HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1952-10-22CONDENSED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR JOINT i€ETING OF THE BOAR~OF DIRECTORS OF COUI’JTY SAi~ITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNPY,CALIFORNIA October 22,1.952 at 8:00 p.p1. Room 239,1104.West Eighth Street Santa Ana,Callrornia Kfl:~ ROLL CALL DISTRICT NO.1 Directors present:Willis H.Warner (Chairman pro ten). J.L.McBride and Milford W.Dahi Directors absent:•None DISTRICT.NO.2 Directors present:Robert H.Boney (Chairman),Hugh W.Warder Don B.Haiber,Charles E.Stevens,Williar. Hirstein and ~‘Jillis H.Warner Directors absent:.Frank J.Schweitzer,Jr. DISTRICT NO.3 Directors present:Hugh W.Warden (Chairman),Nelson N. Launer,Willis H.Warnex~C.R.Miller and Joseph Webber. Directors absent:None DISTRICT NO S Directors present:Braden Finch (Chairman),Willis H.Warner, and Norman H.I~iiller Directors absent:None DISTRICT NO.6 / (~Directors present:C.N.Nelson (Chairman),Willis H.Warner. and Norman H.Miller Directors absent:None DISTRICT NO.7 Directors present:Vincent L.Huneston (Chairrian),~Ii1lis H. Warner and J.L..McBride Directors absent:None DISTRICT NO.8 Directors present:Harold E.Edwards (Chairman)and Willis H. Warner Directors absent:John FL Cropper DISTRICT NO 11 Directors present:WillisH.Warner (Chairman),Vernon E. Langenbeck arid Roy Seabridge Directors absent:None Others Present:Raymond IL Ribal,Chief Engineer and General Manager C.Arthur Nisson,Jr. Harry Ashton John A.Carollo J.A.Woolley K.J.Harrison Raymond Hertel Walter Raxnsey Kenneth Perry Walter Chaffee Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary Chairman Finch called,the joint meeting of the Districts’ Boards to order at 8:10 p.m. —1— The roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum to be present for all District Boards. fl Chairman pro torn The Board of Directors of County Sani tation District No.1 took the fol1o~ing action: Mäved by Director J.L.McBride,seconded by Director ?jilford W.Dahland duly carried: That Director Willis H.Warner be appointed Chairman pro te~ of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.1. Approval of The Boards of Directors of County Sani Minutes tation Districts Nos,1,2,3,5,7 and 11 took the following action: Moved by Director Willis H.1.Jarner,seconded by Director William H.Hirstoin and duly carried: That the minutes of the meetings hold on October 1 and October 8,1952 be approved as nailed out. The Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No,8 took the following action: Moved by Director Willis H.Warner,seconded by Director Harold E.Edwards and duly carried: That the ninutes of the neeting held on September 10,1952, be approved as mailed out. Joint Adriinis The Boards of Directors of County Sani trative Warrant tation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11 Register took the following action: Moved by Director Hugh ~J.Warden,seconded by Director William H.Hirstein and duly carried: That.the Joint Administrative Warrant Register be approved for signature and payment of: Warrant Demand No,In Favor Of Amount 3A—L~.03 Davis Stationers 1.68 L1.0L~.Dennis Printers 15.31 L~O5 Kleen—Line Corporation 3.52 L1.06 Standard Oil Company of California 32.75 L~07 F,R.Harwood,Postriastor 30.00 ~33.2~ Correspondence, Communications “—‘and reporti fiT~a - 1.Q.uarterly Audit The Secretary reported receipt of certi fied quarterly audit report from the fir of Diehi and Company,and read balances of each Districts’funds. .~-~...~ A motion was made by Director Willis H~Warner seconded by Director Vernon E.Larigenbeck and duly carried by the Boards of Dlrectora or County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and II: That the audit rep~ort for the quarter ending Septezn~ber 3D, 1952,received fz’ori Diehi and Company be received and C’ordered filed, 2.Vacation request The Secretary read a letter from Mary E.Gillispie,stenographer in the office of the Joint Administrative organization requesting paid vacation. The Boards of Directors took the following action: Moved by Director Nelson M.Launer,seconded by Director Vincent L.Hux~ie~ton and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitat,ion Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11: That Mary B.Gillispie employed by the Districts as Senior Stenographer-Clerk in the Joint Administrative Organization,be and she is hereby authorized to take a vacation with pay beginning Nov~ber 10,1952 to and in cluding November 21,1952. Report of the Director Robert H.Boney,Chairman pro Exec-utive Coiirriittee tem of the Executive Committee reported upon the meeting held on October 17, 1952,as follows: Q 1.Relative to the