HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 05 Minutes 1951-07-25276 MINUTES OP REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.5 OF ORJ~NGE COUNTY,CALI~ORNI~ July ?5~1951 at 8;OO p.m. Bp~rd.of Supervisors’Roqrn Court House S~nta Ana,California The Board~of Di~’eçtors of.County Sanitation District No?~. n~e1 in regular sessio~i T1~e joint meeting of the district boards was called to order by Qhe4rm~n B~adon P~r~ch at 8:25 p.rn~ Diroctors oresent:Braden Finch (Chairman) Heinz Kaiser - Ross Greeley • Dire~tqrs absent:None Others present:Nelson M.Launer,Ad.mini~strative Officer Nat H,Neff,Engineer K.J,Harrison,Consulting ~ngineer A.Woolley,Consulting Engineer Fred.D,~ow1us,Consultant Harry Ashton,~4.ttorn~y Preston ~urner,Attorney E.J.Mar1~s,Attorney Ora Mae Merritt,Secretary The roll was called and.the Secretary re~orted a quorum p~eser~t for all District Boards~ 1-.. 277 MINUTLS OF At the request of Judge Marks and MEETING H~P Director Langenbeck,the following ON JULY 18,1951 correctl.ons were ma4e on the minutes of the me~ing held.~n July 18,1951: (i~Pa~e .1 Dist;4.ct No.1 Roll Call,.A4de~.;~reqtpr 0,~?Featherly as being pre~ent. •~Ef~9 3 ~~‘a~r4ph S~pprreqte4 a~joq~r~ “Pl.rector aflgel2beck exprp~sed th~ppifllQfl!that the consi~4t~.pg ez~gj.~e~r~hqve been pm~py~d t9 49 this.WprlC and.his àpi.nl.on qf them would suffer if thpy lp~spmeone el~e g~~with thin work.’! b)Page ~Pa~a~raPh 5.Qorrcct~~s fp~lpws; H ~stated.that it was the practice of ?ii5 ci’~y to use the nurchase prder,P A 1notion was ma4e,~peonded a~id duly parried~anDroving tie minutes of the meeting held on July 18,1.951,ai corrected. ADMPT1STRAT~V~..Chairman Finch call$t?.pon the Adminis— QFFIQfl!S ~Z?Q~T trative Qfficer for his r~nprt tQ the D~.rector~, Mr?Nelsop 14.Laun9ç ~epqrted: 1,The Zx~cutiye C9~mittep met with the Qpnsulting ~ngineers, Mr,Bowlus and.~Ribal and.went over the specif1catioz~s t’or the i~ia;ix~c e;plorato~7 werlc.There were some points Mr.flba],suggeqte4 the engineer~work over and send.the §~9ecift9~~icnp ~ç ~i~p qn M9ndq.yfqr I~js approval.These s~ecifications were returned by Mr,Ribal and.placed. befoz’e the E~cepu~ive Commtttee this evening, 2,~get estimates have been pretared and.the summaries given to the Chairman of eachDistrict.Inasmuch as funds w~re rajsed ~year for bond,interest and sinking funds~ there is •pi4*’iflent money or~hand.to n)eet these install ments witho~t a tax levy this year This will provide the limited.p~rt1qi~ation Districts an oppprtunity to ethnloy the 100 and.l?O taz levies for the Ope;ating Fund Rev enues aM thus be able to nay mqre than the minimum amount set up jñ the Purchase and.Sale Agreements for payment to the Citiçs fo~the~r shaç9 of bon4s as~imed..That tbp 4dmjniSt4’at$ve Offi.cer an4 Mr.Eckel had spent the gr~ater ps;t of a ~gà~.ng over the ~flget estimates,and based unop thç tentative a~sess~d valuations for the Di~.tricts, ~t~cl~9~ng t4x r~es ~re ~1b~iitted to the Executive for c?1s~4!raticr~aM recouipi~d.ation; —2,- 278 Oper.&Bond1 Interest Mairit.&Sinking District No.1 $?Norxe None District No.2 ~..1O None Dist’ict No.3 $.12 None District No.5 ~.None None District No.6 ~.02 None District No.7 $.lO None District No.8 $.025 None District No.11 ~,None None 3.Mr.Ribal is being contacted on all matters and that his final decision is being taken after consultation by tele— Dhone or letter,whichever is the most ex~edient. Chairman Finch called u~ori the Chairman of the Executive Committee for his reDort to the Directors, REPORT OF THE Mr,Robert H.Boney,Chairrnan of the CHA~RM~N OP Execq.tiv~Committee re’~orted that at THS~EXEQUTI1TE the meetin~o~’the Executive Committee, COMMITTBE the following unanimous recommendations were made for the consideration of the District Boar~.s: 1.After confe~rences with Mr.Ribal,Mr,Bowlus and the Qon~uiting Engineers,certain changes have been agreed upor~for the s-oecifications.It is recommended that Mr.Launer continue to sit in on the exoloration work with the engineers and that Resolution No.66 em~loying Mr~Bowlus,be amended so that the Administrative Officer will also be included to authorize the services of Mr. Bowlus until such time as Mr.Ribal officially assumes hi~~ut1e~SrS Gen~r~il Manager an~.Chi~~g~ieer. 2.That the Se et~r~be ~thori2ed to sigr~th~notices