HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 11 Minutes 1951-07-18MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING
July 18,1951 at 8~OO p.m.
Board.of Supervisors~RÔ0Q
Cou.rt House
Santa Ana,Ca1iforni~
The Board of DireQtors of County Sanitation District No.•.~
met in regalar session.
The joint meeting of the district boards was called to order
by Chairman Braden pinch at 8:10 p.m.
Directors present:Willis H.Warner (Chairman)
Jack Greer
Vernon E.Langenbeck
Directors absent:None
Others present:Nelson M.Launer,Administrative
Of f leer
Nat H.Neff,Engineer
Harry Ashton,Attorney
Fred D,Bowlus
i~,J..Harrison,Consulting Engineer
J.A.Woolley,Consulting Engineer
John A.Carollo,Consulting En~in~er
Robert M.Br~reton
Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary
‘S ..I
Qhairman Pinch called the joint meeting of the District Boards
to order at 8:10 o.m.
The roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum Dresent
for all Dis~rict Boards,except County Sanitation District No,8.
MINUTES OF A motion was made,duly seconded and.
ME:TING HELD carried.,by the Boards of Directors of
ON.JULY 11,1951 County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3,
5,6,7 and 11,approving the minutes
of the meeting held on July 11,1951,as mailed out.
Chairr~an Pinch called upon the Administrative Officer for his
report to the Directors.
ADMINISTRATIVE Mr.Nelson M.Lau.ner,Administrative
OFFICER’S REPORT Officer reported.:
Marine As instructed by minute order on July lip
Exploration 1951,h~and.Mr.Bowlus had secured.pro—
Firms posals from various marine exploration
firms and.had.inspected their equipment
and.made a report to the Executive Committee on July 17,
1951;and as instructed by the Executive Committee,had.
requested the legal counsel to prepare resolutions for
the consideration of the District Boards.Mr.Launer
stated that inasmuch as the work should.be done during
the months of august and September,he recommended that the
Boards authorize the work at this meeting.
Mr.Launer stated that Mr.Bowlu.s would give a report.on
the marine exploration work later in th~evening.
Chairman Finch called UDon Director Boney for the Executive
Committee’s report to the Directors.
REPORT OF THE Director Robert H.Boney,Chairman of
CHAIRMAN OF the Executive Committee,reDorted:
Proposals That Mr.Bowlus and Mr.Launer submitted.
Submitted various proposals they had secured.from
marine exploration firms.These proposa
were reviewed at the meeting of the Executive Committee
Tuesday evening,July 17th.Ai~this meeting Mr.Bowlus
-led a general discussion on the work to b9 d.on~and made
the following recommendations:
1,Prom the following four proposals selected as the
best qualified,firms,that the work be given to the
lowest bidder,the B C &H Company:
Newport Dredging Company quoting $l4~32.00 per day
Smith—Rice Derrick Barges I’$Li~59.00 11
B C &H Company $376.85 “~
Smale &Robinson,Inc.II $825.00 ~H
2.That Mr.Dan Boom be employed.as the su.’perintend.ent
on the marine exploration job for the Districts at
compensation of $i,ooo~00 per month.
3.That the work be performed by authority of a purchase
order,specifically naming the numbe~’of men the
marine exploration firm will use,hours per day,
equipment to be used,insurance to be carried by
vendor,time limitations and other pertinent detail.
Mr.Bowlus stated that he believed use of a purchase
order a much better method than by contract.
In the general discussion of these recommendations,Mr.
Bowlus stated that it cannot be determined now how many
days th~work will take,nor exactly what work will have
to be done;and that he believed the most satisfactory
supervision of the job would be for the Districts to em~lo~
their own man to check the vendor~s ec,uipment,see that
qualified men are doing the wor1~and to compile permanent
records to be used in the design.Mr.Bowlus stated that
he recommended.Mr.Boom,who has had a great deal of
experience in this type of work and would be able to check
the equipment,progress of the work and would know what
the divers were doing,a~he goes down himself when there
is any indication that the work is not being performed i.n
the proper manner,Also,that Mr.Crane of the B C &H
Company knows Mr.Boomts work and knows the standard.
that would have to b~maintained,under his supervision.
Mr,Bowlus told the Committee that if the District Boarclb
adopt his recommendations at this meeting,the work can
be start~.~d on July 30,1951 and would be oomp1ete~.in
25 or 30 work~.ng days,de-oending uoox~the findings as the
work progresses,
In the general discussion that followed th~q~estion~were
raised as to whether Mr.Bowlus proposed.to secure und.iat~~rb~d
samples for the design;and why the pro~osals submitt~d were so far
beLow the quotations previously received,which were in the n~igbbor
hQQd.of $1300.00,Mr.Bowlus stated that the method he proposa~.
would deviate from the specifications of the consulting enginc~crs
in that undisturbed corings would not be obtained ~b~t that a~
accurate profile of the inshore rock section would b~obtainc~d by
using the water jet method.This would be augmented.b~jack—hamrnereC
borings at intervals which he believed would provide sufficient
information for th~design of the outfall sewer;that this method.
would considerably lower the cost of the work to be d.one.That the
proposed method of doing this would be to get a barge arid a diver
to walk along and make holes to see where the rock is located;that
~he r~port on the speed the jack—hammer goes down will determine
~e hardness or softness of the ground underneath;and that his
thought on the foundations is that there would not have to be as
rigid a structure as would be required for a bridge or a dam where
the concentration is two thousand or three thousand pounds per
square fQot.
