January 13,1960 at 7:30 o’clock p.m.
Room 239,
11.04 West Eighth Street
Santa Ana,California
Pursuant to adjournment of the regular adjourned meeting on
December 2,1959,the Board of Directors of County Sanitation Distr
ict No.2.of Orange County,California,met in a regular adjourned
meeting at the hour of 7:30 oclock p.m.,January 13,1960 in Room
239 at 1104 West Eighth Street,Santa Ana,California.
The Chairman called the meetLng to order at 7:30 o’clock p.m.
The roll was called and,the Secretary reported a quorum present.
Directors present:’Frank J.Schweitzer,
Howard M.Cornwel].
Glenn G.Fry
A.Allen Hall
Rex A.Parks
Raymond L.Pound
Walter W.Walker
Robert Wardlow
Directors absent:.None
Others present:Paul G.Brown,,Conrad Hohener,
William Kroeger,Milo Keith
Fred A.Harper,Jack Boettner
‘and Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary
That the communication from the Board of Supervisors as
reported upon by the Secretary be received and ordered filed.
Moved by Director A.Allen Hall,seconded
by Director Rax A.Parks and duly carried:
That the Board of Directors of County
Sanitation District No.2 of Orange County,
California,does hereby approve,adopt
and order filed in the office of the
Secretary of the District,Addendum No.1 dated January 7,‘1960,
as recommended by J.R.Lester Boyle and Sidney L.Lowry,Con
sulting Engineer,for changes to the specifications for the
Cypress Avenue Sub-trunk Sewer,Contract No.2-4 hereto approved
Recording election of,
Supervi8or C.’M.
Featherly as Chairman
of the Board of
The Secretary reported receipt of certified
copy of resolution adopted by the Board of
Supervisors on January 5,1.960,‘recording
election of Supervisor C.M.Featherly as~
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
A motion was made by Director A.Allen Hall,seconded
by Director Raymond L.Pound and duly carried:
~rov~g and adonting
Addendum No.1 to the
Eng inee~’~I~ns and
snecifications for the
Cypress A~iiue Sub-trunk
Sewer,Contract No.2-4
and adopted by Resolution No.767-2 and the following ~hanges
are hereby authorized to said specifications:
On page DS-12 of the Specifications,add the following
two paragraphs to:
Itill,Trenching~Backfill and Paving Reguirement~
If the trench excavation~falls within the paved
area and such.excavation would result inia remaining,
strip of pavement,3 feet or less in width between the
edge of trench and the outside edge of pavement,such
remaining strip shall be removed,and.replaced asi a
part of the pavement replacement for the trench.I
Pavement replacement betweenStaticn~693+37~97
at~d Station 739~)O ~dll be .4 inches of pl~nt~mix~
sur~acthg Over ~.tnches oE untreated rock base.
The 3x~st~ng section is 5 f.i~ches (plus or minus)
of plant mix-surfacing.”
Sealed j,roposals for constr This being the time ax~d plac~fixed
uction ~f the Cypress Avenue by the Board of Direc~ors for publicly
Sub-trunk_Sewe~,~~tract opening,reading and examining sealed
No.2-4,~y~icly ope~id~proposals for construc~tion of the
read and examined Cyores~Aveiue Sub-tr~nk Sewer,
Contract.No.2-4,purs~ant to legal
notices published in the Placentia.
Courier for the time and:in.the tanner prescrib~ed by law,the
Board of Directors~took the follc~wing action:
Moved by Director ‘Howard.N.Cornwell,seconded b~Director
Glenn C.Fry and duly carried:
That the Secretarybe directed to open and~read sealed
proposals received for constructing the Cypress Avenue Sub-
trunk Sewer,Contract No.2-4.
Whereupon,said.‘sealed proposals were publ~Lcly op~ened,
read and examined.
Bids referred to the Moved by Director Howard M.dornwell,
~and General seconded by Director cL M.F~atherly
Man~i~T1or tabulation ana and duly carried:
recommendation to the Board•
That bids publicly opened,examined and read at this
meeting for the construction of the Cypress Avenue Sub~trunk
Sewer,Contract No.2~L be referred to the Engineers ~nd
Genera].Manager for tabi.J.ation and recommendation to the Board.
Adjournment Moved by Director A.Allen Hall,
seconded by Director Raymond L.
Pound and duly carried:
That ~~ieeting be adjourned:
Whereupon,the Chairman declared the meeting of the Board
of Directors of County Sanitation District No.2 of Orange
County,Caliornia,California,so adjourned at the hour of
~:45 o’clock p.m.,January 13,1960.
~ecretary,~oaro or Liirectors
County Sanitation District No.2
Orange County,California
Chairman,Board ot Directors
County Sanitation District No.2
Orange County,California
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