advertis~ng ~or bid~~p1a~è ~uch n~tt~e~~n the Sar~~ 4na Reg~pter and the So~thweqt ~uilder and Q9nt~aqtor, to r~n u~nti1 Augt~t ~,~That the sea~pd bids wi~,l be ~ce~ved by the Execut~.ve Pommi~tee at 6:30 p.m., august 6,.1951!opened and.a qompi~.at~.on made by the engineersand from these ti E~cecutivp Committee will make a recommendation to the District Boards on a marine exeloratory firm. 3.That the Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,who has been em— Dloyed by the Districts for sixteen months,be granted a c~~on oftwo we~ks with oay,beginning on August 6, ~.95l;~at Mi~I4erritt has worked,overtime on regular work days,~atu~da~~nd Sundays and has accumulated overtime considerably in exoess of the 10 working—days that would occur in this two—week period;and That Mrs.Roberta Snow be a~pointe~~eraporary Acting Secretary to act in the absence of the Ternoorary Secret~ry —3— 273 Lj,That Mr.~aymond R~Ribal’s emDloyment begin as of July 25,1951,instead of August 20,1951.Mr.Ribal is being consulted.by tele~hone on all matters,and. is required to make frequent trios f~prçt Qakland to Santa Ana,and.the Executive Committee believes his official employment should be.~in at once. 5.That authorization be made to have photostatic coiies made of plates and tables attached to the Modif~catioz~ Retort concerning revision of trunk lines or mains in Districts Nos.1,6 and.11. 6.That,the District Boards adopt a resolution fixing the tax rate as recommended,by the Administrative 0fficer~ 7,The County Auditor requests that District No.5 trans fer from its Operating Fund to its Bond,Interest and Sinking Fund the sum of $2l,1Li5.00,as this District last year set up no tax rate for Bond,Interest and Sinking Fund,stating that the si.lrpltxs in their Operating’Fund was to’be used for bond and interest ~Dayments. RESOLUTION NO.79 The Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3, 5,6,7 and 11 adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO.79 A PESOLUTION OP THE BOARD OP DIR~CTORS ñ~COUNTY SANIT±~ION DISTRICT NTJM~ER 5 —, ~rDI~Tc~~3ECTION III OF RESOLUTION NLT11BER 66,ENTITLED “A RESOLUTION OP THE POA~D OP DIRECTORS OF COU~.TTY SA1\TITATION DIS- TRICT NTJM?ER 5 EW’LOYING FRED D.BOWLUS AS CO~TSULTING ENGINEER TO ADVISE IN THE ?RE~A~XTION CF PI~ANS ~ND ~P~C~FIOATiONS ~1\Tp IN THE CO~I~TRUQTION OF TI~OUR~’AL~5EW~R ~X~END IG ~NTO THE P4O~F~Q OC~N.” The Board o Di,rectors of Couflty Sanitation Di~tri~t Number S does resolve as follows; SECTIO~~T I.Section III of Resolution Number 66,enti~t’1~d ~A RESOLUTION OF THE BOiRD OF DIR~CTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMBER 5 - EMPLOYiNG ~RED D,BOWLUS AS CONSULTING ENGINEER TO ADVISE IN THE PRE~4R~TION OF ?L~NS AND SPECIFICA TIONS AND IN THE CONSTRUCTIO OF THE OUTFALL SEWER EXTE1TDING INTO THE ~AC~FIC OCEAN.”is hereby amended to read.as follows: “SCTIOIT III.Fred D.Bowlus is authorized and, directed to render said services when requested to do so by the Ch~.ef Engineer and,/or General Manager or Administrative Officer of said se-ten County $anitation ~Districts.I~ 4— 2~O The foregoing resolution was introduced,by Director Ross Greeley ,who moved its adoption.Said motion was seconded by Director Heinz Kaiser ,and carried by the following vote: AYES:Directors Ross Greeley,Heinz Kaiser and Braden Finch NOES:None ABSENT:None STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I,ORA MAE ME~.RITT,Secretary of the Bo.~.rd. of Directors of qounty Sanitation District No.5 of Orange O~inty,California,hereby certify that the above and forego~,ng Resolution was duly and regularly adopted ‘by th~said.Board at a meeting thereof held on the 25th day of July,1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of July,1951. ~e&retai~p o~t1~é Bo~rd~~Di,rector~ County Sanitation DistrictNor -.~--— o~’Orange County,Califo~’nia —5-. 281 RESOLUTION NO.7~ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMBER 5 APPROVING,CONFIRMING ~ND FIXING THE ThX RATE THEREIN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1951-1952 UPON Ti~XABLE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT. The Soard c~f Directors of County Sanitation District Number 5 does resolve as follows: SECTION,IL Th~a h~t.d~e~~~áunty Sanitation Distript Number .