I3oards’request for recomriendation upon filling the vacancy created by the resignation of the Chief Engineer and General Manager,the Committee reviewed the marty factors facing the Districts in establishing sound administration and organization of the joint Districts’ program.After consideration of qualifications of men who had applied for the position,the Corriittee unanimously recoxn mended the employment of Mr.Lee M.Nelson as Chief Engineer and General Manager upon a trial basis at the monthly salary of ~1,O00.00 per month,and that regulareriployment and amount of salary be determined by mutual agreement between the Districts and Mr,Nelson within a period not to exceed six months.Mr.Boney reported the Cor~’iittee had been advised by Mr.Nelson that if the Districts desired his services,he could report for duty about November let. Director Boney stated that Nr~Nelson had previously been interviewed by a three man Committee coriprised of Director Warner,Director Warden and former Director Reed.Director 1larner wa~called upon for further information as to the background of Mr.Nelson. Director ~1arner reported that at the tine Mr.Nelson appeared before the Committee he was employed by the City of Rochester, Minnesota as Chief of the Utilities Corwiission;that he is a registered civil and electrical engineer and has now gone into private consulting work.Director 1Jarner stated that Mr. Q Nelson enjoys a wide reputation as a very able man,even tempered and with the ability to work with and get along with people in very complex situations;that his qual—. ifications would well fit hiri for the position now open where there will be a volume of adriinisti’ative work the Manager will be called upon to carry out. ___ 2.Chairman Boney reported that the Committee had held over the business of making a recommendation on the requested annexation to County Sanitation District No.3,until all information would be available and a report received from the 3.0.S. Employment of The Boards of Directors took the ~Chief Engineer tollowi.ng action: arid General (~\Manager~Moved by Director 3.L.McBride, seconded by ~irector Don B.Halber and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanita tion Districts Nos.1,2 3,5,6,7,8 and 11: That the report of the Executive Committee be approved and accecpted;arid that Mr.Lee M.Nelson be and he is hereby employed as Chief Engineer and General Manager for County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,.5,6,7,8 and 11 upon a trial basis at the monthly salary of $1,000.00 per month, effective November 1,1952;and that regular employment and amount of salary be determined by mutual agreement between the Districts and Mr.Nelson within a period not to exceed six months. Director C.M.Nelson,Chairman of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.6 stated that inasmuch as Mr.Lee M.Nelson is his cousin,he believed it to be only ethical to sever his connections with the Districts and that he would resign as a member of the Board of his District. Report of the Director Warner,Chairman of the Finance Committee Finance Committee reported that C the Committee had been working upon the agreement with the engineers;but,since the last meeting,business affairs of members of the Committee had made it impossible to hold very many meetings together for the purpose of studying details of the contract,and as they felt this should be given very careful consideration and a draft of the contract prepared and mailed to the Directors ahead of the Joint meeting of the Boards,the Committee recommended that their report be held over and made a special matter of business at the regular meeting of the Boards on November 12,1952;that previous to this meeting,the Committee could have the contract prepared in detail and sent to the Directors. The Boards of Directors took the following action: Moved by Director Nelson M.Launer,seconded by Director Norman H.Miller and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11: That the report of the Finance Committee be approved and accepted. Business held over Director Boney requested that the re:clarification official action of the Executive of terms of employ Committee relative to employment ment of legal counsel of legal counsel for the Districts be read from the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee;and that the resolution authorizing employment of Mr.Nisson be read. 10 At the request of the Chairman,the Secretary read the following excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on October 3,1952: - Directors present:Robort H.Boney (Chairman). Thomas J.Eadington,alternate for Mr.Hugh W.