HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 07 Minutes 1951-07-25~1 MINUTES OF REGtJLAR MEETING BOARD OF DiRECTORS COUNTY SANITATIO11 DISTRICT NO.7 OF ORANGE COUNTY,CALIF~RN~A July 25,1951 at 8:00 p.m. Board of Su.pervisors’Room Court House S~ta ~na,California The Boar.of ~i~ctqrs of County Sanitatiofl D~.strict No, ~in regular sessto~i. The joint rn~eting .f the district boards was called to order by Chairman B~adcn ~‘in9h at 8:25 p,m. Directors pVeseI~t:Vincent L.Humeston (Chairman) Heinz Kaiser - J.L.McBride Willard Smith ]~i~’ecto~s absent;None Others present;Nelson M.Launer,Administrative Officer N~t H.Neff,Engineer K.J.Harrison,Consulting Engineer J~A.Woolley,Coz~sult1ng Engineer Fred D!Bowlus,Consultant Harry Ashton,Attor~i~y Preston Turner,Attorney J,Marks,~ttorney Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary The roll wa~called and the Secretary re’Dorted a quorum pres~nt ~qr all District Bpard~~ —1— 288 MINTJTTS OF At the request of Ju.dge Marks and M~ETIN~H~L~Director I~angenbeck,the following ON JULY 18,1951 corrections were made on the minu~e~ Of the meeting held ~n Ju1~r i6,1951: (i)Page .~.D~.str~t No.1 Roll Call,~dde4;D~.rector O,M,Peather1~as be~.rig p~e~ent. (?~P~e ~Pa.rag~aph 5.Opr~te4 a~s ~Q1lq~$~ upictor;an~nbeck expressed.the opinion that the cor~st~.1t~.p~~t~ee h~v~been ~mi49yed tq d.c tl~s WQrlc grid,his o~inIpn of them would.su.ffer U they le~s~r~one ~go dw~h this wqi~1ç.’! (~)P~gé 4 ~ra~ra~h 5T O~rr~c~ed.~S ~‘Q~.1QW$ U. ,,•~~i.reçtQ~Langenbeck btated that it was the practice o~his ci~y to u~e the ~urchase 9rder. A potion was ma~,s~ponded.g~. daly carr~ed,ap.:rov.ing the minu.tes of the m~eting held.on July 18,1951,as correctc~,. ~Chairman Finch ca1~d ~on the Admlnis— S E~?OR4’trative Q~’ficer for his re~ort to the Djrecto~s. ~4r,Nelsqn M.Laun~r repor~ed; ~.~ie Ex~çujive ~c~m~tee met with ~he Consulting ~ng~neers, Mr~Bowlt~s a$Mr,Ribal and went over the specification.s ~‘o~the ~‘ir~e e~p1~o tcry work.~here were some ~oints Mr.Ribal ges~ed the engineers work over and.send.the ~~o I~4m on M9a~.ay ~h~approval.~hese spci.ficatiOns were retarned by Mr.Ribal and.placed before the ~eç~tive Oomm~.ttee ~even~.ng, 2.B~get e~timates have been pre-~ared.and the s’~mrnaries given t9 the chairman of each District,Iflasmuch as funds were raised 1as~year for bond,interest and sinking funds, there Is s~fiç~ent money on hand to n~eet these ins~a11— merits withq~4t a tax levy this year.This will provide the limited.partiçi~ation D~.stric~an opportun~.ty to em~1oy the 100 and.120 tax 1evio~for the Operating Fund Rev— enu.es ~r~t1~s be a’ple to pay more than the minimum am~~int set U1D in ~he Purchase and.Sale Agreements for ~aynient to the Cities for thet~’share çf bonds ass~me~..That the Ad.mi~t~ative Qffioer and Mr.Eckel had.spent the greater ~rt ~~gqlng pver t~i~bq.dget estimates,and based u.~on the t~itiv~assessed valu~tions for the Districts, ~be~~g tax rates w~e ~ibi~iitted ~o the Executive çommit~ee for ç9pside~atiQ~i ah~~eFom~dation; 289 Oper.&~~ond,Int~rest Mairit.&Sinking District No.1 ~Toi~e None District No.2 ~.1O None District ~To.3 ~.12 None District No,~$.None None District No.6 $.02 ~Tone District No,7 $40 None District No.8 $.025 None District No.11 $.None None 3.Mr.Ribal is being contacted.on~al1 matters and that his final decision is being taken after consultation by te1e-~ phone Or letter,whichever is the most exdient. Chairman Finch called u~on the Chairman of th~Executive Commtttee for his rei~ort to the Directors. REP0R~OF TH~Mr.Robert H.Boney,Chairman of the CHAIRMAN OF Executive Committee rerorted that at TH:~EX~OUTIVE the meeting of the Ex~cu~tive Committee, COMMITTEE the ~‘ol1owing unanimous recommendations were made for the consideration of the District Board,s: 1.Aft~conferences with Mr.Ribal,Mr.Bowlus and the Con~i1ting Engineers,certain changes have been agreed. upop ~or the s’oecifications.It is recouimended that Mr.Launer continue to sit in on the exploration work with the engineers and that R~solution No.66 employing Mr~Bowlus,be amended.so that the Administrative Officer will also be included to authorize the services of Mr~ Bowlus until such time as Mr.Ribal officially assumes hi~~.utie~ap Gep~r~l ~anager and Chi~Eng~neer. ~.That the 3~pet~ry i,e ~ithori~edr to si~r~the not~ces advertis51.pg ~‘or bids ~tn~p~ac~8Uph not~.