HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 06 Minutes 1951-07-25277 MINUTES OF REGULAR M~TING BOARD OF DIRCTORS QOUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.6 OF ORAITGE COUNTY,CALIFORNIA J~i1.y 25,195].at 8;OO p.m. Board of Su.pervisors’Room Court House Santa Ana,California ~he ~oa~d Qf Di~ectqrs of County Sanitatiort D~.stric~No._..~ me~in regular ses~io The joint m~etinG Qf th~district boards was called,to order b~’Chairman Braden ~ir~oh at 8:~5 p.m. Directo~’~present:C.M.Nelson (Chairman) Braden Finch - Heinz Kaiser Djrecto~s absent:None Others present:Nelson M.Launer,~drninistrative Officer Nat H~Neff,Engineer K.J,Harrison,Consulting Engineer ~!A.Woolley,Consulting Engineer Fred D.Bow].us,Consultant Harry Ashton,Attorney Preston Turner,Attorney B.J.Marks,Attorney Ora Mae Merritt1 Secretary The rqll was called and the Secretary re~orted a quorum presei~t ~‘qr all.District ~$qarde. 278 MINuT:s OP At the request of Judge Marks and. MEETING HTi~D Director Langenbeck,the following ON JULY 18,1951 co~rect~.ons were made on the minutes of the me~tdng held gn ~u1y 18,1951: (1)Page .1 Di~t~ct No.1 Roll Call.Add~~r~cto~ 0.M~~atherly as being pr9~~t. ç2)~3 ~a~’agr~ph 5,qprrected.a~~9fl.9w~ ‘D~~cto~~angenbeok expressed the 9pinio~i tha~the co~stig~ie’e~~been em~1pyed l~p d.o this work and 1~is gpi~.ni~z~of ~hem w9ald.suffer if t1~ey 1e’~sqrneon~ ~g~a~e~~this woric.’! (3)Pa~é &“P~~re~Dh 5,0orr9c’~~d ~foLipws: ..,Di’rector .Langenbeck stated that’it was th~ pra~ttce of his qi~y to use the ~urc~hase order U 4 plotiQx~wa~~nad~.e,~conded a~id duly carried,,aD~rqv1ng the minutes o~th~r~ee’ing held on July 18,1951,as correcte~.. ADMINISTRAT~V~Chairman Pinch ca1l~d ~on the Adminis— O~’F~C~R’$R~:?Q~t±ative Qfficer for his re-~ort to the Directars, ~4 Nelson M.Ija.une~reported,: ~•The E~c~c~tiyp Oo~~met with the Q9nsulting ~ngineers, Mr.Bow~u.s an4 ~4r.Ribal and went’Qver the specifl.cations ~‘o~th9 ~na~inó ç~p~p~’atp~y work.There were some Doints Mr.Ribal st.igg~sted the engineers work over and send.the ~l~o h~m on Mqnd,ay f~r 1~i~aiYprova~.The~e s~eô1fications were returfled by Mr.Ribal and placed bQfqre the ~ec~t~ve Comm~.ttee this evening, ?~~u4get estimates have been preoar~d and the summaries given to the Q1~airman of each District,Inasmuch as funds were ra~.sed-~a~t year for bond,jntere~t and sinking funds~ there is s~.ffj~ent money ~n hand to meet these install— ments withQ~t a tax levy this year.This will pr~v1de the limited par’~ic~i~ation D~.stricts an oprorbunity to emDloy the iO~and l~tax levies for the Operating ~‘und.Rev— en~.es and.thu.s be able to i~ay more than the minimum amount set up ‘in the Purchase and Sale Agz’een~nts for oayrnent to the Oities fo~i •thé~sharp qf ~ond,s assumed,.That the Admini~t~a~ive Q~ficer an~Mr,Eckel had spent the gi~eater ~~.ay’g~ing pver ~he 1~udget estimates,and based u~oz~the Zent~ve a~~ssed valuations for the Districts, ~fo1]~w~g ~ax ~a~es ~r~re s~b’tte~.~o the E~cecutive q9m~ittec fpr 99~1s c~.erat~.9~v a~1~pom~p~idation: r 2— 279 Oper.&Bond,Interest Maint.&5inkin~ District No.1 ~.None None District No.2 ~.lO None District iTo.3 $.12 None District No.5 $.None None District No.6 $.02 ~Tone District No,7 ~.1O None District No~8 ~.O25 None District ITo.11 ~.None None 3~Mr.Ribal is being contacted on all matters and that his final decision is being taken after consultation by tele phone or letter,whichever is the most ax~edi~nt. Chairman Finch called upon the Chairman of the Exec’~itive Committee for his report to the Directors. RBPOR~OF TH~Mr~~ob~rt H.Boney,Chairman of the CHA~I4AN OF Executive Committee re-oorted.that at TH~B~çBCUTIVE the meeting of the E~ec~tive Committee, 9OMMIT.T the following unanimous recommendations were made for the consideration of the District Boar~.s: 1.After conferences with M~.Ribal,Mr.Bowlus and the Co~i~.ting Engineers,certain changes have been agreed upon for the s~ecifications.It is recommended that Mr~Lau.ner continue to sit in on the exploration work wit1~.the engineers and that Resolution No.66 employing M~Bowlus,be amended so that the Administrative Officer will also be included to authorize the services of Mr. Bowlus until such time as Mr.Ribal officially assumes hi~~uties ~Gen~ra1 Manager a~Chip’~n~iieer. 