~arden J.L.McBride,alternate for Mr.Courtney R.Chandler Braden Finch C.M~Nelson Vincent L.Humeston Others present:Raymond R.Ribal E.J.i~iarks K.J.Harrison Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary After a full discussion upon the employment of an attorney for the Districts,a motion was made,duly seconded and carried,that recorinondatjon be made to the Districts’Boards that C.Arthur Nisson, Jr.be employed as the attorney for the Districts at the rate of ~355.OO per month,providing Mr.Nisson”terminates his employment as the City Attorney for Tustin.” The Secretary read Resoluticn No.98,authorizing employment of C.Arthur Nisson,Jr.as legal counsel for the Joint Administrative Organization of the eight County Sanitation Districts, adopted by the Boards of Director~of County Sanitation Districts, Nos.1,2,3,~,6,7,8 and 1].on October 10,19S1.This resolution was carried in full in the condensed minutes of the meeting of October 10,19S1 which were approved by the Boards on October 2Li,l9Sl. The Chairman called upon Mr.i’~isSofl for a report upon the terms of his employment.Mr.Nisson reported that he had no knowledge of the Executive Coxrnnittee minutes and that he had not been asked by anyone to agree to terms of employment other than those contained in ~—-‘Resolution No.98;that if the Boards desired his employment to be based upon the terms contained in the Executive Committee minutes,he would then report his decision. There followed a full discussion by the Directors as to whether or not there might be a conflict in services performed by the legal counsel in serving a city and the Districts. The Boards of Directors took the following action: Moved by Director Milford 1.Dahl,seconded by Director Hugh W.Warden: That Mr.Nisson’s employment as Legal Counsel for the Districts be confirmed in accordance with Resolution No.98,adopted by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3, S,6,7,8 and 11 on October 10,l9~2. Director Boney spoke to the motion,stating that at the time the Committ3e recommended Mr.Nisson!s employment,names of other attorneys presented to the Committee were eliminated from consider ation because they were attorneys for cities within the Districts; and that Mr.Nisson’s name was considered only because they were in formed he would resign as the attorney for the City of Tustin if appointed legal counsel for the Districts. Director Langenbeck stated that he had been aware of the L)fact that Mr.Nisson had not resigned as attorney for Tustin,but realized that it is difficult for a city to appoint an attorney upon short notice and that he had not raised the question as to the terms of Mr.Nissonts employment until the city had had sufficient time to appoint a successorto Mr.Nisson. - BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO 1 BOARD.OF DISTRICT DIR~CTOHS NO.2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO.3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO.5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO.6 BOARD OF DIR~CTORS DISTRICT NO.7 BOARD OF DIi’ECTO~S DISTRICT NO.8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO 11 Directors i’iilford W.Dahi,and J.L. McBride Director Willis H.Warner None Ayes:Directors Hugh W.Warden and Charles E.Stevens Noes:Directors Robert Ii.Boney,Don B. Haiber,~li11is H.Warner and William H.Hirstein Absent:Director Frank J.Schweitzer,Jr. Ayes:Directors Hugh 7.Warden,Nelsom H. Launer,C.R.Miller and Joseph Webber Noes:Director Willis H.Warner Absent:None Ayes:None Noes:Directors Braden Finch,Norman ~i. Miller and 7illis H.Warner Absent:None Ayes:None Noes:Directora C.M.Nelson,Willis H. Warner and Norman Ii.Miller Abs ent:None Ayes:Directors Vincent L.Humeston and J.L.McBride Noes:Director Willis H.Warner Absent:None Director Harold ~.Edwards Director Iillis H.Warner Director John R.Cropper Ayes:None Noes:Directors Willis H.Warner,Vernon E. Langenbeck and Roy Seabridge Absent:None After announcerient of the vote,the Chairman requested the legal counsel to state the rule as to the status of a tie vote,Mr.Nisson reported that in the event of a tie vote,the motion would be lost, -6— Mr.Nisson stated that if the majority of the Boards desired that he make a decision to continue his employment in accordance with the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Executive Corwiittee’s meeting,he would offer his resignation as legal counsel to the Districts, effective as of October 3].,1952. The Chairman called for roll call vote upon the motion: The vote was polled by roll call vote by Districts and the Secretary reported the motion lost by the following vote: Ayes; Noes: Absent: (--) 0 Ayes: Noes: Absent: BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO 2 BOARD