ç~es ~n ~he Sar~ .P~na Reg~pte~and.the So~thwest Builder an~~or~trac~or, ~o run until Aug~t 6~1951.T~i.at ~he sea’ed.bids ~ be recei,ved by the Exe~ut~ve ~qnm%tiee at 6:30 p.m., 4ugust 6,1951,opened a~a mp~t~.op made by the engineers and from these ~~~Committee will make a recommendation to the District Boards on a marine ex~-~ioratory firm. 3.That the Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,who has been em— oloyed by the Districts for sixteen months,be granted a v~ca~ion of two weeks with pay,beginning op A~ust 6, ~95l;that Mi~Me~it~~ias worked,overtime on regular work days,~ati~dayS and Sundays and has accumulated. overtime considerably in excess of the 10 working—days that wou1~occur in this two—week period;and That Mrs.~oberta Snow be appointed,Terriporary Acting Secretary to act in the absence of the Temoorary Secret::ry -.3— 2~O ~,That Mr.Raymond.R.Ribal’s employment begin ~s of J~.ly 25,1951,instead of August 20,1951.Mr.Ribal is be~ng consulted by te1e~hone on all matters,and. is required to make frequent tri~s f~r~0a~cland to Santa Ana,and the Executive Committee ~elieves his official employment should begin at once. 5.That authorization be made to have photostetic conies made of plates and tables attached to the Mod~ificatior~i Reoort concerning revision of trunk lines or mains i.n Dist~’iets iTos.1,6 and,.11. 6.That the District Boards adoot a resolution fixing the tax rate as recommended by the Administrative 0fficer~ 7.The County Auditor requests that District No.5 trans fer from it~Operating Fund.to its Bond,Interest and Sinking Fund the sum of $21,lL~5.00,as this District last year set up no tax rate for.Bond,Interest and Sinking Fund.,stating that the surp1~s in their Operating Fund was to be used for bond.and interest nayments RESOLUTION NO.79 The Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3, 5,6,7 ~nd 11 adgoted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO.79 A B~SOLUTI0N OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ñF COUNTY SANITA~TICN DISTRICT NUMEER 7 ~MENDIiTG ~ECTI0N iii OF RESOLUTION NUMBER 66,ENTtTLED “A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COU~TTY SA1\TITATION DIS.. TRICT NUMZ~ER 7 ,EM~LOYING FRED D.BOWLTJS AS CONSULTING ENGIiTEI~R TO ADVISE IN THE ~E?AE~TION OP PLANS ~~ND SP~CIFICATIQNS AND IN THE C0~T$T~UQTION P~’ TI~OURFALL ~EW~~X~ENDIPG ~NTQ THE ?~C OCZ~4~’ The Boar~.o~D~~ecto~s of CQun~y Sa~ita~ion Di~t~i~t Number 7 does resolve a~fo~1ows~ ~CTION I.Sect~on Iii o~Reso],ution Number 66,ent~t1~d. “A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OP ~IR~CTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMBER 7 ,EMPLOYING FRED D.BOWLUS AS CoNsULTI:.TG ENGINEER TO ADVIS~IN THE PRE~ARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICA TIOIIS AND IN THE CCNSTRUCTIO OF THE OUTFALL SENER EXTENDING INTO THE ~ACIFIC OCEAN.”is hereby amended to read as follows: “SCTION III.Fred D,Bowlus is authorized and directed to render said services when requested to do so by the Chief ~ngineer and/or General Manager or Administrative Officer of said seven Gou~ty Sanita~on Districts.!! 291 The foregoing resoluti Director Heinz Kaiser on was introcluc , who seconded by , arid, ed by moved carried its adoption.Said motion was Director J.L.McBride_ by the fo11ow~.ng vote: AYES.Directors Heinz Kaiser,J.L.McBride,Willard Smith and Vincent L.Humeston NOES:None ABSENT ~None STATE OF CALIFORNIA) V V )BS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I,ORA M~E MERRITT,Secretary of the Board of DirQctors of County $anitation District No._7 of Orange Oo~inty,California,hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the said Board at a meeting thereof held on the 25th day of July3 1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,1 have hereunto set my hand.this 25th day of July,1951. -2~~~ TS~ó~et~±’~r ~t1~é ~o~rd bf ~1rectoré County Sanitation D~.strict N~7 ~ o~’.Orang~CQunt~r,California -5~. RESOLUTION NO.?6 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMBER 7 APPROVING,CONFIRMING ~ND FIXING TH~~AX RATE THEREIN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1951-1952 UPON T~.