange County,California,~met in a regular adjourned meeting at 7:30 p.m.,March 9,1960 in Room 239 at 1104 West Eighth Street,Santa Ana,California. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The roll was called quorum present. and the Secretary pro tern reported a A~oointment of Secretary oro tern Frank J.Schweitzer,Jr.(Chairman), Howard N.Cornwell,Glenn C.Fry, A.Alien Hall,W.A.MacKinnon~ Raymond L.Pound,Walter W.Walker, Jim Kanno and C.M.Featherly Rex A.Parks Jack Boettner,Lee N.Nelson, Paul C.Brown,William Kroeger, C.Arthur Nisson,Jr.,T.A.Dunn, Carl Bil1in~s,Harry Billings, Conrad Hohener and Fred A.Harper, Secretary pro tern That Fred A.Harper be apoointed SGcretary pro tern. Aoprovingand adopting Addendum No.1 to the E?i~Theer3’plans and specifications for the Olive Süb-trijnk Sewer ã~Thft Branch,Con tract Nô72-o Directors present: Directors absent: Others present: Moved by seconded and duly ~irector Featherly, by Director Pound carried: Moved by seconded and duly ~irector Cornwell, by Director Featherly carried: _______________ That Adderdum No.1 dated Febru - — ary 29,1960,as recommended by _______________________ the Engineers,to the plans and speciflcat±ons for the OLIVE SUB TRUNK SEWER AND TAFT BRANCH,CONTRACT NO.2-6,is hereby approved,adopted and ordered filed in the office of the Secretary of the District;and That the following changes in said ijians and specifications are hereby apiroved and authorized: In the Schedule of Prices in the Proposal,under the heading “Quantity”-Item No.10: Change “353 Vertical Feet”to read “657 Vertical feet” -1- —--~ Sealed prooosals for con This being the tIme and~place struction of the GJ.ive Sub f~x~d by the Boai~d of Directors T~nk and 2aft Branch,Con for publIcly opening,r~ad1ng and ~tract No.2-b,oubfl~1y e:~am1ning sealed proposals for opene~,read~andexamine~ccnstruction of the Oli+e Sub- Trunk and Taft Br~anch,Contract No.2-6,pursuant to legal notices published in Th~Brea Progress for the time and in the manner pre~cribed~by law, the Board of Directors took the following a9tion: Moved by Director Cornwell,seconded by Director Hall and duly carri3d: That the Secretary be directed to open and x~ead sealed pro oosals received for constructing the Olive Sub-Trui~k and Taft a’anch,Contract No.2~-6. TJ~re1jpofl,said sealed proposals were publicly opened,read and examined. _____________________________ Moved by _______________________________ Seconded and duly A’rT~T: Secretary pro tern,Board of Directors Of County Sanitation D±~trict No.2 Of Orange County,Cai~forn~.a criairman,.~oara iirectors or County Sanitation District No.2 of Orange County,C~l1forn1a -2- ----~-—r -~- Ii’, * Bids referred to the Engineers and General Manager for tabulation an~recommendation to the Boara Director~Featherly, ____________________________ by Director Po~.ind __________________________ carried:~ _________________________ That bids public]Jy open~d,examined and read at this rneetin~for the construction of the:Olive Sub-Trunk and Taft,Branch,Con- tract No.2-6 be referred to the Engineers dnd the~General Manager for tabulation and recommendation t~the Bard. ___________ Moved by Director~Pound~, seconded by Director Hall Adjournment and duly carried: That this meeting of the Board of Directors of Coui~ty Sani tation District No.2 be adjourned. Whereupon,the Chairman declared the meetin~so adjourned at n.m.,March 9,1960.