HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 11 Minutes 1951-07-252S3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.11 OF ORANGE COUNTY,CALIFORNIA July 25,1951 at 8:00 p.m. ~oard of Supervisorst Roam Court House Sa~ita Ana,California The Board.of Di.reqtors of County Sanitation D~.strict ITo.1]. ~et ~.n regulaz’sessloi. The joint meeting of the district boards was called to order ~y Chairman B~aden ~‘inch at 8:25 p.rn~ ]~irectors Dresent:Jack Greer (Chairman pro tern) Vernon E.Langenbeck ~1rect~rs absent:Willis H.Warner Others present:Nelson M.Lau.ner,Administrative Officer Nat H.Neff,Engineer K.J,Harrison,Con~u1ting Engineer J,A.Woolley.Consulting Engineer Fred.D.Bowlus,Consultant Harry A$htQn,Attorney Preston Turner,Attorney B.J.Marks,Attorney Ora Mae Merr~.tt,Secretary The roll was cal1e~.and the Secretary re’Dortecl a auorum pse~t for all District Bqard~. APPOINTMENT O~’A motion was made b~r Director Vernon 2614 CHJ~IRMAN PRO TEM E.~angenbeck,seconded by Director Jack Greer,and.du.ly carried.that ~irector Jack Greer be ap-~ointed.Chairman pro tern of the Board Qf Directors of County Sanitatiqn District No,II, MINUT~S O~’4~the ~q~est ~f ~dge Marks and. MEETING HELD i~ir~ctor Langenbe~,the following ON JULY 18,1951 correcttpns were m~e or’the minutes of the meetir~g held,on July 18,1951; (1)Pa~1 p~.st~ot No.1 Roll Cal]r.,A~d.~d.;p~ep~q~ C~M.~ieather1y as being pzesent~ (?~Pa~3 ~5,Qo~rec~e~.a~~p~4pws; !~]~t~ecto’~ngenbeck expresse4 the ~ptnion th~~the c9nsu.1ti~lg ~n~neera have bee~’i employed.to do this work and.}~1~o~nio~of them wquld stiffer if they let someone else go ahøad.~it~this w9rk.1t (~)Page ~~g~apl~~,Correct~Ø a~follqws: “........,..Director Langenbeok stated that it was the pracitce of ~is CirtY to use tI~e ‘ou.re1~ase order. A rnotiçn was made,secpnded and dq~i ç~ed.,~p~roving ~he min~te~o~the me~ting h~1d on ~u1y 1~,1951!as ~o~’rected., APMIST~4~T~V~Chairman Finch palleduoon the ~adminis— oFF~çER’S RZ?OR~trative Officer ~or his report to the I?irectors. Mr,N~1son M~Laune~~ep9rte~ I.~E~P~irye ~i~tmi~~ee met with the Consulting ~ngineers, Mr.Bowlusan4Mr.Ribal and went over the sDecifications for th~ma~n~,Q~co1oratpry work.~here were some ooints Mr,Ribal su~gested the engineer~work over and send.the specific~tions to h~.m on ~on4ay for h~.$approval.These specifications were returned by Mr,Ribal and -placed before the ~xecu.tive Commit~ee this evening, 2.~udget e~t~.rnateq have been prepared and the summaries given to ~Chairman of each Distric~,inasmuch as funds were raised.last year for bond,interest and sinking funds; there ~s su4fi.c~.ent money Qfl hand to meet these install— men~s ~ritho~ta ~ax levy this year,This will provide the limited partiçipatipzi Dis~rtcts anopportunity to em-oloy the lot and.1~Ø tax levies for the Operating Fund Rev’ ~nues ai~.t~1?~4ble tq~ay more than the minimum amount ~et ~ip in ~e chase and Sale Agreements for payment to ~be ~~pr ~he~r sha~of bonds a~pume~.?That the ni~t~a~iv~O~’fi~er ax~Mr.Eckel ~ad spent the greater part q~a ~ay ~p~~~vér ~e get t~n~a~ps,aM based i,ipop the t~ta~.ve a~es~’ed v~~tio~fp~the D~str~cts, 1~hç çp~1~~ng ~ç r~c~were i~te~.to ~he ~zec~tive fo~nsid.~ratiqp and.‘r~cornmendation~ 285 Oper.&Bond,Int~rest Maint.&Sinking ____ District No.1 None District No.2 ~.1O None District No.3 $.].2 None District No.5 ~.None None District No.~$.02 None District No.7 ~.1O None District No.8 ~.O25 None District No.11 $.None None 3.Mr.Ribal is b~ing contacted on all matters and that his final decision is b~ing taken after consultation by tele phone or letter,whichever is the most ex~di~nt, Chairman Pinch called upon the Chairman of the Executive Committee for his rei~ort to the Directors. REPORT OF TH~Mr.Robert H.Boney,Chairman of the CHA~RMP~N OF Executive Committee re~?orted.that at THN EX~CIJTIVE the meeting of the Executive Committee~ QOMMITT~E the following unanimous reQonimendations were made for the consideration of the District Boar~: 1.After qonferences with Mr.Ribal,Mr.Bowlus and the Cozi9t~lting Engineers,certain changes have been agreed upon for the sDecifications.It is recommended that Mr~Launer continue to s~t in on the exploration work with the engineers and that Resolution No.66 employing Mr~Bowlus,be amended so that the Administrative Officer will also be included,to authorize the services of Mr~ Bowl,us unt~1 such time as Mr.Ribaj.officially assumes hi~~ut~e~a~G~ne~l ~Ianager an~Ohi~f ~n~~ieer. 2?That the Se~retary he ~ithoriz~~si~r~the notices advertis~n~for bids ~tnd p~aoe such no~.qes i,~i ~he San~a Ana Hegi~ter and the $o~tbwest Builder and.Q9~tractor, to run u.