HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 02 Minutes 1952-10-22-I.&
October 22,1952 at L~:OO p.m.
Room 239,11OL~.West Eighth Street
Santa Ana,California
The Board.of Directors met in regular session at ti_ic hour of
3:00 p.m.,October 22,1952 in Roori 239 at 110L~West Eighbh Street,
Santa Ana,California.
Chainnan Finch called ~he joint n.eeting of the Districts1
Boards to order at 8:00 p.m.
The roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum of
the Board to be jjresent.
Directors present:Robert H.Boney (Chairman),Hugh
W.Warden,Don B.1-laiber,Charles
E.Stevens,Willis H.Warner and
William H.Hirstein
Directors absent:Frank J.Schweitzer,Jr.
Others Present:Rayraond F.Ribal,Chief Engineer and
General Manage~
C.Arthur ~isson,Jr.
Ilarry Ashton
John A•Carollo
Raymond ..~erte1
~JaJJ;er RaFlsey
~cenneth j~er~
1~Jaiter Chaff ee
Ora Mae herritt,Secretary
Approval of The Boards of Dtrectors of County Sani
tation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,7 and
11 took the following action:
Moved by Director Willis II.Warner,seconded by Director
Williar~N.Hirstein and duly carried:
That the minutes of the nisetinls held on October 1 and
O~tober 6,1952 be approved as Flailed out.
The Boards of Directors of CoUnt~t
Sanitation Districts Nos,~1,2,3,5,6~
7 an~1].took the following action:
D.oved by Director Hugh W.~arden,seconded by J)irector
William H.}-Iirstein a~d duly carried;
That the Joint Administrative ~iarrant Register be approve
for signature and payment of:
Demand No,In Favor Of
Davis Stationers 1.68
Dennis Printers 15.31
Aleen-Line Corporation 3.52
5tandard Oil Compan~T of Ca1ifor~ia 32.75
F.R.Harwood,Postmaster 30.00
Connuni cat :~.o us
andT~ep6~s fL~od
1.O~uar;o:dy nudib The Secretery reported receipt of certi
fied quarterly audit report from the
firm of Diehl and Company,and read
balances of each Districts I funds.
A notion was made by Director ~i11is H.Trfarner seconded
by Director Vernon E.Langenbeck and duly carried by the
Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,
3,5,6,7,8 and 11:
That ti-ie audit report for the quarter ending September
30,1952,received from Diehi anc.Ooripany be received and
ordered filed,
2.Vacation roqnost The Secretory read a let~er from Mary
f~.Gillisnia,stenographer in the offic
of the Joint Acimir~istretive or~anizabion requesting paid
vac at ion,
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
hoved by Director Nelson N.Launer,seconded by Director
Vincent L.Humeston and duly carried by the Boards of
Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8
and 11:
T~eat hary B.Gi1lisp~e eranloyed by the Districts as
Senior Stenographer—Clerk in the Joint Adr~inistrative
Organization,be and she is hereby authorized to take a
vacation with pay beginning November 10,1952 to and.in
cluding November 21,1952.
Report of the Director Robert H.Boney,Chairman cro
~cutive Committee ten of the Bxocutive Connittee reported
upon the meeting hold on October 17,
1952,as follows:
tra t i v~’anl~
J4~O 7
1.Relative to the Boards’request for recommendation upon
filling the vacancy created by th~resignation of the Chief
Er~gineor and General Manager,the Copimittee reviewed the
rian~factors facing the Districts in establishing sound
administration and o~g~ization of ~1-~e joint Districts’
program.Art~r ~Qn d~z~atjQn of qual~4~ications of men who
had applied for the position,the Committee unanimously
recommended the eriployment of hr.Lee N.Nelson as Chief
Engineer and General Manager upon a trial basis at the
monthly salary of ~l,OOO.OO ~cr month,and that regular
employment and amount of salary be detem~iined by mutual
agreement between the Districts and ivir.Ne’son within a
period not to exceed six months.I’•ir.Boney reported the
Committee had been advised by ~Nelson that if the
Districts desired his services,ho could report for duty
about Nove:ribor 1st,
Director F~oney stated that Mr,Nelson had previously been
interviewed by a three man Committee comprised of Director
Warner,Director Warden and :~oi~ier Director Reed.Director.
Warner was called upon for further information as to the
background of Mr.Nelson.
