December 1,1955 at 7:30 o’clock p,m.
Tustin Elementary Sd~ool Auditoriur2
320 South C Street
Pursuant.to adjournment of the regul~r meeting of the
Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.1
on November 23,1955,the board met in regular adjourned session
at the hour of 7:30 o’clock p.m.,December 1,1955 in the
Tustin Elementary S~hoo1 Auditorium at 320 South C Ctreet,Tustiri,
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 o’clock p.m.
The roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum of
the board present.
Directors present:Courtney R.Chandler (Chairman)
Dale H.I-{einly
William H.Hirstein
Directors absent:None
Others present:
A~point~er~t ~f
Chairman ~
of Districts ~1 ~nc~7
Lee M.Nelson~General Manager
C.Arthur Nissan,General Counsel
Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary
Board of Directors,Gre~ter Tustin
Imp ‘~i~it As.sociati on
an~i General i~bl~c
I~o.rec by Dir ~or Thurtney R.
Chand1er~,second~d by iJirector
Dale H.Hein].:r and duly carried
by the Beerds of Directors of
C~unty Sanitation Districts
and ‘
That Director Jerome I~idd be arpe±nted presiding.
chairrna~i of the joint meeting of the boards of Districts
Nos.1 and 7.
Chairman K.icid ~tatect th~boards cf D&ctrictsNos.1
and 7 ~rsre meeting i~joint session at the request of the
Greater Tustin Irr.provernent Association for the purpose
of reviewing permissive legislation on consclidatio~of
two or more Sanitat.inn Districts.
Chairman Kidd called upon Mr.Phil Sunnes,Chairman
of the sub-committee of the Greater Tustin Improvement
Mr.Sunries reviewed the areas of Districts Nos.1 and
7 and their common interests which he believed would benefit
by consolidation of the two districts.
The Chairman called upon the General Manager,Mr.Lee
M.Nelson,to lead a question and answer discussion of the
mechanics available for sewering the areas in question.
At the request of the General Manager,Mc.C.Arthur
Nisson,Jr.,general Counsel for the districts,reported
upon laws governing Sanitation Districts under the Health
and Safety Code of the State of California.
Mr.Nelson reported upon assessed valuations and
studies on estimated assessed valuations of both districts
based upon the premise of sewers available for development.
There followed a question and answer program.
Recommendation of Mr.Arthur Peterson,Chairman of
the Greater Tustin the Board of Directors of the
Improvement Association Greater Tustin Improvement
Association read the following
?!The Board of Directors of the Greater Tustin
Improvement Association recommend that Cunty Sani
tation District No.7 consolidate with County Sani—
tatiori District No.1 because:
1.It will be the most economical and quickest
means of obtaining trunk sewage facilities for
this area.
2.1~e believe that the Greater Tustin area is gring to
continue to grow rapidly with or withut sewers
but that sewers are needed to make such development
orderly and economically sound.
3.Consolidation will afford this area a choice of
various means to obtain trunk sewerage facilities.
1~.Sanitary sewers are needed to prevent possible
pollution of underground water on which we are
dependent and which will prevent a menance to
public hea1th.~”
Mr.Peterson thanked the Directors of the ~anitation
Districts for meeting and discussing the problems of
the areas.
Adjournment The Boards of Directors took
the following action:
Moved by Director Dale H.Heinly,seconded by
Director James B.Stoddard and duly carried by the
Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.
That this meeting be adjourned to the hour of ~:0O
o’clock p.m.,December 7,1955 in Room 239 at 1104 West
Eighth Street,Santa Ana,California.
Whereupon,the Chairman declared the meeting so
C’adjourned at 9:35 o’clock p.m.
Chairman,Board of Directors
County Sanitation District No.
Orange County,California
Secretary,Board of Directors
County Sanitation District No.
Orange County,California
December 1,1955 at 7:30o’clock p.m.
Tustin Elementary School Auditorium
320 South C Street
Pursuant to ad.journment of the regular meeting of the
Board of Direc~tors of County Sanitation District No.7 on
November 23;1955,the board met in regular adjourned session
at the hour of 7:30 o’clr,ck p.m.,December 1,1955 in the Tustin~
Elementary School Auditorium at 320 South C Street,Tustin,
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum
of the board present.
Directors present:Jerome JUdd (Chairman)
Dale H.Heinly
William I-I.Hirstein
James B.Stcddard
Directors absent:A.H.1’ieyers
Others present:Lee M.Nelson,General Manager
C.Arthur Nisson,Jr.,General
Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary
Board of Directors,Greater
Tustin Improvement Association and
General Pu3iic
Appointment ~~presiding Moved by Director Courtney R.
chairman of tJ~i~t Chandler1 seconded by Director
meetin~th~_hoerd~Dale H.Heir~iy and duly carried
of Districts No~.1~n~by the Boarc~s of Directors of
County Sanitation Districts Nos.
land 7:
That Director Jerome Kidd be appointed presiding
chairman o~the joint meeting of the Boards of Districts
Nos.1 and 7.
Chairman JUdd stated th~boards nf Districts Nos.1
and 7 were meeting in joint session at the request of
the Greater Tustin Improvement Association for the pur~ose
of reviowing permissive legislation on consolidation of
two or more sanitation districts.
Chairman Kidd called upon Mr.Phil Sunnes,Chairman
of the sub-committee of the Greater Tustin Improvement
Mr.Sunnes reviewed the areas of Districts Nos..1 and
7 and their common interests which he believed would benefit
by consolidation of the two districts.
The Chairman called upon the General Manager,Mr.Lee
M.Nelson,to lead a~question and answer discussion of the
mechanics available for sewer~ing the areas in question.
At the request~of the General Manager,Mc.C.Arthur
Nisson,Jr.,general Counsel for the districts,reported
upon laws governing Sanitation Districts under the Health
and Safety Code of the State of California.
Mr.Nelson reported upon assessed valuations and
studies on estimated assessed valuations of both districts
based upon the premise of sewers available for development.
There followed a question and answer program.
Recommendation of -Mr.Arthur Peterson,Chairman of
the Greater Tustin the Board of Directors of the
Improvement Association Greater Tustin Improvement
Association read the following
“The Board of Directors of the Greater Tustin
Improvement Association recommend that County Sani
tation District No.7 consolidate with County Sani
tation District No.1 because:
1.It will be the most economical and quickest 11~
means of obtaining trunk sewage facilities for
this area.
2.We believe that the Greater Tu~tin area is going to
continue to grow rapidly with or with’ut sewers
but that sewers are needed to make such development
orderly and economically sound.
3.Consolidation will afford this area a choice of
various means to obtain trunk sewerage facilities.
L~.Sanitary sewers are needed to prevent possible
pollution of underground water on which we are
dependent and which will prevent a menance to
public health.”
Mr.Peterson thanked the Directors of the .anitation
Districts for meeting and discussing the problems of
the areas.
Adjournment The Boards of Directors took
the following action:
Moved by Director Dale H.Heinly,seconded by
Director James 6.Stoddard and duly carried by the
Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.
1 and 7:
That this meeting be adjourned to the hnur of ~:OO
otclock p.m.,December 7,1955 in Room 239 at 1104 West
Eighth Street,santa Ana,California.
Whereupon,the Chairman declared tho meeting so
C’’adjourned at 9:35 o~c1ock p.m.
Chairman,Board ef Directors
County Sanitation District Mo.
Orange County,California
Secretary,Board of Directors
County Sanitation District No.
Orange County,California