OF DISTRICT DIRECTORS NO.3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO.5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO.6 — BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT 110.7 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO.8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO.11 Ayes:Direotor3 Robert H.Boney,I~n B. Haiber,Willis H.Warner and William H.Hirstein Noes:Directors Hugh W.Warden and Charles E.Stevens Absent:Director Frank J.Schweitzer,Jr. Directors l3raden Pinch,Non~ian H. Miller and Willis H..Warner None None Ayes:Directors C.h.Nelson,Braden Finch and Willis H.Warner Noes:None Absent:None Ayes;Director Willis H.Warner Noes:Directors Vincent L.Huries ton and J,L.McBride Absent:None Director Willis H.~/arner Director Harold B.Edwards Director John R.Cropper Directors Willis H.Warner,Vernon E. Langenbeck and Roy Seabridge None None Mr.Nisson offered his resignation as legal counsel for the Districts,,to become effective October 3].,1952. The Boards of Directors took the following a~ction: Moved by Director Willis H.Warner,seconded by Director Vernon B.Langenbeek: That the rosignation of Mr.C.Arthur Nisson,as legal counsel for the Districts,be acoepted~effective as of October 31,1952. The vote was polled by roll call vote by Districts and the Secretary reported the notion lost by the following vote: BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO.1 Ayes:Director Willis H.Warner Noes:Directors J.L.McBride and Milford W.Dahl’ Absent:None Ayes:Director Willis H.Warner Noes:Directors Hugh 1.Warden,Nelson M. Launer,C,R.Miller and Joseph ~‘Iebber Absent:None Ayes: Noes: Absent: C C Ayes: Noes: Absent: Lyes: Noes.: Absent: —7— ~~.~:,T,~:.-‘“:T-”-. Clarification of Director ‘lamer led a discussion on previous action the motion passed by the Boards~on relative to term October 8,1952,which would terminate ination of employees the Districts’employees as of on October 3l~i952 November 1,1952 and provided for vacation oozl2rlensurate with length of service,Director T4arner stated that the Executive Committee had reviewed this motion and the effect it would have upon the completion of District Nos.1 and 6 lines,and offered the •suggestion that the Districts’employees be retained until the arrival of Mr.Lee M.Nelson for his determination as to the termination date of the employees whose services would no longer be needed;and that the previous motion be rescinded and another •passed by the Boards specifically setting forth a method.for computing paid terminal vacations,recommending that such a formula follow as nearly as possible the County’s policy of •granting paid vacation to per diem employees,except that no terminal vacation be given unless the employee had worked for three months or longer in the service of the Districts. After a general discussion,the Boards of Directors took the following action: Moved by Director J.L.McBride,seconded by Director Roy Seabridge and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts i’Ios,1,2,3,5,~6,7,8 arid 11: That the following motion adopted by the Boards of Directors on October 8,1952: “That the present employees of the joint Districts be retained until November ].,1952 and that they be given vacation commen surate with the length of employment,based upon two weeks per year,~~ be and the same is hereby rescinded. Authorizing paid The Boards of Directors took the terminal vacations following action: Moved by Director Hugh 1.~i1arden,seconded by Director Joseph Webber and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11: That terminal vacations for employees involuntarily leaving the services of the Districts after October 31,1952 be calcu lated on the basis of one day’s paid vacation for each 20 days worked;that said terminal vacation pay be paid from the fund or funds that the employee’s salary has been charged to during the course of his employment in the same ratio of past payment,and that 21 working days per rionth be used for computing daily rates of pays The Chair recognized Mr.Kenneth Perry,employed by the Districts as Assistant Engineer.Mr.Perry,requested the Districts’,consideration of two weeks’advance notice for employees being involuntarily released from their employment with the Districts, ~The Boards of Directors took the following action: Moved by Director Roy Seabridge,seconded by Director Vernon E.Langenbeok and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11: That two weeks’advance notice be given each employee before severance of employment by the Districts. —8— I~EW BTJSINESS 1.Reaffirmation of Director 3oney requested the Boards’ contract with consideration of reaffirming the HoalyTibbitts contract with Hoaly Tibbitts company Company for the construction of tho riarino section of the ocean outfall,to the full 7,000 foot; stating that the time limit for reaffirmation would expire on November 3,1952. After a general discussion,the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts N’os.