HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 05 Minutes 1952-10-29REGULAR MEETING,ADJOURNED SESSION
October 29,19~2 at 8:00 p,m,
Room 239,11OL1.West Eic~htJ.i Street
Santa Ana,California
The r~oarc~.of Directors net in ro~u1ar session at the hour of
8:00 p.m.,October 29,:L9~2 in Room 239 at llOL~West Eighth Street,
Santa Ana,California.
Chairman Finch crillud the joint noQtin~of the Districts’
Boards to order at 8:00 p.m.
The roll was called and the Socret~~ry reported a quorum of
the Board to be present.
Directors present:Braden Finch (Chairman)
Willis H.Warner
Norman H.Miller
Directors absent:None
C.Arthur Nisson,Jr.
Harry Asb.ton
Wa:Lter Chaff cc
Raymond M.Hortel
Nat H.Neff
~iu)h W ~iardon
Alvin Sporl:~ng
Ora ~~aa £1orritt,Socr~itary
The Secretary r~ad a telegram received
October 2L~.,l9~2 from Mr.Lee M.
po~ition~offortd him by the Districts,
The Secretary read letter dated and
received on October 22,l9~2,trans
mitting 10 copies of ~ho final plans
an.d specifications for the Busharci
Street Trunk and Treatr~ent Plant Trunk
Sewers,from Harrison &Woolley and
HoacJaean Fcr’,uson &Carollo,and ~,iving
bhcir estimated cost for construction.
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
Others Present:
Receivin~final pleas and
specifications for the
Bu~hard Str..;et Trunk arid
the Troatnccit Plant Trunk
Scwu rs and autJ..1ori zing
paymen.t_of feu
Moved by DirectorHobort H,Eonoy,seconded by Director
Vernon E,Langonbock and duly earr:Lod b~i the Boards of Directors
of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,~,6,7 and 11:
That the final plans and socifications for the Bushard
Streo’b Trunk Sewer and tiio Troat;rriont Plant Tri..uak Sewer and the
letter of transmittal he rocoivud and ordered filed,
The Eoards of Directors took the following action:
Moved by Director Courtney F~.Chandler,’seconded by
Director J,L.McBride and.unanimously carried by Directors
present in response to roll call vote of the Boards of
I)ircctors of County Sa.r~itation Districts Nos.1,2,3,~,6,
7 and 11:
That Dayi~iurit of ~be nado to Harrison &WoolJ.oy,
andHoadincui,FergusQn &Carol].o,in accordanc~with their bill
dated October 22,195’2 for services rendered in the preparation
of final elans and spucif~.cations for the Busbard Street Trunk
and the Treatment Plant Trunk Cowers,and that the bill pre
sented by thu~~for this amount he accepted as the basis of pay—
neat in accordance with Paragraph XI,sub-paragraph 2 of their
contract dated ]:~‘cbruary 1,l9~2.
Receiving final plans and The Secretary road letter dated and
specifications for tT~o
ruce:Lvod on October 22,l9~2,trans—
-r~itting 10 copies of the final plans
Unit I ~i~T arid specifications for the Newport
Section I Conh~ci~~Beach ‘~B~Trunk,Unit 1,arid the
Trunk Swrs and author—J.O .S.Section I Connection Tmink
izing payment of fee_____Sewers,from Harrison &Woolloy,
and :oadi~~an,Ferguson &Carollo and
giving their estimated cost for con—
s true t i on.
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
I~ovcd by Director C.N.~:~elson,seconded by Director
1~j]ljs FL.Warner and du1~j carraod h~the Boards of Directors
of County Sanitation 1)tnicts hoc.l,2,~,6 and 7:
That thu final plans and specifications for the Newport
Boacri ~runh “FL”Unit I,and th~3.0 .8.Section I Connection
Trunk Sewers be received and ord~r~d filed.
The hoards of Directors took the following action:
Moved by Director Willis H.Jarner,suconded by Director
~horman I..Miller and unanimously corned by the Boards of
Directors of County Sanitation J tricts Nos.1,2,5,6 and
11,by roll call vote by Districts:
That nayr~unt of ;~l,3L~7.O6 be nade to Harrison &Woolloy,
and ~1uadnan,Ferguson &Carollo,in acco rdance with their
bill dated October 22,19.52 for services rendered in the
preparation of final plans and specifications for the Newport
Beach Truni~itpfl —Unit I,and.the J.O ~S •St~ction I Connection
Tnink Cowers,and.that the bill presented by them for this
amount be accepted as the bas:r~of payment :Ln accordance with
Paragraph XI,sub—paragraph 2 of their contract dated February
R3cc~V.Li1r~iLflalplr-ls ~nd T~}o ~cc~tary r~ad lotbor o3tLd anc~
specifications for bho r~ceivud on Oci;obor 22,1952,trans—
~mitting 3.0 copies of the final plans
~3ewor,Units ii~a~T Ill and specifications for the Nuwoort
~TI~ri~p~f~~cb flru~k flb~t S~,wers —Units II
of j Ljd ~r~d SI I ron IJarrison &WoolIL y,LU
f-~eathuan,i~orguson &Carollo,anc~
giving their estimated cost for co.astrucbion.
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
Moved by Director Willis H.Liarner,sccoi:tded by Director
Nonian H.Miller and duly carried,by the Boards of Directors
of County ~anitat ion Dis tn cts ~Tos.5 and 6:
That the final plans and seccificat~ons for the ~ewport
Beach ~.Crunk Sow~r,Units II and III and the letter of
transm:~ttal be received and ordered filed,
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
Moved by Director Willis H.~arncr,seconded by Director
Norman H.Miller and duly carried by the Boards of Directors
of County Sanitation Districts ~1os.5 and 6:
That pa~rmont of ~l,L1.7O.L1.8 be .nadc to Harrison &Woolley,
and H dIlefl,Ferguson &Carollo,in accordance with their
bill dated October 22,1952 for services rendered in the
preparation of final plans and specifications for the Newport
Beach 11B~’Trunk Sewer,Units II and III~and that the bill
presented by then for this amount be accepted as the basis of
payment in accordance with paragraph XI,sub-paragraph 2 of
their contract dated February 1,1952.