~ti1 Au~st 6,1951.That the sea1~d.bids wi4l be r~ce~,ved by the Exeout~ve ~mm~.ttee at 6:30 fl.m., august 6,.1951,opened and a oo~pt~ati.on made by the engineers and from these the ~Committee will make a recommendation to the District ~oards on a marine ex~Dloratory firm, 3.That the Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,who has been em ployed by the Districts for sixteen months,be granted a c.on of two weeks with pay.beginning on Au~,ust 6, ~,95l;that Mi~I4er~’itt has worked 9vertime on regular work dayo,~aturdays and Sundays and has accumulated overtime considerably in,excess of the 10 working—days that would occur in this two—week period;and That Mrs.Roberta Snow be aopointedT ~Temporary Acting Secretary to act in the absence of ~he Temoorary Secret~r~r 266 L~,That Mr.Raymond R.Ribalts ~mp1oyment begin as of July 25,1951.instead of August 20,1951.Mr.Ribal is being consulted.‘by te1e~hone on all matters,arid i~required to make frequent tri~,s from Oakland.to Santa Ana,and the Executive Committee 1~elieves his official employment should be.~in at once. 5.That authorizati,on be made to have photostatic co~ies made of plates arid tables attached to the Modificatioa Report concerning revision of trunk lines or mains i~ Districts lbs.1,6 and 11. 6.That the District Boards adopt a resolution fixing the tax rate as recommended by the Administrative Officer. 7.The County Auditor requests that District No.5 trans fer from its Operating Fund to its Bond,Interest and Sinking ~‘und the sum of $21,1U5.00,a~this ~istrict last year set up no tax rate for Bond,Interest and Sinking Fund,stating that the surplu.s in their Operating’Fund was to’be used for bond and interest payrnt~rits. RESOLUTION NO.79 The Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3~ 5,6,7 and 11 ad.oited the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO.79 A BESOLUTION OF THE’BOARD OF DIRE~TORS ~F COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMEE’R U,AMENDINq SECTION III OF RESOLUTIO1T NUMBER 66,ENTITLED “4 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUb.TTY S~i\TITATION DIS-. TRICT NUI’4TER 11 EM~LOYING FRED D.BOWLUS AS COUSULTING Ei\rGINE~R TO ADVISE IN THE ?~EFARxTICN CF PLANS A1’bD S Q~F~QATIONS ~ND IN T~IE OQ~~VQTION Q~’ ~OUE~ALL ~WT~~X~E~TDING INTO THE PAO~IO QQZ~N.fl The Board of D5~ectors of County Sanit~t1on pi~t~ipt Number li_does resolve a~fo1low~ SECTION’I.Section III of Reso],utio~i Numbe~’66,entit1~d “~a R’~~SO~~UTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMBER ii ,EL~PLOYIlTG FRED D,BOWLTJS AS CONSULTI:.TG ENGI1\T,EER TO ADVISE IN THE PRE~’ARATION OF ?L4NS AND SPECIFICA TION’S AND IN THE CONSTRUOTIO.OF THE OUTFALL SEUER EXTENDING INTO THE ~ACIFIC OCEAN.”is hereby amended to read as follows: “SECTION III.Fred D.Bowlu.s is authorized and. directed to render said services when requested to do so by the Chief Engineer and/or General ~a~ager or Administrative Officer of said seven O9unty Sanitation ~s t r Ic t s . —4-~. 257 The foregoing resolution was introduced by Director Vernon ~.Langenbeck ,who moved its adoption.Said motion was seconded by Director Jac~k greer and carried~ by the fo1low~.ng vote: AYES:Directors Vernon E.Langenbeck and.Jack Greer NOES:None ABSENT:Director Willis H.Warner STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )83 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I,ORA MAE MERRITT,Secretary of the Board of Directors ~f County Sanitation District No,11~ of Orange County,California,hereby certify that the above a~d foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted.by the said,Board at a meeting thereof held on the 25th day of July,1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have her.eunto set my hand.thi?25th day of July,1951. ~~~/_ Sà~et~yof th~3bT&rL~f pi~ector~ County Sanitation Distric~No.11 of O~’ange County,California -5,- 1~ESOLUTION i’~O,78 268 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMBER ____ APPROVING,CONFIRMING ~ND FIXING THE TAiL RAT~THEREIN FOR ThE FISCAL YEAR 1951-1952 UPON T~XABLE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT. The Board of Direbtors of County Sanitation District Number does resolve as follows: SECTION I.That,as the budget of County Sanitation District Number 11 has been fixed,the tax rate necessary to raise money for ~Td budget to be,levied upon all the taxable real property in said district is approved,confirmed and fixed as follows: 0 pera~ing Fund..............................