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11 adopted Rosolution Nos.231—1,231—2,231—3,231—5,231—6, 231—7 and 231-U.respectively,determining the length of the ocean outfall sower (marine section)and directing County Sanitation District No.1 to so proceed with the construc tion.Certified copies of those Rosolutions are on file in the office of the Secretary. The Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.1 adopted Resolution No.232—1,reaffirming the provision of the contract with Hcaly Tibbits Company that the ocean outfall sewer (marine section)be constructed to station 70/00,said sewer to be a total length of 7,000 foot, and directing the Secretary to so notify the contractor. Certified copy of this resolution is on file in the office of the Secretary. 2.Extension of time Chairman Finch reported that the 30-day for submission of extension of time for submission of final plans and plans arid specifications agreed upon by spocifi~~tions the Districts and the design engineers would :~xpiroNovoriber 1,1952.The Boards of Directors took tho following action:. Moved by Director ~ii1lis if.~!arner,seconded by Director Robert H.Boney and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3, 5,6,7 and 11: That the Boards of Directors hereby request the privilege of holding in abeyance work on the plans and specifications for an additional 15 days from October 30, •1952,the expiration date of work suspension requested by the Boards on October 1,1952 and granted by the engineers on that date;and that the time for completion of plans and specifications by the design engineers be •extended 15 days. i’~r.John A.Carollo,representing the design engineers,approvod and agreed to the extension requested by the Boards. 3.Proposed_Review Director Vincent L.Hurieston proposed, of estimates by as a method of expediting the busines~ a consulting of the Districts and in the interest engineering finn of positive determination that the bond funds ava~lab1o are insufficient to construct the joint facilities under the original bond proposal plan that a consulting engineering firm be employed to review the ostiriates.. The Boards of Directors took tho following action: —9— Moved by Director Vincent L.Huneston,seconded by Director Milford 1.Dahi: That the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County employ a reputable engineering firm,to review the current •status of the bond engineer’s plan to deterriine whether or •not the proposed modification recommended by the Finance Committee will bust serve the needs of the Districts in relation to the bond plan. The Chairman called for discussion of the motion and Director Warner expressed the opinion that a motion for employment should state terms and conditions and an author ization for payment of serviccs rendered;and recommended that the motion include instructions for securing proposals from consulting engineering firms as the basis of payment. Director Warner offered a substitute motion for consider~ ation,and with the consent of the mover and tho seconder the following motion was substituted for the original motion, • and was duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts I~Tos.1,2,3,S,6,7 and 11: •That Directors Hunioston and Warden be designated as a Committee of two and that they be instructed to secure a definite proposal from some competent engineering firm for services they deem necessary in the reviow of the bond plan and tho modification plan and that the Cormiittoe so desig nated report back to the Boards at the earliest possible time.. • Li..Availability of A discussion was held upon the bond proposaT —possibility of calling for bids plans for use in under the bond proposal plan.Mr. calling for bids .John A.Carollo reported that all plans and specifications under the bond proposal plan,excepting the treatmont plant,were now complote and available and that the treatment plant plans and specifications were 60%complete,and suggested that the Boards considor calling for bids on the completed plans in order to determine the amount of funds then available for the treatment plant.Director ~Iarn~.