Moved by Director Willis H.~farnor,seconded by Dirocbor
Nor~ian H.Miller arid duly carried by the Boards of Directors
of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11:
That the Suspense Fund Warrant Register be approved for
signature and payment of:
Demand No •In Favor Of Amount
S-26 Harrison &Woolloy,and Hcadnan
Ferguson &Carollo ~23flL~O2.9Ll
Director Vincent L.Hur’ieston reported
upon the contacts made with consu.Jt
ing engineering firms,stating that
the firm of James N.Montgomery in
~asadLna had given a verbal proposal
for ebecking the plans and specifications and price estimates
for construction,at the rate of :100.00 per day for ongi~
nceriiig work and.~6.oO per hour for office assistants.
Director Hu~Leston read t1~io wnitt~n proposal of the firm of
Holmes and Narver,Inc.their fee being based upon two and
ouc—naif times direct cost with guaranteed maximum foe
Directors Humoston and Warden recommended that the
Boards accept the proposal of Holmes and Narver,
Suspenéc Fund
~Er rant ~cI~
The Boards of Directors took the
following action:
Report of Committee
on negotiation for
2.21 t inj~cnginoors
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
Novod by Director Willis H,~Jarner,seconded by Director
C.N.Nelson and duly carried:
That the report of the Comriittoo appointed to nogotiab~
with consulting’cngineorin~firns for proposal for construction
cost estimates and chucking of plans and specifications,be
received.end ordered filed,
A full discussion was held on the proposal of Holmes and
Narvor and,the extent of the work involved for their report
and rocomriendations,
Thc Chainrian called upon Mr.Harrison.for an expression
on the proposal,Mr.Harrison stated,if it is the desire of
the Boards to employ Holmes and Narvor in accordance with their
proposal,the design engineers would be very willing to cooperate
in every way with then for review of the plans and specifications
and cost estimates;that there was some doubt in his mind as to
how much detail could be furnished by Holmes and Narver in the
lcngth~of time proposed to compile their report;that ho
believed,there were items they could review together which might
secure more favorable bids and cited the possibility of dm1—
nating some of the alternates in the plans and specifications
which had boon ordered by the Boards.Mr.Harrison also reported
upon the first pricing reports made by the design engineers on
the bond proposal plan and compared these estimates with actual
cost of construction of lines which he stated wore built under
plans and specifications which were in some instances modifi
cations of the original plan.
Employment of The Boards of Directors took the
Holmes_and following action:
Moved by Director J.L.McBride,
seconded by Director Hugh W.Warden and duly carried by the
Boards of Directors of County Sa~~itation Districts Nos.1,2,
3,5,6,7 and.11:
That the proposal of the engineering firm Holmes and
Narvor dated October 28,l9~2 be accepted and said finfl is
hereby employed to cheek the plans and specifications prepared
by Harrison &Woolley,arid.Headman,Ferguson &Carollo on the
proposed Ellis Avenue Trunk Sewer,Bushard Street Trunk Sower
and the Treatment Plant Trunk Sower and to submit their esti
mated costs for the construction of t’bese lines all in accor
dance with the rates sot forth in their proposal,the total
maxir~uxi foe not to oxco~:d ~l,6OO,OO;that the firm of Holmes
and Narvor is hereby directed to submit the report on their
findings on the plans and specifications end estimated costs
for construction to the Boards of Directors of County Sani
tation Districts Nos.1,2~3,5,6,7 and 11 of Orange County,
California not later than November 19,1952.
Confirmation of The Boards of Directors took the
Employment o:L’following action:
Holmos arid ~Jarv~r
Moved by Director J.L.McBride,seconded
by Director Vernon E.Lan’~enbeck and duly tarried by the
Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,
2,3~5,6,7 and II:
That the Secretary of tho Boards send certified copy
of the minute order to Holmes and Narver confirming their
employment;and that the attorney for the Districts,C.
Arthur Nissan,Jr.,notify bhe fi~a of Holmes and Narver by
telephone on the morning of October 30,1952 of the action
taken by the Boards and inform then that they nay call upon
tho firm of Harrison and Woolley,and tieadrian,Ferguson &
Carollo and upon the Districts’engineer,Mr.Raymond N.
Hertel,for any information they may need.
Business held over Items Nos.8,9,10 and ii on the Agenda
being consideration of Resolutions and
motions authorizing publication of notices callthg for bids
on the Bushard Street Trunk and Treatment Plant Trunk Sewers,
Newport Beach “B”,Trunk,Unit I and J.O.S.Section I
Connection Trunk Sewers,Ellis Avenue Trunk Sewer,and New
port Beach ~Trunk,Units II and III Sewers,respectively,
were put over as a matter of business for a future meeting
after the report has been received from Holmes and Narver,
Adjournment The Boards of Directors took the following
Moved by Director Vernon B.Langenbeck,seconded by
Director Robert H.Boney and duly carried by the Boards
of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,
5,6,7,8 and 11:
That the meeting be adjourned.
Whereupon the Chairman declared the meeting so adjourned
at 9:00 p.m.
alan,Board of Directors
County Sanitation District No.5
Orange County,California
C /
S ecreta~f~~a ~6?ThTi~c tors
County Sanitation District No.5
Orange County,California