March 30,1954 at 7:30 p.m.
Room 239,1104.West Eighth Street
Santa Ana,California
C.The Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.
7 of Orange County,California,met in special session at the
hour of 7:30 p,m.on March 30,1954.in Room 239 at 1104 West
Eighth Street,santa Ana,California,pursuant to the Chair
man’s call for a special meeting of the Board stating the
time,place and purpose of said meeting and notice thereof
duly mailed to each of the Directors and klternate Directors
and others in the manner prescribed by law.
Chairman Humeston called the special meeting to order
at 7:30 p.m.
The roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum
of the Board to be present.
Directors present:Vincent L.Hurneston (Chairman),
Courtney R.Chandler and
Heinz Kaiser (Alternate for
Director Willis H.Warner)
Directors absent:None
Others present:Lee M~Nelson,C.Art~iur
•Wilkinson and Ora Mae Merritt,
Report of the Mr.Nisson reported that
legal counsel Resolution No..360-7,adopted
on March 10,1954,calling a
special bond election to be held on April 20,1954,had
not provided sufficient time for publication in the
Tustin News,a weekly newspaper~and recommended rescind
ing previous action and adopting a new resolution call
ing the special election to be held on April 27,1954.
Rescinding Reso Upon a motion made by Director
lution No.360-7 Courtney R.Chandler,seconded
by Director Heinz Kaiser and
duly carried by roll call vote,the Board of Directors
adopted Resolution No.363-7,rescinding Resolution No.
360-7 ordering publication of legal notice for a
special elction to be held on April 20,1954.Certif
fied copy of Resolution No.363-7 is attached hereto
and made a part of these minutes.
Special bond election Upon a motion made by
to be hald on April 27 Director Heir~z ~ai.~er,
1954 seconded by Director
Courtney R.Chandler and
duly carried by roll call vote,the Board of Directors
adopted Resolution No.364-7,calling a special election
to be held on April 27,1954,for the purpose of sub
mitting to the qualified voters the proposition of
incurring bonded indebtedness in the amount of ~l,95O,OOO
for the purpose of acquiring and constructing sewage
facilities and ordering publication of legal notice
thereof.Certified copy of this resolution is attached
hereto and made a part of these minutes.
The Board of Directors took
-the following action:
Moved by Director Courtney
R.Chandler,seconded by
Director Heinz Kaiser and duly carried:
That motion adopted by this Board of Directors
on March 10,1954,authorizing the General Manager
to make arrangements for the special election in County
Sanitation District No.7 to be held on April 20,1954
be and it is hereby rescinded.
Authorizing the General
Manager to make arrange
ments for the Special
Election to be held on
April 27,1954
duly carried:
That the General Manager be and he is hereby
authorized to make arrangements for the special
election in County Sanitation District No.7 to be
held on April 27,1954,
The Board of Directors took
the following action:
Moved by Director Courtney
i~•Chandler,seconded by
Director Heinz Kaiser and
duly carried:
That minute order adopted
on March 10,1954,authorizing
compensation for election
officers for the bond election to be held on April 20,
1954 be and it is hereby rescinded;and that compensation
for services of election officers for the special election
to be held on April 20,l9~4.be fixed at the rate of ~l0.00
each ~‘or inspectors and $10.00 each for jusges and
Ordering the preparation The Board of Directors took
of summary of the the following action:
Engineers’Report and
authorizing expenditure Moved by Director Courtney R.
therefor Chandler,seconded by Director
HeinzKaiser and duly carried:
Rescinding order for
arrangements for special
election to be held on
April 20,1954.
The Board of Directors took
the following action:
Moved by Director Courtney
R.Chandler,seconded by
Director Heinz Kaiser and
Rescinding minute order
of March 10,1954 author
izing compensation for
special election officers
for election on April 20~
1954;and authorizing
compensation for special
election officers for
election to be held on
April 27,1954
That the Attorney,Engineers and General Manager
are hereby directed to prepare a summary of the
Engineers’Report;and the General Manager is hereby
authorized to secure sufficient copies of said summary
for distribution in County Sanitation District Nc,.7;
and that the cost for said summary is to be paid from
the Operating Fund of County Sanitation District No.7.
Adjournment The Board of Directors took
the following action:
Moved by Director Heinz Kaiser,seconded by
Director Courtney R.Chandler and duly carried:
That this meeting be adjourned.
Whereupon,the Chairman declared the special
meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation
District No.7 so adjourned at ~:4.O p.m.
-Chairman,Board of Directors
County Sanitation District No.7
Orange County,California
Secretary,Board of Directors
County Sanitation District No.7
Or3nge County,California