2.~hat the 5ee~eta be tho~i~4 to sign th~not~ces advertiqing ~pr bide ~nØ.~ac~si~ch notiqes In the Santa ~na Regi~ter and th~~o~thwe~t Builder and ~q~tractor, to r~n ~til Augu~t ~,1951.~hat the sea1~d bids wil]. be received,by the Exec jvC ~qniniit~ee at 6:30 p.m., August 6,1951,opened and a corn 1at~.oo,made by the engineers and from these the eou~ive Committee will make a recommendation to the District Boards on a marine ex~].oratory firm, 3.That the Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,who has been em ployed by the Districts for sixteen months,be granted a vacat~.on of two weeks with p~y,begjnnjng qn ~ug~st 6, 1951;that M1~~rritt ~as worked,overtime on regular work day~~atu~d~ys and.Sundays and has accumulated overtime considerably in excess of the 10 working—days that would occur in this two—week period;and That Mrs.Roberta Snow be a~pointed Temporary Acting Secretary to act in the absence of the Ternr)orary Secret~,r:r —3— 280 L~•That Mr.Raymond R.Ribal’s emoloyment begin as of July 25,1951,instead of August 20,1951.Mr.Ribal is being consulted by te1e~hone on all matters,and. is required to make frequent tri~s frprLI Qal:land to Santa Ana,and.the Executive Committee ~el&eves his official employment should begin at once. 5.That authoriza~on be made to have photostatic coflies made of plates and tables attached to the Modifi~t3tioT1 Report concerning revision of t~’ank lines or mains in Districts iTos.1,6 and 11. 6.That the District Boards adopt a resolution fixing the tax rate as recommended by th~Administrative Officer. 7.The County Auditor requests that District No.5 trans fer from its Operating Fund to its Bond,Interest and Sinking Fund the sum of ~2l,ll4.5.OO,as this District last year set up no tax ~‘ate for Bond,Interest and Sinking Fund,stating that the surplu.s in their Operating Fund,was to be used for bond and.interest payments RESOLUTION ~TO.79 The Boards of Directqrs o~’County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3, 5,6,7 and.~.adooted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO.79 •A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIR~OTORS ~F COUNTY SANITA~IOi\1 DISTRICT NUMEER 6 , ~MENDIiTG SECTION III OP RESOLUTION NUMBT~R 66,ENTITLED “A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRCTORS OF COU~TTY S~TITATION DIS-. TRICT NUMBER 6 ,EM~LOYING.FRED D.BOWLUS AS CONSULTING ENGINEER TO ADVISE IN THE PREPARATION OP PL4JS ANT SP~CIFIC4TIQi\TS AND IN TH~CO~T~TRUCTION OF TH~QURFALL ~EWEá ~X~NDING IN~PO THE PAOIF~Q OCAN.’! The Board o~Directors o±’Coun~y Sanitation ~i~t~ict Number 6 does resolve a~fo1lows~ SECTION I.Section III of Resolution Number 66,entit1~d !‘A RSOLUTION OF THE BO~RD OF DIR~’CTORS OF COUNTY S2~1TITi~TIOiT DISTRICT NUMBER 6 .E~!PLO~(ItTG FRED D.BO~~LUS AS OONsULTI:.TG ENGINER TO ADVISE IN THE PRE?ARATION OF ~L~S AND SPCIFICA TIONS AND IN THE CONSTRUCTIO~OF THE OUTFALL SENEF.EXTENDING INTO TH ~ACIFIC OC~AN.”is hereby amended to read as follows: “SOTIOIT III.Fred.D.Bowlus is authorized and directed to render said services when reauested to do so by the Chief Engineer and/or General ~anager or Administrative Officer of said se~en Courty Sanitation Districts.!! —4— 281 The foregoing resolution was introduced by Director Heinz Kaiser , who moved. its adoption.Said motion was seconded by Director Braden Finch , and carried by the fo11ow~ng vote: V AYES:Directors Heinz Kaiser,Braden Finch and C.M.Nelson NOES:None ABSENT :None STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )SB COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I,ORA MAE MERRITT,Secretary of the Board of Directors pf County Sanitation District No.~ of Orange County1 California,liereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the said.Board at a meeting thereof held on the 25th day of July,1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand~~his 25th day of July,1951, ~ Sreáet~aiy of th~Bó~rd of Directó~8 County sanitation District No. o~’Orange County,,Cal iforni~ —5— 282 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMBER 6 APPROVING,CONFIRMING ~ND FIXING THE TAx R~~TE THEREIN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1951-1952 UPON T~XABLE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN S~ID DISTRICT. The Board of Directors of County Sanitation District Number 6 does resolve as follows: SECTION I.That,as the budget of County Sanitation District Number has been fixed,the tax rate necessary to raise money for s~i~d budget to be levied upon all the taxable real property in said district is approved,confirmed and fixed as.follows: Operating Fund...