Director Warner reported that at the time Mr.Nelson
appeared before the Committee he was employed by the City
of Rochester,Minnesota as Chief of the Utilities Commission.
that ha is a registered civil and electrical engineer and
has now gone into private consulting work.Director Warner
stated that Mr.Nelson enjoys a wide reputation as a very
able n~an,even teripered and with the ability to work with
and got along with people in very complex situations;that
his qualifications would well fit h~ri for the position now
open c~fnore there will be a volu~~o of administrative work
the Manager will be called upon to carry out.
2.Chairman Boney reported that the Committee had held over
the business of making a recorv~~endation on the requested
annexation bo County Sanitation District No.3,until all
information would be available and a report received from
the J.C.S.
Employment of The Boards of Directors took the
Chief E~gineor following action:
and Genexal
Man~ager Moved by Director J.L.McBride,
seconded by Director Don B.Haiber
and duly carried by the Doards of Directors of County Sani
tation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11:
That tIie report of the Executive Committee be anproved
and accepted;and that Mr.Leo M.Nelson be and he is
hereby employed as Chief Enginee±~and General Manager for
County Sanitation Districts i”os.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11
uijon a trial basis ~at the monthly salary of ~l,OOO.OO per
month,effective November 1,1952;and that regular employ
ment and amount of salary be determined by mutual agreement
between the Districts and Mr.yelson within a period not
to exceed six months.
Director C.M.Nelson,Chaimnan of the Board of
Directors of County Sanitation District No.6 stated that
inasmuch as Mr.Lee N.Nelson is his cousin,ho believed it
to he only ethical to sever his connections with the
Districts and that he would resign as a member of the Board
of his District,
Report of the Director warner,Chai~rrian of •th~
Finance Committee Finance Committee reported that
the Committee had~been working
upon the agreement with the engineers;but,,since thelo~st
meeting,business affairs of members of the Cor~iittee had
made it impossible to hold very many meetings together for
the purpose of studying dQt~ls of the contracb,and as they
felt this should be given very careful consideration and a
draft of the contract prepared and nailed to the Directors
ahead of the joint meeting of the Boards,the Committee
recommended that their~report be hold ovo~r and made a special
matter of business at the regular nesting of the Boards on
Novexiber 12,1952;that previous to this meeting,the
Corriittee could have the contract prepared in detail and sent
to the Directors
The ~oards of Directors took the following action:
Moved by Director Nelson N.Launer,seconded.by Director
Norman H.Miller and duly carried by the Boards of Directors
of County Sanitation Districts Nos,1,2,3,5,6,7 and ll~
That the report of the Finance Committee be approved and
Director Boney requested that the
officiol action of the Executive
Committee relative to eriploymcnt
of lee~al counsel for the Districts
be read from the minutes of the
meeting of the Executive Committee;and that bhe resolution
authorizing employment of Mr.Nisson be read.
At th.o request of the Chairman,the Secretary road the
following excerpt from the minutes of t;he meeting of the
Executive Committee held on October 3,1952:
Diroctors present:Robert N.Boney (Chairman)
Thomas J.FJadington,alternate
~or Hr.Bligh 1.harden
5.L.McBride,alternate for
hr.Courtney H.Chandler
Braden Finch
Vincent L.Hurieston
Others present:Raymond R,Ribal
Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary
After a full discussion upon the enployment of an
attorney for the Districts,a notion was made,duly seconded and
carried,that recommendation be made to the Districts’Boards that
C.Arthur Nisson,Jr.be employed as the attorney for the Districts
at tho rate of ~355.OO per month,providing Mr.Nisson “ten~’iinates
his employment as the City Attorney for Tustin.~’
The Secretary read Resolution No.93,authorIzing ei~ploy—
mont of C.Arthur Nisson,Jr.as legal counsel for the Joint Admin
istrative organization of the eight County Sanitation Districts,
adopted by tb.c Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts,
Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11 on October 10,1951.This rosolutioi
was carried in full In the condensed minutes of the meeting of
October 10,1951 which were approved by the Boards on October 2~,
Business hold over:
of tex~is of employ—
r~cnt of legal counsel
The Chainnan ca3led upon Ni”,Nisson a report upon
the terms of his enployment.Mr.Nisson reported that ho had no
knowledge of the Executive Corni,ttee minutes and that he had no,~
been asked by anyone to agree to tenus of eriploynent other ,tben
those contained in Rosolutjon No.98;that if ithe Boards desired
his enploynent to be base4 upon the terms contained in the Exocu
tive Conuittoe minaea,I~e imu],4 then report his decision.
There followed a full discussiqn by,the Directors as to
whether or not there night be a conflict in services perforncd by
tho legal counsel in sorvin~a city and the Districts.
