HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict 01 Minutes 1951-07-25MINUTES OF REGULAR M~TING BOARD OPDIRCTORS COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT N~.1 OF ORAHGE COUNTY,CALIFORN~4 Ju.ly 25,1951 at 8:00 p.m. Board of Supervisorst Room Court House Santa ~na,California The ~oar4 of Directors of County Sanitation DIstrict No,__~ n~et ip regular se~ion. The joint meeting 9f the district ~boards was called to order by Ch~tirm~n B~adcn ~‘inq~at 8!?5 p.m, :Dtrectora present;Courtney R.Chandler (Chairman) C.M.Featherly J.L.McBride Directors absent:None Others present:Nelson M.Launer,Administrative Officer Nat H,Neff,~ngineer K.J.Har’ison,Con~u1ting Engineer J~A.Woolley,Consulting Engineer Fred.D.Bowlus,Consultant Harry Asht9n,~ttorn~y ~reaton Turner,Attorney E.J.Marks,Attorney Ora Mae Merrltt,Secretary The roll was called and the Secretary re’~orted a quorum preseflt ~qr all District ~Boards. MINUTLS OF At the request of Judge Marks and. MEETING H~D Director T~angenbeck,the following ON JULY 18,1951 correct~.ôns were ma~.e pn the minutes of the meeting he1~.pn July 18,1951: (1)Page .1 D~trjct N~.1 Roll Call.Ad.d~Dtrector 0,M~Fe4therly as being ‘pr~ent. (2)~3 ~5,pprrecte~.a~ “P~eçtor ~angenbeck expr~ssed.the 9p~.n~.on that the. cons ngeng1ne~s h~ve been em~9yeç1 t,d.o t~.s w9rk and.his Qpin~.pr~~f them wqt~.ld.s\lffer if t1~ey ~someor~ el~go ~hea~.w~.th this wçrk.!’ (3~rage Li~P~~gra~h ~.Correct~.~5 ~I,angenbeck stated that it was the pra~tice o~hi~qi~y to use the 1Dti~chase Qrd.er A motion was ~~econd.ed.a~d d~1y carried.~a~rQv1ng the minu.tes of the meeting held.on July 18,1951,as corrected.. ADM~NISTR~.TIVE Chairman Finch ca1l~4 ~po~the Adminis— Q~’ICER!S R~ORT trative Officer fo~’his re-~ort to the Directors. Mr.~e1son M,Launer reported.: 1.The Ex~çutive ~p~m~4t~met with the nsulting Engineers, Mr.Bowlu.s and.~Ribal and went over the specificatioi~.s ~o~’th~m~i~e exp1q~atpry worlç.~here were some ooints Mr.Ribal suggested.the engineers work over and send.the ~cifi~a~4ons ~~4rn on M9nday for h~.s ap~r~va~.,These speàifications were retiu’ned by Mr.Ribal and.p1ace~. before the E~epu~ive Committee thi~even~.ng. 2.~get estimates have been pre~Dared an~.the summaries given tp the Chairman of each District.I~iasmuch as funds were ra1.se~.la~t year for bond.!interest and sinking funds, there is s~ffiç~ent money qn hand,t~meet these install— rnents without a tax levy this year.This will provide the ),..tmited partiçiDati.on Districts an oppprt~n~.ty to em~1oy the lQç~’and.l? tax levies for the Operating Fund Rev enues an~.thus be able to ~ay more than the minimum amou.nt set ~in the Purchase an~Sale Agreements for -oayment to the Cities for ~b~r share of bonds as~med.That the Admin~.st~atlve p;fi~r an4 Mr,Eckel had spent the greater part of a ~.y ~~i.ng over the budget estimates,and.ba$ed. ~1pOI~tile t~nta~ve assess~d va1!~ations for the D1~tricts, tlw ~‘ol~ow~g t~x ~~es were ~mitte~.~o ~Executive Com~4tteè for Q9nsi ~ra~i~i and.recom~p~dation: Oper,&Bond,Int~rest Maint.&Sinkinp District No.1 ~None None District No.2 ~.],o None District ITo.3 $.12 None District No.5 ~.None None District No,6 $.02 ITone District No~7 $~l0 None District No.8 $.025 None District No.11 $.None None 3.Mr,Ribal is being contacted on all matters and that his final decision is being taken after consultation by tele-~ ~hone or letter,whichever is the most ex~di~nt. Chairman Pinch called upon the Chairman of the Executive Committee for his reDQrt to the Di~ectors. REPORT OF TH~~r,Robs~’t H,Boney,Chairman of the CHATRM~N OP Executive Committee reoorte,d that at TH ~X~O.UTIVE the meeting of t~ie Executive Committee, COMMITTEE th?fol3.owing tzna~i1nioizs recommendations were made for the consideration of the District Board~: 1.Aft~’cqnferences with Mr.Mbal,Mr.Bowlus and the qo~1ting Engineers,certain changes have been agreed upon •for the sDec.ifications.It is reco~rnended that Mr~I~auner continue to sit in on the exploration work with the engineers andthat Resolution No.66 employing Mr.Bowlus,be amended so that the Administrative Officer will also be included to authorize the services of Mr. Bowlus until such time as Mr.Mbal officiaLLy assumes his ~uti!ea p.