HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 02 Minutes 1952-10-29RE(~ULAR MEETING,ADJOURNED SESS ION
October 29,1952 at 8:00 p.ri,
Room 239,l10L~West Ei~hti~Street
Santa Ama,California
The foard of Directors net in regular session at the hour of
8:00 p.n,,October 29,1952 in Room 239 at li0L~West Eighth Street,
Santa Ama,California.
Chair:~ian Finch crill~jd the joint eting of the Districts’
Boards to order at 8:00 p.m.
The roll was called and the ~ccretary reported a quoruaii of
the Board to be present.
Directors present;
Directors absent:
Others Present:
Roe oivin~final plans arid
specifications for the_____
)3ushard Stre at Trunk and
the Troatnoet Plant Trunk
Sewers are authorizing
payment of fou
their estimated cost
Robert H.Boney (Chairman)
Hugh W.Warden
Frank J.Schweitzer,Jr.
Charles E.Stevens
Willis H.Warner
William H.Hirstein
~on B.Haiber
C.Arthur Nisson,•Jr.
Harry Ashton
Waiter Chaff cc
Raymond N.Hortel
Nat H.Neff
Hur~h W harden
•0 .
h~s.c1 o r
Alvin Snorl:ng
Ora hac Norritt,Secretary
The Secretary raa(~a tolograri received
October 2L~,l952 fran Mr.Lee M.
pohition.offured him by the Districts.
The Secretary read letter dated and
received on October 22,1952,trans—
rutting 10 copies of the final plans
and specifications for the Bushard
Street Trunk and Treatment Plant Trunk
Sewers,from Earrison &Woolley and
HoacJa:ian Ferp;uson &Carollo,and giving
for construction.
The Boards of Directors book the following action:
Moved by Director Robert H,~onoy,seconded ~y Director
Vernon E.Lcin~enbopk and duly carried by th~c Boards of~Diroctors
of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,~2,3,~,6,7 an~II:
That the final plans and spccanhLcatiens for the Busbard
Street Trunk Sewer and the Treatment Plant Trunk Sower and the
letter of transmittal ho rocciv~~d arid ordered filed.
Thu Doards of Directors took thu following action:
Moved,by Director Courtney H.Chandler,seconded by
Director 1.L.McBride and unanir~iously carried by Directors
present in response to roil call vote of the Boards of
Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,~,6,
7 and 11:
That paynunt of ;2O,~5~.L~0 be made to tiarrison &~ooilcy~
and Headman,Ferguson &Carollo,in accordw-ice wi~h their bill
dated October 22,l9~2 for services rendered in the preparation
of fi~iai ulans and specifications ~~Or the Bushard Street Trunk
and the Treatment Plunt Trunk Cowers,and that the bill pro—
suntod by then for this amount ho accepted as the basis of pay
ment in accordance with l’aragraph XI,sub—paragraph 2 of•their
contract dated February 1,l9f~2.
Receiving final plans and Thu Secretary road.letter dated and
received on October 22,l9~2,trans—
~uo~o~}i ~fl~i~—mitting 10 copies of the final plans
UnitI,an~tTTc~.O.S arid specifications for the Newport
S~t~Connec~ion~B ech HB~Trunk,Unit 1,and bhe
Trunk Sewors and author-J.O.S.Section I Connection Trunk
izin~peyu~n~of lee
~wcrs,from II~rrison &Woolley,
end Roadman,Ferguson &Carollo and
giving their estimated cost for con—
st ru c t i on.
Tire Boards of Directors took tbu following action:
I’Io~od by Director C.N.holson,seconded by Director
1.~1i1js BI.Warner and duly curried by the Boards of Directors
of County Sanitation Districts ~os.1,2,~,6 and 7:
That thu final plans and soucifications for the Newport
Beach Trrnk It:~—Unit I,and mu J,O .5.Suction I Connection
Trunk Sewers be received and ordL~rL~h filed.