The Boards of Øirootors took the followiné action:
~iovod by Director Milford W.Dab].,soconded by Director’
Hugh W.tJardon:
That Mr.Nisson’s onploynent as Legal Counsel for the
Districts be continued in accordance with Resolution No.98,adopto
by the Boards of Directors of County Saaitation Districts Nos.1,2~
3,5,6,7,8 and 11 on October 10,1952.
Director Boney spoke to the notion,stating that at the
time tho Cornitteo recorinended Mr.Kisson’s enploynont,navies of
other attorneys presented to the Connittoe wore elininated from
consideration because they were attorneys for cities within the
Districts;and that Mr.Nisson’s nane was considered only because
they wore informed ho would resign as the attorney toy the City of
Tustin if appointed legal counsel for the Districts.
Director Lan~enbeck stated that ho bad been aware of the
fact that Mr.flsson had not resigned as attorney for Tustin,but
realized that it is difficult for a city to appoint an attorney.
upon short notice and that he ‘had not raisod the question as to tho
terns of Mr.Nisson’s oviploynent until the city had bad sufficient
tine to appoint a successor to Mr.Nisson.
Mr.Nisson stated that if tjao najority of the Boards
desired that he make a decision to continue his employment
in accordance with the reconnendations contained in the
minutes of the Executive ~o~riittee~s meeting,he would offer
his resignation as legal counsel to the Districts,effective
as of Octobur 3l~1952.
The Chairman called for roll call vote upon the motion:
The vote was polled by roll call voto by Districts and
the Secretary reported the notion lost by the following vote:
Ayes:Directors Milford N.Dahl,and J.L.
Noes:Diroctor Wills H.Warner
Ayes:Directors Hugh N.Warden and
Charles E.Stevens
Noes:Directors Robert H.Boney,Don B.
Haiber,Willis H.Warner and
William N.Birstein
Absent:Diructer Frank J.Schweitzer,Jr.
DISTRICT NO 3 ayes;D~o~tors Hugh W.Ward~n,Nelson
N.Launcr,C.H.Miller and Joseph
Mob be r
Noes:Director Willis H.Warner
Noes:Directors Bradon Finch,Norman
•H.Miller and Willis H.Warner
Noes:Directors C.N.Nelson,Willis i-i.
Warner and Norman H.Miller
Ayes:Directors Vincent L.Humeston and
Noes:Director Willis H.~arncr
DISTRICT NC..B Ayes:Director Hanld E.Edwards
Noes:Director Willis H.Warner
Absent:Director John R.Cropper
DISTRICT_NO.11 Ayes:None
Noes:Dirocto~s Willis H.Warner,
Vernon H.Langenbeck and Roy
S eabridge
Alter announcement of the vote,the Chairman requested
the legal counsel to stato ~he rule as to tho status of a tie
vote,hr.Nisson reported thaG in the event of a tie vote,the
notion would he lost.
Mr.Nisson offered his rosiRnation as legal counsel for the
Districts,to become offoct~vo October 31,l9~2,
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
Moved by Director Willis H.Warner,seconded.b:~Director
Vernon E.Langonbock:
That the resignation of Mr.C.Arthur Nissan,as legal counsel
for the Districts,be accepted,effective as of October 31,l9~2.
The vote was polled b~roil call vote by Districts and the
Secretary reported the notion lost by the following vote:
DISTRICT NO.1 Ayes:Director Willis H.Warner
_____-V -V•
Noes:Directors J.L.McBride and
Nil Co rd F •Dab.1
2 Ayes:Directors Robert H.l3onoy,Don N.
Uaibcr,Willis H.~Iarrier and
Willi~u~H •
Hi rs te~in
Noes:Directors ~1
•Warden and
Charles H.Stevens
Absent:Director Frank J.Schweitzcr,Jr.
Aye~~irQctpr Willis H.Warner
Noes:Directors Hugh W.Warden,Nelson MV
Banner,C.H.Miller and Joseph
Web her
Ayes:~irectors Bradon Finch,Norman H.