•.‘.~.•.••....•..•••..•...•1a••• Bond Fund,,..•.,..,.•...•.........•..•......•..— Total $.02 SECTION II,rrhe Auditor of the County of Orange is here by requested and directed to compute the amount to be collected under said rate upon all the ta~ab1e real property within said County S~.nitation District Number 6 ,and the Tax Collector is requested ana directed to collect said taxes from said property owners. The f~oregbing Pesoiütiori was introduced by Director ~ Kaiser ,, who moved it~&doption.Said motion was secondqd by DirectOr ~BradeR !inch ~~and was carried by th~?fo1lowi~g vote: AYES:Directors Heinz Kaiser,Braden Piach and.C.M.Nelso* NOES:No*e ABSENT:NoLe STATE OF CALIFORNI~i) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE I,OR~MAE MERRITT,Secretary of the Board Of Directors of County Sanitation District No.6 of Orange County,Cali fornia,hereby certify that the above ~and foregoing Resolution was ~.uly and regularly adopted by the said Board at a meeting thereof held on the 25th day of July,l95~ IN ~JiTNESS i’IHEREOF,I have hereuntO set my hand this 25th day of July,1951. ~/ S~cretary of the Boatd of Oirècto~ county Sanitation District No.6 of Orange County,California -6- 283 ADVERTISING FOR BIDS After a general discu.ssion,a motion w~ made,duly seconded and carried tha~ the Secretary be authorized,to sign the Notice Inviting Scaled. Proposals For Underwater Exploration and Drilling and SamD~.ii~g for Proposed Outfall Sewer Located Near ~he Mouth of the Sante’. Ana River,Orange County,as prepared by the legal counsel and to request the santa Ana Register and the Southwest Bui~d~:. and Contractor and.Daily Construction Report to place this noticq as a legal advertisement in these pa~ers,for each consecutive day from July 26,1951 to August 6,1951;and that each of these papers furnish an affidavit of publication. AUTHORIZING A After a general discussion,a motion wa~ VACATION FOR THE made,duly seconded and carried,aathor S~1CR~T,ARY izing a vacation with pay for the Temp- orary Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,for the period August 6,1951 to August 19,1951,inclusive. APPOINTING TEMPORARY A motion was made by Director Braden ACTING SECRETARY Finch — seconded by Direct H~i~Kaiser and.duly carried.by members of the ~oard.of Directors of County Sanita tion District No. ______ that Mrs.Roberta Snow be appointed as Temporary Acting Secretary tt~ Act in the absence o~’the Temporary Secretary,Mrs.Ora Mae Merritt.This motion was carried by the following vote~ AYES:Directors Braden Finch,Heinz Kaiser,and C.M.Nelson NOES:None AENT:None EMPLOYMENT DATE O~’A motion was made by Director B~aden CHIEF ENGINEER AND Finch , seconded by Dire~tt GT~NF~RAL MANAGER Heinz I<aiser and duly carried b~members of ~he Eoard of Directors of County Sanitation Dietdct No.6 , that Mr.Raymond.R.Ribal’s en~ployment as Chief Engineer and.Genera~ Manager for the County Sanitat~.on Districts become effective a~ of July 25,1951:This motion was carried by the following vo~ AYES;Directors Braden Finch,Heinz Kaiser,and C.M.Nelson NOES:None ABSNT None —7-- 28’~ PHOTOSTATIC CO?IES After a general discussion,a motion OP PLATES AND was made,du.ly seconded and carri~d? TABL~S authorizing that i-~hotostatic copies be made of Dlates and tables attached to the Modification Report concerning revision of trunk l~nes or mains in Districts Nos.1,6 and 11. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion made,duly seconEied.and carried,the Chairman declared tI~e joint meeting of County Sanitation Districts 1’Tos,1,2,3,5, 6,7,8 and 11 Boards of Directors adjourned at 9:20 p~m. ~ County Sanitation DistrictNo.6 Orange County,California ATTST: ~ Secretary,Board of irectors County Sanitation District No.6 0rangç~County,Qalifornia —8-