~Gene~l ~anager and Ohi~f ~n~ineer. 2.That the ~be ~tho~ize~.~p sign thp notices adverti~~g ~‘o~bid~and p~.a~e eu~h not ~~ie San Ana Re~6ter and the ~oi~thweqt Builder and ~pntraQtor, to rp.n until Augt~t 6~1951,That the seaed.bids w,1 ~e receiyed by the ~xeci~t~.ve ~o~~t~ee a~~:3O p.m., ~,ugust 6,~.95l,opened and a qomp~1at~.p~made by the engineers and from these th~~xequ.t~.ve committee will make a recommendation to the Distr~.ct Boards on a marine exoloratory firm, 3.That the Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,who has been em ployed by the Districts for sixteen months,be granted a of two w~ks wit~p~y,beg~.n~~g op ~ug~s.t 6, ~5l;that Mi~M~rri~t has worked pver~ime on regular work days!~atu~da~is a~d Sundays and has accumulated overtime conaiderably in excess of the 10 working—days that would occur in this two—week period;and That Mrs.Roberta Snow be appointed ~enporary Acting Secretary to act in the absence of the Temporary Socre.tt:’~ -~r~ 295 4.•That Mr.Raymond R.R±bal~s emDloyment begin as of July 25,1951,instead of August 20,1951.Mr.Ribal is being consulted by te1e~:hone on all matters,and is recjui~’ed to make frequent trios f’om Oaz~.a~id to Santa Ana,arid the Executive Committee be1ieve~his official employment should be.~in at once. 5.That authorizat~.on be made to have photostatic conies made of plates and tables attached to the Modificatioa Report concerning revision of trunk lines or mains i~i Districts Nos.1,6 and 11. 6.That the District Boards adopt a resolution fixing th~ tax rate as recommended.by the Administrative Officer~ 7~The County Auditor requests that District No.5 trans fer from its Operating Fund to its Bond,Interest and Sinking Fund the sum of $21,145.00,as this District last year set up no tax rate for Bond,Interest and. Sinking Fund,stating that the surplus in their Operating Pund was to be used.for bond.and interest Dayrlients. RESOLUTION NO.79 The Boards of D~restor~of County Sanitation Districts Nos.1,2,3, 5,6,7 and-~1 ado~ted the following Resclu.tion: RESOLUTION NO.79 A RESOLUTION OP THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~P COUNTY SANITA~:ICN DISTRICT NUMEER 1 ~rDI1iG SECTION III OP RESOLUTION NUMBER 66,E1\cTITLED “A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OP DIRECTORS OF COUUTY S~iNITATION DIS-. TRICT NUMEER _J~,EM~LOYING FRED D.BOWLUS ~S CONSULTING ENGINER TO ADVISE IN THE PREPARATION OF PI~ANS AND SP~CI~ICATiONS ~ND IN THE CONSTRUCTION O~ TH~OURFAL~~EWE~~X~ENDING ~NTQ THE PACIFIC QC” The Board o~’Directors of County Sanitation ~i~t~ipt Number 1 does resolve a~follows; SECTION I.Section III cf Reso1atior~Number 66,entitled. ~A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIR~CTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMBER 1 ,E~TPLOYIITG FRED B.Bo~qLUS AS CONSULTING ENGINEER TO ADVISE IN THE PRE?AR~ATI0N OF PLANS AND SPECIFICA TIONS AND IN THE OCNSTRUCTIO OF THE OUTFALL SEVER EXTEi~.TDING INTO THE ~ACIPIC OCEAN.”is hereby amended to read as follows: “SOTIOIT III.Fred D.Bowlu.s is authorized and directed to render said.services when requested to do so by the Chief Engineer and/or General Manager or Administrative Officer of said seven County Sanitation ~Jistricts.~! —4— 29G The foregoing resolution was introduced.by Director C.M.Featherly _, who moved its adoption.Said.motion was e~cond.ed by Director J.L.McBride , and carried by the following vote: AYES:Directors C.M.Featherly,J.L.NcBride, and Courtney R.Chandler NOES:None ABSENT:None STATE OF CAL~PORNIA) )ss COUNTY OP ORANGE ) I,ORA M~E MERP~ITT,Secretary of the Board. of Directors of County Sanitation District No.j_ of Orange County,California,hereby certify that the above and.foregoing Resolut~.on was duly and regularly adopted by the said.Board at a meeting thereof held.on the 25th day of July,1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand.this 25th day of July,1951. ~~£~~2i/2~ Sreta’ry”oftheBo’árdbf ~ir~ctdr~ County San~tatiori D~.strict No. o~Orange County,California 1 -5., RESOLUTION NO.71 297 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NUMBER 1 APPROVING,CONFIRMING ~ND FIXING THE TAX RATE THEREIN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1951-1952 UPON T~XABLE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT. The Board of Directors of County Sanitation District Number 1.does resolve as follows: SECTION I.That,as the budget of’County Sanitation District Number — has been fixed,the tax rate necessary to raise money for said budget to be levied upon all the taxable re~1 property in said district is approved,confirmed and fixed as follows: Operating Fund.....