Miller and Willis H.Warner
Ayes:Directors 1’Jillis H.Warner,Vernon
B.Langonbock and Roy Soabridgo
Director Warner led a discussion o~
the notion passed by the Boards on
October 3,l9~2,which would terre—
mate UhL)Districtst employees as
of.iovcribor 1,l9~2 and provided
for vacation cor~iensurate with
~Jarnor stated that the Eiecutive
notion and the effect it would have
upon the completion of District Mos.I and 6 lines,and offered
the suggestion that the Districts’em loyces be retained until
the arrival of Mr.Leo N.Nelson for his determination as to the
bcrmination date of the employees whose services would no longer
be needed;and that the previous notion be rescinded and another
passed U bho Boards specifically setting forth a method for
computing paid terminal vacations,rocoririendin~that such a
formula follow as nearly as ~the County’s policy of
granti~-ig paid vacation to per dieri onployoos,except that no
terminal vacation be given unloss the employee had worked for
three months or longer in the service of the Districts.
After a general discussion,the Boards of Directors took
the following action:
Moved by Director J.L.McBride,seconded by Director Roy
Seabridge and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of Connty
Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11:
Ayes:Directors C.N.Nelson,Bradon
Finch and Willis H.~iarnor
Ayes:Director Willis H.Warner
Noes:Diroctor~i Vincent L.Hunoston and
Di.rector Willis H.Warner
Di inc to r Harold L
Director John 11.Cropper
Clarification of
p~ovious action
relative to tc;n~i
mat_ion of erep:Loyo ~s
onö~tohor 31,l9.~2
length of service.Director
Committee had reviewed this
That the following motion adopted by the Boards of
Directors on October ~,i9~2:
“That the present employees of the joint Districts be
retained until November 1,1952 and that they be given vacatio~
commensurate with the length of o:aployrient,based upon two
weeks ~or year.”
be and the same is hereby rescinded,
Aut!~oriz~ng paid Th.Bo~cas of Drcctor~took the
terminal vacations followiig action:
Moved by Director Pugh N.harden,seconded by Director
Joseph 1iebbor and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of
County Sanitation I)istricts hos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11:
That tominal vacations for employees involuntarily leavinr
the services of the Districts after October 31,1952 be calcu
lated on tLio basis of one aay’s po.:Lc{vacation for each 20 aays
worked;that said tominal vacation pay be paid from the fund
or funds that the on~ioyoe’s salary has boon charged to during
the course of his employment in the sane ratio of past payr~iont,
arid that 21 ~Torking days per month to used for computing daily
rates of pay.
The Chair recognized Hr.Kenneth.Perry,employed by the
Districts as Assistant Engineer.Hr.Perry,requested the
Districts I consideration of~’~~~e weeks advance notice for
employees being involuntarily released from their employrnun
with the Districts.
The Boards of Directors toek the following action:
Moved by Director F~oy Scabridit:;,seconded by Director Vernon
E.Lan~~cnhock and duly carried by the Boards of Directors of
County SEuclitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 11:
That two ~eoks’advance no ~ico ho given each employee
before severance of orrploynon.t by the Districts.
1.Reaffirmation of Director Bonoy requested the
contract with Boards~consideration of roaffir—
Mealy Tlhbitts ri~.ng the contract with hoaly
Tibbitts corieany for the con
struction of the marine section
of the ocean outfall to the full 7,000 feet;stating
that the ti~c limit for roaffirTlation would expire on
November 3,1952.
After a general discussion,the Boards of Directors
adopted Resolution No.2.31,determining the length of the
ocean outfall sewer (marine section)and directing County
Sanitation District No.1 to so eroceed with the construc
tion,Certified copies of this Resolution is attached
hereto and made a part of these minutes,
Chairman Finch reported ~at the 30-day
extension of time for submission of
p1an~and specificati~n.s a~reed upon by
the Districts and the design engineers
would expire No~riber~l,1952.,The
Boards of Directors took the .Collowiri,g?action:
Moved by Director Willis H,Warner,seconded by Director
Robert H.Bonoy and duly carried by the Boards of Directors
of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11:
That the Boards of Directors horeby.requtst the privi
lege of holding in abeyance work on the plans and speci
fications for an additional 15 days from October 30,1952,
the expiration date of work suspension requested by the
Boards on October 1,1952 and granted.by theengineers on
that date;and that the time for completion of plans and
specifications by the design en~ineers be extended 15 days.
Mr.John A.Carollo,representing the design engineers,
approved and agreed.to tI~ie extension requested by the Boards.
Director Vincent L.Humeston proposed,
as a method of expediting the business,
of the Districts and in the interest
of positivL.determination that the
bond funds available arc insufficient
to construct the joint facilities under the original bond
propossl plan that a consulting en~inecring .fim~i be employed
to review the estimates
The Boards of Dire~tors took the following action:
ivioved by Director Vincent L.i-~urieston.,seconded by
Director Milford W.Dahi:
That the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County
employ a reputahLo ogineering fi:rm to review the current
status of bl-i~bond engineer’s Plan to determine whether or
not the proposed i’iedification recomirusnded by the Finance
Committee will best serv~the ~eods of the Districts in
relation to the bond plan.