The Pounds of Directors took the folioTring action:
Moved by Director Willis H..‘Jur]aor,seoondod by Director
i’Torntan H,Miller and unanimously cerriod by the Boards of
Direc hors of County Sanitation i)is tricts Nos •1,2,5,6 and
11,by roll ccli vote ~by Districts:
That ~a~p~iont of ~l,31~.7.06 be mad’.to Harrison &Woolicy,
and bucr&ian,Ferguson &Carollo,in accordance with ~ho~r
bill doted October 22,19.52 for services rendered ii~the
preparation of final plans and specifications for the Newport
Beach Trunk flplt —‘Unit I,and the J.O,S~Section I Connection
rjIruI~Cowers,and.that ~he bill presented by thom for this
amount be accepted as the bas:rs of payment in.accordance with
eParagraph Xi,sub—paragraph 2 of their contract dated February
Receiving final plans and The Seceotary road letter dated and
specifications for the received on October .22,1952,trans—
—r-iittin~JO Co)i.es ol th fnel plans
Sewer,_Units II a~~JI and specifications for the Nuwpor~
~Th1 ~~eoch Tm ‘k “13”~ewers Units II
01 ~
~rd Ii~~‘ron harrison &~oo1i~r,u-~’1
f~toadiiian,i~erguson &Carollo,end
giving their estimated cost for eo.astruction.
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
Moved by Diroctor Tdillis M.~arnor,seconded by Di~uctor
Noman h.Miller and duly carried by the Boards of Directors
of County Sanlta~ion Districts Mos,5 and 6:
That the final plans and snocificat~ons for the &wport
Boach ~Trunk Sower,Units II.and III.and the letter of
transmittal be received and ordered filed.
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
Moved by Director ~:Jillis H,~arner,seconded by Director
Norman H.Miller and duly carried by the Boards of Directors
of County Sanitation Districts i~Tos,5 and 6:
That payniont of ~l,L~70.L~8 be made to Harrison &Woolloy,
and Headman,Ferguson &Carollo,in accordance with their
bill dated October 22,1952 for services rendered in the
preparation of final plans and specifications for the Newport
Beach “B”Trunk Sewer,Units II and III,and ‘that the bill
presented by them for this amount be accepted as the basis of
pa~iicnt in accordance with paragraph XI,sub-paragraph 2 of
their contract dated February 1,1952.
The Boards of Directors took the
following action:
Moved by Director Willis H.~amnor,seconded by Dirccbor
Non~ian H.Miller and duly carried,by the Boards of Directors
of County Sanitation Distri.ct~s Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11:
That the Suspense Fund Warrant Register be approved for
signature and pa~’r~ient of:
~arr ant
Demand No.
Director Vincent L.Hurioston reported.
upon the contacts made with ccn~u.~.~-•,
ing engineering firms,statIng that
the firm of James M.Montgomery in
pasadena had given a verbal proposal
for ch~okin~the plans and specifications nrid price estimates
for construction,at the rate of :100,00 per day for ongi—
flooring work and 4~6.0O per hour for office assistants.
Director Huxieston road the writtLn proposal of the firm of
Holmes end Narver,Inc.their fee being based upon two and
o~c—half tines direct cost with guaranteed maximum fee
Directors Hurioston and Warden recommended that the
Boards accept the proposal of Holmes and Narver.
Suspense Fund
rint Resister
S -26
In Favor Of
Harrison &Woolley,and Headman
Ferguson &Carollo
Report of Committee
on ‘negotiation for
~~s~ls Lr~)m
consulting engineers
The Boards of Directors took tho following action:
Movqd by Director Willis H.Warner,seconded by Dir~dtor
C.N.Ncalson and duly carried:
That tlw report of the Corirtittoo appointed to negotiaW
with consulting enginecrine;tints for proposal Lor construction
coat ostbiatos and checking of plans and specifications,be
recoivud and ordered filed.