•.....,.....................No te.x rate Bond Fund.....••.•,•e •.••••.•..............e .No tax rate Total No tax rate SECTION II.The Auditor of the County of.Orange is here by requested and directed to compute the amount to be collected under said rate upon all the taxable real property within said County Sar4tation District,Number 1 , and the Tax Collector is requested and directed to collect s~.id taxes from said property owners. The foregoing Resolution was introduced by Director ______ C.M.Peatherly , who moved its adoption.Said motion was seconded by Director J.I,.Mc~ri~.e , and was carried by the following votC: AYES:Direotora C.M.Peatherly,J.L.Mc3rid.e and Courtney R.Chandler NOES:No*e ABSENT:None STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE I,OR~MAE MERRITT,Secretary of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.1 of Orange County,Cali fornia,hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly ar~d regularly adopted by the said Board at a meeting thereof held on the 25th day of’July,1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of July,1951. ~~~. Secretary of the Board of Directoi County Sanitation District No.1 of Orange County,California -6- ADVERTISING FOR BIDS After a general discussion,a motion waF made,duly seconded and carried that the Secretary be authorized to sign the Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals For Underwater Exploration and Drilling and $am~iing for Proposed Outfall Sewer Located Near the Mouth of the Santa Ana River,Orange County,as prepared by the legal counsel. and to request the ~antaAna Register and the Southwest Bui1d~: and.Contractor and.Daily Construction Report to place this notice as a legal advertisement in these papers,for each consecutive day from July :26,1951 to August 6,1951;and that each of these papers furnish an affidavit of publication. AUTHORIZING A After a general discussion,a motion wa~ VACATION FOR THE made,duly seconded and carried.,authorS SECRETARY izing a vacation with pay for the Tem~-~ orary Secretary,Ora Mae Merritt,for the period August 6,1951 to August 19,1951,inclusive. A7POINTING TEMPORARY A motion was made by Director J.L ACTING SECRETARY McBride ,seconded by Direct C..M Feathérly _and duly carried by members of the Board of Directors of County Sanita tion District No.1 ,that Mrs.Roberta Snow be appointed as Temporary Acting Secretary tc Act in the absence of the ~emporary Secr?tary,,Mrs.Ora Mae Merritt.This motion wa~carried by the following vote: AYES:Directors J.L.McBride,C.N.Featherly and Courtney Ft.Chandler NOES;None AB$ENT:None EMPLOYMENT DATE OF A motion was made by Director C.M CHIEF ENGINEER AND Featherly ,seconded,by ‘Direót’. GENERAL MANAGER J.L.McBride and duly carried b~members of t}~e Board.of Di.rectors of County Sanitation District No.1 that Mr.Raymond.R.~.1baUs employment as Chief Engineer and.Genera~ Manager for the County Sanitation Districts become effective a~ of July 25,1951.This motion was carried.by the following vo4 AYES~Directors C.M.Featherly,J.L.McBride and Courtney R.Chandler NOES;None ABsENT:Nqne -‘7— ?HOTOSTATIC CO?IES After a general discussion,a motion299 OP ?LAT~S AND was made,duly seconded and carric~d~ TABLT~S authorizing that photostatic copies be made of plates and tables attached to the Modification Report concerning revision of trunk l~nea or mains in Districts Nos.1,6 and.11. ADJOURNi~IENT Upon a motion made,duly seconded and. carried.,the Chairman declared the joint meeting of County Sanitation Districts Nos,1,2,3,5, 6,7,8 and 11 Boards of Directors adjourned,at 9:20 p.m, ~ County Sa~itation District No. Orange County,California ATT~ST: ~3/~~ Secretary,Board of liireotors County Sanitation District No~. Orange County,California -8—