The Chairman called for discussion of the motion and
Director Warner expressed tile opinion that a notion for
oripio~anent should state terms arid conditions and author
ization for payment of services rendered;and recommended
that the notion include instructions for securing proposals
from consulting engineering finas as the basis of payment.
Director Warner offered a substetute motion for consider—
at:Lon,and with the consent of tho mover and the seconder
the following notion was subs t:Lbutcd for the o.~igina1 motion,
and was duly carried by the Boards of Directors of County
Sanitation Districts Hoe.1,2,3,5,6,7 and 11:
That Directors Humoston and Warden he designated as a
Corn ittoc of two and that they be instructed ~o secure a
dofinita proposal from some competent engineering firm for
services they deem necessary in the review of the bond plan
arid the modification plan and that the Committee so desig
nated report back to the Boards at the earliest possible
2.Extension of time
final I~ns~
sp cc i.i c~~ion~
of esti3yiatos by
engineering firm
‘.9 —
Li..Availability of A discussion was hold upon the popsibility
bond proposal of calling for bids under the bond proposal
lans for use in plan.Mr.John A.Carollo reported that all
c~thngiorT~ds plans ana spcci~’ications und~r the conci
proposal plan,excepting the treatment
plant,were ~-iow complete and evailablo and that the treat
ment plant plans and specifications were 6O~complete,and
sug~ostc;d that the Boards consider calling for bids on the
completed plans in order to dotommno the amount of funds
then available for the troatnont plant.Director warner
requested Mr.Ribalts opinion on the recommendation of Mr.
Carollo.Mr.Ribal stated that ho had always hold that bids
should be called for and concurred in this procedure to
determine costs;hut that he could see nothing wrong with
the review as suggested by hr.Nuaieston.
The Boards of Directors took the following action:
Moved by Director ~Iillis H.~iarrLor,seconded by
Director Norman H.I’Jillor and.duly carried by the Boards
of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,
~,6,7 and 11:
That the design engineers be requested to proson.t
plan.s and spocifications for the J3ushard Street Trunk and
Treatment Plant Trunk Sewers to the Districts before th.o
next meeting of the Boards,on October 29,l9~2.
Hr.Ribal stated that ho had reviewed the plans and
specifications on the Ellis Av~.~nue Trunk Sewer and recori—
mended correlation of certain items in the specifications;
and,at the request of Director Haiber,itemized the
correlations which he stated to he of dimensional nature.
Report of the Chief Mr.Rihal road.his report and recom—
E~ngi~cr ~Id~c~~I riondations to the Directors.This report
is on file in the office of the Secretary.
The Boards of Directors took the following
action upon the recommendations contained in the written
report of the Chief ~ng:Lncer and General Manager:
1.Authorizin Raymond A motion was ~acde by Director 1:Jillis H.
ti to si~n T~iarner,seconded by Director Roy Soabridgo
certain papers and duly carried by the Boards of Directors
of County Senitation Districts Nos.1,2,
3 c-~7 ‘-7 ()
,a,°,(30 ana 11:.
That Raymond N.Hortel,ea’~ployod as Supervising
Engineer by the joint County Sanitation Districts,be and
he is hereby authorized to aonrovo tine curde,sign the
payroll and warrant deriands,sig-n letters rcqieusting the
County Auditor to transfer such.funds as nay be necessary
for the pa,jment of obligations,oversee the work now under
construction,certify progress pa~ients,prepare and sign
engineert s certificates and ~s biriates during the tin.e that
Ra~Tnonc1.h.Jhbal,Chief Hngin~.ur and General Managor is on
vacat~en and until such time as Mr.Ribal’s successor
-10 —
A motion was made by Dirictor Willis
H.Warner,seconded by Director J.L.
McBride and duly carried by the
Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos,1,2,
3,!,6,7,end 11:
That the Boards of Directors bf County Sanitation
Districts Nos.1,2,3,~,6,7 and.11 hereby authorize
Ra~paond N.Bortul,Supcrvi siri~Bngineer,to fill tho vacanc;
created by the resignation,of Carl S.Starnos,by cmpioying
Jack R •~ioirncr as on ..nering aide at the salary of ~‘..3O3.OO
por nonth for the period October 27th to October 31,l9~2,
The Chaj.rman called upon Mr.Ribal
for a report unon the adequacy of th.
staff of the Districts to perform thc
prelininary engineering work when
construction work is sterbed on the
ocean outfall.Mr.Rihal reported
thot tho present survey crew would bu
enr~agcd on the work now under construction for Disl;ricts
Nos.1 and 6,and that tI’.iore would ho a need for a survey
crew for preliminary work on bho ocean outfall sower.