~t ha~bden fixed~the tax rate necessary to r~aise I~ioney for ~dbud~t to~b~~.evied upon a~.l the taxable real prbpetty in said district is approved,confirmed and fixed as ~‘ollows: Operating Fund.....,..~................0.......No tax rate ~ J~£LA ‘l.....,.,............S........OS...,S..S.S Total No tax tate SECTION II~The Auditor of the County of Orange is here by requested and directed to compute the amount to be collected under said rate upon all the taxable real property within said County Sanitation District Number 5 - and the Tax Collector is requested ~nd directed to collect said taxes from said property owners. The foregoing Resolution was ir~troduced by Director Rose Greeley , who moved its adoption.Said motion was seconded ~by Director Heinz Kaise~r , and was carried by the following vote: AYES:Directors Ross Greeley,Heinz Kaiser and.Braden Pinch NOES:None ABSENT:None STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I,ORA MAE MERRITT,Secretary of the Board of Directors of County SanitationDistrict No.5 of Orange County,Cali fornia,hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was çluly ar~d regularly adopted by the said Board at a meeting thereof he’d on the 25th ~ay of July,1951. IN ‘TiTNESS ~1HEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of July,1951.. ecretary óf the Boa~’d of Direc~o~ county San~ation District No._~ of Orange County,California -.6— 282 ADVERTISING FOR BIDS After a general discussion,a motion wa~ made,duly seconded and carried tha~ the Secretary be authorized to sign the Notice Inviting Sealeci Proposals For Underwater Exploration and Drilling and.Sami1i~Ig for Proposed Outfall Sewer Located Near ~he Mouth of the Santa Ana River,Orange County,as prepared by the legal counseL and to request the Santa Ana Register and the Southwest Bui]d~: and.Contractor and Daily Construction Report to place this notice as a legal advertisement in these paDers,for each consecutive day from July 26,1951 to August 6,1951;and that each of these papers furnish an affidavit of publication. ATJ~HORIZINGA After a general discussion,a motion wat VACATION FOR THE made,duly seconded.and carried,au~thor S~CR~TARY izing a vacation with pay for the Tem~ orary Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,for the period August 6,1951 to Au.gust 19,1951,inclusive. APPOINTING TEMPORARY A’motion was made by Director Ross ACTING SEC.~ETARY Greeley , seconded by Direct’~ Heir~z Kaiser and.duly carried by members of the Board.of Directors of County Sanita tion District No, , 5 , ,that Mrs,Roberta Snow be appointed as Tempo:vary Acting Secretary t Act in the absence of the ~~mporary Secretary,Mrs.Ora Mae Merritt.This motion wa~carried by the fol],owing vote: AYES Directors Ross Greeley,Heinz Kaiser,and Braden Finch ~O~s;None AB SENT ~None EMP~OYM~NT DATE OF A motion was made by Director Ross CHIEF ENGINEER ANP Greeley seconded-by Dire~Ht~ GENERAL MANAGER Heinz Kaiser ,, ‘ and duly carried by members of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. , 5 ‘that Mr.Raymond R,Ribalts employment as Chief Engineer and.Genera~ Manager for the County Sanitation Districts become effective a~ of Ju.ly 25,1951.This motion was carried by the following vo~ AYES;Directors Ross Greeley,Heinz Kaiser,and Braden Finch NOES;None ABsENT:None —7— 283 P~OTOST~TIC COPIES After a general discussion,a motion OP PLATES A~~TD was made,duly seconded and carried, TABLES authorizing that photostatic copies be made of plates and tables attached to the Modification Report concerning revision of trunk lines or mains in Districts Nos.1,6 and 11. DISTRICT N0.5 A motion was made by Director Ross TRANSFER OF FUNDS Greeley,seconded by Director Heinz Kaiser and duly carried,authorizing and directing the County Auditor to transfer the sur~of $21,145.00 from the Operating Fund of County Sanitation Distri No.5 to the Bond,Interest and Sinking Fund.of County Sani tation District No.5, ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion made,duly seconded and carried,the Chairman declared the joint meeting of County Sanitation ~istr1cts Nos.1,2,3,5, 6,7,8 and 11 Boards of Directors adjourned,at 9:20 ~.m. ~~&t ( ~hairman,Board of Directors County Sanitation District No.5 Orange County,California ATTEST: ‘S~ecretary,Bqarcl of irectors County Sanitation District No.5 Orange County,Ca1~fornia —8--