•..No tax rate Bond Fund...........~.......................•.•.No tax rate Total No tax rate SECTION II.The Auditor of the County of Orange is here by requested and directed to compute the amount to be collected under said rate upon all the taxable real property within said County Sanitation I~istrict Number 11 , and the Tax Collector is requested and directed to collect said taxes from said property owners. The foregoing liesolution was introduced by Director Ver*on Z.Langenbeck ,who moved its adoption~Said motion was - secondé~by Director Jack Greer , and was carried by the following vote: AYE~S:Directors Vernon E.Langeibeck and.Jack Greer NOES~None ABSENT:Director Willis H.Warn~r STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss COUNTY OF OR.:NGE I,ORA I~IAE MERRITT,Secretary of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.11 of Orange County,Call fornia,hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly arid regularly adopted by the said Board at a meeting thereof held on the 25th day of July,1951. IN ~TITNESS ~JHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of July,1951. ~~~ Secretary ~of the Bbatrd of Directoi County Sanitation District No.11 of Orange County,California -6- 2G~3 ADVERTISING FOR BIDS After a general discussion,a motloii w~ made,duly seconC~c~a;~d carried tI~a~ the Secretary be authorized,to sign the ~~T~.ice Inviting Sc:l~ci Proposals For Underwat~r ~xploration and rr~ling and s~r;•~ for Proposed Outfall Sewer I~ocated Near ~ie youth of the ~~tii~: Ana River,Orange County,as prepared by the legal coan~ei and to request the 5anta Ana Register and th~Southwest B’iii~: and Contractor and ~aily Conetruction Report to place this noti~e as a legal advertisement in these pa~ers,for each consecutive day from July 26,1951 to August 6,1951;a~~d that. each of thesq papers furnish an affidavit of pablicatio:’~.. AUTHORIZING A After a general discu~s~.on,a mot.~un ~qa~ VACATION FOR THE made,duly seconded and carried,author SECR~TARY izing a vacation with pay for the Temp orary Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,for the period August 6,195].to At~gust 19,1951,inclusive. APPOINTING TEMPORARY A motion was made by Director V~Xfl0n E. ACTING SEC9~ETARY Langenbeck , ~ Jack Greer ______and duly carried by members of the ‘~oard of Directors of County Sanita tion Distriàt No.11 ,that Mrs.Roberta Snow be appointed as Temporary Aeting Secretary ~ Act in the absence of the Temporary Secretary,Mrs.O~a Mae Merritt.This motion wa~carried by the following vote; AYES~Directors Vernon E.Langenbeck and Jack Greer NOES;None AB~ENT:Director Willis H.Warner EMPLOYMENT DATE OP A motion was made b Director Vernon E. CHIEF ENGINEER AN~Langenbeck ,seconded by Dire’ct.~ GENERAL MANAGER J~ãk ~reer ‘ and duly car~1ed ~members’of the~Boa~d cf Directors of County Sanitation District No?11 ,that •~r..Raymond R.RibaUs employment as Chief ~ngineer and Genera~ .Ma’nage~r for the County Sanitation Districts beoome effective a~ of July .25,•l951....This motion was carried by the following vo~ AYES;Directors Vernon E.Langenbeck and Jack Greer NOES:None ABSNTI Director Willis H.Warner 7— After a general discussion,a motion was made,duly seconded and carried, authorizing that photostatic copies be made of plates and tables atta~ed to the Modification Report concerning revision of trunk l~ri6.- or mains in Districts Nos.1,6 and 11. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion made,duly seconded and carried,the Chairman &eclar:ed the joint meeting of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,5, 6~7,8 and 11 Boards of Directors adjourned at 9:20 p.r.~. ATTEST: Secretary,~oard o~Directors County Sanitation District No.11 Orange County,California PHOTOSTATIC COPIS OF ?L.~T~S AND TABLES 270 Sanitation District No.11 Orange County,California -8—