~XABLE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID D1STRICT. The Board of Directors of County Sanitation District Number ?does resolve as follows: SECTION I,That,as the budget of County Sanitation District Nurnhei~.7 has been fixed,the tax rate necessary to raise money for ~d budget to be levied upon all the taxable real property in said district is approved,confirmed and fixed as ~ol1ows: Operating Fund..............,••....••••.••$.10 Bond Fund..........•,..•,....••••••,••,,, Total $.1o - SECTION II.The Auditor of the County bf Orange is here- by teouested and directed to compute th~dmbunt to be bp11~bted under said rate updk~i all the taxable i~ea1 ~rbperty within said Countij Sanitation Distr~t Nurr~b~r 7 , arid the Tax Co1~átor i~,réques~ed and directed tb collect said taxes from said property owners. The foregoing Resolution was introduced by Director ~j1~ Kaiser , who moved its adoption.Said motion was ~ecdnded by Director WillaH Smith , and was carried by the following vote,: AYES:Directors Hei*z Kaiser,Wi11ar~Smith,J.L.McBride an~Yi*ceat L.Ru*estoa NO~S:Noae ABSENT:Nose STATE OF C.ALIFORNIA) )5$ COUNTY’OF OR.~NGE I,ORA MAE MERRITT,Secretary of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.7 of Orange County,Cali fo~r~a,hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the said Board at a meeting thereof held on the 25th day of July,1951. IN ~TITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of July,’1951. ~2~€~~2~Z~S-~/ Secretary of the Board of Director County Sar4tation District No.~ of Orahge County,California -6- ADVERTISING FOR BIDS After a general discu.ssion,a motion waF made,duly seconded and carried tha~ the Secretary be authorized to sign the Notice Inviting Sc~ierI Proposals For Underwater Exploration arid.DriLling and.Sai~i~L~g for Proposed Outfall Sewer ~ocated Near ~he Mouth of the San~ Aria River,Orange County,as prepared by the legal counselS and to request the santa Ana Register and the Southwest Eui:ia.~: and.Contractor and.Daily Construction Report to place this notice as a legal advertisement in these papers,for each consecutive day from July 26,195].to August 6,1951;and that each of these paperB furnish an affidavit of publication. AUTHORIZING 4 After a general discussion,a motion wa~ VACATION FOR THE made~duly seconded and carried,author SECR~TARY izlng a vacation with pay for the Tem~ orary Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,for the period August 6,1951 to August 19,1951,inclusive. APPOINTING T~MPCRARY A motion was made by Director Willard ACTING SECRETARY Smith soconded byDirect Heinz Kaiser and duly carried.by members of the ~oard of Directors of County Sanita tion District No.7 ,that Mrs.Roberta Snow be appointed as Temporary 4cting S~retary t Act in the absence of the TemiDorary Secretary,Mra~Ora Mae Merritt.This motion wae carried by the following vote; AYES:Directors Willard Smith,Heinz Kaiser,J.L.McBride, and Vincent L.Humeston NOES:None AB~EN~:None EMP~JOYMENT DATE O~A mot~.on was made by Directqr Willard CHIEF ENGINEER 4ND Smith - ,seconded.by Direct! G~NERAL MANAGER ‘Kaiser and duly carried,by members of the ~oard of Directors of Courity Sanitation District No.7 , that Mr.Raymond.R.Riba1~s employment ~s Chief Engineer and Genera~ Manager for the County Sanitation Districts become effective a~ of July 25,1951.This motion was carried by th~following vo4 AYES:Directoi’s Willard Smith,Heinz Kaiser,J.L.McBride, and Vincent L.Humeston NOES:None ABSENT:None —7-- 294 PHOTOSTATIC COPIES After a general discussion,a motion OP PLATES AND WaS made,duly seconded and carri~d~ TABLES authorizing that i~hotostatic copies be made of olates and.tables attacheà to the Modification Report concerning revision of tru.nk Unes or mains in Districts Nos.1,6 and 11. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion made,du.ly seconded anã. carried,the Chairman declared th~ joint meeting of County Sanitation Districts Nos,1,2,3,5, 6,7,8 and 11 Boards of Directors adjourned,at 9:20 p~m, Z 4~ ~airman,Board of Directors 7 County Sanitation District No. — Orange County,California ATT~ST: ~ Secretary,Board of lyirectors County Sanitatj,on District No.7~ 0rang~County,California —8--