~r requested Mr.Ribalts opinion on the recommendation of Mr.Carollo.Mr Ribal stated that ho had always held that bids should be called for and concurred in this procedure to determine costs; but that he could see nothing wrong with the review as suggested by Mr.Huxneston. The Boards of Diroctors took the following action: Moved by Director Willis H.Warner,seconded by Director Norman H.Miller and duly carried by the Boards •of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos,1,2,3, •5,6,7andll: That the desi~i engineers bu requested to present •plans and specifications for the Bushard Street Trunk and Treatment plant Trunk Sewers to the Districts before the next nieot~.ng of the Boards,on October 29,1952. Mr.Ribal stated that ho had reviewed the plans and specifications on the Ellis Avenue Trunk Sewer and recom mended correlation of certain items in the specifications; and,at the request of Director Haiber,itemized the correlations whic~i he stated to be of dimensional nature. -10- Report of the Chief Mi’~Ribal road.his report and rocom— Engineer and Goneral mondations to the Directors.This Manager report is on file in the office of tho Secretary.The Boards of Directors took the following actiox~upon the recommendations contained in the written report of the Chief Eflgineer and General Manager: fl 1.Authorizing Ra~inond A motion was made by Director ~iillis M~He~tel to sign H.Warner,seconded by Director Roy certain papers -Seabridgo and ~.ily carried by tho Boards of Directors of County Sani tation Districts I’Tos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11: That Raymond N.Hortol,onxployod as Supervising Engineer by the joint County Sanitation Districts,be and ho is hereby authorized to approve time cards,sign the payroll and warrant demands,sign letters requesting the •County Auditor to transfer such funds as may be necessary for the payment of obligations,ovorsee the work now under construction,certify progress payments,prepare and sign engineer’s certificates and estimates during the time that Raymond H.Ribal,Chief Engineer and General Manager is on vacation and until such time as hr.Ribal’s successor arrives. 2..Authorizing employment A motion was made by Director ~Iillis of JackR.~Ieiricr H.~Jarner,seconded by Director J.L. McBride and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3, 5,6,7,and 11: That the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11 hereby authorizo Raymond N.Hertol,Supervising Engineer,to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Carl S.Starnos,by employing Jack H.Woimer as onginoorin~aido at the salary of ~3O3.OO par month for the period October 27th to October 31,1952, inclusivo, Authorizing Harrison The Chairman called upon Mr.Ribal &Woolleyf at ii for a report upon the adequacy of the to supervise thb~staff of the Districts to perform the preliminary work preliminary engineoring work when on the ocean outfall construction work is started on the •sewer ____ ocean outfall,Mr.Ribal reported that the present survey crew would be •engaged on the work now wider construction for Districts Nos.1 and 6,and that thore would be a need for a survey crow f or preliminary work on the ocean outfall sower. •A motion was made by Director Willis H.~Jarner, socondod by Director C.H.Miller and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos~ 1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11: That the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11 hereby ask the design engineers to perform the general supervision on construction of the marine section of the ocean outfall sewer,under the terms of their contract,and that they supervise the necessary preliminary eng~.neoring work as a courtesy to the Districts;and that the dosing engineers, Harrison &Woolley,and Headman,Forguson &Carollo,be paid by the County Sanitation Districts for the field party required far this work while the final contract with thorn is being worked out. ~—l1~ Mr~Harrison,representing the design engineers,stated that they wore willing to ~rant the request of the Districts for the performance of services required. iiistrict No.8 The Board of Diroctors of County Sanitation Warrant Rogistor District No.8 took the following action: Moved by Director 1,Jillis H.Warner,seconded by Director Harold E,Edwards and duly carried: 0 That District No.8 Operating Fund Warrant Register be approved for signaturo and pa~iont of: Warrant DeinandNo.In Favor Of Amount 8—23 Joint Administrative Fund of County Sanitation Districts Nos.l,2,3,~,6, 7 and 11 ~100.00 Adjournment The Boards of Directors took the following action: Movod by Director Roy Scabridge,seconded by Director Charles E.Stevens and duly carried: That this meeting be adjourned to the hour of 8:00 p.m.,on Octobor 29,19S2 in Room 239 at 11OLI.West Eighth Stroot~Santa Anc.,California. Whereupon,the Chairman declared the meeting so adjournod at 10:20 p.m. OA~~ Socre~ary ( -12- ~-.--.-