A full discussion was hold on the proposal of Holmes and
Narver and the oxtont of tho work involved tor their report
and roconriondations.
The Chairman called upon hr.Harrison for an expression
on the proposal.Mr.Harrison stated,if it is the dosire of
the Boards to employ Holmes and Narvor in accordance with thoir
proposal,the design engineers would be very willing to cooperate
in ovc.ary way with then for roviow of the plans and specifications
and cost estimates;that thero was some doubt in his nind as to
how much detail could be furnished by Holmes and Narvor in the
lcngth of time proposed to compile their report;that ho
boliovod thoro were itens they could raviow together which might
secure more favorable bids and cited the possibility of elimi
nating some of the alternates in tho plans and specifications
which had boon ordered by the Boards.Mr.Harrison also reportod
upon tho tim pricing reports made by tho design engineers on
tho bond proposal plan and conparud these estinates.with actual
cost of construction of lines which he stated wore built under
plans and specifications which wore in some instances modifi
cations of the original plan.
Ek’iploniont of The Boards of Directors took the
Holmes ~ñd following action:
Moved by Director J.L.McBride,
seconded by Director Hugh W.Warden and duly carried by the
Boards of Directors of County Sanitrttion Oistriets Nos,1,2,
3,5,6,7 and 11:
That the proposal of the c~,ngineoring firm Holmes and
Narvor dated October 28,1952 bo accepted and said finn is
herwby employed to chock tho plans and spocifications prepared
by Harrison &bloolloy,and Hoadman,Ferguson &Carollo on the
proposud Ellis Avunuo Trunk Sewer,Bushard Street Trunk Sewer
and the Troathont Plant Trunk Sower and to submit their csti
mated costs for the construction of those lines all in accor—
dance with the rates set forth in their proposal,the total
maximum foe not to oxceud /)1 600.00;that the firm of Holmes
and Narvcr is hereby diroctu&to submit the report on thUr
findings on the plans and specifications and estimated costs
for construction to the Boards of Directors of County Sani
tation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11 of Orange County,
California not later than November 19,1952.
Confirmation of The Boards of Directors took the
&i io7noiiiror
following action:
o .08 andYctWum
Moved by Director J.L.McBride,seconded
by Director Vernon E.Lan~enbeck and duly carried by the
Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.l~
2,3,5,6,7 ~nd 11:
That the Secretary of the Boards send cei~ified dopy
of the minute order to Holmes and Na~ver confirriing~heir
enp1oyment~and that the attorney for the ~i~tricts~C~
Arthur Nlsson Jr.,notify bhe firm of Holmes and Narver by
telephone on the morning of Odtober 30,1952 of the action
taken by the Boards and inform then that they may call upon
the firm of Ha±’rison and Woolley,and ~ieadman,Ferguson &
Carollo and upon the ~engineer,Mr.Raymond N.
Hertel,for any information they may need,
Business held over Items Nos.8,~,10 and 11 on the Agenda
being consideration of Resolutions and
notions authorizing publication of notices calling for bids
on the Bushard Street Trunk and Treatment Plant Trunk Sewers,
Newport Beach “Ba,Trunk,Unit I and J.0.S.Section I
Connection Trunk Sewers,.~l1is Avenue Trunk Sewer,and New.
port Beach tIBU Trunk,Units II and III Sewers,respectively,
were put over as a riatter of business for a future meeting
after the report has been received from Holmes and Narver,
Adjournment The Boards of Directors took the following
Moved by Director Vernon U.Langenbeck,seconded by
Director Robert H.Boney and duly carried by the Boards
of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,
5,6,7,8 and 11:
That the meeting be adjourned.
Whereupon the Chairman declared the meeting so adlourned
at 9:00 p.m.
,C ~ii~ma~i,Board oDirecto~d2,,~
County Sanitation District/No,2
Orange County,Ca1iforni~
Secretary,Bo~äTh irectors
County Sanitation District No.2
Orange County,California