Djrector War~ier raised the question as to whether the method
proDosed by Mr.Bowlus was ~atisfactory to th~consulting engineers.
M~Carollo stated.~hat he had.hot reviewad.~che !neth9d proT)r~sea
by Mr.~ow1us;and that he believed.that the Dist~~s had ethpl~yed
their fIrms to do th~design of the ~reatm~nt t~LEth~and the dutfall
sewer and.,a~they beii~,ed they ~frere tâ ‘be pai~d ~‘b~~he ~u~erv~s~.oni
ana gathei~Ing ~f i~fo~ma,t~oi~théywoi~l~like the o ~t~.nity to go
ovex~the informatton with Mr.~owiu.~t
Mr~~âwj.us s~atea tia~t he contacted both Mr,Harrison and
Mr.Woolley oil Monday aft~rhoon,July 16th and.discussed.the method
he had präpOsed.~
Mr.Carollo stated.that they had not aeen the bids,and while
he did.not question the process1 he thought it rather an unusual
Drocedure that the consulting engineers had not been reauested to
submit their recommendation;that they held.the responsibility on
the Droject which involves a considerable amount of money and.becaus
of this responsibility would want to go over the details before
they would want to make a recommendation t~the Directozs.That he
believed that this matter should be discussed with Mr.Ribal and the
consulting engineers to get it ironed out.
D4rec4c!~aegen~ee~-pfeesed—the~o~i~i~n—t&a4 4k~e eo~1.U~g
~empl~yed’-tè ~o—ti~e-werk,p1a~drrt~a4 the ~
eoaH ~o.~ahead,-w*th -the eamp~it~ge an&~eporte wh4ch the eo4~al4i~g
~ezt~iReere wo~ã wa~t-later7
Direqtor Lapgenb~o~ç~xpresse~tha opipion that tI~co~su?ting
enginqe~s have beep empl~y~to do this t~ork a~hAs ~ptpio~0f them
wou~4 su~e~i~4?i~hey J~et someon~eJ,se go ahead w1tI~this wQrlc,
~rectcr ~nch 9~eted.~4tet hp wa~~ndep th~impp~si9n that the
qonsfl~in~engi~e~s~ad,been g~viqed of the prqceed~qg~an~,that they
~U ~e~n cqmp~,~Q~y i~flprmeft or~these matters~
A ‘n-p~ieq wp~m~4p by T1~rep~or WiJlis ~La~pr1 peconded,by
~irector Jac1~G~’ee~the’~th?~epornmen4atiqns rn~dA by Mr.~ow~s be
~to ~he Adminip~ative Officer,Mr~Bowlus and the engineers
to work oat the details and a reDort submitted at the next meeting.
Cha~rrpan ~inch pte~e~tha ~h~had been inçormed by the legal
counpel that there was a p~tter of legality ipvolved.in using the
p~r~h~se order ~,nstead of a contract with the marine extioration
firm~~pd,tit Mr.Bow),up 1~ad inforjed the Chai~-that the purchase
erder !netbpP is in use by the Los Apg~les County San~ation Dietricts
~ez~woric çf ~hts hind.,Chairman Finch called upop J~d,ge Marks for
ap exo~anat ion of the ~*W he had reü~-red.
J~d1g~Mañcs stated ~ig~the work I4~.~qwlus prqp~ses calls for
a cornnlèUqp ~ond and tha~~4bubted if a banding company would
give bond pn work ~hat did pot snecify what they ‘~pre bonding;that
the i~suat prpçed’~irç is to eend a cony of the contract to the bonding
comnany~toy~ever,~p the ~,ns~apq~of the Los Angeles Co~nty Sanitation
~.Distri,cts it may be that their purchase order amounts to a cent r’iot.
~gene~a~.discussion was hpld upon the legality pf a purchase
Pirec~or Lar elbepis stdlt th~it i~was the ~ractice of his
~City to use the v~rchase or4er,Mhieh carried the same re—
~pon~bi1itie~and.penalties ac contract,1~r B~vrlus stated,that the
advantage of’the purchase order over p,coqtract is that in the
event the won is not satjpfactory,by pp.rchase order the woTk can
he disoontin~ed,while ~ccp~ract would haveto be broken,
Upon a inpti~on made,d~zlysecond,ed,and carried,the Chairman
d,~cla~ed the merting adjo~ned,at 8:35 n.m.
Chairman,Board of Mrectors
Coi~inty Sanitation District No.11
Orange County,California
~oard of ~t~ectorp
County San~thtion District t~o.lTh
Orange Qo’~pt~Ce~i~op~a