A notion was nade by Director Willis I-I.Warner,
SOcOPdod by Director C.H.Miller and duly carried by the
Boards of ~Dircctors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,
2,3,~,6,7 and ii:
That the Boards of Dircctc~rs of County Sanitation
Districts Nos.:L,2,3,~,6,7 and 11 hereby ask th.o desii.~r’
onyi~:]o.~rs to perform the guno:oal supervision on constructio:
of the marine section ol’the ocean outfall sower,under the
terf~is of their’contract,and that they supervise the
rioccssaryproiin.triary engineering work as a courbosy to.the
Districts;cud that.the design engineers,Harrison &Woolley
and Headman,Fcrgu son ~Carollo,ho paid by the County
Sanitation Districts for the fiu,ld party required for this
work i~thilo the I’:Lncii controet wi.th thorn is being worked out.
hr.Ho.rri;~on,representing the design engineers,stated
that they wore ~~~i1:Leng to grant teLL.J.’~qlLOsL of thu Districts for
the purfo e~.ncuu:f services req~J.r.~d.
~~u~’nnent The Boards of .e~irecbors took the
foi1oïin:~ac t~on:
hovod by Director Roy Soabridge,seconded by Director
Charles B.htL.vans arid duly carried:
That this meeting he adjourned to the hour’of 8:00
p.i:!.,on October’29,19~2 in Room 239 at 11OL~West ~ighth
~trou b,Santa Ana,California,
~hcrL.upon,the Che±~iar declared th~meeting so
adjourned at 10:20 ~em.
2,Autho ri z inp;cn:p lo~riunt
of Jack B.~o±nor
Authorizing Harrison
~~Tt --
to supurvis~tue
lininarj viork
on the 0 C eCfl oi~f~J1
—11 —
,airman,/Board ol Directo
County Sanitation District No!.3—~
Oran~c County,California
S~crotar~j,T-~oard of Directors
County Sani~tation District No.2
Oran~c County,California
—12 -.
WHEdEA3:County Sanitation Districts No~.1,2,3,5,6,7
and 11 of Orange County,California by Resolution 206 dated August
6,1952,directed said District No.1 to award a contract to Healy
Tibbitts Construction Company ~or the construction of the Ocean
Outfall Sewer (Marine Section)and
WHEi-~EAS:said award of contract was made on the condition tha
the length of the outfall be confirmed within sixty (60)days from
the date of the contract,and
WHEREAS:said sixty (60)day period will expire on November 3
1952,now therefore,be it
RESOLVED:that County Sanitation District No.2 of Orange
County,California does hereby find and determine that the Ocean
Outfall Sewer (Marine Section)be constructed to Station 70 ,“00 a~
shown on the plans and specifIcation.s therefor adopted by Resolutlo
No.l7L~.-2 of the Board of Directors of last said District,
FURTHER RESOLVED:that County Sanitation District No.1 of
Orange County,California acting as Contracting Agent for itself
and CountySanitation Districts Nos,2,3,5,6,7 and 11 be and.i~
hereby directed to reaffirm the provision of the contract with the
Healy Tibbitts Construction Company;that the Ocean Outfall Sewer
(Marine Section)be constructed to Station 70 ~00 as hereinabove
referred •bo.
The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular
meeting of th.e Board of Directors of County Sanitation District
No.2 on the 22nd day of October,1952
Secreatry,Board 01 Direct~ors
County Sanitation District No.2
Orange County,California
-l -
I,ORA MAE MERRITT,Secretary of the Board of Directors of
County Sanitation District No.2;of Orange County,California,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and
adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of County
Sanitation District No.2 of Orange County,California,held on
the 22nd day of October ,1952 by the following roil.~a11 y~te:
AYES:Directors Robert H.Boney,Hugh W.Warden,Don Bit.
Haiber,Charles E.Stevens,Willis H.Warner and
William H.Hirstein
ABSENT:Director Frank J.Schweitzer,Jr.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of County Sanitation District No.2 of Orange County,California!
this 22nd day of October
Secretary,board of Directors
County Sanitation District No~2
Orange County,California