March 27,1957 at 8:00 o’clock p.m.
Room 239,1104 West Eighth Street
Santa Ana,California
The Board Ôf~Directors of County Sanitation District No.8
of Orange County,California,met in regular session at the hour
of 8:00 o’clock p.m.,March 27,1957 In Room 239 at 1104 West
Eighth Street,Santa Ana,California.
Dr.Evans,Chairman of the Board,called the meeting to order
at 8:00 o’clock p.m.
The roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum
Directors.present:Dr.Eric S.Evans,Chairman
Willis H.Warner and
Jesse E.Riddle
Directors absent:None
Others.present:Lee M.Nelson,General Manager
C.Arthur Nisson,Jr.,G~nera1
Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary
Approval of minutes Moved by Director Willis H.Warner,
seconded by Director Jesse E.Rlddl€
and duly carried:
That minutes of the regular adjourned meeting held on
January 23,1957 be approved as mailed out.
Financial report The Secretary reported upon the
District’s Operating Fund balance,
interest received,for funds on deposit and expenditures for
the past year.
Report of the Mr.Nelson reported upon the many..
General Manager inquiries received In the Joint
Administrative Office relative to
possible future development of unincorporated areas In
County Sanitation District No.8 as well as the adjacent
area of the Moulton Ranch.
Many of these inquiries were in the nature of requests
for detailed costs and engineering services for one area or
another.He stated that the Joint Administrative Office had.
taken the position that any studies on behalf of the District
i -1-
would be undertaken uøon recuest of the Board of Directors,
and that any formal requests for such 8~rvices would be
presented to the board for consideration.
General Discussion Reports prepared by J.M.Montgomery,.
Consulting Engineer,for South
Laguna Sanitary District,City of Laguria Beach and Sanitation
District No.8 were referred to in the general discussion.
Director Warner reviewed the history of the district,explaining the or±ginal program proposed and the later
developments which led to construction of South LagunaSanitaryDistrict’s facilities,and the present proposedexpansionoffacilitiesoftheCityofLagunaBeach.DirectorWarnerexpressedtheopinionthatinasmuchastheseprojectshadnotmovedsimultaneously,any plan now should be approachec~by evaluatin~g the current factors.He cited the instance
where capacity in the marine outfall at the Santa Ana River
was available for purchase by District No.8 several years
ago,but~in view of the growth of the Sanitation Districts
who financed the outfall,such capacity would not now he
available to District No.8.
Director Warner stated that it appeared to him a morerealisticapproachtotheproblemswouldbetoconsider
possible development in areas of Laguna Beach,South Laguna,Dana Point,Capistrano Beach and San Clemente,and that aunifiedstudyoftheproblemsoftheseareasforthecomingyearsmightleadtojointworksfortheirmutualbenefit.
The points raised by Director Warner were considered and
discussed,the consensus being that until determ1n~t~ion of
the bond election of the City of Laguna Beach on April 29,1957,there was little,if an~service the board could offer in the
way of future planning.
Report of the Mr.Nisson reported upon pendingLegalCounsellegislationatSacramentoand
the restrictions upon.disposalintooceanwaterswhichwouldbeimposedifthesebillsaremadeintolaw.
Adjournment Moved cy Director Willis H.Warner
seconded by.Director Jesse E.Riddle and duly carried:
That this meeting be adjourned.
Whereupon,the Chairman declared the meeting so
adjourned at the hour of9:lO o~clock p.m.
Chairman,Board of Directors
County Sanitation District No.8
Orange County,California
Attest:I .
Secretary,Board of Directors
County Sanitation District No.8
Orange County,California